
英语作文怎么写求两片文章书面表达(满分25分)暑假即将来临.你班同学讨论了假期计划,提出了不同看法,请根据提示写一篇有关讨论的英语短文,并谈谈你的看法. 优 点 缺 点呆在家中 花费少、适方便 不能亲身了解_百度作业帮
英语作文怎么写求两片文章书面表达(满分25分)暑假即将来临.你班同学讨论了假期计划,提出了不同看法,请根据提示写一篇有关讨论的英语短文,并谈谈你的看法. 优 点 缺 点呆在家中 花费少、适方便 不能亲身了解
求两片文章书面表达(满分25分)暑假即将来临.你班同学讨论了假期计划,提出了不同看法,请根据提示写一篇有关讨论的英语短文,并谈谈你的看法. 优 点 缺 点呆在家中 花费少、适方便 不能亲身了解外界外出旅游 增长知识、开阔眼界 花费多、旅途不便注意:1.短文必须包括表中所列要点,可根据内容分段表述,词数120-150.2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯.3. 参考词汇:眼界―horizon(或view)第二篇是假设你是一位中学生在自己班级就校服问题进行了调查(survey).下面是对部分学生调查的统计表.请参照该表写一篇题目为 “Report on the survey about Our School Uniform”的报告.GroupsOpinionsPercentageReasonALike55很酷,颜色很好符合学生的年龄特征,整洁平等,不敢时髦BDislike35不舒服,颜色不好不好看,款式过时样式单调CNo idea10注意:1.报告须包括本调查表中的主要内容,可以适当增加细节,使内容连贯.2.词数150左右.麻烦帮忙,每篇各找2篇,一共四篇网上直接复制粘贴也没关系
Report on the survey about Our School Uniformi did a survey around my classmate,and the results are as follow:there are 55% of the students thinks that wearing school uniform is a kind of cool,and the color of the uniform is nice to see.they all think that students should ware school uniform because it match the age as a student.What's more,it looks tidy and equal to everybody in school.the students no need to think about the fashion of wearing what kind of clothes to school.On the other hand 35% of the students dislike wearing school uniform,they think that it is not comfortable enough and the color not nice,eighter.they think that school unform are usually out of fashion and too simple.10% of the classmates have no idea about it.自己写的,应该比较ok吧~求一个写英语论文中西家庭教育的不同 网_百度知道
求一个写英语论文中西家庭教育的不同 网
给大家我所有的分 谢谢
//zhidao./question/://zhidao.baidu?fr=qrl3" target="_blank">http<a href="/question/.html
根据提示和要求,写一篇短文。将短文写在答题卡情景作文空白处。中学生学习时间长、大力大,专家建议学生每天课后应采取适当的方式放松自己。为此,不同的同学有不同的放松方式,有的爱看电视,有的听音乐,有的做运动…请你谈谈你通过哪些方式放松自己并说说原因,谈谈你的感受。 提示词语:relax, TV, music, think
The Senior High School Entrance Examination is coming. In order to make a success in the exam I think it’s We’d better relax ourselves ,or we’ll be too nervous to work well in the exam.In order to relax ourselves, we can turn to some of our hobbies, different students have different ways --- Some watch TV, some listen to music… But for me I enjoy taking exercise most. Whenever I feel tired, I always spend an hour walking or jogging in the park. Besides, I also play table tennis with my friends after class. In my opinion, taking exercise can not only rest our brains and eyes but also help build our bodies. I think it’s really helpful to my health and my study. I hope all my classmates can be relaxed. I wish you can succeed in the coming examination.试题分析:这是一篇话题作文。要求介绍你通过哪些方式放松自己并说说原因同时谈谈你的感受,主要用到第一人称,和一般现在时。【亮点说明】这篇短文不仅注意避免句式重复而且使用了大量的的短语,可见该生英语功底扎实。.如In order to,But for me ,not only but also,Besides ,Whenever I feel tired等,使文章的表达更丰富,更有逻辑性,更富有条理。
提纲作文:即是对作文要求中有提纲限定或叫做提纲提示,要求作文内容中包括提纲内容的一种作文形式。提纲作文注意:1. 仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息,明确有哪些要点。 2. 提纲是文章的总体框架,要在提纲的范围内进行分析、构思和想象。要依据提示情景或词语,&& 按照一定逻辑关系来写。 3. 根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态;语言表达要符合英语习惯。
2896492543852730668228552552283990高分求一篇英文文章 关于中美教育的不同或者是对比 不要太长的``楼下你的回答太笼统了,而且有点太短了请发个 中美教育的不同的一个方面,比如:教师的角色的不同,家庭作业的不同这种_百度作业帮
高分求一篇英文文章 关于中美教育的不同或者是对比 不要太长的``楼下你的回答太笼统了,而且有点太短了请发个 中美教育的不同的一个方面,比如:教师的角色的不同,家庭作业的不同这种
楼下你的回答太笼统了,而且有点太短了请发个 中美教育的不同的一个方面,比如:教师的角色的不同,家庭作业的不同这种
China is the examination-oriented education, history and reality and, of course, is examination-oriented education in a large population National talent to choose a relatively low cost. However, the results of the examination-oriented education is to train Students from a general lack of innovation. Some people say: "Why can not a Chinese one Nobel Prize winner. "Maybe this is the reason. Education in the United States or the West in many countries, focus on quality education. Concern for each individual student's Development, and encourage them to open the wings thinking, encourage students to contribute to innovation 【中国是应试教育,当然与历史和现实有关,应试教育也是在人口众多的 国家选择人才的一种成本比较低廉的方式.但是,应试教育的结果是培养 出来的学生,普遍缺乏创新精神.有人说:“为什么中国出不了一个诺贝尔 奖得主.”也许就是这个原因. 美国的教育,或者说西方很多国家,注重素质教育.关注每个学生个体的 发展,鼓励他们打开思想的翅膀,鼓励学生创新思维】1. Education in China and the United States first of all the differences between the two countries is the primary goal of teaching different: Chinese primary education to children's intellectual development, child benefits as
