eden steam怎么eden pm汉化补丁

《Sunrider: First Arrival》中文译名:《太阳骑士:初至》商店页面:http://store.steampowered.com/app/313730免费游戏机战战棋为主,加入了一定的文字AVG内容《Grisaia no Kajitsu -LE FRUIT DE LA GRISAIA-》中文译名:《灰色的果实》(由于某吧的某些原因被国内玩家戏称为《A神的果实》)发布时间:未定《灰色的果实》由游戏公司FrontWing出版并于日发售。这个作品获得《2011年萌系游戏大赏》的金赏。《灰色的果实》在日本相关网站的2011年2月销量榜上排名第1,2011年3月排名第13,在整个2011年上半年排名第6,全年排名第10。本作故事的舞台设立在了特别的地方——美浜学园,主人公风见雄二转校来到这里,而这个学园中只有5名少女:喜欢独处的大小姐、温柔而且喜欢照顾别人的少女、金发双马尾的傲娇女、天真活泼的妹系角色、认真且喜好穿女仆装的班长,与这5名性格各异的少女相遇的男主之间会发生什么样的故事呢?总共只有6个人的美浜学园隐藏着什么样的谜团呢?一切正要开始上演《planetarian ~the reverie of a little planet~》中文译名:《星之梦》商店页面:http://store.steampowered.com/app/316720/?snr=1_7_7_151_150_1发布时间:2014年底KEY社出品的短篇AVG,虽只有2小时的故事,却带给无数玩家长久的感动《fault milestone one》商店页面:http://store.steampowered.com/app/286260发布时间:2014年底C84同人游戏,故事讲述了在一个名为Ruzenheid的幻想国度中,公主Selfine与儿时伙伴Ritona在国家危难时刻被迫逃亡并重返王国的冒险旅程。《Sakura Spirit》中文译名:《樱花之灵》商店页面:http://store.steampowered.com/app/313740/9.99刀欧美制作组做的擦边球游戏,前段时间还挺火。。《WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.01》商店页面:http://store.steampowered.com/app/269250/13刀在绿光时就关注了,第一章在steam发售时果断购买。狼与香辛料的作者——支仓冻砂 创作的文字类AVG。2011年8月Spicy Tales发布了由支仓冻砂职掌剧本的PC游戏:《WORLD END ECONOMiCA》正式版第一卷。告别了狼与香辛料的中古世界,支仓冻砂再度以商道为主题,描述一位少年如何在尔虞我诈的月面商场「株氏市场」上出人头地本作采取了未来世界的架空设定,描述月球移民潮的结束后16年,在「株氏市场」这个存在超过百年的贸易集散地上发生的故事。故事主角是一位在月球土生土长,出身于贫民村落的少年阿治。阿治对贫困的生活深感厌恶,亟欲摆脱这个恶性轮回。也希望自己能像人类踏上月球那样,完成无人能及的伟大壮举。但是这个梦想并非易事,必须拥有莫大的资产做其后盾才有可能实现。于是阿治便独自离家闯荡,朝着月面都市的核心出发,想凭着自己引以为傲的交易手腕,在「株氏市场」里面闯出一片天。《Narcissu 1st & 2nd》中文译名:《水仙》商店页面:http://store.steampowered.com/app/264380/游戏免费,可以花7.99刀买OST治愈神作水仙不玩能忍?LZ的CASIO电子词典的关机画面用了快4年的《水仙》没换过《eden*》发布时间:未定在地球遥远的未来,由於火星附近出现了巨大的能量体,使地球发生了各种变异,引发了全球性的战争和恐怖主义,地球在毁灭性的打击下离灭亡只剩下100年。为了赶在100年内离开地球,人类制定了「地球脱出计划」。而为了实现这个计划,又建立了「地球统一Zf」以打压异己和集中一切可利用资源;另一方面,为了解决人类智慧和肉体的局限性以保证计划的延续性,又制定了「地球脱出计划」的核心「Felix计划」——通过基因改造,获得高智能的长生不老的生命体,即「Felix」。本作的女主角紫苑(一作sion)(シオン)即为其中一名Felix。第99年,撤出行动完全结束后,原特殊部队成员榛名亮被派往第703研究所,与紫苑邂逅。而亮的任务就是守护这个为「地球脱出计划」奉献了一生的少女,以及限制她的自由。后来在地球毁灭的最后时间里守护她前往死亡的乐园…《Chou Dengeki Stryker》日文原名:《超电激ストライカー》发布时间:未定Overdrive出的一部文字AVG作品,讲述了某个中二少年变成超级英雄拯救妹子和世界的故事。。《The House in Fata Morgana》日文原名:《ファタモルガーナの馆》发布时间:未定Novectacle 出的同人游戏,看网上一些玩家对这个的的评价挺高《eden*》登陆steam的新闻出来的时候,新闻还提到了一部《Minori / Supipara Development Plan》(すぴぱら STORY #01 - Spring Has Come!)要登陆steam,不过我看了看MangaGamer的官网并没有说本作打算要登陆steam,有了解的朋友可以补充欢迎大家在下面补充其他已经发布或许很有可能在steam发布的游戏
一楼防吞,二楼放截图 -...
