
关闭特色百科用户权威合作手机百科 收藏 查看&天主教奥兰多教区本词条缺少名片图,补充相关内容使词条更完整,还能快速升级,赶紧来吧!外文名Roman Catholic Diocese of Orlando成立时间日 天主教奥兰多教区 (:Diocesis Orlandensis、:Roman Catholic Diocese of Orlando)是一个罗马天主教,属迈阿密总教区。成立于。范围包括东部九县,教座位于。有教友400,923人(占辖区人口10.0%)、七十九个堂区、253名司铎。现任教区主教为若望吉拉德努南。[1]
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> 美国奥兰多迪士尼乐园介绍
世界度假区面积近40平方里,提供世界首屈一指的娱乐体验,拥有四个主题乐园(神奇王国(Magic Kingdom)、艾波卡特(Epcot)、迪士尼好莱坞影城(Disney's Hollywood Studios)及迪士尼动物王国(Disney's Animal Kingdom)、两个水上主题公园: 暴风滩(Blizzard Beach)及台风湖(Typhoon Lagoon)、34间度假式酒店(其中22间由奥兰多迪士尼乐园世界全权拥有及营运,包括五个迪士尼度假俱乐部度假村物业)、六个高尔夫球场提供共99个球洞、两个设施齐全的水疗中心、迪士尼婚礼馆(Disney's Wedding Pavilion)、迪士尼综合世界运动园区(Disney's Wide World of Sports Complex)以及迪士尼饮食娱乐购物区(Downtown Disney ): 一个结合购物城(Marketplace)、欢乐岛(Pleasure Island)及西城(West Side)的购物、娱乐及懦撩□X社区。迪士尼邮轮假期(Disney Cruise Line)行程亦会包括奥兰多迪士尼乐园世界度假区。
神奇王国於日开幕,是奥兰多迪士尼乐园世界度假区的第一个主题乐园,占地142英亩,於乐园中央位置设有一座189尺高的灰姑娘城堡(Cinderella Castle)。神奇王国像加州迪士尼乐园般分为七个主题区――美国小镇大街(Main Street, U.S.A)、探险世界(Adventureland)、边域世界(Frontierland)、自由广场(Liberty Square)、幻想世界(Fantasyland)、米奇卡通市集(Mickey's Toontown Fair)和明日世界(Tomorrowland)。受欢迎游乐设施包括加勒比海盗(Pirates of the Caribbean)、幽灵公馆(The Haunted Mansion)、小小世界(it's a small world)、飞越太空山(Space Mountain)、飞溅山(Splash Mountain)、米奇幻想曲(Mickey's PhilharMagic)、巨雷山惊险之旅(Big Thunder Mountain Railroad)、森林河流之旅(Jungle Cruise)、总统名人堂(The Hall of Presidents)、疯狂茶会旋转杯 (Mad Tea Party)、巴斯光年星际历险(Buzz Lightyear's Space Ranger Spin)、小熊维尼历险之旅(The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh)、乡村熊俱乐部(Country Bear Jamboree)、汤姆历险岛(Tom Sawyer Island)、小飞侠天空之旅(Peter Pan's Flight)和小飞象旋转世界(Dumbo the Flying Elephant)。
艾波卡特 (EPCOT)
? 未来世界(Future World)-展示最新发现和科技成就。
主要游乐设施:发明天地馆(Innoventions)、地球号宇宙飞船历险(Spaceship Earth)、能源世界(Universe of Energy)、幻想世界(Imagination! )、大地(The Land)、海底总动员大冒险(The Seas with Nemo & Friends),生命探索(The Wonders of Life)、测试之旅(General Motors)、太空任务(Mission: SPACE)。
? 世界橱窗(World Showcase)-展现世界11个国家的特色和风情:加拿大、英国、法国、日本、美国、意大利、德国、中国、墨西哥、摩洛哥和挪威。
迪士尼好莱坞影城(Disney's Hollywood Studios)
迪士尼好莱坞影城占地135英亩,不仅是个主题乐园,还是个仍在运作中的电影、电视及电台制作总部。影城制作部分於1988年夏天开幕,乐园部分则於 1989年5月开幕。游乐设施包括:超级星光飞车特技秀(Lights, Motors, Action! Extreme Stunt Show)、星际遨游(Star Tours)、经典电影巡演(The Great Movie Ride)、芝麻街布偶立体电影(Muppet Vision 3-D)、印第安那琼斯历险(Indiana Jones Epic Stunt Spectacular!)、灾难峡谷(Catastrophe Canyon)、迪士尼米高梅影城之旅(Disney-MGM Studios Backlot Tour)、迪士尼魔法动画(The Magic of Disney Animation)、美女与野兽现场表演(Beauty and the Beast-Live on Stage)、小美人鱼剧场(Voyage of the Little Mermaid)、迷离境界/恐怖魔古塔(The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror)、幻想奇观烟花大汇演!(Fantasmic!)、”史密斯飞船” 摇滚飞车(Rock 'n' Roller Coaster Starring Aerosmith)、迪士尼音乐剧场¬¬-现场表演(Playhouse Disney-Live on Stage)及奥兰多迪士尼乐园:一个人的梦想(Walt Disney: One Man's Dream)。
迪士尼动物王国(Disney's Animal Kingdom)
在迪士尼动物王国,宾客可与野生动物及史前巨人作亲密接触,亦可与心爱的迪士尼朋友度过快乐时刻,享受无与伦比的乐趣。动物王国占地达403英亩,是迪士尼第四个主要主题乐园。一片片的丛林、森林和广阔草原划分为五个主题园区:非洲奇观、米奇与米妮之家(Camp Minnie-Mickey)、美国恐龙世纪、发现岛和亚洲之旅。主要游乐设施包括:珠峰探险队(Expedition Everest)、恐龙世界探险记(DINOSAUR)、卡利河惊险激流之旅(Kali River Rapids)、吉力马札罗草原历奇(Kilimanjaro Safaris)、飞越恐龙世纪(Primeval Whirl)、虫虫危机立体动画(It's Tough to be a Bug)和生命之树(The Tree of Life)。
迪士尼饮食娱乐购物区Downtown Disney
? 欢乐岛(Pleasure Island) 面积六英亩的主题乐园,毗连Downtown Disney购物城,内有多家娱乐场所及食肆,包括可容纳400位顾客的星际好莱坞(Planet Hollywood)。
