rumpelstilt houseskin的作者是谁

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Rumpelstiltskin or Rumplestiltskin is the antagonist of a fairy tale that originated in Germany (where he is known as Rumpelstilzchen). The tale was collected by the
in the 1812 edition of . It was subsequently revised in later editions.
In order to make himself appear more superior, a
lies to the king, telling him that his daughter can
straw into gold (Some versions make the miller's daughter
and describe the "straw-into-gold" claim as a careless boast the miller makes about the way his daughter's straw-like blonde hair takes on a gold-like luster when sunshine strikes it). The king calls for the girl, shuts her in a tower room filled with straw and a , and demands that she spin the straw into gold by morning or he will
(other versions have the king threatening to lock her up in a dungeon forever). She has given up all hope until an -like creature appears in the room and spins the straw into gold for her in return for her necklace (since he only comes to people seeking a deal/trade). When the king takes the girl, on the next morning, to a larger room filled with straw to repeat the feat, the imp spins in return for the girl's ring. On the
day, when the girl has been taken to an even larger room with straw and told by the king that he will marry her if she can fill this room with gold or kill her if she cannot, the girl has nothing left with which to pay the strange creature. He extracts from her a promise that her firstborn child will be given to him, and spins the room full of gold a final time.
The king keeps his promise to marry the miller's daughter. But when their first child is born, the imp returns to claim his payment: "Now give me what you promised." The now-queen offers him all the wealth she has if she may keep the child. The imp has no interest in her riches, but finally consents to give up his claim to the child if the queen is able to guess his name within three days. Her many guesses over the first two days fail, but before the final night, she wanders out into the woods searching for the imp and comes across his remote mountain cottage and watches, unseen, as the imp hops about his fire and sings. In his song's lyrics, "tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll go to the king's house, nobody knows my name, I'm called 'Rumpelstiltskin'", he reveals his name. Some versions have the imp limiting the number of daily guesses to three and hence the total number of guesses allowed to a maximum of nine.
When the imp comes to the queen on the third day and she, after first feigning ignorance, reveals his true name, Rumpelstiltskin, he loses his temper and his bargain. (Versions vary about whether he accuses the devil or witches of having revealed his name to the queen.) In the 1812 edition of the Brothers Grimm tales, Rumpelstiltskin then "ran away angrily, and never came back". The ending was revised in a final 1857 edition to a more gruesome ending wherein Rumpelstiltskin "in his rage drove his right foot so far into the ground that it san then in a passion he seized the left foot with both hands and tore himself in two". Other versions have Rumpelstiltskin driving his right foot so far into the ground that he creates a chasm and falls into it, never to be seen again. In the oral version originally collected by the brothers Grimm, Rumpelstiltskin flies out of the window on a cooking ladle.
The same story pattern appears in numerous other cultures: Tom Tit Tot in England (from English Tales by ),
in Scotland (from 's Popular Rhymes of Scotland), Gilitrutt in Iceland, Joaidane ?????? in Arabic (he who talks too much), Khlamushka Хламушка (junker) in Russia, Rumplcimprcampr, Rampelník or Martin Zvonek in the Czech Republic, Martinko Klingá? in Slovakia, Ruidoquedito (meaning "little noise") in South America, Pancimanci in Hungary (from A Csodafurulya by Kolozsvari Grandpierre Emil), Cvilidreta (whine-screamer) in Serbia and Croatia, Tremotino in Italy, Ootz-li Gootz-li ????-?? ????-?? in Israel (a compact and rhymy touch to the original sentence and meaning of the story, "He advised me and then turned me into a joke"), Daiku to Oniroku (daiku means "a carpenter", to means "and", and Oniroku is an ogre's name), "大工と鬼六" in Japan and "Myrmidon" in France.
These tales are
type 500, The Name of the Helper.
Another of the Grimm's tales revolves about a girl trapped by false claims about her spinning abilities, . However, the three women who assist that girl do not demand her firstborn, but instead ask that she invite them to her wedding and say that they are relatives of hers. She complies, and when the three appear at the wedding, amazing the king with their ugliness, they tell the king that their various deformities (an overgrown thumb in one, a pendulous lip in the second, an enormous foot in the third) are the result of their years of spinning. The horrified king decrees that the bride will spin no more. In contrast to Rumpelstiltskin's self-seeking, therefore, these helpers ask only the "payment" of extending their benevolence to the heroine, and ensure that she will not need their help again. In one Italian variant, the girl must discover their names, as with Rumpelstiltskin, but not for the same reason: she must use their names to invite them, and she has forgotten them.
