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I'll list some of the books and plays I read when I was younger. I'm not recommending that people read these but if you've read any of the books, then this list may help you estimate the relative difficulty levels of other books.Ages 1-8(I didn't read books because I was moving back and forth between China and America and relearning the two languages each time.)Age 8-12Charlotte's Web is the story of a little girl named Fern who loved a little pig named Wilbur—and of Wilbur's dear friend Charlotte A. Cavatica, a beautiful large grey spider who lived with Wilbur in the barn.With the help of Templeton, the rat who never did anything for anybody unless there was something in it for him, and by a wonderfully clever plan of her own, Charlotte saved the life of Wilbur, who by this time had grown up to quite a pig.Stuart Little is no ordinary mouse. Born to a family of humans, he lives in New York City with his parents, his older brother George, and Snowbell the cat. Though he's shy and thoughtful, he's also a true lover of adventure.Stuart's greatest adventure comes when his best friend, a beautiful little bird named Margalo, disappears from her nest. Determined to track her down, Stuart ventures away from home for the very first time in his life. He finds adventure aplenty. But will he find his friend?It tells the story of a poor house painter named Mr. Popper and his family, who live in the small town of Stillwater in the 1930s. The Poppers unexpectedly come into possession of a penguin, Captain Cook. The Poppers then receive a female penguin from the zoo, who mates with Captain Cook to have 10 baby penguins. Before long, something must be done lest the penguins eat the Poppers out of house and home.Tucker is a streetwise city mouse. He thought he’d seen it all. But he’s never met a cricket before, which really isn’t surprising, because, along with his friend Harry Cat, Tucker lives in the very heart of New York City—the Times Square subway station. Chester Cricket never intended to leave his Connecticut meadow. He’d be there still if he hadn’t followed the entrancing aroma of liverwurst right into someone’s picnic basket. Now, like any tourist in the city, he wants to look around. And he could not have found two better guides—and friends—than Tucker and Harry. The trio have many adventures—from taking in the sights and sounds of Broadway to escaping a smoky fire.Chester makes a third friend, too. It is a boy, Mario, who rescues Chester from a dusty corner of the subway station and brings him to live in the safety of his parents’ newsstand. He hopes at first to keep Chester as a pet, but Mario soon understands that the cricket is more than that. Because Chester has a hidden talent and no one—not even Chester himself—realizes that the little country cricket may just be able to teach even the toughest New Yorkers a thing or two."It seems to me that almost everything is a waste of time," Milo laments. "[T]here's nothing for me to do, nowhere I'd care to go, and hardly anything worth seeing." This bored,bored young protagonist who can't see the point to anything is knocked out of his glum humdrum by the sudden and curious appearance of a tollbooth in his bedroom. Since Milo has absolutely nothing better to do, he dusts off his toy car, pays the toll, and drives through. What ensues is a journey of mythic proportions, during which Milo encounters countless odd characters who are anything but dull.When Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy are sent to stay with a kind professor who lives in the country, they can hardly imagine the extraordinary adventure that awaits them.It all begins one rainy summer day when the children explore the Professor's rambling old house. When they come across a room with an old wardrobe in the corner, Lucy immediately opens the door and gets inside. To her amazement, she suddenly finds herself standing in the clearing of a wood on a winter afternoon, with snowflakes falling through the air. Lucy has found Narnia, a magical land of Fauns and Centaurs, Nymphs and Talking Animals -- and the beautiful but evil White Witch, who has held the country in eternal winter for a hundred years.Jeffrey Lionel "Maniac" Magee might have lived a normal life if a freak accident hadn't made him an orphan. After living with his unhappy and uptight aunt and uncle for eight years, he decides to run--and not just run away, but run. This is where the myth of Maniac Magee begins, as he changes the lives of a racially divided small town with his amazing and legendary feats.Crash Coogan, a seventh-grade football star, has been an aggressive person from the ti sometimes, he is too aggressive. He enjoys his rough, macho behavior until he meets an unusual neighbor who forces him to think about his life and his way of treating others.A rare glimpse into the life of a bully in an unforgettable story about stereotypes and surprises.Lost Brian Robertson, sole passenger on a Cessna 406, is on his way to visit his father when the tiny bush plane crashes in the Canadian wilderness. With nothing but his clothing, a tattered windbreaker, and the hatchet his mother had given him as a present, Brian finds himself completely alone. Challenged by his fear and despair -- and plagued with the weight of a dreadful secret he's been keeping since his parent's divorce -- Brian must tame his inner demons in order to survive. It will take all his know-how and determination, and more courage than he knew he possessed.Billy, Old Dan and Little Ann -- a Boy and His Two Dogs...A loving threesome, they ranged the dark hills and river bottoms of Cherokee country. Old Dan had the brawn, Little Ann had the brains -- and Billy had the will to train them to be the finest hunting team in the valley. Glory and victory were coming to them, but sadness waited too. And close by was the strange and wonderful power that's only found...An exciting tale of love and adventure you'll never forget.For twelve long years, the dread fortress of Azkaban held an infamous prisoner named Sirius Black. Convicted of killing thirteen people with a single curse, he was said to be the heir apparent to the Dark Lord, Voldemort.Now he has escaped, leaving only two clues as to where he might be headed: Harry Potter's defeat of You-Know-Who was Black's downfall as well. And the Azkban guards heard Black muttering in his sleep, "He's at Hogwarts...he's at Hogwarts."Harry Potter isn't safe, not even within the walls of his magical school, surrounded by his friends. Because on top of it all, there may well be a traitor in their midst.Age 12-15In order to develop a secure defense against a hostile alien race's next attack, government agencies breed child geniuses and train them as soldiers. A brilliant young boy, Andrew "Ender" Wiggin lives with his kind but distant parents, his sadistic brother Peter, and the person he loves more than anyone else, his sister Valentine. Peter and Valentine were candidates for the soldier-training program but didn't make the cut--young Ender is the Wiggin drafted to the orbiting Battle School for rigorous military training.Ender's skills make him a leader in school and respected in the Battle Room, where children play at mock battles in zero gravity. Yet growing up in an artificial community of young soldiers, Ender suffers greatly from isolation, rivalry from his peers, pressure from the adult teachers, and an unsettling fear of the alien invaders. His psychological battles include loneliness, fear that he is becoming like the cruel brother he remembers, and fanning the flames of devotion to his beloved sister. Is Ender the general Earth needs? But Ender is not the only result of the genetic experiments. The war with the Buggers has been raging for a hundred years, and the quest for the perfect general has been underway for almost as long. Ender's two older siblings are every bit as unusual as he is, but in very different ways. Between the three of them lie the abilities to remake a world. If the world survives, that is.Stanley Yelnats is under a curse. A curse that began with his no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather and has since followed generations of Yelnats. Now Stanley has been unjustly