想在sbeam 上买GTAV 听...
抱歉,上面有点图快写错了。。すぴぱら STORY #01 - Spring Has Come! 才是游戏名字,《Minori / Supipara Development Plan》只是代表游戏的开发计划。。
eden要是出了 买买买!!
@丨周慧敏丨 大声告诉...
【ID】腐海无涯不回头 ...
先总结: 上世纪九十年代...
哎 我就做个好人 lovely cation 民工男友
steam上的。推荐clannad(英文版。没汉化),星之梦(没汉化)。if my heart had wings(没汉化),高恋(国产),eden(没玩过,不知道如何,听说评价不错)
dracu riot
lovely cation1和2
steam上的:高恋;amnesia:memories(失忆症);an octave higher(高八度音);其他的:请认真和我恋爱(里面妹子都不错);白色相簿(这个强力推荐,白学家);僕と恋するポンコツアクマ(2015年最强拔作)
我来个有战斗要操作的吧,baldrsky dive1+2
slg galgame战兰
重生萝莉岛 11eyes 3days 君彼女 差不多这些都够玩一段时间了
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发行日期: 日
&Eden Star is a core game developed by gamers, for gamers. We care for the game and the people who play it and therefore, early access provides the best platform to fuse great community ideas with our passion to conjointly see Eden Star reach its full potential.
Components of Eden Star are at multiple s some prototyped, some in early design and some purely conceptual. We want to gauge whether you feel that the core mechanics are working and how you see them evolving. Our mantra is to build and improve from a solid foundation and, although there may be issues at times, we want to work with you to address these issues as soon as possible.&
&In short, as long as it needs to be. We are committed to delivering a great experience and – depending on development – will be adding new features, fixing any issues and expanding the gameplay in subsequent updates. Exiting early access is dependent on how well the game is received, so the more people that back Eden Star early on, the more the proceeds can be pushed back into refining the game.&
&There are many planned features that are currently at various stages of development.
We are planning on developing a greater amount of customization via additional upgrades, weapons and the inclusion of armour types. We also plan to expand on the construction, adding to the available primitive Schematics, Defenses and Utilities to allow for more creativity and playstyles.
The lore of the game is also extremely important to us, providing an expansive universe that can provide story to drive the game forwards. The ultimate goal would be to explore this in full.
For further details, see the Trello board below.&
&The Early Access is essentially a starting point from which we can expand upon. The core gameplay mechanics are complete as a single player experience (if a very minimal one) and have been developed with multiplayer in mind.
We have squished all the bugs we have found but there will likely be more that we haven’t encountered yet, being the small, independent team we are. The tutorial is a work in progress, the controls can be convoluted at times and balancing is ongoing! We know it’s fun, but we want you to tell us if it isn't so that we can make improvements. This is why we wanted to bring Eden Star to Early Access, we need your help to make it the best it can be.&
&Our &pricing strategy& is a simple one. The price will reflect the current features in the game. Over time the price of the game will incrementally increase, the game may also occasional drop in price during Steam Sales.