The name Rumpelstilzchen in
means literally "little rattle stilt". (A stilt is a post or pole which provides support for a structure.) A rumpelstilt or rumpelstilz was the name of a type of goblin, also called a pophart or poppart that makes noises by rattling posts and rapping on planks. The meaning is similar to rumpelgeist ("rattle ghost") or , a mischievous spirit that clatters and moves household objects. (Other related concepts are mummarts or
that are mischievous household spirits that disguise themselves.) The ending -chen is a German diminutive cognate to English -kin.
The earliest known mention of Rumpelstiltskin occurs in 's Geschichtklitterung, or Gargantua of 1577 (a loose adaptation of
) which refers to an "amusement" for children named "Rumpele stilt or the Poppart".
Translations of the original Grimm fairy tale (KHM 55) into various languages have generally substituted different names for the dwarf, whose name is Rumpelstilzchen in the original.
For some languages, a name was chosen that comes close in sound to the German name: Rumpelstiltskin in English, Repelsteeltje in , and Rumpelstichen in . He is known as P?ronskaft in
(literally "Pear stalk"); the sense of stilt or stalk of the second part is retained. In
and , he is known as Rumleskaft (literally "Rumble shank"). In other languages an entirely different and generally meaningless name was selected, such as Barbichu, Broumpristoche, Grigrigredinmenufretin, Outroupistache, Tracassin or Perlimpinpin in various translations to .
translations use Titelitury or Rumpelsztyk,
translations use Κουτσοκαλιγ?ρη?,
translations use Rumplcimprcampr or Rampelník,
translations use Martinko Klingá?, and
ones Tittelintuure.
has Tremotino (which loosely means Little Earthquake), ,
Cvilidreta, and
??? ?? ??? ?? (Ootzly-Gootzly), a name chosen by the poet
when using the fairy tale as the basis of a children's , now a classic among Hebrew children's plays. In Spain, the character's name is Rumpelstinski and Rumpelestíjeles.
The Rumpelstiltskin Problem by .
The Witch's Boy By Michael Gruber.
Rumpelstiltskin appeared in "The Book of Lost Things" with the nickname "Crooked Man".
In 's short fiction, Rumpelstiltskin's Daughter, Rumpelstiltskin falls in love with and marries the miller's daughter and helps her escape from the king. The main character turns out to be their only daughter, Hope.
In Shelley Chappell's short fiction, Ranpasatusan the miller's daughter is a minstrel's daughter who travels to Japan.
Elizabeth C. Bunce's novel A Curse Dark as Gold was inspired by the story of Rumpelstiltskin. The miller's daughter is written as a strong female character determined to save the failing mill and the town that depends on it.
's On Lickerish Hill, found in , is a version of Tom Tit Tot.
's "Guess My Name", published in the "Once Upon a World" series, is a retelling of the Welsh version of the story.
Rumpelstiltskin appears in issue 4 of
that was a part of "The Treasure of Peg-Leg Wilson" arc.
Rumplestiltskin makes a brief appearance at the beginning of Red Hood's Revenge, the third in 's Princesses series, starring ,
as active heroines. He has abducted several children by luring princes in with promises of marriage to the children who can
he is captured by the three heroines, but is subsequently killed by Roudette, the adult , now an efficient and deadly assassin, while being sent to Fairytown to answer for his crimes.
In 's science fiction novel , Thomas Newton tells Nathan Bryce "My name is Rumplestiltskin." [sic]
is a modern variant on the story, which refers explicitly to the Grimms' version.
In 's novel , a character of the
party is described as being a "Rumpelstiltskin figure" (Ch.IX, p. 188).
In Einstein's Mistakes,
characterizes the physicist
as a Rumpelstiltskin-like character, because he kept his great discoveries in gravity and light to himself for many years.
In 's novel , a man who calls himself Rumplestiltskin threatens a New York psychoanalyst, "In two weeks, Starks must guess his tormentor’s identity. If Starks succeeds, he goes free. If he fails, Rumplestiltskin will destroy, one by one, fifty-two of Dr. Starks’ loved ones—unless the good doctor agrees to kill himself".