sent to a boys' detention center, Camp Green Lake, where the warden makes the boys "build character" by spending all day, every day, digging holes: five feet wide and five feet deep. It doesn't take long for Stanley to realize there's more than character improvement going on at Camp Green Lake. The boys are digging holes because the warden is looking for something. Stanley tries to dig up the truth in this inventive and darkly humorous tale of crime and punishment—and redemption.Jonas's world is perfect. Everything is under control. There is no war or fear of pain. There are no choices. Every person is assigned a role in the community. When Jonas turns 12 he is singled out to receive special training from The Giver. The Giver alone holds the memories of the true pain and pleasure of life. Now, it is time for Jonas to receive the truth. There is no turning back.Bilbo Baggins is a hobbit who enjoys a comfortable, unambitious life, rarely traveling any farther than his pantry or cellar. But his contentment is disturbed when the wizard Gandalf and a company of dwarves arrive on his doorstep one day to whisk him away on an adventure. They have launched a plot to raid the treasure hoard guarded by Smaug the Magnificent, a large and very dangerous dragon. Bilbo reluctantly joins their quest, unaware that on his journey to the Lonely Mountain he will encounter both a magic ring and a frightening creature known as Gollum.George Orwell's classic satire of the Russian Revolution is an intimate part of our contemporary culture. It is the account of the bold struggle, initiated by the animals, that transforms Mr. Jones's Manor Farm into Animal Farm--a wholly democratic society built on the credo that All Animals Are Created Equal. Out of their cleverness, the pigs Napoleon, Squealer, and Snowball emerge as leaders of the new community in a subtle evolution that proves disastrous. The climax is the brutal betrayal of the faithful horse Boxer, when totalitarian rule is reestablished with the bloodstained postscript to the founding slogan: But some Animals Are More Equal Than Others...The hero-narrator of The Catcher in the Rye is an ancient child of sixteen, a native New Yorker named Holden Caulfield. Through circumstances that tend to preclude adult, secondhand description, he leaves his prep school in Pennsylvania and goes underground in New York City for three days. The boy himself is at once too simple and too complex for us to make any final comment about him or his story. Perhaps the safest thing we can say about Holden is that he was born in the world not just strongly attracted to beauty but, almost, hopelessly impaled on it.There are many voices in this novel: children's voices, adult voices, underground voices-but Holden's voice is the most eloquent of all. Transcending his own vernacular, yet remaining marvelously faithful to it, he issues a perfectly articulated cry of mixed pain and pleasure. However, like most lovers and clowns and poets of the higher orders, he keeps most of the pain to, and for, himself. The pleasure he gives away, or sets aside, with all his heart. It is there for the reader who can handle it to keep.Here is the novel that will be forever considered a triumph of the imagination. Set on the desert planet Arrakis, Dune is the story of the boy Paul Atreides, who would become the mysterious man known as Muad'Dib. He would avenge the traitorous plot against his noble family--and would bring to fruition humankind's most ancient and unattainable dream.Age 15-18The first book of "Earthsea" is a tale of wizards, dragons and terrifying shadows. The island of Gont is a land famous for wizards. Of these, some say the greatest - and surely the greatest voyager - is the man called Sparrowhawk. As a reckless, awkward boy, he discovered the great power that was in him - with terrifying consequences. Tempted by pride to try spells beyond his means, Sparrowhawk lets loose an evil shadow-beast in his land. Only he can destroy it, and the quest leads him to the farthest corner of Earthsea.William Golding's classic tale about a group of English schoolboys who are plane-wrecked on a deserted island is just as chilling and relevant today as when it was first published in 1954. At first, the stranded boys cooperate, attempting to gather food, make shelters, and maintain signal fires. Overseeing their efforts are Ralph, "the boy with fair hair," and Piggy, Ralph's chubby, wisdom-dispensing sidekick whose thick spectacles come in handy for lighting fires. Although Ralph tries to impose order and delegate responsibility, there are many in their number who would rather swim, play, or hunt the island's wild pig population. Soon Ralph's rules are being ignored or challenged outright. His fiercest antagonist is Jack, the redheaded leader of the pig hunters, who manages to lure away many of the boys to join his band of painted savages. The situation deteriorates as the trappings of civilization continue to fall away, until Ralph discovers that instead of being hunters, he and Piggy have become the hunted: "He forgot his words, his hunger and thirst, hopeless fear on flying feet." Golding's gripping novel explores the boundary between human reason and animal instinct, all on the brutal playing field of adolescent competition. Billy Pilgrim, a traumatized American POW, becomes unstuck in time after he is abducted by aliens. Under their watchful gaze, he must relive his life over and over again, coming at last to some understanding of the human comedy.Slaughterhouse-Five, an American classic, is one of the world’s great antiwar books. Centering on the infamous firebombing of Dresden, Billy Pilgrim’s odyssey through time reflects the mythic journey of our own fractured lives as we search for meaning in what we fear most.Four mothers, four daughters, four families whose histories shift with the four winds depending on who's "saying" the stories. In 1949 four Chinese women, recent immigrants to San Francisco, begin meeting to eat dim sum, play mahjong, and talk. United in shared unspeakable loss and hope, they call themselves the Joy Luck Club. Rather than sink into tragedy, they choose to gather to raise their spirits and money. "To despair was to wish back for something already lost. Or to prolong what was already unbearable." Forty years later the stories and history continue.With wit and sensitivity, Amy Tan examines the sometimes painful, often tender, and always deep connection between mothers and daughters. As each woman reveals her secrets, trying to unravel the truth about her life, the strings become more tangled, more entwined. Mothers boast or despair over daughters, and daughters roll their eyes even as they feel the inextricable tightening of their matriarchal ties. Tan is an astute storyteller, enticing readers to immerse themselves into these lives of complexity and mystery."He talked a lot about the past and I gathered that he wanted to recover something, some idea of himself perhaps, that had gone into loving Daisy. His life had been confused and disordered since then, but if he could once return to a certain starting place and go over it all slowly, he could find out what that thing was . . ." The Great Gatsby (1925), F. Scott Fitzgerald's masterpiece, stands among the greatest of all American fiction. Jay Gatsby's lavish lifestyle in a mansion on Long Island's gold coast encapsulates the spirit, excitement, and violence of the era Fitzgerald named 'the Jazz Age'. Impelled by his love for Daisy Buchanan, Gatsby seeks nothing less than to recapture the moment five years earlier when his best and brightest dreams - his 'unutterable visions' - seemed to be incarnated in her kiss. A moving portrayal of the power of romantic imagination, as well as the pathos and courage entailed in the pusuit of an unattainable dream, The Great Gatsby is a classic fiction of hope and disillusion. This edition is fully annotated with a fine Introduction incorporating new interpretation and detailing Fitzgerald's struggle to write the novel, its critical reception and its significance for future generations.The Matrix is a world within the world, a global consensus- hallucination, the representation of every byte of data in cyberspace . . .Case had been the sharpest