骑马与砍杀modwho shou1d be the new marsha1什么意思

don’t know where the sub is? 和 where is the sub?(“我不知道那个接头在哪儿?”
Which well head assembly is better is easy to decide.
& 602.应该使用什么工具也要包括在计划中。
What tools should be used must also included in the plan.
& 603.这口井能否成功现在还很难说。
Whether this well will succeed or not is hard to say now.
& 604.什么时候开钻还没有决定。
When to spud in hasn’t been decided yet.
& 605.新的钻井技术是否真能使我们得到更好的结果必须验证。
Whether the new drilling technique will really enable us to get
better results must be proved.
0ur hope is that the wel1 can be completed as quickly as
& 607.落鱼真的被起出来了。
It's true that the fish has been pulled out of hole.
It has not been proved whether this opinion is right at
It's井有条important that measures should be taken to prevent loss
of circulation.
It's an honor to us that you have come to visit our drill
& 61l.将使用哪科防喷器还没奋决定。
It has not been decided which kind of blowout preventer will be
& 612.我们正在考虑的是应当采取某种措施来防卡。
What we are thinking about is that something should be done to
prevent sticking.
& 613.卡瓦打捞筒和震击器是我们所要用的。
Overshot and jars are what we need to use.
& 614.现在中原油田已不是五年前的样子了。
Now Zhongyuan oilfield is no what she was five years ago.
& 615.我相信你们会成功。
I believe that you will succeed.
& 616.他问这台柴油机消耗了多少燃抖。
He asked how much fuel this diesel engine consumed.
& 617.从你的话中我们学到了许多东西。
We learnt a 1ot from what you said.
& 618.请告诉我,你需要什么。
Please tell me what you need.
& 619.你现在需要的是多实践。
What you need is more practice.
& 620.他们在谈卡钻是怎样发生的。
They are talking about how sticking happened.
& 621.这是给钻工规定的任务。
This is the task which is set for roughnecks.
& 622.这是钻工都感兴趣的另一个项目。
This is another item which is of roughnecks’ interest.
& 623.断了的钻杆被找到了。
The drill pipe that was broken has been found.
& 624.这些是布朗先生为我们选择的参考书。
These are the reference books that Mr. Brown selected for
& 625.哪一位是你要找的打捞工程师?
&Which is the fishing engineer who you wish to
& 626.我们还需要一些这本书所不能提供的其他资料。
We also need some other data which the book doesn't
& 627.在管子站有我们需要的所有打捞工具。
In the pipe yard there are a11 the fishing tools that we
& 628.他拴在那里的那根钢丝绳有什么用处了?
What is the use of that wire which he has fastened there?
& 629.你们已经修好的代纳钻具在哪儿?
Where is the dyna-drill which you repaired?
& 630.这就是他忘记带走的那本钻井手册。
Here is the drilling manual which he forgot to take along.
& 631.你读的这本泥浆手册一定很有用。
The mud manual that you are reading must be very useful.
& 632.你让格林先生捎给我的口信我已收到了。
I have received the message that you sent to me by Mr.
& 633.A.w.先生是每个钻工都喜欢的技师。
Mr. A.W is a too1pusher whom every roughneck loves.
& 634.他是一个可以信赖的司钻。
He is a driller whom you can believe in.
& 635.我认识你们正在谈论的那位钻井技师。
I know the drilling tool-pusher whom you are talking
& 636.你见过每个钻工都感兴趣的那个液压大钳吗?
Have you seen the hydraulic tongs in which every roughneck is
& 637.他是一个我愿意接受其意见的司钻。
He is a driller whose opinions I like to accept.
& 638.孙先生是将要和你一起打这口井的人。
Mr. Sun will be the one with whom you will drill this
& 639.有一个我们正在考虑的周计划。
There is a week plan which we are thinking about.
& 640.你们一定用过我们公司生产的液压弯接头吧?
You must have used the hydraulic bent sub(knuckle) which are
made in our company.
& 641.操作刹把的人叫司钻。
The man who operates a brake is a driller.
& 642.我不理解你为何觉得这个问题如此难以回答。
I can’t understand the reasons why you find this question so
difficult answer.
& 643.解决这个问题的时机还没有到来。
The time when this problem can be solved hasn’t come yet.
& 644.你记得发生卡钻的那个班吗?