Breeana Puttroff, author of the Dusk Gate Chronicles series, has a new book Rumpelstiltskin's Daughter, scheduled to debut in September or October 2014, in which Rumpelstiltskin's story is told from another point of view, where the king makes the queen spin gold and Rumplestiltskin is not the villain.
Rumpel Stiltskin is the main character in J. A. Kazimer's book Curses!
The tale is adapted in the fourth issue of 's series , but it is given an alternative, more tragic ending.
is an impish supervillain who appears in 's
comic books. His origin story somewhat resembles the legend of Rumpelstiltskin.
The song "Split Myself in Two" by the
is inspired and loosely based on the tale.
"Rumplestiltskin" is a song by the Columbus, Ohio underground band
from their album Gibson Under Mountain,
Rumplestiltskin's Resolve is an album by folk-rock musician .
The third movement of 's
is inspired by the story.
from Pennsylvania signed to .
is a Scottish , notable for the fact that one of its band members, , was temporarily a lead vocalist of
released a song named "" on their album , which quotes the original German fairy tale.
"Rumpofsteelskin" is a song by
from the album . The song title is reminiscent of the fairy tale's title.
"Rumplestiltskin" is a
retelling of the fairy tale by
The ballet "Rumpelstiltskin" by the British composer
is based on the tale.
Rumpelstiltskin appears in
voiced by .
Rumpelstiltskin was also featured in NBC's , where the tale is the inspiration for the Season 2 episode "Nameless". He is a type of creature ('Wesen') called a 'Fuchsteufelwild'. The episode featured a Fuchsteufelwild named "Trinket Lipslums", (an anagram of "Rumpelstiltskin"), who is revealed to have helped a team of video game programmers finish an enormously popular . The programmers omitted him from the game's credits since they could not recall his name, so Lipslums starts hunting
as in the original tale, much of the story centers around determining the character's name.
In an episode of the TV show
titled "",
reads his daughter the story of Rumpelstiltskin at bedtime and then leaves her room. She comes out shortly afterward to inform her father that Rumpelstiltskin is in the room with her. O'Brien assumes that it is just her imagination and goes into the room with her only to discover that Rumpelstiltskin is indeed in her room. At the end of the episode it is revealed that Rumpelstiltskin (along with various other manifestations) are in fact aliens that were studying imagination.
In the TV show 's , the second episode, aired originally in 1982, titled "", stars
as Rumpelstiltskin,
as the king, and
as the miller's daughter.
The fairy tale was spoofed in the
segment of the
In the German TV series Spuk unterm Riesenrad, Rumpelstiltskin is the only one of the three evil, living dummies (witch, giant, and Rumpelstiltskin) who doesn't turn good at the end and is frozen by a policeman with a fire extinguisher. He also tries to take over Burg Falkenstein by blackmailing the owner with a fire.
The German TV aired in 2009 an adaptation of the original story of the Grimm Brothers. Rumpelstiltskin was played by . According to the film makers: "We did not want overgrown dwarf, but a prince of the forest, and Stadlober is exactly the right thing." In this adaptation the title character was not created as the usual evil man "who comes out of the woods to do evil", but also shows the human side ". Their Rumpelstiltskin has a desire, namely, to have a man around. The filming location was the same Schloss Bürresheim, which appears as Castle Grunewald in 'Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade'.
television series , Rumplestilskin, played by
is one of the central characters and is shown as a malevolent trickster who can spin straw into gold and prefers his payment in the form of firstborn children. An expert on black magic and the dark arts, this man has wizardly powers to make him a fair match for anyone in the land - even the . The miller's daughter (the Evil Queen's mother) eventually becomes the . In the season three episode , he is revealed to be the son of .
The character "Rumpledkiltskin" appears in the animated series
as the title character. Rumpledkiltskin tricks Muriel and Courage into traveling to Scotland, where he reveals himself and forces Muriel to weave 5,000 quilts. At the end of the episode, his real name is revealed and he gains a change of heart.