data-thief in the business, until vengeful former employees crippled his nervous system. But now a new and very mysterious employer recruits him for a last-chance run. The target: an unthinkably powerful artificial intelligence orbiting Earth in service of the sinister Tessier-Ashpool business clan. With a dead man riding shotgun and Molly, mirror-eyed street-samurai, to watch his back, Case embarks on an adventure that ups the ante on an entire genre of fiction.The best American novel to emerge from World War I, A Farewell to Arms is the unforgettable story of an American ambulance driver on the Italian front and his passion for a beautiful English nurse. Hemingway’s frank portrayal of the love between Lieutenant Henry and Catherine Barkley, caught in the inexorable sweep of war, glows with an intensity unrivaled in modern literature, while his description of the German attack on Caporetto—of lines of fired men marching in the rain, hungry, weary, and demoralized—is one of the greatest moments in literary history. A story of love and pain, of loyalty and desertion, A Farewell to Arms, written when he was thirty years old, represents a new romanticism for Hemingway.Ever since it was first performed in 1949, Death of a Salesman has been recognized as a milestone of the American theater. In the person of Willy Loman, the aging, failing salesman who makes his living riding on a smile and a shoeshine, Arthur Miller redefined the tragic hero as a man whose dreams are at once insupportably vast and dangerously insubstantial. He has given us a figure whose name has become a symbol for a kind of majestic grandiosity—and a play that compresses epic extremems of humor and anguish, promise and loss, between the four walls of an American living room.Joe Keller and Herbert Deever, partners in a machine shop during the war, turned out defective airplane parts, causing the deaths of many men. Deever was sent to prison while Keller escaped punishment and went on to make a lot of money. In a work of tremendous power, a love affair between Keller's son, Chris, and Ann Deever, Herbert's daughter, the bitterness of George Keller, who returns from the war to find his father in prison and his father's partner free, and the reaction of a son to his father's guilt escalate toward a climax of electrifying intensity. Troy Maxson is a former star of the Negro baseball leagues who now works as a garbage man in 1957 Pittsburgh. Excluded as a Negro from the major leagues during his prime, Troy's bitterness takes it's toll on his relationships with both his wife and son who now wants his own chance to play.The son of a zookeeper, Pi Patel has an encyclopedic knowledge of animal behavior and a fervent love of stories. When Pi is sixteen, his family emigrates from India to North America aboard a Japanese cargo ship, along with their zoo animals bound for new homes.The ship sinks. Pi finds himself alone in a lifeboat, his only companions a hyena, an orangutan, a wounded zebra, and Richard Parker, a 450-pound Bengal tiger. Soon the tiger has dispatched all but Pi, whose fear, knowledge, and cunning allow him to coexist with Richard Parker for 227 days while lost at sea. When they finally reach the coast of Mexico, Richard Parker flees to the jungle, never to be seen again. The Japanese authorities who interrogate Pi refuse to believe his story and press him to tell them "the truth." After hours of coercion, Pi tells a second story, a story much less fantastical, much more conventional--but is it more true?Advanced ReadingThese are books I only read because we were studying them in class, although I've come to love each one.Macbeth is one of Shakespeare's four great tragedies, encompassing witchcraft, bloody murder, ghostly apparitions as well as high poetry, blended in such a way as to demonstrate the assured dramatic touch of Shakespeare's maturity. Macbeth's tragedy is that of a good, brave and honourable man turned into the personification of evil by the workings of unreasonable ambition. Waiting for Godot revolves around two seemingly homeless men waiting for someone—or something—named Godot. Vladimir and Estragon wait near a tree on a barren stretch of road, inhabiting a drama spun from their own consciousness. The result is a comical wordplay of poetry, dreamscapes, and nonsense, which has been interpreted as a somber summation of mankind’s inexhaustible search for meaning. Beckett’s language pioneered an expressionistic minimalism that captured the existentialism of post-World War II Europe. His play remains one of the most magical and beautiful allegories of our time. Gustav von Aschenbach is a revered author whose work is known for its discipline and formal perfection. At his Venetian hotel he encounters the strikingly handsome young teenager Tadzio. Aschenbach is disturbed by his attraction to the boy, and although he watches Tadzio, he dare not speak to him. Despite warnings of a cholera epidemic Aschenbach stays in V he sacrifices his dignity and well-being to the immediate experience of beauty as embodied by Tadzio. After exchanging a significant look with the boy on the day of Tadzio's scheduled departure, Aschenbach dies of cholera. As in his other major works, Mann explores the role of the artist in society. The cerebral Aschenbach summons extraordinary discipline and endurance in his literary work, but his private desires overwhelm him.One of the 20th century's enduring works, One Hundred Years of Solitudeis a widely beloved and acclaimed novel known throughout the world, and the ultimate achievement of a Nobel Prize winning career.The novel tells the story of the rise and fall of the mythical town of Macondo through the history of the family. It is a rich and brilliant chronicle of life and death, and the tragicomedy of humankind. In the noble, ridiculous, beautiful, and tawdry story of the family, one sees all of humanity, just as in the history, myths, growth, and decay of Macondo, one sees all of Latin America.To the Lighthouse is a novel whose overt simplicity of plot hides a complex mix of autobiographical detail, searching social questions and deep philosophical enigmas. The author's innovative use of nonlinear plot, stream- of-consciousness, and varying narrators, transforms the apparently 'normal' incidents in the life of the Ramsay family into a mythic reflection on time, gender, morality, and death.- - - - -I'll add more books as I think of them.
首先附上豆瓣小组链接 分享外文原版资源:楼主是一名本科应届毕业生 词汇量9500左右(在开始读原版书之前4000+)
最开始读的是Harry Potter系列 读了三本感觉阅读有了质的飞跃
看研究生考试英语还是四六级的阅读遇到长难句都不会很困难 ——————————————————————————————————————————— 在扇贝测了一下单词量:从最开始4000多到今天 感觉很不可思议关于方法:
用的是 透析英语法 每2页查一个生词 每次看书之前回顾一下查的单词
选择原版书则是根据自己的兴趣和水平 选择在水平之上稍微难一些的现代小说(狄更斯、简奥斯汀等古典文学用词和语法跟现代有些出入 不适合刚进入原版书的读者)
三星:中等难度,6500左右的单词量,有一些生词不影响阅读 四星:中上难度,熟练掌握考研或托福生词即可驾驭
五星:难,以古典文学为代表,属于楼主每个单词都认识,连起来就不认识的程度= =
1.The little prince (小王子)
2.The wonderful wizard of oz (绿野仙踪)
3.Flipped (怦然心动)
4.And then there were none (无人生还)
观后感:代入感太强!不得不佩服阿加莎克里斯蒂的文字功力,当时每天睡前看这本书,最后连续好几天做恶梦= = 书中的心理描写刻画的淋漓尽致,最后结局也是意想不到!精彩之至!同时也是西方推理小说排行前十的。
5.The house on mango street (芒果街上的小屋)
6.Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone(哈利波特与魔法石)
7.Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets(哈利波特与密室)
8.Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkab(哈利波特与阿兹卡班的囚徒)
9.Harry Potter Harry and the Goblet of Fire(哈利波特与火焰杯)
10.Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (查理和他的巧克力工厂)
内容:穷孩子查理幸运拿到了可以进入巧克力工厂参观的那张金券,于是奇遇开始了。同名电影是约翰尼 德普主演的,当年大热啊。
11.Game of Thrones (权力的游戏)
内容:维斯特洛大陆上的血腥事儿 美剧大热 不多赘述了
12-14The Hunger Games (饥饿游戏三部曲)
15.Pride and Prejudice (傲慢与偏见)
观后感:生词不多,但处于简奥斯汀所在的那个年代,这本书阅读起来肯定要和现代畅销书的感觉是不一样的。当初英语课上,老师问你们最喜欢的小说是什么,大家都说什么哈利波特啊,暮光之城啊,楼主直接一句”Pride and Prejudice“It's a truth universally acknowledged,that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.当时全班都鸦雀无声....顿时逼格高起来了有木有.....开玩笑。不过简奥斯汀也就这本书略简单了...后面四部至今搁在书房不敢挑战....
16.Sense and Sensibility (理智与情感)
17.The Great Gatsby(了不起的盖茨比)
18.The fault in our stars(无比美妙的痛苦) ?
观后感:个人认为比同为New York Times Bestseller的《灿烂千阳》要好一些。 我看完了没什么忧桑的感觉,倒是把故事梗概给我妈讲的时候,把她讲哭了= = 妹子应该会很喜欢这种纯爱故事吧
19.The old man and the sea (老人与海) ?
观后感:海明威的作品用词都很简单,曾经也因此被嘲笑。不过这本书的确很给人力量。Man is not made for defeat.A man can be destroyed but not defeated.
20.《Murder on the orient express》(东方快车谋杀案)?
