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新浪体育讯 北京时间11月13日上午10点,美国亚利桑那凤凰城时间11月12日晚上7点,太阳在主场迎来了他们这个赛季的第一个东部对手--布鲁克林篮网队。前几天,寒流刚刚席卷了美国的42个州,很多地方都下起了大雪。可处于沙漠之谷的凤凰城,却迎来了每年中最美好气候的开始。  这场比赛之前的两天,太阳都没有比赛,不过球员每天上午,还是照旧要来球馆训练。主教练霍纳切克从这个赛季开始,提高了训练的强度,却缩短了时间。按他的说法,训练决定了球队在整个赛季的表现,如果训练强度上不去,很难锻炼一个队伍的强韧性,到真正的比赛中就会掉链子。  今晚的比赛我比平常都到得迟,等我到达球场的时候,比赛马上要开始了。当我走出媒体室,已经听到球场内开始唱美国国歌。眼前的一幕让我停住了脚步:在摄像机看不到的角落,球馆之外的过道边,所有的人,不论是保安还是球迷,都静静面对球场的方向站立着致敬,很多人还把手放在胸前。在这样的氛围里,我也静立等到国歌结束,才走进场内。  今晚的比赛整个就是过山车,篮网在上半场领先,最高曾达到19分。而太阳一直被压着打。而下半场就开始了太阳的一路反超,他们最大的领先,就是比赛结束时刻,领先篮网8分。到底是什么让太阳能够大逆转呢?答案只有一个,杰拉德-格林无理的存在。在上半场大比分落后的时候,是他掀起一波追分热潮。在第三节胶着的时候,也是他的出手,让太阳和篮网不至于差距加大。在比赛最后的关键时刻,又是他从乔约翰逊的手上抢断到球,让太阳进一步巩固了领先的位置。他的打球强悍而无理,比如在比赛结束前1分18秒,太阳106-99领先的时候,他竟然拿到球5秒就投了个3分,被篮网抢到篮板,之后还进了个3分。  “只要格林跳了起来,没有人能够阻挡他,也没人能够主导他。” 霍纳切克赛后半开玩笑半认真地说。作为身体条件这么出色的他,在NBA的前几年并不如意。在成为太阳一员之前,格林曾经在波斯顿凯尔特人队,明尼苏达森林狼队,休斯顿火箭队,达拉斯小牛队,洛杉矶湖人队,新泽西网队,印第安纳步行者队都打过球,还曾经参加过俄罗斯和中国的篮球联赛。来到太阳之后,格林终于找到了合适的土壤。  平时的赛后,按照一般的程序都是主教练先回答媒体的提问,然后媒体再去更衣室采访球员。之前的比赛,我从来都没有在赛后的更衣室内见过格林。每次教练还没出来接受媒体的采访,就会看到格林已经洗好澡离开了更衣室。  今晚我们照例没有在媒体室见到格林,可是太阳的公关,在过道里面堵住了他,然后让我们出去采访。哗啦啦,房间里的几十个人都涌了出去,围住了穿着红白格子衬衣的格林。  “今晚的比赛,因为有队友的配合,我得到很有空位3分的机会,这让我得分轻而易举”,格林侃侃而谈,还提到这场胜利,得益于下半场每个球员都专注而投入地比赛,以后应该用这样的方式打满48分钟。  我还是忘不了他最后那个没进的3分:“如果比赛还有几十秒结束,我们还领先几分。你那个时候会不会考虑慢下来打控制球?”  “不会,我打球就是要奔跑奔跑再奔跑。不管什么时候,不管比分多少,我就是要不停奔跑,一直到死”,他想都没想就这么回答我了,“我们是凤凰城太阳队,我们就是奔跑不息的球队,打炮轰的球队。”  球员都离开了,我转身看到媒体室的黑板上,写了一行字:“Run, push the tempo for 48” (奔跑,48分钟都保持快速的节奏)!  (新浪体育 吴敏[微博] 发自凤凰城)
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Peak oil: We are asleep at the wheel
石油峰值:呼噜方向盘上的我们 &&Revelations that the Saudis have overstated their oil reserves are a timely reminder of the huge threat to the global economy
一个沙特夸大其石油储量后的启示, 一个威胁全球经济的及时提示 &&o WikiLeaks cables: Saudi Arabia cannot pump enough oil to keep a lid on prices
【前文链接】维基解密密文: 沙特阿拉伯不能提供足够的石油来维持价格。 &&Jeremy Leggett
杰里米o莱格特 &&guardian.co.uk, Thursday 10 February
英国卫报2011年2月10日周四 15.20 GMT(格林威治时间) &&【Photo】Saudi Arabian oil field An oil field in Shaybah, Saudi Arabia. Photograph: George Steinmetz/Corbis
图片解说:沙特阿拉伯的谢拜油田&& 摄影:乔治·斯坦梅茨/ 科比斯 &&【Content】John Vidal's report on US diplomatic cables from Saudi Arabia raises the spectre of premature peak oil: an unexpected deline in global oil production in an oil-dependent world. The US government is among many administrations that routinely reassure the public that supplies of oil can go on growing far into the future. But in private, top diplomats have been telling Washington that they hold deep concerns about supplies from the world's number one supplier. This is an issue that has far-reaching consequences for an oil-importing nation like the UK, and for the global economy. 约翰·维达尔的报告就美国与沙特阿拉伯的外交电文指出石油峰值(在依赖石油的世界,全球性石油产量意外减产)提早到来的凶兆。美国政府,同其他行政机构一样,时不时就反复向社会保证未来石油供应的持续增长。但私下,高级外交官就一直告诉华盛顿当局他们对世界的头号供应商供应状况的担忧。这个问题对于像英国这样的石油进口国,甚至全球经济,都会产生深远的影响。 The latest batch of leaked cables report the views of Sadad al-Husseini, a former board member of the national oil company Saudi Aramco and a geologist who headed exploration and production for the company from 1986 to 2004. He and the US consul-general met in November 2007, when Saudi Aramco were halfway through a $50bn investment programme aiming to lift Saudi maximum daily production capacity from 9.5 million barrels a day to 12.5m by 2009.