? 购物城(Marketplace) 湖畔的迪士尼购物城,共有二十多家商店,包括最大的迪士尼人物商品店迪士尼大世界专卖店,以及为数不少的曙U,如可容纳550位顾客的热带雨林连锁曙U(Rainforest Cafe)。
? 西城(West Side) 结合懦憬M娱乐的社区,当中包括太阳剧团(Cirque du Soleil)、迪士尼探索世界(DisneyQuest)、蓝调小屋(House of Blues)、古巴曙U(Bongos Cuban Cafe)、Wolfgang Puck Cafe、维京唱片城(Virgin Megastore)及AMC 24-screen影院。
迪士尼综合世界运动园区(Disney's Wide World Of Sports Complex)
迪士尼综合世界运动园区占地220英亩,设有专业的设施及场地,可供30多项个人或团体运动作训练、比赛、节日、锦标赛、特别活动及假日体育活动之用。运动园区设施包括一个可容纳7,500观众的棒球场及一个有5,000座位的篮球场,是亚特兰大勇士职棒队(Atlanta Braves)的春季训练主场地。设施还包括All Star Cafe。首次举办活动日期为日。
迪士尼邮轮(Disney Cruise Line)
迪士尼奇迹号(Disney Wonder)及迪士尼魔力号(Disney Magic)由佛罗里达州卡拉威尔港(Canaveral)出发,航行至巴哈马拿骚(Nassau)及由迪士尼完全拥有的迪士尼漂流岛(Castaway Cay),奥兰多迪士尼乐园世界亦为邮轮假期的其中一站。
主题度假区(Themed Resorts)
会议设施(Convention Facilities)
度假区提供占地超过六十万平方尺的现代化会议场地,主要分布在迪士尼克罗拉多泉度假村(Disney's Coronado Springs Resort)、迪士尼当代度假旅馆(Disney's Contemporary Resort)、迪士尼豪华佛罗里达渡假旅馆及温泉(Disney's Grand Floridian Resort & Spa)、迪士尼游艇俱乐部度假村(Disney's Yacht Club Resort)、迪士尼海滩度假村(Disney's Beach Club Resort)、迪士尼大道旅馆、Walt Disney World Dolphin、Walt Disney World Swan、Buena Vista Palace、迪士尼Hilton、Hotel Royal Plaza 及Grosvenor Resort。
四个18洞标准高尔夫球场及一个9洞家庭娱乐球场、暴风滩及台风湖水上主题乐园、Fantasia Gardens 及 Winter Summerland mini-golf、网球场、游泳池及湖泊供宾客游泳、享受扬帆之乐、进行帆伞运动、滑水和垂钓,还有缓跑径、骑马及踏单车。
版权 2006-, 拥有最终解释权曼哈顿华人职业介绍所:为华人移民找工作 [图]
曼哈顿华人职业介绍所:为华人移民找工作 [图]
  日 10:11:59  来源:华声报
华 网 检 索
&&& 她每次到纽约,都会到介绍她去工作的介绍所坐一坐。她在介绍所认识许多老乡和朋友,大家见面可以说说话。她说在介绍所听派工,也可以知道一些事情。派工要因人而异,从中了解雇主的反应。她说:“美国就是制度好。”如果她英语好的话,她就不回去了。她说在休息日主要是与在家乡的儿子通电话。
&&& 频繁换工追求自尊
&&& 华人职业介绍所为华人找工者提供工作信息,不仅让新来者找到落脚之地,也为试图换工作者创造条件。它的存在使一些工种的流动成为可能,让一些人能够实现自己的理想和追求。
&&& 炒锅郑劲松的经历反映出职业介绍所的重要性。透过介绍所,他找到中餐馆的工作。待技术到手后,他透过介绍所寻找更加合适的工作。他换过不同的老板,他们过去是广东人、台湾人,现在多是福州人。他在一家餐馆工作的时间也长短不一。他说:“过去一般说来都是两三年,现在大都是三四个月。”他的习惯是,合则留,不合则走。
&&& 他对自己的尊严比较看重。作为炒锅,他每月能挣2200美元到2300美元。但他讨厌老板傲气,看不起人。“我的观点是,争气不争财。如果只是工资待遇高,但心情不好,我也不做。福州人空手打天下,受气不行。”他不认为老板是同乡会沾什么便宜。“老乡老乡,背后一枪。”
&&& 他对老板扣工资愤愤不平。去年,他透过纽约一家职业介绍所前去佛罗里达奥兰多一家中餐馆做工。3个月后,他感到太累了,就决定辞职。在算工资时,他要求按每月实干26天计算,而老板则按每月30天计算。他说,按照他的算法,他每天的工资是100多美元,但老板的算法使他每天少于100美元。他说,在去以前,他和老板说好,干满3个月,老板付单程车费。但后来老板食言。
&&& 他打911电话报警。警察来后,老板用英语和警察说话,而他的英语不好,没法和警察交谈。最后,老板让警察把他带走。警察就告诉他“法庭上见”。他说:“我没有办法在那里和他打官司。”打赢了才要回100多块钱,上庭请律师也不止这个数。因此,他就回到纽约。“老板肯定赢了。”
&&& 他说他没有自己开店的计划,原因是他仍是单身。“开店最好是一个家庭,家里人都可以帮忙。”他对未来没有什么打算。他说:“反正借人家的钱都还完了,也许再过几年我就回去了。”(来源:美国《世界日报》,记者:韩杰)
联系方式:新华网管理协调部 电话:010--
  Birth name :  Orlando Jonathan Blanchard Bloom  Nickname :  Orli  OB  Height:  5' 11" (1.80 m)  Mini biography  Orlando Bloom was born in Canterbury, Kent, England on January 13, 1977. The man he briefly knew as his father, Harry Bloom, was a legendary political activist who fought for civil rights in South Africa. But Harry died of a stroke when Orlando was only four years old. After that, Orlando and his older sister, Samantha Bloom, were raised by their mother, Sonia, and family friend, Colin Stone. When Orlando was 13, Sonia revealed to him that Colin was actually his biological father.  