21.《The ABC Murders》(ABC谋杀案)
22.The Naked Face (裸面)
内容:极出名的心理学家在圣诞节的前夕,他的病人莫名其妙被人杀死,紧接着,女助手也被残忍地杀死。而所有的线索都无不指向一个线索:原来是自己引起了他们的死亡,累及无辜。 于是,作为一名心理医生,主人公开始了心理上与情感上的双重大逃亡。他雇佣了私人侦探,却仍难保朝夕,在种种情感的折磨下,差一点就要崩溃了,最后,机场里,一个意大利小男孩的一句话,拯救了一切……
观后感:Sidney Sheldon的处女作,并且当年就拿下了爱伦坡奖。关于作者多提一句,Sidney Sheldon本人在音乐、电影和电视三大舞台获得最高荣誉奖托尼奖、奥斯卡奖和艾美奖后,又在52岁时跨入小说作家行列,凭借此书获得爱伦·坡奖和《纽约时报》最佳年度Mystery小说奖, 几乎每本小说都是出版不久就登上全美畅销书排行榜,被誉为是”美国的金庸“。他的系列一共19本,因情节紧凑,精彩离奇,并且用词简单,值得一看。
23.Crooked House (怪屋)
我在埃及遇上了索菲娅,此后她成为了我心爱的女子,然而我对她的家庭背景等一无所知。有一次,她终于肯开口对我说,她住在伦敦郊外的一个富豪住宅区,住在一幢歪歪扭扭的畸形小屋里……很快我就发现,怪屋之“怪”,并不单单指怪异风格的装潢,而是整个家族中那种变形的压抑氛围。据说这个家族有着冷酷和残忍的血统遗传,杀人犯的出现并不是什么奇怪的事情…… 观后感:先附上作者对此书的评价:”我有理由相信,这是我写的最好的一本书(另一部是奉命谋杀),我想人们杀得更多的是他们所爱的人,而非他们所恨的人。或许是因为只有你爱的人才能真正地使你的生活变得无法忍受。这本书是我看的最开心的 一部,原因一是里面用词竟然大多数都是考研词汇,这样楼主一边背单词,一边又可以在小说里复习一遍。原因之二是这部书并不能完全归为侦探推理小说,而是一部探索人性的书。在怪屋里,一家人性格各异,彼此冷漠,最后早就出了怪物一样的凶手...凶手是可悲的,生在这样的家庭之下。阿婆的很多书都让人掩卷深思,这也是她作品成功的一点。24.The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (罗杰疑案) 难度:三星内容:罗杰·艾克罗伊德是个知道得太多的人。他知道他爱着的女人毒死了她的第一个丈夫。他知道有人在敲诈她——现在他知道她因服用过量药物而自杀身亡。晚班邮件很快就会让他知道那个神秘的敲诈者是谁。但是罗杰没能把信读完就死了——他坐在书房里被人用刀抹脖子……观后感:被誉为是“阿加莎三大奇书之一”属于根本不可能猜到的凶手一类,看过的朋友跟我说当看到凶手是谁的时候,震惊的手里的鸡腿掉在了地上....经常被选为推理小说TOP3,也是阿加莎克里斯蒂的成名作,强烈推荐,这个建议提前看,被泄底了就可惜了。25.Endless Night(无尽长夜)难度:三星内容:美丽宁静的吉卜赛庄,却被传言是一所遭受了诅咒的住所,许多擅自进入的人都会在一次“事故”中丧生,没有人能够逃脱。然而英俊潇洒的穷小子迈克尔还是一眼看中了这里,他奢望成为这里的主人。富家小姐埃莉在这里爱上了他,他们在这里结婚,在这里定居。可那可怕的诅咒会放过他们吗?有一天,她骑马出去,没有回来……观后感:不知不觉距离看的上一部原版小说已经过去快三个月了,与其说这是一部推理小说,不如说是一部爱情小说。全书的高潮发生在最后的四分之一。阿婆就是这么让人又爱又恨。恨她的作品总是这么慢热,爱她总会在最后结局让你得到无比的震撼,等你再回头细细品味,你会发现前面阿婆已经为结局埋下了伏笔...
《无尽长夜》就是一部经典的阿婆作品,同时也被誉为是阿婆晚年生涯最出色的作品之一。全书看完,给人压抑的同时,又是遗憾,或许人性就是如此,人们总是直到为时已晚的时候,才能认识到生命中真正重要的时刻。失去了,才知道弥足珍贵。有人生来甜蜜欢畅,暮暮又朝朝,有人生来无尽长夜。这种凄婉的爱情故事,妹子应该会很喜欢吧,推荐之。26. the CATCHER in the RYE (麦田里的守望者) 难度:两星内容:主人公是16岁的中学生霍尔顿·考菲尔德是当代美国文学中最早出现的反英雄形象之一,霍尔顿出身中纽约一个富裕的中产阶级家庭。学校里的老师和自己的家长强迫他好好读书,为的是出人头地,以便将来买辆凯迪拉克,而在学校里一天到晚干的,就是谈女人,酒和性,他看不惯周围的一切, 根本没心思用功读书,因而老是挨罚,到他第四次被开除时,他不敢回家。便只身在美国最繁华的纽约城游荡了一天两夜,住小客店,逛夜总会滥交女友他在电影院里百无聊赖地消磨时光,糊里糊涂地召了妓女,情不自禁的与虚荣的女友搂搂抱抱,与此同时,他的内心又十分苦闷,企图逃出虚伪的成人世界去寻批纯洁与真理的经历与感受。这种精神上无法调和的极度矛盾最终令他彻底崩溃,躺倒在精神病院里。观后感:怎么说呢,怎么说呢,这本书有人喜欢得不得了,有人就看不下去,楼主刚好就是后者...不过看这本书有种突然回到了看《绿野仙踪》的时候,基本上没什么生词,句子也都很简单,有生词也基本上是垃圾话= = 对,这本书垃圾话非常多,男主是叛逆的少年。所以说么。。。男主这种感觉看什么都不顺眼的叛逆脾气把看书的楼主弄的那几天都莫名奇妙的暴躁。有些文学经典真的是欣赏不来。。。喜欢的人求勿喷。27.《Stranger in the Mirror》(镜子里的陌生人) 难度:三星内容:中学生托比与女同学发生了性关系,致使女方怀孕。为逃避结婚,离家出走,到处流浪,一文不名,为了生计,先后在马戏团跑龙套,在酒吧充当业余滑稽演员,但他一心想着成为一名电影明星。终于在好莱坞电影经纪人克利夫顿的提携下,成为红极一时的超级明星。托比过着骄奢淫逸的生活,然而内心却十分空虚。一心想出人头第的女演员吉尔,在好莱坞历经坎坷,她周旋于制片人、导演和经纪人之间,被迫出卖色相,并被情人诱骗拍摄裸体电影,沦为等外演员。为了改变低下地位,吉尔博得托比的欢心,二人结为夫妇,成为声名显赫的坦普尔夫人。托比因为长期纵欲,病发瘫痪。吉尔为了巩固已经取得的地位,以惊人的毅力帮助托比恢复了健康。吉尔随托比在各大都市演出,所到之处,尽皆轰动。但托比再次瘫痪,恰值吉尔始终眷恋的情人戴维突然出现,吉尔感到托比再无恢复的希望,害死了托比,并仰仗托比生前的巨大声望,成功登上了明星宝座。但托比的经纪人克利夫顿为了报复吉尔,设计让戴维看到了吉尔在裸体电影中的不堪场景,戴维痛苦离去,吉尔也彻底绝望,堕身大海...观后感:简直是太!!好!!看!!了!!!虽然这本书还不是大师评价最高的一本,但楼主我看完前言就被深深的吸引了!全程无尿点!两个主人公的经历跌宕起伏,尤其到了后面女主开始对以前虐待她的人一一复仇,不能更精彩!西德尼谢尔顿不愧是米国最会讲故事的人,作为全世界唯一一个集奥斯卡奖、托尼奖、爱伦坡奖于一身的人,他用真实的经历描绘了一幅从草根到好莱坞巨星成长的血泪史。看完全书,不禁感慨人生就是这样,在不断的挫折中渐渐变成了另一个自己,正如书里说的那样,你休想从镜子里认出你自己,因为那只有个陌生人的影子。附上书里我最喜欢的一句话:Only in this life you made your own miracles,because God was busy elsewhere.PS:书里露骨的色情描写让没见过市面的我和我的小伙伴们惊呆了....第一次看到原版书这么黄...果然应该14x吗哈哈28.《the Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler》(希特勒的兴与衰) 难度:三星内容:一位美国记者记录的希特勒从童年到死亡的历程。观后感:首先,本书生词不是很多,因为目前正在背专四、专八词汇,倒是发现了很多里面背过的单词,但是总体来说,书不难,很好于阅读下去。其次,从书的内容来看,感觉写的还是很客观的,很多地方都引用了很多希特勒自己的日记以及手下将士的记录。最后,不得不说,希特勒的人生很传奇,生在一个公务员家庭,却一心想当个艺术家,艺术家没当成,去参军逐渐建立了第三帝国,成为元首。与自己的外甥女谈恋爱,爱得死去活来却又因控制欲生生害死爱人,初期失败了很多次,但都能运用计谋与手段化险为夷。毕竟能成为一介枭雄,自然有他的道理啊。。。不过从他屠杀犹太人来看,童年真的很重要啊,看过《辛德勒名单》觉得真是太残忍了。29.《Master of The Game》 (谋略大师)