in the United States, there is only one primary purpose: to cultivate children's creativity. 2.'s Attitude towards different results China's children, will make a bad report card he had received pressure from all sides. In the United States, however, the end of each student's report card time for all private goods. Parents do not give the child to exert too much Pressure. Score in the hearts of adults than the ability to far. The majority of Chinese students is aimed at "high." 3. Between the two countries in view of knowledge is different: China's emphasis on education for instilling the accumulation of knowledge, to help students develop knowledge and respect for authority and knowledge, and knowledge of the succession system. The United States is even more focus on training students to use knowledge of the actual ability to pay attention to training students for the knowledge and authority of the doubt and critical spirit of the expansion of knowledge and creativity. Both expressed the education of a different attitude towards knowledge: the China Education and the static and dynamic differences between the United States, a move that reflects this static view of knowledge of the differences between the two countries. 4. Between the two countries in providing the students a different environment: American schools from an early age to encourage children to do research, research on cultivating the children's ability to deal with the independent ability to organize the movement of materials research methods. China's schools, the exam-oriented education in the constraints, under the influence of traditional ideas, it takes the initial stage of laying the foundation, the advanced stage of learning can be divorced from each of the two-stage strategy. 5. Two different curricula For example, on foreign language learning. In China, students in basic education in English only one (other than professional). This is the system of education for all students to do the unification of choice. In the United States, the moral education of students on a much larger, including Spanish, development, Latin, and so on. There are no teaching materials in the United States of course exist, they are usually called "family life" class. The topics will include sewing, cooking and enhance self-confidence, and so on. He taught the students the book is a life outside of things, as a person or necessary. He taught students how to live 6. Mode of education and different college entrance examination system: China's heuristic education there is a flaw, that is, in fact until a certain answer to the question by inducing students to enable them to find "the only answer." The teaching methods in schools in the United States, in addition to guide students to understand and grasp the correct answer to the same teachers, and students returned to the room for free imagination, teachers and students to explore the unknown, but no objective there is a potential answer. In China, in addition to a small number of talented people do not have to look at the "entrance" Score, the other are the "test" results for the admission of people learn the most important thing, the only criterion. But in the United States every year students have participated in various types of examinations of at least one Kind of test, missed the first, the si missed twice, you can understand ... ... As a result, these test scores can be admitted as a very important admission criteria for consideration. 7. The burden of learning different: The United States almost a day off every week intervals. In China, however, could be ruthless hold over the weekend, and even the gorgeous holiday will be as a result of the heavy work and full of pale. 8. Different family education: 1) American education Guan Deyan hours, the United States will set many of the rules parents, children and the greater control the more- Chinese parents on the contrary, in every possible way spoil a child, all grown up restrictions, and even professional University, both in love unwarranted interference. 