Do you remember the tour when the sticking took place?
& 645.放电子计算机的房间必须保持一点灰尘都没有。
In the room where the e1ectronic computer is kept there must be
no dust at all.
Here is the gasoline engine you must clean today.
& 647.这是我们必须记住的原因之一。
This is one of the reasons we must keep in mind.
& 648.我们勤奋的司钻是一个你可依赖的人。
Our hard-working driller is someone you can believe in.
& 649.还有另一个你应当考虑的办法。
There is another way you should think about.
& 650.我决不忘记我们在一起打井的日子.
I shall never forget the days we drilled wells together.
& 651.你在找哪一本书?
Which is the book you are looking for?
& 652.他们认为的卡钻原因不完全正确。
The reason they think about sticking is not quite right.
& 653.这是我们现在用来防卡的措施。
This is the measure we are now using to prevent sticking.
& 654.断钻具是他们那天谈论的唯一事情。
The string parted was the only thing they talked about that
& 655.我需要的工具是一把割枪。
The tool I need is a cutting torch.
& 656.我们都知道又一个油田被开发的喜讯。
We all know the good news that another oilfield has been opened
& 657.中国是第一个钻天然气井的国家,这一事实我们都知道。
We all know the fact that the first country to drill gas wells
was China.
& 658.你要见的那位钻井技师已经来了。
The drilling tool-pusher whom you want to see has come.
& 659.我们认识的这样一些小伙子都是司钻。
Such boys as we know are drillers.
& 660.曾在这个房间里呆过的那个人是钻井监督。
The man who stayed in this room is a drilling
Before we use mud material, we must know their properties.
& 662.在我们使用6000米钻机之后,我们才能钻达这样的深度。
After we used 6000M rig, we could get to such a great
& 663.由于我们现在有了震击器,我们就能够解决键槽卡钻了。
Since we now have jar, we are able to solve key-seating
& 664.泥浆液面随温度的变化而升降。
The level of mud liquid goes up or down as its temperature
& 665.泵的每分钟冲数一调整,泵压就有变化。
As soon as the stroke per minute of the pump is adjusted, the
pump pressure begins to change.
Through this high pressure line, mud is pumped in to the
standpipe and drill pipe.
Before you start the truck, you must check the engine.
& 668.自从这口井开钻以来这块筛布就一直用着。
Since this well was started to drill, this piece of screen has
been used continuously.
As we have not much practical experience in penetration, we must
learn from you.
Since it is a kind of equipment, it must work well.
& 671.让我们更加努力的工作,以便提前打完这口井。
Let’s work harder so that we may fulfill this well ahead of
& 672.我们对计算结果核对再核对,免得其中有错误。
We checked and rechecked the results of the calculations lest
there should be any mistakes in them.
The equipment is so heavy that it can't be moved without using a
& 674.除砂器可以造得很小,使之到处都易安放。
A desander can be made in such a small size that it may be
easily placed anywhere.
& 675.泥浆好象水一样,可以从一处流往另一处。
Mud can flow from one part to another as if it were the
& 676.防喷器结构越简单,制造就越方便。
The simpler the blowout preventer is in design, the easier it is
& 677.尽管这项工作艰苦,我们也必须按时完成。
However hard the work may be, we must finish it in time.
& 678.如果明天他来,我们就和他一起做这项工作。
If he comes here tomorrow, we shall do this work with him.
& 679.柴油机的耗油量比汽油机少得多。
The fuel consumption of a diese1 engine is much less than that
of a gaso1ine engine.
You must try to ho1d the tool as I do.
This agitator seems to be working very well.(不定式、进行式主动态)
& 682.我很荣幸被邀在这里工作。
It’s an honor for me to be asked to work
I’m very happy to have been working with
& 684.这台设备每次使用时间不易过长。
It is not good to be using this equipment for too long at a
The mud solids control system is to be further
These measuring tools are not to be taken out of the laboratory.
You can only use them here.(不定式、一般式、被动态)
I don’t remember having seen such a steering tool
After having applied the new drilling process, we were able to
drill many more wells in this area.(动名词、完成式主动态)
After having been adjusted, the pump #2 was much improved and
its discharge was also increased.(动名词、完成式、被动态)
690.我记得已经回答了他问我的关于两台泵的所有问题。I remember having answered questions
he asked me about the two pumps(动名词、完成式、主动态).