难度:三星内容:她是淘金者的女儿,幼年的经历即让她懂得权力的重要。她有足够的精明,纷乱的战争年代成为她发迹的最佳时机;她有足够的野心,步步为营直至缔造庞大的钻石王国。在权力的棋盘上,每一个人都是她手中的棋子,无论是她的情人还是她的儿子……观后感:全书14.4万词,耗时10小时左右。这可能是继《冰与火之歌——权利的游戏》之后我看的最长的一本书了,不过竟然出乎意料的高效。这大概要归功于谢老写书实在是精彩绝伦、情节跌宕起伏,让人忍不住一口气读完。书中以Kate为主线,讲述了一个百年的家族史,在这里面你能看到富一代Jamie的挖钻石发家的惊险刺激、富二代Kate女强人的控制欲、对公司的使命感责任感和机关算尽、富三代Tony不求继承家业只求作画却受母亲百般操纵阻挠的挣扎、富四代双胞胎姐妹相爱相杀...真是不得不感叹,身为一个合格的上位者,使命感责任感以及无情都缺一不可。谢老曾说Kate这样的追求是没有意义的,所以她总是不让Kate如愿,一次又一次的让她的继承人之梦破碎,不过又何尝不是创业容易守业难呢?如果Tony和Robert没有生在富贵的时候,而是在家族存亡之际,恐怕也会激起那种责任与使命吧....总而言之,还是比较佩服Kate的。强烈推荐。下一部....未完待续.....30.《Life and Death in ShangHai》(上海生死劫)难度:三星内容:知乎问题:有哪些人生经历精彩程度超过小说,却不广为人知的传奇人物?1915年出生,先后就读于燕京大学以及留学于伦敦政治经济学院,后来在上海就职于过壳牌公司,父亲曾任高管。家产丰厚,国内外都有存款,在那个年代住着小洋房并配有女佣、园丁等等,可为一代名媛。 本该是贵族小姐平平淡淡的生活,但丈夫于1957年去世(「郑念」这个名字就是为了纪念丈夫),1966年文革爆发,被抄家,被关进监狱长达五六年,出狱后才得知自己女儿被红卫兵杀害。 从拥有一切到一无所有,郑念女士并没有一蹶不振,她在监狱中经历了许多折磨可仍旧不屈不挠。最后移民到国外写了自传「Life and Death in Shanghai」(上海生死劫)。 她在狱中会背唐诗来平缓内心和锻炼记忆力,被反手拷着好几天的她会冷静思考如何完好保全双手,她拒绝释放协议要求为无罪并且要当局道歉。 郑念女士曾在她的自传中写道: 「在我看来,无罪而虚假地承认有罪是一件愚蠢的事情。更合乎伦理和聪明的方法是:面对迫害而不予理会,有的事情必须忍耐。 当我考虑自己的境遇时,我意识到迫害我的第一步即将结束。无论今后处于什么状况,我将不得不加倍努力,以阻止迫害者控告我的企图得逞。只要他们不能杀死我,我决不投降。因为,当我坐在吉普车上时,我心里想的不是恐惧和失败,而是一种决心。」 我没有经历过文革,但在那段时期被抓进监狱的人长期待在里面后精神多少是有些问题的,还记得郑念女士在书中描述到狱中另一人每天磨牙刷,就为了把牙刷磨尖然后自杀。 所以真的很佩服郑念女士,能在那种情况下,还保持着理性,保持着那种贵族精神,更何况之前还是一位什么都有的名媛小姐。 也佩服她写的那本书中,不只是揭露了黑暗的文革时期所发生的事,没有让该有的愤恨情绪淹没她,而是用一种十分清醒的目光去看待那个时期,并写下这些文字。 就像罗志渊说的:她体现了中国「最后贵族」的一种精神与坚守。 电子资源见组贴
请读 Ayn Rand的The Fountainhead. 无论你是初学者,中级,还是高级,请读The Fountainhead.我诚心诚意只推荐这一本书,以表达我对它的重视。它在美国的读者或是学者的推荐名单上都是名列前茅。它是讲什么呢,嗯,就是理想主义是如何被现实世界摧毁,后又重生。它能让你思考很多,让你动容,质疑,愤怒,坚定。它的语言让你时时想要摘抄,却又会发现,你几乎不用查阅生词。作者是俄国人,英语不是母语。但是她却用英语写出了一本几近完美的书,不是很励志吗?这本书的题材romantic and philosophical。 现实世界中的一个不现实却被变为现实的梦想。
这题准备好好答~ 首先我觉得读英文原版书大家可能有两种目的,1.通过读书提升能力,比如词汇量,语法,写作。。。2.把英语文学和中文文学平等对待,重点放在情节,结构和情感上。或者培养对英语的general interest.大家关注这题可能还是第一个目的多一点。所以我想纠正几个误区,一个是多读各种各样的英语原版书是可以提升你英语的整体素养和能力的,但并不是提升某一项特殊能力的最佳方式(比如写作)。另外一个,最重要的一个,就是如果你想通过读原版书提升英语能力,那么重要的不是你读什么书,而是你怎么读。还有,英语文学也是有文字质量和文学性之分的,而且差别真的可以大到国学大师 和 小时代,因此不要以为看《暮光之城》《五十度灰》或者欧美玄幻甚至乔布斯传来提升写作和语法!拿我自己的历程举例子,由于我对英语文学有一点兴趣,所以留学的时候选过一些英语文学课,高中的时候学过很多莎士比亚的剧本,大学一开始选过 English literature for non-native speaker(初级),还有 English: ideas of the real, 这个算是高级一点的,讲的是现实主义的老爷爷们,主讲狄更斯,对比讲巴尔扎克,还有品钦。后来又学了 Australian literature ,讲的是澳洲的著名小说和诗歌(比如著名的劳伦斯的肛交),现在大二学的是exotic novels,就是各国的长篇小说大杂烩。我读完这些书,对这门语言的整体认知确实变化很大,但是这些书里我有好好看的,比如狄更斯,我一本《双城记》,一本《远大前程》,看得很熟,讲课的时候有讲义,自己也划书,做笔记,所以我现在写英语文章经常能想起来,但是有的没好好看的,早就忘光了。下面开始推荐,推荐之前,我想把一句可能会激起民愤的话送给大家,是一个印度老师说的After you have enrolled in this course and read all the books, you may think you know who are the good writers and who are the creepy ones and you may laugh at them. But the truth is that, to you, they are no difference. Even a British cleaner can write better stories than you, because you are still learning the language.1.对于还没上大学的初高中生,或者自认为英语水平真的不好的人,我只推荐一套书,应该是最佳选择没错,就是 《企鹅建议英语读物》,这套书从初一分到高三(据说大学也有),这本书在难易度划分,严谨性,趣味性还有涵盖范围上都是我认为最好的。初中三年基本是一个难易度,高一高二是一个难易度,高三最难。2. 现实主义的长篇 (从下面开始都针对成年人,大学生或者英语有一定基础的人推荐)我觉得如果想提升语法和写作水平,读现实主义的长篇是个好选择,尤其是古典大师们的作品。因为现实主义(realism)的主要任务是叙述,这就限定了语言的难度不会太大,而且较为平和,不会像后现代主义作家那样的炫技,比如品钦。。。而且如果年代再久远一点,内容也就相对“死板”,情节发展比较缓慢,对于非母语读者来说简单易懂。但是,没有炫技,并不代表没有技巧。大师们的语言重量通过中文译本就可以感受到,读英文版,就像不戴套做爱一样,感受更强烈。比如别的我不敢说,但是狄更斯对句子结构的控制和对长从句的使用真的是天下第一,《双城记》里经长有三四个不同种类的从句套在一起,但是井井有条。更难得的一点是,语言很简单,每个单词你都看得懂。 其实,其他语言的英译本也可以,比如 托尔斯泰,雨果,巴尔扎克这三大天神的,尤其巴尔扎克具体推荐1.首先当然推荐狄更斯啦, 都写中文名《双城记》
《远大前程》《荒凉山庄》《董贝父子》《圣诞颂歌》他中后期的作品对语言的雕琢如火纯青,对写作真的有帮助2.亨利.詹姆斯 在国内不出名,但是是英国(美国籍)现实主义大师之一,擅长写心理,他的书也是语言平和简单,但是充满语法运用技巧he Portrait of a Lady Washington Square the turn of the screw3.马克吐温 他除了上述特点之外,再加上一个很多很好玩的形容词,还有真的很幽默 还有他的难度比上面的低一点。 《汤姆索耶历险记》《杨柳风》《百万美金钞票》《汤姆叔叔的小屋》4.巴尔扎克,雨果的译本,翻译来给英美人看,其实也很正宗。5,再加个澳洲的
miles franklin 的 My brilliant career, 还有 henry lawson的作品再举个反例,什么是不适合非母语者为了提升英语能力而读的书,而适合做内容分析的呢——海明威的作品,读一读就知道了。下一个推荐的大类,是历史人物传记,理由1.权威的,流传甚广的传记的作家都是和稀泥大师,语言质量有保证2.由于文体限制,语言往往较为平淡,易懂3,读传记,会对英语国家的历史和文化有整体的了解推荐1.罗斯福传,各种罗斯福传!! Franklin D. Roosevelt
FDR: The Beckoning of Destiny,
2,丘吉尔传,各种丘吉尔传!Winston ChurchillThe Great Man's Life in Anecdotes
3.麦克.阿瑟, 艾森豪威尔啦 的自传注意,贝克汉姆,舒马赫和伊布的传记不在此列!推荐的第三大类,短篇小说 理由是由于短篇,可读性强,不容易枯燥推荐 1.欧亨利全部2,马克.吐温全部(貌似重复了)3.