Orlando attended St. Edmunds School in Canterbury but struggled in many courses because of dyslexia. He did embrace the arts, however, and enjoyed pottery, photography and sculpturing. He also participated in school plays and was active at his local theater. As a teen, Orlando landed his first job: he was a clay trapper at a pigeon shooting range. Encouraged by his mother, he and his sister began studying poetry and prose, eventually giving readings at Kent Festival. Orlando and Samantha won many poetry and Bible reciting competitions. Then Orlando, who always idolized larger-than-life characters, gravitated towards serious acting. At the age of 16, he moved to London and joined the National Youth Theatre, spending two seasons there and gaining a scholarship to train with the British American Drama Academy. Like many young actors, he also auditioned for a number of television roles to further his career, landing bit parts in British television shows "Casualty" (1986), "Midsomer Murders" (1997) and "Smack the Pony" (1999). He also appeared in the critically acclaimed movie Wilde (1997).  He then attended the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. It was there, in 1998, that Orlando fell three stories from a rooftop terrace and broke his back. Despite fears that he would be permanently paralyzed, he quickly recovered and returned to the stage. As fate would have it, seated in the audience one night in 1999 was a director named Peter Jackson. After the show, he met with Orlando and asked him to audition for his new set of movies. After graduating from Guildhall, Orlando began work on the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy, spending 18 months in New Zealand bringing to life "Legolas", a part which made him a household name. Today, he is one of the busiest and most sought-after actors in the industry.  Trivia  During the filming for The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001), he fell off his horse and broke one of his ribs.  Chosen as one of Teen People Magazine's "25 Hottest Stars Under 25." [2002]  Originally auditioned to play the role of "Faramir" in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy but lost out on that role and was instead asked to play the role of Legolas.  Learned to surf during the filming of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy in New Zealand.  He won the 2002 MTV Movie Award for "Breakthrough Male."  Was nominated with the entire The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) cast for "Best Ensemble Acting" at the Screen Actors Guild Awards.  Won the award at the 2002 Empire Awards for "Best Debut."  Underwent a great deal of training with knives, horseback riding, canoeing and archery before his role as Legolas.  According , Orlando Bloom replaced Britney Spears at the top of the website's celebrity download index in January, 2004.  On People (USA) magazine's '50 Most Beautiful' list [2004].  Web- chose him as the sexiest actor in Britain. [2004]  One of People magazine's "Hottest Bachelors" in 2004.  His cousin, the photographer/director Sebastian Copeland, is Brigitte Nielsen's ex-husband.  He made archery a very popular sport in the UK. Many youngsters saw him with a bow in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy and decided to join archery schools.  Chosen as Teen People's #1 Hottie for the October 2004 issue.  