We want to build an active and involved community to help us shape the future of Eden Star, so we hope the lower price point acts as a lowered barrier for those who wish to help us mold future releases of Eden Star, prices will however fluctuate dependent on Steam Sales and feedback.&
&The community is an essential part of any Early Access game and Eden Star will be no different.
We would hugely appreciate you telling us when you encounter any issues so that we can find solutions and deliver updates to you as soon as possible.
Is the game not running?
Have you found a crash?
Is a weapon underpowered?
Is an enemy misbehaving?
Are you able to find the materials in the world for the upgrade that you want?
Are there parts of the game or the controls that you think need to be explained more in the tutorial?
Are you having trouble running the game on your system?
Are you stuck in a chasm with no way out?
We would also like to know if you think the game is missing something vital. Do you have an idea that you think would fit with the world of Eden Star or improve the way something currently works? If so, we’ would like to hear it. Suggestions are always welcome, we may have already thought of it and have something in the pipeline but you may have a great idea we love and nobody has imagined yet...&
购买 Eden Star Pre-Alpha
Greetings Pioneers!
So here it comes! We’re going to start pushing out invites to our experimental branch as of today! Check your friend requests for an add from Flix Interactive and accept it so that we can message you. Don’t worry if you don’t get an invite from us straight away, we’ll progressively be issuing details on how to access the new builds over the coming week. This is a big step for the game as it begins to expand in size. So for now only single player will be accessible from our experimental build branch.
The stability testing and optimisation that has gone into getting the game running how we want it has been quite the test. Due to the vastness of destruction and physics interactions in Eden Star this process has been more drawn out than we would've liked it to be, mainly due to our incessant desire to make sure it’s playable for you wonderful people that support us!
Thank you all once again for your patience.
Here’s what we’ve been upto this week in preparation for our aforementioned release (some of these fixes and features may not be included in our first experimental branch release)
John - Lead Designer
This week I have been redesigning the materials and crafted items of the game and what you can build from them. We want to introduce more of a real-world feel for the items you see in the world, so that they make more sense as to what they might do at face value. I have also been designing the introduction sequence to the game with Matt so that we can introduce new players to the game systems and set the scene as to initial objectives.
Matt - Art Director
Working towards our experimental branch release, I’ve been adding some old looking worn and trodden track visuals for roads which indicate earth colonies once thrived on the island. These are helpful as guides and pointers to players who wish to search and discover what is left of colony outposts around the area.
The outposts are going to be under progressive development and will be vastly improved in further builds with such features as patrolling creatures that spawn within the buildings and corrupted and worn looking visuals around the outposts to show the islands attempt to consume them over time.
Lee - Technical Director
This week has involved a lot of bug fixes, and a lot of testing. There are still a few minor bugs and some bugs which can’t be fixed due to needing more systems being put in place. Which is what I’ve being doing the latter part of this week, planning features I need implementing to fix some of these issues.
Tristan - Senior Developer
This week I have been fixing up that last load of critical and major issues as well as some minor ones that have been hanging around for a good while like mantling actually animating on clients. I have also been working with John, Marcin and Yves on a system design for how we can make multiplayer building more efficient and still give you the freedom you have now. I think we have finally got a solution :)
Joe - Environment Artist
Another good healthy mix of tweaks, fixes and new tasks this week. I’ve created icons for all the new Decorator building blocks and started work on the mammoth task of populating the new level with small bases and their connecting roads and pathways. My goal with placing these roads is to provide consistently enjoyable exploration, drive player choice and give players a starting experience that guides them towards objective gameplay (that will be fleshed out in the future).
Outside of those tasks I’ve made quite a few tweaks and improvements. The distance landscape is now much more detailed, I’ve added new HUD damage visuals for your shield being hit, and I’ve gone over Loot placement in all of the prefab bases.
Yves - Senior Developer
The CPU on the server takes a massive hit when it reaches so many replicated actors, it has to check to the properties of each one to see if anything has changed, as we’ve seen with the Chicago server when our players make massive bases, that can be lots of properties to check. Unfortunately techniques like net dormancy won’t help us in our circumstance.