I forgot ever having heard about their decision to drill in
Wenliu area.(动名词、完成式、主动态)
The crude oil was then conducted to all the bottom part of the
tower to bed is tilled(不定式、一般式、被动态).
These are torque gauge to be fitted in the
& 694.这个防喷器控制台需要精确地调节,否则它就不能很好地起作用。
This control stand of the blowout preventer needs to be
precisely adjusted, otherwise it will not function
Having been trained in a factory for sometime, we knew how to
operate that type of machine and carry out the
I think it is necessary to design a better control device for
this equipment(不定式、一般式、主动态).
It is no use to adjust the pressure unless the broken parts are
Not having stored the necessary data in the memory of the
computer, we could not get the problem solved by the
All the computers now being used are based on the binary number
We meant to have provided al1 the information you asked for by
the end of last week, but
we&&could not find time to
prepare it(不定式、完成式、主动态).
Here is an instruction book for you to read.
& 702.我们必须努力发展用于钻井泥浆的新材料。
It is necessary for us to make great efforts to develop new
materials for drilling mud.
These tools are for you to repair the pumps.
& 704.这有一个滚柱方补心要你们修理,请把它修好,在五天内归还我们。
There is a roller kelly bushing here for you to repair. Please
put it right and return it to us in five days.
A drilling tool-pusher is finding more jobs for roughnecks to do
in the we11 site.
Your coming here will surely help us a lot.
& 707.我不记得他曾与我在同一个井场工作过。
I do not remember his having ever worked in the same well site
& 708.因为摩擦力很大,我们必须采取预防措施,防止机器部件摩损太快。
The friction being great, we have to take precautions to prevent
these parts from wearing down too fast.
The decisions being made, we began make out a plan in detail and
prepare necessary material.
In this case, it seems necessary for you to use a heat resistant
material to protect the hydraulic brake.
With a lot of black smoke of the boiler chimneys in the well
site, this area is heavily polluted.
&Do you think my going there will be of any
help to them?
& 713.你们给我们提供了重要的资料,使我们能成功地打成这口井。
Your providing us with the important information enabled us to
complete this well successfully.
I don’t think it will be difficult for you to do the maintenance
work for this travelling block, for its construction is quite
The carbon content being high, this kind of welding rod is not
fit for welding machine parts that have to withstand high
Drill pipe corrosion results from oxygen acting on metals.
& 717.所需要的全部材料运到以后,中、美双方技师开始进行检验。
All the necessary materials having been shipped, the Chinese
tool-pusher and American tool-pusher began to examine them.
After having carried out the experiment with the new type of mud
in our laboratory, I shall tell you the results.
This blowout preventer being easily controlled is one of the
advantages of it.
I have no idea of their having found a better drill bending
That engineer required every technician to read at least one
reference book.
& 722.那些钻工发现那项任务很难执行。
Those roughnecks found the task quite difficult to carry
& 723.我走到井场的时候,看见油气正在从井口往外喷使我大吃一惊。
When I walked into the well site, I was surprised to see oil and
gas blowing out from the wellhead.
Right at twenty past two Mr. Harrison ordered a drilling
tool-pusher to start examining the blowout preventer.
I think it necessary that the measures should be checked item by
& 726.你认为有必要对防喷器控制系统再做进一步改进吗?
Do you think it necessary to have any further improvements in
the control system of blowout preventer?
I think it necessary to ask him whether such an instruction book
is now available.
Saltwater mud is known to have a very strong corroding effect on
drill string.
& 729.我们发现那份材料非常详细,我希望你能读一下。
That instruction is found to be in great detail. I would like
you to read it.
& 730.那个队前几天打完了一口深井已经公布。
It has been made public that the crew completed a deep well a
few days ago.
& 731.为什么这台除泥器的效率下降了,还没弄清楚。
It hasn’t yet been made clear why the efficiency of this
desilter is decreasing.
It is known to be true that the greatest waste caused in mud is
by pollution. Therefore it is necessary to overcome it in every way
Do you think it necessary for us to check the mud level? It may
be too low.
& 734.让我们找一个人问问到那个井场去的最近的路吧?
&Let’s find someone to show us the shortest way
to reach that well site.
& 735.仪器在操作时是否准确而有效被认为是很重要的.
Whether the device is both accurate and efficient in operation
is believed to be very important.