俄罗斯裔美籍作家,是一个很有。。冲击力的作家。。。 Scarlet letter(其实是长篇,哈哈) (1852) (1853)The Dolliver Romance and Other Pieces (1876)The Great Stone Face and Other Tales of the White Mountains (1889)4.福克纳的短篇@5.其实莫泊桑和契诃夫的译本也可以。。。 @有人看再更新 这篇真的认真写的,大v们求赞TvT
大一大二的英语课是一个很可爱的英国姑娘来教我们,最后临走给我们留了一个书单,都是她认为现阶段比较适合我们阅读的书。说来惭愧,直到现在大三末了,我都一本未读,没办法给你一个难度等级的建议,昨天收拾搬家才偶然发现了这张书单,现在打到电脑上,算是一个备份,也推荐给喜欢读书的你们。书单如下:Contemporary Literature I recommend
,Lisa1.Life of Pi,Yann Martel2.The Kite Runner,Khaled Hosseini3.The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time,Mark Haddon4.Water for Elephants,Sara Gruen5.Mort(Discworld Series),Terry Pratchett6.Never Let Me Go,Kazuo Ishiguro7.Memoirs of a Geisha,Arthui Golden8.The Green Mile,Stephen King9.Atonement,Ian McEwan10.The Lovely Bones,Alice Sebold11.The Girl with the Gragon Tattoo,Stieg Larsson12.The Time Traveler's Wife,Audrey Niffenegger13.Fight Club,Chuck Palahniuk14.Beloved,Toni Morrison15.The Unbearable Lightness of Being,Milan Kundera16.Midnight's Children,Salman Rushdie17.The Perks of Being a Wallflower,Stephen Chbosky18.The Reader,Bernhard Schlink19.Things Fall Apart,Chinua Achebe20.Girl with a Pearl Earring,Tracy Chevalier21.Disgrace,J.M.Coetzee22.The boy in the Striped Pajamas,John Boyne23.The Shipping News,E.Annie Proulx24.Eat,Pray,Love,Elizabeth Gilbert25.High Fidelity,Nick Hornby26.The English Patient,Michael Ondaatje27.My Sister's Keeper.Jodi Picoult28.The Art of Fielding,Chad Harbach29.Into the world,Jon Krakauer30.Corelli's Mandolin,Louis de Bernieres31.No country for Old Man,Cormac McCarthy32.Angela's Ashes,Frank McCourt33.Schindler's Art,Thomas Keneally34.The God of Small Things,Arundhati Roy35.Bridget Jones's Diary,Helen Fielding36.These Foolish Things(The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel),Deborah Moggach37.The Notebook,Nicholas Sparks38.A Song of Ice and Fire(The Game of Thrones),George R.R.Martin39.Birdsong,Sebastian Faulks40.Chocolate,Joanne Harris41,The Beach,Alex Garland42.The Horse Whisperer,Nicholas Evans
原版书入门到难的几条路子(via豆瓣 奶爸)可能不是太切题,但个人认为还是有一定帮助的~第一条:年轻人的路子,儿童读物——哈利波特之类的YA读物——各种畅销幻想小说——魔戒冰火类的大部头——各种科幻奇幻大师经典搭配偶尔看看杂志第二条:较正统的路子:西德尼谢尔顿——阿加莎克里斯蒂看个四五本——看看19世纪的畅销书,比如福尔摩斯——然后读读18,19世纪文学,狄更斯和奥斯丁等人——再读读欧美近当代名著,比如海明威等等——最后如果有空闲,读读哲学和散文,研究研究莎士比亚。第三条:理工科的路子。先读读各个学科牛人的自传,最好是理工科或者商科人士,比如iwoz,和鞋店Zappos的老板的delivering happiness——读读纽约时报的non fiction的bestseller,其中不乏很多精品,比如Malcolm的——读读本专业教材以上皆为泛读,若要精读,推荐读读经济学人和华尔街日报对中国事件的一些评论,读读乔治奥威尔的散文,读读Bill Bryson的随笔最后再给个李赋宁老先生推荐的路子:先读读欧美的畅销书,比如Nicholas Sparks这种,简单,然后读读外国文学翻译成英文的比如村上春树,红与黑,三剑客,这些书翻的很好,用语也很规范,最后再读读欧美本土的文学经典
想提高英文能力不要看文笔优美的而要看情节紧张的。例如一个人的双手被固定在桌面上,再过一定时刻钱送不来这双手就会被砍下......。Money Changers,作者Arthur Hailey(他的书都好看),有不同的版本,简写本适合初级,原版适合提高类。什么时候你只是看故事忘了自己是在看英文那就算读进去了。
所有答案里面没有一个看好英语书的,所以列出来的全都是陈旧无比的书,这些东西五百年后再读也不晚。读新书,读当代文学啊!你都多大年纪了?还看狄更斯,你小学初中都干嘛去了?还有,别一读奥威尓就1984,一读那谁就百年孤独,你以为他们是大陆男歌手啊,一辈子就指着一部作品,看看其他几本啊。还有排名第一的答案,充分体现了欧美高中文化程度的家庭妇女的阅读水平。书,无论什么语言,都分有营养和没营养。答案巨混蛋无比,但都是真话。好吧,不说俩作家就显得我这回答没意义似的。哎。不说non-fiction了,就说说小说吧。三个作家必读的,俩美国一个英国。David foster Wallace,George
Saunders,Julian Barnes。这仨超级主流,千万别说冷门。Zadie smith和罗琳,我当然推荐前者啊!哈利波特还需要推荐吗?我妹妹小学都看哈利波特了,还需要你们推荐?小王子。。。这就好像老外问有什么好看的中文书吗,您说阿凡提,或者葫芦娃。您这是卖(dou)萌(bi)吗?如果你英语不好,想通过读英语原著提高英语水平,我推荐你看新闻,杂志。那英语难度中等,用法地道,适合作为学英语的读物。如果您说我不,我就要看原版书,那我就说看点英国作家写的书。不是很难,还很规范。奥威尔您别看1984(看不懂的几率很高),您去看看向加泰罗尼亚致敬;您说乔伊斯的尤利西斯太意识流,您就看看青年艺术家;如果您说我不,我不爱看英国作家,我要看美国作家,也没问题,看看保罗奥斯特(四级词汇),看看海明威(日报社的词汇难度)都可以。最起码它们都是书。您还可以说,我不爱看外国哪些屁事,不好玩。也成啊,看看彼得海斯勒(何伟)和他媳妇的书。如果您说您还是不高兴,愿意看类型小说,激烈精彩的。还是可以啊,英国的看看勒卡雷;美国看看Grisham,看看King,Clancy都可以。简单的说英美文学也分两条线一个是畅销文学一个是严肃文学。您对比您看的中文书,中文看哪条线,英文就也奔着那条线去。我说的以上是活着的老外会看的书,请看。好看的书太多了,多到都不知道先看哪一本。好奇这道问题下面的排名靠前答案怎么能这么low。