最新一批泄漏的电文内容包含了萨达德·胡塞尼的观点。他是前沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司原负责人,也是于1986至2004年间负责为公司勘探和生产的一位地质学家。2007年11月,胡塞尼和美国总领事见面。此时,沙特石油公司正准备通过一项500亿美元的投资项目,其目的是,在2009年前,将沙特石油日产能力从950万桶提升到1250万桶。 &&Al-Husseini told the Americans he believed that the 12.5m barrel a day target would prove impossible. The kingdom might get to 12m barrels a day given 10 years, but before then – perhaps as early as 2012 – global production would have hit the highest level it ever will, and given that demand won't be abating by then given levels of economic growth in China and India, the oil price will soar. He told the Americans plainly that the Saudis will not be able to ride to the rescue: the Saudi oil industry was overstating its recoverable reserves so as to spur foreign investment, he alleged, at the same time as it was badly underestimating the time needed for bringing new oil on tap. 胡赛尼告诉美国人,他认为,每天1250万桶的目标根本不可能。他们可能在十年后达到日产量1200万桶,但在那之前,甚至可能在2012年,全球产量就已达到有史以来的最高水平,并且因中印经济的增长,需求不会减低,石油价格反而飙升。他清楚地告诉美国人,到时沙特将无法冲锋营救:为促进外国投资,沙特石油工业夸大了其可采储量。同时,他声称,开拓新石油的时间也被严重低估了。 By 2009, the Saudis were producing 9.7m barrels a day, and claiming more than 4m barrels of spare capacity: capacity beyond the daily production level that can be opened up in an effort to "swing produce" – that is to say, flood the market with oil and bring the price down. Many oil analysts question this figure, and the cables suggest there is good reason to for such scepticism.
到2009年,沙特日产970万桶并声称有超过400万桶的闲置产能:超越日常的生产水平可以彰显所谓“无拘束产油”能力,即能用石油淹没石油市场并压低价格。许多石油分析师对这个数字产生质疑,而这次的电文则暗示人们有理由相信这种怀疑的真实性。 &&Al-Husseini's gloomy view is known from public interviews such as the one he gave to the US Association for the Study of Peak Oil. What is interesting in the cables is the American diplomats' reaction to his view. "Al-Husseini is no doomsday theorist," the cable concludes. "His pedigree, experience and outlook demand that his predictions be thoughtfully considered." 胡赛尼在接受美国石油峰值研究协会的公众采访时就已显露了他的悲观看法。电文里最有趣的是美国外交官对侯赛尼看法的反应。“胡赛尼不是世界末日理论家,”电文指出, “他的背景、经验和远见使他的预言是经过深思熟虑的。” Seven months later, in a June 2008 cable, they went further. "Our mission now questions how much the Saudis can now substantively influence the crude markets over the long term. Clearly they can drive prices up, but we question whether they any longer have the power to drive prices down for a prolonged period."
七个月后,在零八年六月的电文上,他们谈了更多。“现在,我们的任务在质疑究竟沙特在原油市场上能产生多少实质性的长期影响。显然,他们可以推动股价上涨,但我们怀疑他们是否再有任何能力来推动价格的长期下调。” &&No US government official has come close to saying this in public. It is a conclusion of profound significance for the world economy, if correct.