736.他提出要帮助我们找到那台设备上的配件。He offered to help us find out the spare
parts of that equipment.
Some scientists believe it possible to create food from
petroleum which may be more healthful than any food we eat now.
The new welding process has made possible the wide application
of stainless steel in petroleum industry.
Please get ready a1l the necessary tools before we start to
repair the pump.
& 740.在马丁代克仪表的键盘上可以看到,一排排的信号灯总是在迅速地忽明忽暗。
On the keyboard of Martin-decker, rows of signal lights can be
seen switching on and off rapidly all the time.
Most of the rig part avai1able here are made from a new kind of
light alloy.
& 742.一间五米宽八米长的房间刚够我们保存这些马丁代克仪表的配件。
A room five meters wide and eight meters long is just enough for
us to keep all these spare parts of Martin-decker instruments.
All the switches necessary for controlling the power lines of
the whole well site are concentrated here.
No proof has been given of this mud material being harmful. It
is still much used.
The day will finally come when we no longer rely on coal and oil as
sources of fuel.
& 746.你们现在供应的这些泥浆材料,显然比我们以前得到的要好。
Such mud materials as you are now supplying have distinct
advantages over those
we got before.
& 747.你们常常能在机厂见到我们在这儿使用的这种水龙头。
You can often find in machine shop such a swivel as we use
& 748.这两个接头不同心,你可以从这个位置上看出来来。
These two subs are not properly aligned, as you can see from
this position.
& 749.靠近水罐的马达出了毛病,必须马上修好。
The motor close to the water tank is out of order. It is
necessary to have
it repaired at once.
& 750.所有待交付的配件都储存在那个库房里。请在卡车到来以前检查一下。
All the spare parts ready to be delivered are stored in that
Inspect them before the trucks come, please!
& 751.为了增加钻速,我建议你们使用他们现在所使用的那种钻头。
In order to increase the speed of penetration, I suggest you use
the same type
of bits as they are now using.
& 752.与氧结合的过程就是氧化,焊接就是其中的-种。
The process of combining with oxygen is oxidation, of which
welding is one
& 753.安装这台计算机的房间平均温度应在22℃左右,上下温差不超过四至五度。
This computing set must be kept in a room the mean temperature
of which is
about 22℃, with the differences between four to five
& 754.这里的泥浆罐可能已被腐蚀,在这种情况下就得换掉。
The mud tanks here may have been corroded, in which case they
must be replaced.
& 755.我请他领我参观最新的钻机,他照办了。
I asked him to show me the newest rig, which he did.
& 756.我们将采用你们正在使用的那种仪表。
We sha11 use the same instruments as you are now using.
& 757.如上述,这种定向工具功能十分出色。
As is mentioned above, the function of this steering tool is
& 758.我们知道,代纳钻具不论在下井前或起出后都必须加以检查。
Dyna-drill, as we know, must be examined both before running in
hole and after pulling out of hole.
A new way has been found of making use of the products from
crude oil.
& 760.除了我之外还有很多人想参观你们的研究中心。
There are many others besides me who want to visit your research
&& 谓语动词
Would (could/ might等)+动词原形
Would (could/ might等)+have + 过去分词
Should (were to)+动词原形
Would (could/ might等)+动词原形
If I had time, I should read a drilling manual.
& 762.如果你将这两种套管加以对比,你就会看到它们在强度和韧性方面都很相似。
If you compared the two kinds of casing, you would see they are
very similar
both in strength and in toughness.
& 763.即使我在这里,我也无法帮助你们。
Even if I were here, I should not be able to help you.
& 764.假如你使用一种更具挠性的材料来制造这些钻杆它们就能承受更大的弯曲应力。
If you used a more flexible material for making these drill
pipes, they would
be able to sustain greater bending stress.
& 765.如果你进一步考虑过那个问题,你对它的处理就会大不一样。
If you had considered that problem further, you would have
treated it in quite
a different way.
& 766.如果他们不曾亲自来看过那个实验,他们就不会相信我们已经成功了。
If they had come and watched the experiment for themselves, they
have believed in our success.
& 767.如果你们早点把那个办法告诉我们,我们在第一次实验时就一定会用它。
If you had told us about the new method earlier, we would
certainly have applied
it in our first experiment.