快速入门指南(入门并不是说文学价值低,用简单的语言描述深刻的思想也是一种牛逼, 如 乔治奥威尔的 动物农场)。入门后就可以根据自己的兴趣选取,差异不过是翻字典的频率罢了。一:短小精悍型:1 Flipped (怦然心动,读起来轻松愉悦) 2 Animal Farm (动物农场,诙谐辛辣) 3Silas Marner (织工马楠,艾略特略具有童话色彩的短篇,难度比前两本大一些,堪称打开19世纪最伟大女性作家世界的钥匙,她的其他作品是非常虐的。。)二.流行作品类:没有一定的语言基础,就直接碰大部头的经典作品,十有八九收获的是失望。经典虽然用词讲究,意义深邃,但对于一个缺乏文学锻炼的人来说是难以理解的,其结果是翻了一两页就停止了。红楼梦虽好,但小学生,初中生怕是不太读得进的。英文更是如此,在图书馆借过狄更斯等的作品,发现前几页都注满了单词解释,后面就空空如也了。借书的肯定觉得自己读完此书就可以独步英语界了,可惜高估了自己的接受能力。我记得高中时代很爱读玄幻(如诛仙 蛮荒等),现在想来,觉得幼稚,但或许那也是一种积淀吧。英语于我们而言并非母语,何不读一些流行作品作为过渡呢?1. 哈利波特,童年回忆,大多数人都读过中文版或看过电影,入手起来相当简单,而且有那么多本,读完一个系列,英语水平就可以上一个台阶。2. 直接推一个作家,Nicholas Sparks,读过他的Dear John,Safe Haven (都是以爱情为主题吧,泪点充足,难度适度,程度好的甚至可以在地铁上, 高铁上 ,飞机上看)3 再推一个作家,他的作品有达芬奇密码 天使与魔鬼,最近新出了一个Inferno(地狱?感兴趣请自查)。他的作品既文艺又悬疑,并且情节紧凑,故事的纵轴也就两三天,因此拿起来就很难放下。
读他的书还有一个好处, 可以当小说版孤独星球用,譬如去巴黎和卢浮宫前看看达芬奇密码,去罗马梵蒂冈前看看天使与魔鬼,去地狱前,不。。。是去佛罗伦萨和威尼斯前看看inferno。读完以后文化背景一下子就都知道了,可以给同去的小伙伴们当讲解装13了。4.各种书籍的英译本,比如你喜欢村上的话可以看看英文版的挪威森林 1q84,因为是译著,用词不是很难5. One Day , 看过电影的话建议补一下,很温暖的一本书,平平淡淡才是真。三. 最后的入门(建议前面的作品至少看过两三本后再进入这个系列)1the catcher in the rye麦田守望者,很适合高中或大学阶段阅读,年龄大了的话可能就没有那么多共鸣了。(16岁看村上的 海边的卡夫卡 肯定比61岁时看要好一些 )2 to kill a mocking bird 看完后,对成长 教育 歧视 公平与公正等会有新的认识3 强推追风筝的人和灿烂千阳,高中时没有看,因为我不大喜欢跟风,前一阵听了追风筝的人的有声书,觉得很值得一读。作者来自阿富汗,语言难度自然不会很高。PS.曾想过各种方法提高英语,背过gre 买过vocabulary builder等 但都收效甚微。后来机缘巧合,读了麦田守望者,当时只能读个大意,有时候成段都不知所云,所幸还是坚持下来了。读完以后发现自己的英语确实不一样了。读原著才是提高英语最有效的方法PS2.0如何判断自己已经完成了入门阶段的修炼? 以前的老师这样教诲我们,什么时候读英文不用正襟危坐,可以在很放松的状况下阅读的话就说明自己英文学到家了。前面提到在地铁上 高铁上阅读,如果你已经达到这个境界的话,英语就已经走出这一阶段了。PS3.0 关于英语的答题大家的认可是继续答题的动力
啦啦啦我来给大家介绍一个找英文书的好方法~~那就是:看美国大学的课本!由于这些课本都是教授挑的,基本上都很有针对性,书籍的总体质量也很好书单的话请访问以下网页 这个是我们学校买教科书的网站可结合选课网站一同使用效果更佳具体操作步骤:到选课网站上找感兴趣的课,然后去买书网站上找相对应的书,很方便有木有?就酱
强烈推荐《Short Stories For Comprehension》 共12册,难度循序渐进。这是一系列超级幽默的英美原汁原味笑话集合。同时含有习题和讲解。看笑话,思考笑话本身就很迷人,同时了解文化。我初中的时候就是看了这套书,英文能力突飞猛进!适合所有人!
看到英文四级,不知是不是题主谦虚....就提一本简单的书,内容还算有趣又能提高学习效率的书,算是初级热热身吧。磨刀不误砍柴工,学习方法类的书还是要看一点的,《Learn more Study less》就是这样一本书;而且篇幅不算长,也就两百多页,排版精美,适合速战速决,绝对成就感爆棚;插图很多,形象生动;关键句子不算复杂,段落比较短,好理解,难度应该和四级阅读差不多(所以题主上手起来应该没问题);目前也有中文译本,叫做《如何高效学习》,遇到晦涩难懂的地方可以参考一下。(当年阅读能力就靠参照着译文研究四六级阅读文章慢慢提高的,不理解地阅读输入是无效的)找不到原著封面,就贴一张中文版的封面吧悲催的是英文版的只能找到pdf版的,怎么找的就不用说了吧,题主就凑合着看吧。。。。
《The Perks of Being a Wallflower》(《壁花少年》,艾玛有主演同名电影),《The Perks of Being a Wallflower》(《壁花少年》,艾玛有主演同名电影),Stephen Chbosky 著整本书都是Charlie写的信,对于四级来说看下去应该毫无压力,而且可以顺便了解一下美国高中生的高中生活和遣词造句。(都是青春啊。)
艺术和摄影类TOP 1The Oldest Living Things in the WorldThe Oldest Living Things in the World 堪称一部史诗般的作品。艺术家 Rachel Sussman 用了十年的时间环游世界,拍摄那些已经在地球上存活超过 2000 年的生物奇观。她的足迹遍布五大洲,从南极洲到 格陵兰,从加州的莫哈韦沙漠到澳大利亚内陆,内容之丰富绝对让读者大开眼界。这本书用一幅幅影像记录了存活于“现在”中的“过去”,这些古老的生物奇观存在于各个大洲,有每世纪增厚一厘米的格陵兰地衣,也有美国俄勒冈州的肉食真菌。她用镜头记录了一部活着的地球历史——其中一些很可能在不久的将来真正得成为历史。截至目前,已经有两种书中记录的植物因为人类活动而灭绝,因此这本书更显宝贵。文学小说类TOP 1Everything I Never Told You“Lydia死了,但她的父母还毫不知情……”故事是这样开头的。华裔女作家 CelesteNg 用细腻的笔触,讲述了70 年代的俄亥俄小镇,一个由华裔父亲和白人母亲组成的家庭中发生的故事。Lydia 是家里最受宠的孩子,父母都对她寄予厚望——母亲 Marilyn 希望她成为一名医生而不是主妇,父亲 James Lee 则想要她成为学校里最受欢迎的女孩,处处都是目光的焦点。当 Lydia 的尸体在湖中出现,表面维持着平衡的家庭开始陷入混乱,他们各自道出藏在内心已久的秘密,这个家越来越分崩离析。Celeste 早年跟随父母从香港移居美国,对亚裔在美国社会中的孤独和疏离感深有体会,因此书中也着力探讨了跨种族结合家庭中,文化差异引发的各种问题,以及“家”对于他们的意义。传记类TOP 1The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace这是一本真情流露的传记,讲述了非裔美国人Robert Peace 短暂的一生。年轻的他走出纽瓦克贫民窟,考取常春藤名校,也因此开始在两个截然不同的世界之间反复挣扎。作者Jeff Hobbs 是Robert 在耶鲁大学的室友兼好友。Robert来自犯罪横行的纽瓦克贫民窟,父亲入狱,母亲收入微薄,但他还是凭借优异的成绩考入了耶鲁——这本该让他的生活大大改善,但事实并非如此,无论是在耶鲁还是在纽瓦克,Robert Peace都成了格格不入的异类。The Short and Tragic Life of Robert Peace 包含了当今美国社会出现频率最高的几类冲突:种族、阶级、毒品、监狱、教育、家庭、友情和爱情。书中呈现了两个几乎不相干的世界——常春藤和贫民窟——之间无法逾越的鸿沟。非虚构类TOP 1Savage Harvest洛克菲勒家族是美国历史上举足轻重的大家族,而1961年,家族第四代成员Michael Rockefeller 在探访原始部落时离奇的失踪更是让全世界猜测至今。知名记者 Carl Hoffman 重走了同一段旅程,从他撰写的新书Savage Harvest 里,我们终于得以知晓令人惊诧的历史真相。