2) Education and the United States pay attention to children's sense of culture, education, the differences between the United States makes a child more than self-reliance of China. Advice China's reform of the examination system, teaching students with the burden of reform, education reform in three areas as a whole, and the examination system is "far left" key. Only the exam-oriented education has changed, the quality of education in order to be truly their own space . The United States is in innovation rather than on the basis of insufficient to grasp the basis of the premise to make up for the shortfall. Our situation is that on the contrary, we are more than on the basis of innovation and, hence a need to improve the education of our innovative efforts to make up for the shortfall. Education is a cultural phenomenon, different education is a response to the different cultural connotations, the United States suitable for today's community education or the education system does not necessarily meet the current Chinese society. In short, what we need is a combination of internationalization and localization of Modernization of education. China's current implementation of the new education system is gradually correct the deficiencies in education, tend to be diversified, international, this is where the results of research and education. Is our intention. 【1.中国与美国教育的差异首先在于两国初等教育的教学目标不同: 中国初等教育将开发孩子的智力,孩子好处高分看成首要目标;而在美国,初等教育的目的只有一个:培养孩子的创造力. 2.对待成绩的态度不同 对中国孩子来说,一份不好的成绩单会使他收到来自各方压力.然而在美国,每个学生年终的成绩单都时间私人的物品.家长方面也不会给孩子施加过多的压力.分数在大人心中比能力要差得远.而中国大部分学生的目的是"那高分". 3. 两国在知识观是存在差异: 中国的教育注重对知识的积累灌输,培养学生对知识和权威的尊重和对知识的继承以及知识体系的构建. 美国则更注重培养学生运用知识的实际能力,注重培养学生对知识和权威的质疑,批判精神和对知识的拓展和创造. 这两种教育表达了对待知识的不同态度:即中国教育的静态与美国之间的动态差异,这一动一静这反映两国知识观的差异. 4.两国在提供该学生的环境上不同: 美国的学校从小就鼓励孩子做研究,就培养孩子的研究能力,独立处理问题的能力,组织研究材料的运动研究方法的能力. 而中国的学校,在应试教育的制约下,传统观念的影响下,采取的是初级阶段打基础,高级阶段才能做学问的相互脱节的两阶段战略. 5.两国课程设置不同 比如关于外国语言的学习.在中国,学生在基础教育中只有英语一种(除专业外).这是教育系统为全体学生做的统一选择. 而在美国,学生选择德育的就大得多,包括西班牙语,发育,拉丁语等.还有在美国不用教材的课是存在的,他们通常叫做"家庭生活"课,. 课程内容包括缝纫,烹饪和增强自信心等等.他教给学生的是书本以外生活之中的事情,是作为一个人或者的必需.他教给学生如何生活 6.教育模式和高考制度不同:中国的启发式教育存在着一个弊端,就是其实一直到某一个问题的答案通过诱导学生,使他们找到"唯一的答案". 在美国学校的教学法,除了引导学生去理解和掌握教师一致的正确答案外,还给与学生自由想象的空间,去探索教师和学生都没未知但却客观存在着的潜在答案. 在中国,除了少数人才不用看"高考"分数外,其余的均以"高考"成绩为录取人学得最重要的,唯一标准.但在美国学生年年都参加各类考试中的至少一种考试,一次失手,情有可言;两次失手,也可以理解……因此,这些考试成绩就可作为非常重要的录取入学考量标准. 7.学习负担不同:美国几乎每周都回放一天假.但在中国,周末可能被无情占有,就连绚丽多彩的假日也会因繁重的作业的充斥而黯然失色. 8.家庭教育不同: 1)美国教育小时管得严,美国父母会立下许多规矩,而孩子越大管得越松;中国父母恰恰相反,小时候百般溺爱,长大处处限制,甚至连大学专业,恋爱都横加干涉. 2)美国教育注重孩子责任感的培养,这个教育差别使得美国孩子比中国更具自立性. 建议 中国的考试制度改革,教学改革与学生减负,是教育整体改革的三个方面,而考试制度是"牵一发而动身"的关键.只有应试教育改变了,素质教育才能获得真正属于自己的空间. 美国是在创新有余而基础不足的前提下以抓基础来补不足.我国的情况却是恰恰相反,我们是基础有余而创新不足,因而我国教育的完善必须抓创新来补不足. 教育是一种文化现象,不同的教育反应的是不同的文化内涵,适宜美国今日社会的教育方法或教育体制并不一定适应中国现在的社会.总之,我们需要的是本土化和国际化结合的现代化教育. 中国现行在实行的新的教育体制,正逐步的改正教育的缺陷,趋向于多元化,国际化,这正是研究教育的成果所在.也是我们的本意. 】捡你自己要的吧············
&&&& 人们对于学生网上交友持不同意见。请你用英语写一篇关于学生网上交友的短文,介绍人们的不同观点,并表达自己的看法。 注意:1. 文章必须包括表中的全部内容。&&&&&&&&&&&2. 词数为100左右。 &&&&&&&&& 3. 参考词汇:网络朋友 on-line friend(s)& 上当受骗 be cheated
&&&& _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
One possible version: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Should students make friends on line? &&&& As to whether students should make friends on line, different people think differently. Some think that the Internet does help make it much easier for them to make friends. Chatting on line, students can express their feelings and opinions more freely, and even get help in their foreign language studies. Others, however, think students should not do this. They say making friends on line is a waste of time. Students should spend their time more meaningfully on their studies. Besides, it is dangerous to make friends on line. From time to time, some students get cheated. &&&& Personally, students should place their study, health and safety before other things. As for friendship, we can find it in our classmates and other people around us.