So I’ve been working on optimizing structure replication. We’re going to take it out of the engine’s hands for the most part and handle it ourselves by clustering areas of blocks and using fast net arrays to broadcast changes.
Lauren - Animator
This week I have mostly been working on bug fixes and tweaks for the AI. I have also been addressing the audio in the level and making note of where we are missing sounds, tweaking volume and attenuation and adding placeholders where I can.
Ricky - Developer
Bugs were trodden upon. I the functionality to allow armour repairing, loading screen, deploy ui modular buttonry (like weaponry but 20% more pressing involved), HUD health and shield damage effects, transfer and drop button disability fixes and finishing off the week with some hardcore prototyping of a new design for the HUD scanner, we feel ye old text just wasn’t cutting the mustard anymore and we like our mustard cut right dammit!
Marcin - Designer
Another week, another set of bugs sorted out. Nothing particularly major, I’m afraid, just hundreds of tiny little tweaks and changes - mostly to AI, and buildings. Aside from those I am working on a few designs as well.
There was a very technical design for a new system of replication of buildings over network, as we’ve hitting the point where there is so many buildings, the current system cannot cope quickly enough, as well as designs for future customisation options for personal servers and single-player gamer.
Last but not least, I am looking into designs for populating how we want to populate the infected bases with AI to make them alive and challenging.
Simone - Concept Artist
This week I’ve been just finishing up on the armours so that next week I can start new tasks that are in the pipeline!
Andy - Lead QA
This week we have been gearing up to releasing our new map into the experimental branch so I’ve spent my week pestering the team to get lots of little tweaks and fixes done for me so we can roll this build out to you guys.
See you in the fray!
-Team Flix
Greetings Pioneers!
We thank you for your patience so far, this week many more bugs have been fixed and we are ever closer to a release into the experimental branch! From there, those taking part can give us some much needed balancing feedback for the upcoming gameplay expansion. We hope to start this testing process next week.
Please note that this will not be a full public release to start with, only to those who have registered their interest in helping us out at this stage and opt into the experimental branch. If everything goes to plan we will roll it out to everyone soon after.
This week the new 4km2 map has been populated with more outpost bases and feature buildings to explore and loot, weapon stats and effects have been tweaked and debugged, more critical issues have been sorted… PROGRESS!
John - Lead Designer
This week has been filled with exciting meetings for me. You’ll be glad to know we’ve been planning the final details for our experimental release build as well!
Matt - Art Director
I’ve been back at creating props for existing locations within the world. Specifically for a communication relay station and observatory. These locations can be found and inhabited or raided by players currently if they can capture that locations Eden Kit. I’ll be moving onto creating assets for a more fleshed out game tutorial that will better help introduce the basic elements of the game.
Lee - Technical Director
This week I have continued with the debugging of AI. I’ve also had to make a few engine changes to get the group behaviours working the way I want. You may not notice much difference at first but once it is fully functional we can start to do some cool stuff with groups of AI.
Tristan - Senior Developer
Bug, Balance and Polish pretty much sums up this week for all the devs me included. We have been fixing crashes, game breaking bugs, save breaking bugs, ai breaking bugs and any bugs in between. On a non-bugs note I have been planning out the tasks for replication optimisation with Yves for our structures. It should give us a BUILDING (because no boats are featured in this game) load of frames back :)
Yves - Senior Developer
Yves is not available to write this for himself as he is feeling under the weather today. There’s only so many bugs anyone can absorbed into one's body before illness ensues. That’s right, this is Yves’s prefered method for bug fixing.
Marcin - Designer
Bits and bobs mostly for me this week. I was working on AI bugs, mostly technical stuff like lost references and feet placement, a bit on the decorators and doors, some on the navmesh, and a tiny bit on the balancing. But I did spend a day prototyping the way an Area of Effect Blast would work.
It’s a challenging mechanic especially due to how many different thing it can hit in a single frame, so there is a very delicate balance to strike between accuracy and performance there. In any case, even in its current rough state, it’s already pretty fun to play with, so it definitely feels like the right direction to go.
