实在搞不懂毛子怎么把德国h 44超级战列舰舰设定成这样

您的当前位置:>> >战舰世界资讯:毛子如何对付图纸船的
10:58:58 条|来源:多玩坦克世界|作者:姬海棠Hatate|
  As we have previously mentioned, World of Warships features many so-called &paper ships& & ships that were never built, existing only as plans and sketches. A lot of these exotic projects lend variety to the game&s design processes, and also help sustain balance in the nations& tech trees. Among them is the USS Montana & the only American battleship capable of offering a challenge to the well-known Yamato. Though in reality this steel giant was never constructed, in World of Warships these two rivals will be able to meet and fight for the first time!
  First Steps第一步
  Today we&re going to talk about the difficulties of bringing paper ships to life. In order to create a model that looks authentic, the artists and game designers need more than just one sketch & theoretical drawings, plans of the decks and platforms, armament schemes, the general arrangement of machines, cellars, ship mechanisms, devices and equipment & are all necessary. In fact, poring over all the available material is the first and most labour-intensive part of designing a paper ship. We put ourselves in the shoes of the original designers and consider the characteristics that were introduced in the construction of these ships: how did engineering develop during that time? What vessels came before the paper ship? What kinds of materials were used and what technologies were applied? Using all available information, we design the layouts of the modules, including the power plant, armament, armor, artillery cellar, hangars with aircraft catapults, boats and much more.
  今天我们就来讨论一下我们是如何制作这些图纸船的。首先,为了制作比较真实的模型,美工和设计师需要大量的资料&&&&不仅仅是草图,还要技术资料,甲板的结构,武器配备,轮机舱的位置&&&&等等,不一而足。事实上,收集这些资料是第一步,但却是最耗费人力物力的一步。我们要设身处地,想想自己就是设计师,然后考虑各个问题:当时的工程学是如何发展的呢? 什么船是这条图纸船的前身呢?当时这条船用了什么材料和科技呢?运用手头所有能用的信息,我们设计出各个部件:包括动力设备,武器,装甲,各个舱室还有弹射器,救生艇这些。
  Along with this, the mass load is determined. Mass load is the combined weight of all the parts that comprise the vessel. A ship structure consists of a fixed and variable weight: fixed weight is the weight of the hull, weapons, armor, machinery, electrical equipment, and other necessary devices & the variable weight includes fuel, ammunition, crew, and other freight.
  At each stage of layout, the overall displacement of the ship is checked, as well as its margin of stability. After all, if all the stuff on a ship weighs too much, then you may have to sacrifice armor, or install a smaller power plant. If most of the important modules simply cannot fit into the body & or on the contrary, there&s lots of free space & you have to go back to modifying the dimensions of the ship&s body, increasing or decreasing its length, width, draft and height.
  Thus, by using a method of successive approximations, a balanced ship is created. It&s no exaggeration to say that the techniques used to design paper ships are exactly the same as the process for real ships.
  The Design Process
  Though the techniques used to design a paper ship are well established, we can encounter many pitfalls during the process. For example, someone may bring up a lack of engine power. In order to ensure the ship in question can raise enough speed for its class, we must choose a power plant capable of supplying the necessary power. To do this, you need to explore all the available information on propulsion systems that were installed similar ships, taking into consideration all those that could have existed during the selected period of history. As an example, let&s have a look at project G-15, the Japanese Super Taiho, which was the successor to the Taiho, the most advanced aircraft carrier of the Imperial Navy.
  虽然我们已经确定了设计图纸船的技术,不过我们在设计过程中经常遇上麻烦。比如,有的时候碰上动力不足的问题,为了确保这条船有足够的速度,我们必须选择合适的动力设备确保船只有足够的功率。 为了做到这一点,我们得搜索任何有关这条船推进系统的资料,然后将这些带入到那个特定年代的环境。举个例子,G-15,或者说改大凤型(PS:毛子这里所说的G-15似乎和我们所认识的G-15不同,毛子这个G-15比真实的G-15大了一圈,说不定是另外一个设计方案,这点请注意),大凤的后继者,日本最新锐的航母。
  According to all the sketches and drawings, the air group of project G-15 included more than a hundred aircraft. However, after we did our own calculations, we concluded that the total number simply could not fit inside the ship as we were planning it & we would have had to significantly increase the size of the housing, which in turn would affect the speed and seaworthiness of the ship. So, if we wanted the carrier to develop the desired speed, we would have to increase the required number of propellers up to six (which would &inflate& the size of the ship), or alternatively, look for a new power plant with more power per shaft.
  We solved the problem with the help of historical consultants who found material that Japanese engineers had tried to use to develop a new kind of power plant. But, due to the lack of resources coupled with a difficult economic situation during the war, the power plant never saw final production. Fortunately, we don&t have that problem! The new power plant fit the body like a glove, enlarged slightly to accommodate the hangars, and could attain 240,000 horsepower, which radically changed the situation.
  The Three Lexingtons
  Another difficulty in designing paper ships is incorporating external limitations that must also be taken into account. For example, when you are expanding the ship&s body, you cannot ignore t indeed, all American ships were built with the Panama Canal in mind.