Carl 沿着Michael Rockefeller 失踪前的路线,进入了新几内亚原始丛林,只身闯入了一个充斥着野蛮人和食人族的神秘世界。他认识和了解了当地的阿斯玛特人,并通过长时间调查,找到了失踪事件的知情人。在这本融合了历史、艺术、冒险和种族文化的新书中,一个信奉古老习俗和传说的原始部落被推到读者面前。它也藉由这位来自美国最富有、最有权势家族的学者的离奇死亡,呈现出“现代”和“原始”之间的激烈冲突。言情类TOP 1Written in My Own Heart’s Blood在上一部大热小说Outlander 中,作者Diana 讲述了一位已婚的战地护士,从1945年穿越到1743年的苏格兰。CNN 评价它为“一场深入心扉、叩问灵魂的伟大冒险。”同名电视剧已在美国播出。而在今年推出的新书Written in My Own Heart’s Blood 里,故事还在继续。1778 年,法国向英国开战。作者以此为背景,描绘了大量人物,建立起彼此交错、令人称道的故事线,并融入了大量史料——最终呈现出一部让人一读就停不下来的小说作品。烹饪与美食类TOP 1The Slanted Door作为有着“美食奥斯卡”之称的詹姆斯比尔德奖得主,大厨Charles Phan 在新书里讲述了他与开在旧金山的越南餐厅The Slanted Door 之间的故事。1995年,Charles 受家乡越南影响,在旧金山开了这家越南餐厅。此后的二十年间,餐厅的知名度越来越高,他对传统越南菜的改良也受到各路食客、大厨和美食评论家的喜爱。TheSlanted Door 讲述了餐厅与食客、食物之间的故事,同时附上了几乎所有招牌菜的食谱,让读者可以在家中尝试制作店里的美味。科幻奇幻类TOP 1Station Eleven一个雪夜,知名演员Arthur Leander 在演出《李尔王》时心脏病突发,观众席中的记者、前内科医生Jeevan 上台为他急救,但仍然回天乏术。同一天晚上,突如其来的可怕流感开始大范围蔓延。15年后,当初目睹 Arthur 在舞台上离世的新人 Kirsen 也将演出莎士比亚的戏剧,他遭遇一位先知,扬言会为所有愿意离场的人挖掘坟墓……Station Eleven 是一部大胆的、略带黑暗的小说,讲述好莱坞演员、记者和旅行剧团,为了艺术和人性赌上一切的故事。青年文学类TOP 1We Were LiarsWe Were Liars 是一个关于夏天、青春和秘密的故事。女孩 Cadence 每年夏天都会到外祖父名下的小岛上消夏,某天深夜她独自下海游泳,不幸头部撞上石头,失去了所有的记忆。但在那之后,Cadence被禁止回到岛上,这让她更疯狂地想要找回曾经的记忆。那一夜到底发生了什么?为何她会在深夜独自游泳?为何所有人都闭口不谈这件事?真相到底是什么?谎言交织着谎言,构成了整个故事的线索,而结局的出乎意料更是让读完小说的读者大呼绝妙。科普类TOP 1What If ?What If ?是知名网站xkcd 上的漫画作品合集,每一幅都解答了一个你也许从来没有想过的神奇问题。每周都有数百万人登陆,只为看到Randall Munroe 的最新作品。他用标志性的简笔人物形象作画,以此回答来自粉丝们的各种问题,领域涉及科学、技术、语言、爱情等。比如“如果用90%的光速击打排球会发生什么?”、“最快可以用多少速度冲向减速带,还能让你活下去?”为了寻求答案,Munroe无所不用其极——他用电脑进行模拟、在成堆的军事研究材料里疯狂搜索、找核反应操作员聊天……再将得出的答案创作成独具风格的漫画,最终集合成这部兼具科普和趣味的创意版《十万个为什么》。有声书类TOP 1The Innovators乔布斯传》作者Walter Isaacson 推出有声书The Innovators,书中记述了更多IT 界传奇人物的故事,它也注定成为现代数字革命的一部标准史。这些IT 界传奇们是如何吸引投资人实现他们的创意的?又是什么让他们的思维产生质的飞跃?他们中哪些人成功了,哪些人却遭遇惨败?这本有声书让大佬们亲口述说自己的经历,向这个不断孵化创造力的时代进行一次集体致敬。漫画卡通类TOP 1Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant?Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant? 是漫画家 Roz Chast 基于自身家庭经历的创作,将她最具代表性的幽默融入“年迈的父母”这一主题中,用漫画讲述了处在人生最后阶段的父亲母亲的小故事,让人读下来笑中带泪。作为独生子女的Roz,在照顾父母上需要承担更多压力,书中除了漫画,也包含了真实的家庭照片和她用文字写成的心声,让经历过相同阶段的读者产生巨大共鸣。家居类TOP 1The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up来自日本的居家达人Marie Kondo 在书中手把手地教读者利用她独创的“KonMari 整理法”,轻轻松松简化收纳方式,更好地利用每一寸家居空间。对很多人来说,坚持整理通常都是最难做到的,而Marie Kondo 认为只要按照她的方式进行分类,就无需日继一日地反复。她的秘诀在于“细致、细致、更细致的分类”,读者也能够通过这本书,既了解到日本最热门的生活方式,更能享受整理的乐趣。历史类TOP 1the Kingdom of Ice19 世纪末期,当时的人类对于世界上最后一块未被探知的区域——北极——陷入了疯狂的着迷,没有人知道北冰洋的另一边藏着怎样的世界。当时首屈一指的地图绘制师、德国人August Petermann 坚持认为,在地球的顶端有一个常年翠绿的岛屿,是暖流汇聚的人间天堂。一向特立独行的《纽约先驱报》拥有者James Gordon Bennett 投资建立了一支探险队,32 名队员带着疑问和好奇,开始了迈向未知世界的探险。
推荐&&Demons ing the spring&&(我最近才看的)by Joe Meno.如果条件允许,可以买原版书看哟,包装精美,纸质优良,里面的插画画的也很有风格。(这个图体现不了它的精美,一定要去找纸质的哟)。google book上也可以搜到。如果条件允许,可以买原版书看哟,包装精美,纸质优良,里面的插画画的也很有风格。(这个图体现不了它的精美,一定要去找纸质的哟)。google book上也可以搜到。它是收集了20个不同故事,和以往中规中矩看的故事不太一样,故事情节会比较反转,有的看了之后会觉得极度孤独,或者有的有点小感动,总之每篇故事情节会特别不一样。难度系数:3颗星。但是如果你跳过所有的生词,也能完全读懂。我就是这么跳着读,没有查一个词^-^纯属故事,跟任何专业领域都不相干,不会影响理解。至于兴趣,因为有20个故事,情节完全互不相干,所以你想看哪篇就哪篇。
I recommend reading some Ernest Hemingway, who writes in a very simple and clear way. This is a good start. I would not recommend William Shakespeare books until your English is at an extremely advanced level, as he writes in Old English, and this is hard for even native speakers to understand. One of my personal favourite books is The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.
这种问题下的回答居然没人推荐GEB真是匪夷所思···G?del, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid 作者侯世达→ →
最好是从小说入门吧 看原版哈利波特考出托福雅思高分的宣传广告不少了。小说有趣味 能一口气读下去 不至于用毅力去啃。A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE不错 挺耐看的 而且有七本 够读的。还有HBO同名的电视剧,看原文没看懂可以用电视剧补补剧情。。}


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