Joe - Environment Artist
This week has mainly been full of polishing and tweaking in anticipation for our biggest release yet. Seeing it all come together over the past few weeks is super exciting and I hope you guys feel that it’s worth the wait once it arrives.
Specifically this week I’ve been tweaking PFX for the new weapons and balancing weapon stats and tidying up various parts of the UI (including new visuals for player damage).
The highlight of this week has definitely been getting to work on some new outposts and colonies to help populate the new map - a mining facility and an abandoned, overgrown lookout post.
Lauren - Animator
This week I have been working on more bug fixes and tweaks as well as improving the interactions between AI so that wolves perform kill moves against small critters if they manage to catch them. I have also been continuing animating some &dragon/vulture-like& aerial attacks and a couple of small fish for underwater shoals.
Ricky - Developer
Is not here right now but if he was he would tell you that bugs are exhausting so I’m going on holiday
Simone - Concept Artist
I was away at the beginning of this week and have been catching up on what needs to do be done and continuing work on the female armour sets.
Andy - Lead QA
This week I’ve been mostly focusing on the balancing of the new modular weapons, AI spawning and general tweaking of the game.
Don't forget you can keep up to date with what we're working on and have lined up for the future by taking a peek at our Public Trello Boards here:
See you in the fray!
-Team Flix
在讨论版中为这款游戏汇报 BUG,并留下反馈
““Maybe I’m just starstruck, but this looks entirely brilliant””
“Eden Star is the perfect game for those of who have always wanted to play Mass Effect, but were put off because there wasn't enough Minecraft in it.”
“If it is this enjoyable at Pre-Alpha they’re doing something right”
Eden Star is an immersive Sci-Fi survival game that blends innovative physics based combat, destructible environments and free-form construction with the exploration of a hostile alien world.
Explore and gather resources from the environment of Pharus 7, use these materials to construct defensive outposts, craft powerful weaponry and upgrade your Pioneer.
Co-op & PVP Multiplayer
Colony System (Teams)
Physics based combat (Smash)
Splintermite (Ground Enemy)
Stalker (Ground Enemy)
Ika (Flying Enemy)
Ika Viper (Flying Enemy)
2 Forest Creatures (neutral)
Swamp Walker (Neutral/Defensive Creature)
1.5km Map
Swamp Biome
Forest Biome
Foliage Destruction
Mineral Destruction
9 Material Types
Wall running and Mantling
Craftable Weapons and A
Pistol (pre-compiled - Not yet customisable)
SMG (pre-compiled - Not yet customisable)
Rifle (pre-compiled - Not yet customisable)
Sniper Rifle (pre-compiled - Not yet customisable)
Pistol Clip
SMG Clip
Rifle Clip
Sniper Rifle Clip
Gauss Module Flechettes
Multiple “MATA-Tool” Abilities/Upgrade M
Kinetic Blast
Kinetic Laser
Energy Harness (Mining)
Energy Harness Reclaim Structures (Undo)
Regeneration (Heal Structures)
Energy Harness MATA-Combat (Smash)
Gauss Cannon
Melee Baton
Melee Energy Blade
Primitive S
Barriers (Half Walls)
Ceilings (Floors)
Functional S
Auto Turret
Energy Turret
Missile Turret
Energy Walls
Energy Generator
For an up to date list of what we are currently working on we have a public Trello board available
(you must have a Trello account to comment or vote on features)
16km Squared Island
Juggernaut (large ground enemy)
Splintermite Queen (large ground enemy)
Weapon - Grenade Launcher
Weapon - Frag Grenade
Swamp Snake Enemy Creature
Expanded build types (Upgraded doors, windows, walls etc)
Creature Creation
We will not promise that the following features will make it into the game until they are actually in the game!
Further Refinement of Melee (Combos)
Expanded World
Additional Pioneer Characters
Steam Achievements
Health Packs
Craftable/ Upgradable Armour
Utility buildings (generators etc)
More enemies
More neutral creatures
Robotic allies
Procedural content
Use your MATA-Tool (Remote Manipulation Device) to harvest trees, foliage and mineral rich rocks within a real-time physics driven environment. Obtain Material Shards for use in outpost building, weapon construction and powerful upgrades. Destroy and recreate your
the world is yours to manipulate, just watch out for the indigenous lifeforms…
Use gathered Materials to craft defenses, walls, ramps and turrets to protect your outpost or construct powerful weapons and upgrades for your Pioneer. Place gathered Materials within your Eden Kit to store, or use them to upgrade the Eden Kit's protective shield and power additional defenses. Expand your territory by building additional Eden kits. How you balance your resources is up to you.