没有美国政府官员敢在公众的面前这样说。但它若是正确的,那么将对全球经济产生深远的影响。 So is it correct? Al-Husseini told the Americans in October 2007 that he didn't think there were enough qualified staff or contracting companies available to Saudis to meet their targets. . In a September 2007 cable the embassy reports hearing "constant complaints of shortages of materials, qualified workers, and infrastructure." Such was the desperation that workers were being hired who had fraudulent documentation. The June 2008 cable reports major project delays and accidents as "evidence that the Saudi Aramco is having to run harder to stay in place – to replace the decline in existing production."
那么这是否正确?2007年10月,胡赛尼告诉美国人,他不认为有足够的合格工作人员和承包公司帮助沙特达到他们的目标。而在2007年9月的电文,使馆报告听证会上有“持续性关于材料、工人资格和基础设施的投诉。”例如,雇用伪造证件的工人。 2008年6月电文报告了主要项目的延误和意外事故,“以此作为沙特石油公司正艰难运营以保持原位不至于产量降低的证据”。 &&After this graphic warning about the difficulties the Saudis are having even to replace existing production, much less grow it, the cable goes on to say "while this mission is far from embracing doomsday 'peak oil' theorists, Saudi Aramco's challenges are significant." Al-Husseini himself insisted to embassy staff that he "does not subscribe to the theory of peak oil", before going on to air precisely the concerns that advocates of premature peak oil do: that global demand has essentially met supply, and that a premature drop in global oil production lies a worryingly short way off. 在这些困难的可视预警以后,沙特正努力维持现有生产产量,更不用说增长。电文继续谈到 “尽管这项任务还远远没有包含末日'石油峰值'理论家们的参与,沙特石油公司已经面临了巨大的挑战。“胡赛尼自己向使馆工作人员坚持声称,他“不同意的石油峰值论“,然后继续提到那些貌似石油峰值拥护者的担忧 - 全球需求已基本满足供应,而提早到来的全球石油产量剧降点将会在人们的担忧中躺在不远处。 Peak oil is not a "theory." Because oil is a finite resource, it is an inevitability. The debate is all about its timing. Al-Husseini is quoted in the 2007 cable as believing that beyond maximum possible global oil production lies a plateau of production lasting perhaps 15 years. Many others who have "pedigree and experience" think there will be a drop in production within just a few years, and we are in danger of that drop being so steep as to merit description as a collapse. In the YouTube interview al-Husseini recorded in 2009 he talks of a shortage of capacity withing just two to three years – by 2011, conceivably. He then says: "in the long term it's even worse."
石油峰值不只是一个“理论”。由于石油是一种有限的资源,因此这种理论具有其必然性。这是一场关于时间的辩论。胡赛尼在2007年的电文中说道,他相信如产量高原般超越上一年的最大石油的生产也就大概15年了。其他有“背景和经验”的专家相信,数年内我们就会遇见产量剧降,甚至可以用“崩溃”来形容。在YouTube零九年采访胡赛尼举行的记录中,他提到产能短缺将会在短短两三年间呈现,进一步说可能在2011年之前。之后,他补充道,“从长远来看,它将更糟。” &&The peak oil debate – whether one uses the "P" word or not – involves huge stakes. If US diplomats based in Saudi Arabia harbour fears that the Saudis can't produce enough oil to head off ruinous oil prices, then they are merely telling the US government what a spectrum of UK industry is already telling the UK government. We are asleep at the wheel here: choosing to ignore a threat to the global economy that is quite as bad as the credit crunch, and quite possibly worse. 无论是否使用一个以“P”为首的单词(这里指Peak,顶峰),在石油峰值的辩论上,都赌注庞大。如果美国驻沙特港口的外交官深切担忧沙特不能生产足够的石油以阻止毁灭性石油价格的产生,他们就会如同一连串英国工业已经告诉英国政府的那样告诉美国政府实情。我们现在就睡在方向盘上 - 选择忽略这个关乎全球经济的威胁,那就如同信用恐慌一样糟,甚至更致命。 o Jeremy Leggett is the founder and chairman of Solarcentury, the UK's largest solar solutions company.
- 杰里米o莱格特,Solarcentury(太阳世纪控股有限公司,是英国最大太阳能方案公司)的创始人和董事长。
&We are asleep at the wheel& - If someone is asleep at the wheel, they are not doing their job or taking their responsibilities very carefully. 'Asleep at the switch' is an
alternative. 中文可譯為“因放鬆等狀態,忽略眼前的危險”
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