Chosen as the sexiest male movie star by Empire Magazine. Overall he was 3 ahead of him were Keira Knightley (1st) and Angelina Jolie (2nd). [September 2004]  He used to be a vegetarian, but he had to go back to eating meat when he was filming The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001).  Named as one of nine "off the charts" sexy superstars by People Magazine in 2004, along with Jake Gyllenhaal, Usher Raymond, Colin Farrell, Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Bruce Willis, and Johnny Depp.  Was visited by Countess Seidy Maria Lopez during the filming of The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) in New Zealand.  Received a great amount of "stage combat" training while at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama (as part of the drama program in conjunction with the British Academy of Stage and Theatre Combat), which helped prepare him a great deal in the characters he has choosen to play, that fight with swords, bows and knives.  He has received an invitation to join the Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) in Stratford Upon Avon, which he plans to do in the near future when he has some time off from working on film. His goal is to perform Hamlet on the Swan stage (RSC main), one of Shakespeare's most challenging works.  Voted #1 star most women would like to kiss under the mistletoe in a poll for Sky Movies.  Has an older sister, Samantha Bloom.  Graduated from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama (1999)  Amusingly enough, his 2000 guest appearance in the television show, "Midsomer Murders" (1997) references and discusses J.R.R. Tolkien's masterpiece "The Lord of the Rings" (Particularly "Lothlorien"), for which he was eventually cast (The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)).  Found his dog, Sidi, while filming Kingdom of Heaven (2005).  Shares his birthday with Liya Kebede, Traci Bingham, Penelope Ann Miller and Nick Clooney.  Wears a replica of the One Ring that says "To wherever it may lead." It was given to him by one of the makeup artists on LOTR.  Is "mildly dyslexic".  Has three A-Levels. One A in Art, one A in Photography and one C in Religious Studies.  Can speak French.  His first car was a dark green VW Golf that costed &160.  His first job was as a clay trapper at a pigeon shooting range when he was 13.  His favourite vegetable is spinach.  First concert he attended was in Canterbery watching Jamiroquai.  Supports English football team Manchester United.  He used to smoke, but quit in 2002, which started making him bite his nails instead.  Was listed as a potential nominee on both the 2005 and 2006 Razzie Award nominating ballots. He was suggested in the Worst Supporting Actor category on the 2005 ballot for his performance in the film Troy (2004). And he was suggested again the next year in the Worst Actor category for his performances in the films Elizabethtown (2005) and Kingdom of Heaven (2005). He failed to receive either nomination.  Ranked 76 on VH1's 100 Hottest Hotties.  Is 18 months younger than Judy Greer but still plays her big brother in Elizabethtown (2005).  Split with girlfriend Kate Bosworth [September 5, 2006].}


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