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Low pressure measurement using a Bayard-Alpert gauge with magnetic field modulation
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, 1969, Pages 65-67
Low pressure measurement using a Bayard-Alpert gauge with magnetic field modulation
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FOM-lnstituut voor Plasma-Fysica Rijnhuizen Jutphass, The Netherlands
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The measurement of low pressures with a conventional BA gauge1 is limited by the X-ray effect and the electron desorption effect2,3,4. Redhead described the use of a modulator electrode to extend the low-pressure limit of the BA gauge2,5. A residual collector current, which, as he supposed, is constant and unaffected by the modulation, can be distinguished from the true ion current. From measurements made by Hobson6 and Appelt7 we know that the residual current will also be modulated. They have found methods to estimate the modulation factor of the residual current. Lange and Singleton8 modified the modulation technique of Redhead. They have shown that a slight change in the potentials applied to the modulator electrode offers advantages over the original method. This reduces pressure changes due to electron desorption and subsequent adsorption on the modulator, since the modulator is continuously bombarded by electrons. For gauges with grid end caps, operation in the Lange and Singleton mode cannot be applied. For this mode of operation the modulation factor of the ion current equals approximately unity.The magnetic field modulation which we suggest enables determination of the true ion current and the residual current of a conventional BA gauge. It is shown that for a modulated BA gauge with grid end caps the pressure measurement with magnetic field modulation is more accurate than that using Redhead's method.
Remember meThermodynamic prediction of glass forming range in Al-Mg-REM ternary system
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RIS (for EndNote, ReferenceManager, ProCite)
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, June 1998, Pages 221-230
Thermodynamic prediction of glass forming range in Al-Mg-REM ternary system
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aDepartment of Materials Science and Engineering Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology Kusung-Dong 373-1, Yusung-Gu Taejon, Korea 305–701*Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Rapidly Solidified Materials Research Center Chungnam National University Taejon, Korea 305–764
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The glass forming range of the ternary Al-Mg-REM (Rare Earth Metal) system has been explored and predicted. T0 curves, thermodynamically calculated, have been compared with Tg which has been approximated as crystallization temperature, Tx. From an empirical kinetic relationship with the formation enthalpy, Tx was obtained. Predictive calculations have not been directly verified by experiments but this approach may be used as a useful guide to predict the glass forming range of ternary and even multicomponent systems.
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