Rumpelstiltskin appears in the animated television series , in
episodes "The Music Café", "The Anthem" and "Acheron". Rumpelstiltskin is, according to both Selina and Daphne, the most cunning, most stubborn, and most brilliant dwarf. He lives in the clearing of Alfea. He is also very tricky but follows the agreements he makes with others. Due to being exposed in Alfea, he had learnt powerful enchantments when he lived there.
produced in West-Germany, but also released in the U.S. by
in 1965 and re-released by
in 1974, directed by
starring Werner Krüger as the title character. The film is still aired on German Television.
In 1962's , a dream sequence featured Rumpelstiltskin (played by ) alongside other Grimm characters such as Hansel & Gretel, Snow White, Cinderella, and Tom Thumb.
Rumpelstiltskin is one of the fairy tales featured in the direct-to-video film
where the character was played by .
Rumpelstiltskin appears in the :
The character has also appeared as the antagonist and archenemy in the film , voiced by , manipulating Shrek into making a wish that would erase Shrek from existence after the ogre indirectly thwarted Rumpelstiltskin's chance to become the ruler of Far, Far Away (The king and queen had been about to make a deal with him to free their daughter Fiona from her prison before Shrek saved her). It is implied throughout the film that Rumpelstiltskin's deals have fallen out of favour in Shrek's world as people have learned to be more comfortable with who they are thanks to Shrek's example (such as
rejecting the offer to become a real boy), and Shrek's friend Donkey also mentions that Rumpelstiltskin has changed the clauses in his deals as now everybody knows his name.
Rumpelstiltskin already made an earlier appearance in
as a member of the gang of fairy tale villains
rounds up in an attempt to take over Far, Far Away, where he mistakes his name as "frumpypigskin". However, he had a very different look and was voiced by .
Rumpelstiltskin is one of the deceased characters brought back during the
Rumpelstiltskin appeared in
and , voiced by . In the first film, he is one of the fairy tale villains that side with 's wicked stepmother Frieda after she alters his story.
A , a fairly direct retelling of the fairy tale, starring
as the miller's daughter and
as the title character.
wherein Rumpelstiltskin is trapped in a jade rock for five hundred years until a woman is compelled to purchase the rock from an unusual antique shop. The woman makes a wish that her dead husband come back to life to see their child. Rumpelstiltskin grants her wish, bringing her husband back for one night, then tries to steal the baby from the mother with an attempt to eat the baby's soul. This movie stars
(as Rumpelstiltskin), and
(as the mother of the child).
Avengers Grimm (2015 film) - When Rumpelstiltskin destroys the Magic Mirror and escapes to the modern world, the four princesses of "Once Upon a Time"-Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, and Rapunzel-are sucked through the portal too. Well-trained and endowed with magical powers, the four women must fight Rumpelstiltskin and his army of thralls before he enslaves everyone on Earth. Casper Van Dien plays Rumpelstiltskin
Rumpelstiltskin appears briefly in the Dark Parables sixth installment, Jack and the Sky Kingdom, as a stone imp, (having once been a stone idol animated by a sorcerer, and having since its captivity reverted back to stone). He also appears in the bonus chapter, "Rumpelstiltskin and the Queen", where having claimed the Sky Kingdom's new queen newborn daughter, the queen quests to reclaim her child. After the queen has subdued the imp, the Sky King, corrupted by the imp's magic, keeps the imp hostage to spin him more gold.
Rumpelstiltskin makes an appearance in the first game of the series "King's Quest", by Roberta Williams. While there are variants to his name (in some versions, the name is spelled with a backwards alphabet, a = z, b = y, etc.; in others it is spelled backwards as Nikstlitslepmur), Rumpelstiltskin offers the knight Graham (hero of the story) a reward for guessing his name. When the task is complete, Rumpelstiltskin gives magic beans to Graham, allowing entrance to the land of the giants to acquire the treasure chest of gold, a main quest item in the game.
. SurLaLune Fairy Tales.
Grimm, J Grimm, Wilhelm (2008). Br?derna Grimms sagov?rld (in Swedish). Bonnier Carlsen. p. 72.  .
Elavsky, Cindy (18 September 2014).
This comes from a section of Schumann's journals that is difficult to find and has not been translated into English. See " in Music" and " in Music" for more corroboration.
Roots, Kimberly (). . TVLine.
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1. a dwarf in one of the fairy stories of the brothers G tells a woman he will not hold her to a promise if she can guess his name and when she discovers it he is so furious that he destroys himself
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