Using unique physics-driven combat you can remotely grab enemies and smash or blast them into the destructible environment. Upgrade your weaponry to tackle the alien hives and claim the territory for your own. Combine different attacks and abilities in order to survive against enemies and environmental hazards. A simple, but fluid movement system gives you freedom to move athletically across surfaces.
Death in Eden Star is permanent. You can be reconstructed back by the Eden Kit provided it contains Teslinium and remains intact, but naturally it must be protected...
The Tech Demo is free and is automatically downloaded with Eden Star. To access it you m
Find Eden Star :: Destroy - Build - Protect (R) in your Steam Game Library
Right Mouse Click over Eden Star :: Destroy - Build - Protect (R) and select Properties from the bottom of the list
Left Mouse Click on the 3rd tab labelled Local Files
Left Mouse Click on the Browse Local Files button
This Will Open Up A Browser Window
Click on the UE3 Combat Tech Demo folder
Follow the instructions listed within the associated Readme file within the folder, all instructions are also within the Readme document
To launch the Eden Star Tech Demo you must find the folder where you have installed the Tech Demo and find
EdenDemo_5.7 & Binaries & Win64 then click on the application (.exe) &EdenGame& to launch the demo
e.g. :: C:\Eden\EdenDemo_5.7\Binaries\Win64\EdenGame.exe
操作系统: Windows 8.1 64 Bit, Windows 8 64 Bit, Windows 7 64 Bit Service Pack 1.
处理器: Intel i5 CPU @ 2.40GHz (4 CPUs) / AMD X8 FX @ 3.5GHz (8 CPUs)
内存: 8 GB RAM
图形: NVIDIA GTX 650 / or AMD equivalent
网络: 宽带互联网连接
存储空间: 需要 10 GB 可用空间
声卡: 100% DirectX 10 compatible
附注事项: Over time content, programming changes and feature updates may change the system requirements for this game. Some system components such as mobile chipsets, integrated, and AGP graphics cards may be incompatible. An internet connection may be required to access in future.
(C) 2012 Flix Interactive Ltd. All rights reserved. EDEN STAR is a licensed trademark. All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of their respective owners.
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《伊甸星》跟楼上我的好友DustCN一样,这款游戏很久之前便勾起了我的兴趣,这是一款基于虚幻4引擎开发的科幻生存、跑酷游戏,现今打折购买游玩后觉得一点都不亏。 游玩感受-逐渐补充1.优化很棒,我的780开到高也能非常流畅的运行。2.科幻风格的生存游戏(GRAV、太空工程师等)虽说不是第一款,但做出了自己的特色,将跑酷融入,很带感。3.可多人游戏,但是现今没有亚服、国服,国人如果联机依旧延迟颇高,自建服务器的选项是灰色的,可能以后会开启。4.收集材料、战斗,都算上玩过的生存游戏中超级顺畅带感的了。5.喜爱此类游戏的玩家们,趁打折快剁手!!!6.不要去打地上的黄绿色的孢子!不要去打地上的黄绿色的孢子!不要去打地上的黄绿色的孢子!7.Q键和4键都可以切换手枪,2键建造菜单。8.ctrl+鼠标滚轴滑动切换材料,鼠标中键点击切换建造物类别。
伊甸星这款游戏,目前属于单纯生存类,关于建造的东西比较少,除了活下去也没什么事情可干,画面效果比较目前比较主流的独立游戏来说非常不错,值得一提的是枪械手感比较好,就是目前比较少(也可能是我材料不多?)只有2款.毕竟才开始A测 版本才0.0.3.内容不多 就目前玩了1个小时来简单介绍下优点:画面+1
优化 很感人就是内容少了点
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