& 768.如果我们油田没有引进自动化,生产就不会增长得那么快。
If automation had not been introduced into our oilfield,
production would not
have increased so rapidly.
& 769.假如用了较好的泥浆材料,效率该会高得多。
If a better mud material had been used, the efficiency would
have been much
& 770.若是他们不曾给我们带来那些宝贵的资料,我们就不可能提前打完这口井。
If they had not brought us information, we would not have this
well ahead of
& 771.万一压力太大,泵的缸套就会碎裂。
If the pressure should be too high, the pump liners would crack
or break into
& 772.万一主发电机停下来,右边的一台便会自动启动并继续供电。
If the main generator should stop, the one on the right would
automatically and keep supplying the electricity.
& 773.如果没有电,便不会有现代化的石油工业。
Without electricity, there would not be modern petroleum
& 774.要是没有你们所提供的耐热材料,我们要建成这几台记发电机组是很困难的。
Without the heat-resistant material you had provided, we would have
found it &
very difficult to setup these generating set.
& 775.如果电只能短距离传送,电站就得设在我们井场附近。
If electricity could only be transmitted over short distances,
plant would have to be built near our location.
& 776.那时他不在那儿,不然的话他就会帮助我们修理保养那些固控设备了。
He was not there at that time. Otherwise he would have helped us
those solids control equipment and do the maintenance
& 777.如果那个材料不那么刚硬,它就不那么容易碎。
If the material were less rigid, it wou1d not break so
& 778.在安装这套钻机时会有哪些主要问题?
What would the main problems be in the installation of the rig
& 779.他们建议把液压弯接头拿到井场去检查。
They suggested that the hydraulic knuckle should be carried out
on the we11site
& 780.(1)要是你去过管子站或机厂,你可能见到过这样的打捞工具。
If you had been to the pipe yard or machine shop, you might have
fishing tools.
If we should not get necessary damper, what should we do? We
should rely on ourselves.
If any unusual noise should be heard in operation of the engine,
stop and check &
and find the possible causes.
& 782.绞车需要定期维修。
It is required that the draw-works be maintained at regular
& 783.希望你们尽早把一切准备好。
It is desired that you should get everything ready as soon as
& 784.卡瓦打捞筒配件通常都涂润滑油,以防生锈。
Overshot parts are usually covered with grease lest they should
& 785.即使停电时间很短,也会造成停产。
Even though a power interruption was short, it would cause a
production shut
& 786.要是我手头有这种单点照相测斜仪,我会让你用一段时间的。
If I had such a single-shot inclinometer (instrument) on my
hand, I would let
you have it for some time.
& 787.如果没布摩擦的话,情况会怎么样呢?
What would it be if there were no frictions?
& 788.如果摩擦力没有那么大的话,这台泵本来是不会坏的.
If the friction had not been so great, the pump would not have been
& 789.假如你去年用功学习英语的话,现在你就能用英语和我交谈了。
If you had worked at English harder last year, you could now
talk with me in
& 790.那天我没有时间,不然的话,我本来会读完这本说明书的。
I had no time that day. Otherwise I should have read the
instruction book.
& 791.万一贝利先生明天来,我就把他要的那份图纸给他。
Should Mr. Bailey come here tomorrow, I should give him the
drawing he needs.
& 792.在这种情况下,用反循环会好些。
It wou1d be better to reverse circulation in this case.
& 793.他的举动好像是个老技师。
He acted as if he were an old tool pusher.
& 794.钻井工程师应当有广泛的科技知识是十分重要的。
It’s very important that a drilling engineer should have a wide
of science and technology.
& 795.说明书指出震动筛用后应当保持清洁。
The instruction book suggests that the shale shaker should be
kept clean after
& 796.务必牢记,任何杂质都不得混入机油和柴油中。
It should be remembered that no impurity should get into
lubricating and diesel
& 797.司机仔细地检查了引擎,免得路上出毛病。
The driver looked over the engine carefully lest it should go
wrong on the
& 798.他小心翼翼地拿起多点测斜仪,生怕弄坏了。
Be took up the mu1tishot instrument with care for fear that it
shou1d be damaged.
& 799.劳驾为我们打开那个闸门好吗?
Would you mind open that valve for us?
& 800.一个好的钻井工程师必须懂得几门外语。
It is necessary that a good drilling engineer should know
foreign languages.


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