  One of the most interesting representatives of aircraft carriers was the L a series of heavy aircraft carriers from the United States Navy during the 1920s. According to the results of the Washington Treaty in 1922, leading countries such as Japan, USA, Britain, France and Italy imposed restrictions on the construction of new linear and capital ships, the displacement of which exceeds 35,000 tons.
  就以美国的列克星敦级为例,这一级航母是美国在20年代建造的。根据1922年的华盛顿海军条约,日本 美国 英国 意大利 法国都被限制了新型战舰的建造,已经35000吨排水量的限制。
  As a result, unfinished ships had to be disassembled, including six battle cruisers of the Lexington class. As it was provided in the contract, displacement of carriers was limited by 27,000 tons, &except for two aircraft carriers, which can have a displacement up to 33,000 tons, and for the construction body of battleships and battle cruisers can be used, which upon contract were to be disassembled.& As a result, two unfinished cruisers of the same type were completed in five years.
  Eventually, the project turned out pretty ambiguous. On one hand, new ships had good anti-torpedo protection, large cellars for air-bombs, and powerful lifts for aircraft. On the other hand, the aircraft carrier was a half-knot slower than if it was built from scratch. Its hangars and fuel tanks were significantly smaller and the runway lacked width due to the shape of the body. In addition, the transformation from cruisers didn&t cost any less than building a completely new aircraft.
  Our task was to design a third, unproduced aircraft carrier of the Lexington class. According to the plan, it had to be based on an unfit-to-launch cruiser of the same class. That was the CC-4 Ranger, the sixth in a series of unfinished cruisers。
  This decision allowed us to expand the body, keeping the same length as in original Lexington. In this case, we took into account all the external factors, such as limiting the width of the Panama Canal and a loss of speed due to increased water resistance. We have managed to place an enlarged hangar, expanded flight deck, and change the location of the guns.
  As on Lexington and Saratoga, cellars were placed far enough away from the guns to make it quite difficult to supply ammunition and gunpowder to them. In our design, the cellars are located directly under the guns. Another major change was a new layout for engine and boiler rooms. We even managed to fix a number of layout problems in the original Lexington by redistributing the load mass.
  The main difficulty in designing &paper ships& is that we need to re-create the most authentic, viable ship based only on publicly available sketches and on previously unexplored historical materials. Often on these projects, the internal arrangement of major vehicle modules was not taken into account, such as engine and boiler rooms, or the cellars. When we encounter that, we have to carefully review and, in fact, re-design the interior layout of the ship.
  When working on the Japanese cruiser Tengu (1941), placing the power plant was necessary to change the location of the gun turrets in the extremities of the hull. In order to provide heavy extremities with buoyancy we gave it a bit more of a complete form. In addition, the cruiser had to have triple-gun turrets, which in reality weren&t built. Unfortunately, their drawings and sketches were never found, and because of that, we had to design them based on other Japanese turrets of the same period.
  After receiving all the necessary calculations and layouts from the technical department, the artists and game designers start putting together this magnificent puzzle. Through a set of drawings, diagrams, plans, and possibly photos, little by little they re-create the look of a steel giant which otherwise never got a chance to see the water.
  1.日本10级航母G-15,或者说SG-15,Super Taiho
  2.日本10级重巡 CA1941A(或者叫Tengu1941)
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友情链接: |毛子的37毫米防空炮(M1939)和博福斯40毫米防空炮相比,如何?_战列舰吧_百度贴吧
鞍山的舰首还有纹章?后来的PLA NAVY没这了。
没有可比性吧 毛子工艺一直都很粗糙实用性怎么也要打个7折吧
瑞典的博福斯 瑞士的厄利空 德国都能弄到,为啥要用手拉机呢~
保存至快速回贴毛子 你合适么,这白板的扶桑。。我真是日了poi了。_战舰世界吧_百度贴吧
毛子 你合适么,这白板的扶桑。。我真是日了poi了。
尼玛和谐违章建筑就算了。。。射程14公里都不到是神马鬼。。14公里射程20节航母 浑身装甲区 你TM让我卖萌么。。。玩了3把 第一局开门见小衣。 第二把
对面 埃塞克斯+突击者
我们家太太一只。。。直接过来炸我来了。第三局 又看见小衣。。。我艹 我这14公里射程怎么玩。。。
喵的没给你金刚建成8km就算好的————————————北上,8级最坑船没有之一第一,谁这边北上多,谁输  第二,转向性极差!第三,雷射程不够第四,炮是渣渣第五,虽是8级装甲只有4级,打上去就对穿第六,仇恨高,一旦你被点亮,你已经死了第七,雷死队友的情况!数她最多第八,这个金币船太贵!————来自花式黑北上的Zhentai『我说的都是事实啊喂!』
我扶桑白板冲脸玩的 只能这样 找拐角直接10公里内对射 就算赢不了也打人家不少血 完全体21.7的射程还是挺爽的
你们天天都讨论我,有意思吗?————————————————~( ̄▽ ̄~)~北宅,北宅,我的女王殿下,快来调教我吧!


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