
最新青少版新概念1A课件Unit1_百度文库 两大类热门资源免费畅读 续费一年阅读会员,立省24元! 文档贡献者 评价文档: 最新青少版新概念1A课件Unit1 最​新​青​少​版​新​概​念A​课​件​U​n​i​t​1 把文档贴到Blog、BBS或个人站等: 普通尺寸(450*500pix) 较大尺寸(630*500pix) 大小:5.40MB 登录百度文库,专享文档复制特权,财富值每天免费拿! 你可能喜欢你好!能不能够给我一份沪江网校Amy老师新概念英语的视屏,万分感谢。谢谢!_百度知道 你好!能不能够给我一份沪江网校Amy老师新概念英语的视屏,万分感谢。谢谢! 我有更好的答案 谢谢你!但是这个应该不是,太小了。都不到1M。 其他类似问题 为您推荐: 沪江网校的相关知识 等待您来回答 下载知道APP 随时随地咨询 出门在外也不愁请按照例句帮我把这四个英语题的答案写一下,是新概念青少版1A的LESSON13课后对话练习2,Example:Mum's pen / on the table?(Where ...)A:Is Mum's pen on the table?B:No,it isn't.A:Where is Mum's pen?B:It's in Lucy's schoolbag.1_作业帮 拍照搜题,秒出答案 请按照例句帮我把这四个英语题的答案写一下,是新概念青少版1A的LESSON13课后对话练习2,Example:Mum's pen / on the table?(Where ...)A:Is Mum's pen on the table?B:No,it isn't.A:Where is Mum's pen?B:It's in Lucy's schoolbag.1 请按照例句帮我把这四个英语题的答案写一下,是新概念青少版1A的LESSON13课后对话练习2,Example:Mum's pen / on the table?(Where ...)A:Is Mum's pen on the table?B:No,it isn't.A:Where is Mum's pen?B:It's in Lucy's schoolbag.1 blue pen / Mum's favourite one?(which...)2 Mum's new ruler / on the desk?(Where...)3 pencil-case / Lucy's?(Whose...)4 pencil-case / Dad's favourite thing?(What...) 1.A:Is blue pen mum's favorite one? B:No,it isn't. A:Which is mum's favorite one? B:The red one.2.A:Is mum's new ruler on the desk? B:No,it isn't. A:Where is mum's new reler? B:It's under the chair.3.A:Is this Lucy's pencil-case? B:No,it isn't. A:Whose pencil-case? B:Mary's.4.A:Is pencil-case dad's favorite thing? B:No,it isn't. A:Which is dad's favorite thing? B:It's pen. 1. is the blue pen mum's favorite one? no, it isn't. which is mum's favorite pen? mum's favorite pen is the red one.2. is mum's new ruler on the desk? no, it isn't


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