图表作文可细分为表格、曲线图、柱形图和圆形图。弄懂这四种图在写作方面的各自特点,我们才可以写好这种类型的作文:1)表格形式要求考生对表格中所给出的大量数字进行比较分析,从中找出其变化规律。2)曲线图形式要求考生认真观察坐标系所显示的数据信息,并且密切注意交汇在坐标横轴和纵轴上的数字及单位。3)柱形图形式要求考生通过宽度相等的柱形的高度或长度差别来判断事物的动态发展趋势,因此考生应密切关注坐标线上的刻度单位及图表旁边的提示说明与文字。4)圆形图形式旨在要求考生准确理解并阐述一个被分割成大小不等切片的圆形图所传达的信息。考生应清楚掌握部分与整体,部分与部分之间的相互关系,这种关系通常是以百分比的数字形式给出的。图表类英语作文具备以下特点: 1、题材涉及广泛,如人物介绍、地点介绍、新闻报道、生活话题及社会热门话题,试题设计真实性高,符合学生的认知水平,其中学校生活类题材占比例最大。体裁多种多样,包括应用文(书信、日记、通知、发言稿、寻物及招领启事等)、说明文、记叙文、议论文等。 2、图表类作文提示点一目了然,需要表达的信息一览无余。答题时无须花过多的时间去揣摩写作内容,要点一般不会遗漏。 3、图表类作文中通常是以不完整的汉语句子(包括术语或概括性的短语)作为提示形式出现。这样既能够让考生获得命题人所要求的信息,又留给考生一定的发挥空间,因而要求考生具备很强的语言驾驭能力和语篇整合能力。
注意事项:第一步:审题,确定体裁格式、主体时态、中心人称和内容要点,避免填表式或履历表式表达。第二步:拟定提纲,创造良好的开端;叙述得体,布局谋篇;巧妙过渡,完美结尾。第三步:遣词造句,套用句型,上下衔接,地道表达,行文成篇(注意“参考词汇”的提示作用)。图表式作文的几种形式:一、表格形式(table):将统计的数据或被说明的事物直接用表格形式体现出来,即统计表。二、图形形式:A、线形图(linegraph):以曲线形式表示数据变化;&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B、条形图(bargraph):以条形方式表示数据的大小或数量之间的差异;&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C、圆形图(piechart):以圆内扇形的大小表示总体内部结构变化;
图表作文典型句式:1、描述总趋势(单增单减) As the chart above shows,… We can see from the graph that… As is described in the chart…From the table we can find out that… As can be seen from the chart… As is shown in the chart, the production for all products is higher/lower/rising/increasing/falling…2、数据分析:Comparedwith…,/Incomparisonwith…:(1)the number of…is more than/over… (2)the amount of…increases/grows/rises/goes up to…/by… (3)the number of…is similar to/almost the same as/smaller than/below… (4)the amount of…is quite different from…/decreases/falls/drops from…to… 3、原因分析:(1)Several factors contribute to the changes./There are some reasons for the rise in the number of (2)First of all, In addition/More over, Perhaps the main cause is. (3)Due to all those reasons, there is no doubt that such great changes happened. 4、结论或预测:From the figures/statistics above, we can conclude/draw a conclusionthat… we can estimate(估计)that the population/amount of…will 增减increase/dropsteadily&稳固地/gradually逐渐地/rapidly迅速地稳定:remainstable 波动:rebound/wave


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