上帝 比看见 选择与尊严他更有尊严

为什么中国人这么牛逼?因为,“我们的国家正在被娱乐化”。所以,外行凑热闹。这些年,越来越多的大陆人开始过“圣诞节”(Christmas Day)。然而,绝大多数大陆人并不清楚这个节日的文化内涵。
实际上,Christmas Day与每一个地球人都相关。
Christmas Day就是太阳神崇拜的产物。在欧亚大陆,太阳从哪一天开始显得格外温暖,白昼变得越来越长?是12月21日——23日的冬至时节。所以,在冬至这一天,北欧土著萨米人,古美索不达米亚地区的苏美尔、巴比伦人,印度教徒,伊朗民族和祅教徒,古代斯拉夫民族,不约而同地祭祀同一个神——太阳神——尽管他们的名字很不一样:北威(Beiwe)、马尔杜克、苏利耶(Surya)、霍尔斯(Hors)。冬至成了太阳神的诞辰,原始人类在这一天庆祝光明战胜黑暗。
上面这些关于太阳的印欧神话,被近现代耶经学者们认为是耶稣信仰的起源。因此,除去宗教意义,Christmas Day其实就是西方的“冬至”日。不过,我们也可以说,基督教的Christmas Day是从“异教徒”那里“偷”来的。公元274年,罗马皇帝奥勒良指定每年的12月25日作为罗马帝国官方庆祝叙利亚太阳神苏里耶和伊朗太阳神米特拉的节日Dies Natalis Solis Invicti(意为“不可征服的太阳”生日)。
经过上面这番理论,我想,那些不信“上帝”的人,至少应该有所醒悟吧!Christmas Day之所以受到非西方民族的普遍欢迎,决不单纯是因为它热闹好玩,而是其背后有着深刻的历史渊源和文化背景。我们需要和平!我们需要普世价值!一句话:我们需要“上帝”来唤醒那些仍然麻木不仁、欺骗同类的中国人!
所以,Christmas Day这个英文词组究竟应该如何翻译,其实是一个时代命题。大陆将其翻译成“圣诞节”——很有些莫名其妙的味道,它肯定不如大陆之外的翻译“耶诞节”准确,但我认为,更准确的翻译应该是“信上帝节”,因为,假如你连“上帝”都不信的话,你就真的没有必要厚着脸皮凑热闹了。除了暴殄天物、消化不良、拉肚子、出洋相之外,在普世歌颂“上帝”降临的时刻,这些不信“上帝”的人还能怎样呢?
“上帝”通过其使者、信徒为人类带来福音!Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!>> 分享、研读宇宙高次元、高智慧的信息,探讨新时代思想与灵性成长之道。
→ 上帝想要你知道――
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这是《与神对话》作者尼尔?沃许题为《我相信上帝想要你知道――》系列邮件的内容,将陆续翻译刊登,与各位分享经由尼尔传递的“上帝”的智慧。God Wants You To Know #1&&On this day of your life, Dear Friend God wants you to know......that all of life is animated by a single fantastic energy, which is the essence of everything that is -- including you. Isn't that amazing? Now, because this essence is who you are and what you are made of, it can obviously never leave you. Perhaps not so obviously, it can also be wonderfully helpful. It can bring you peace in moments of stress, strength in moments of weakness, courage in moments of fear, wisdom in moments of confusion, forgiveness in moments of anger, and love in all the moments of your life. All you have to do is know that this is true, and it will be true for you, right now. I think that's terrific, don't you? You already know the reason that this particular reminder came to you today...Your Friend 上帝想要你知道#1在你人生中的这一天,上帝想要你知道…………一切生命都是由单一的神奇能量所驱动,它是一切事物――也包括你――的本质。&&&&这是不是很神奇?因为这本质就是你之为你,你是由它所组成,很显然,它永远不会离开你。也许并不明显的是,知道这一点会给你带来极大的帮助。在紧张时,它可以给你带来和平,在恐惧时,它可以给你带来勇气,在困惑时,它可以给你带来智慧,在愤怒时,它可以给你带来宽恕,在你人生的每一刻,它都可以给你带来爱。&&你要做的只是,知道这是真的,此时此刻,对你而言,这是真的。&&我想,这真的很妙,你觉得呢?&&你已经知道这个特别的提醒为什么会在今天来到你面前……你的朋友尼尔&&&&万源一 译 God Wants You To Know #2&&On this day of your life, dear friend God wants you to know....
...that you are a pure child of God, beautiful in your innocence -- andthat this is true no matter what you may have done.There is no offense you could ever commit that can rob you of yourmagnificence, or of the wonder of who you are. Gosh, Eliot Spitzer'sdrama has brought up a lot of stuff for all of us, hasn't it? Yet whoamong us hasn't fallen from the path, betrayed another, acted unwisely, fallen prey to temptation, given in to a craving or addiction?All of us are human. And in God's eyes that makes us perfect. Really. Just the way we are. Like 3-year-olds, looking anxiouslyup at some elder, wondering with quivering lips whether we'll get a spanking for breaking the rules...The 3-year-old is beautiful in her innocence. He is pure as snow, and there is simply something that has not been totally understood, or fully integrated into behavior yet. It's okay. We don't mean to be "bad." And in truth, we aren't. Not a one of us. We're simply, sometimes, mistaken. And God loves us anyway.Immensely. Completely. Eternally. Just&& as&&&&we&&&&are.Oh, and by the way, you already know the reason that this particular reminder came to you today...Love, Your Friend 上帝想要你知道#2在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,上帝想要你知道…………你是上帝纯洁的孩子,美丽,天真――无论你做了什么,都是如此。无论你作出怎样的冒犯之举,也无损于你的华美,或你之为你的神奇。天哪,纽约州长Eliot Spitzer的招妓丑闻让我们想到很多,不是吗?然而,我们当中有谁不曾误入歧途、背叛他人、做出不智之举、为诱惑所俘、屈服于欲望和瘾癖?我们都是人。在上帝的眼中,我们看起来都是完美的。真的,我们本来就是如此。就如三岁的孩童,焦急地抬头看着大人,嘴唇发颤,不知道会不会因为犯错而被打屁股……三岁孩童的天真是美丽的。他就像白雪一样纯洁,只是有些事还没有完全明白,或还没有完全据以行动。没关系。我们不是故意“作恶”。确实,我们不是故意的。没有人是故意的。有时候,我们只是会犯错。不管怎样,上帝爱我们。上帝的爱是无限的,全然的,永恒的。正如我们也是如此。哦,对了,你已经知道,这个特别的提醒为什么会在今天来到你面前……你的朋友尼尔&&万源一 译 God Wants You To Know #3&&On this day of your life, dear friend ,God wants you to know....
...that Life is on your side, you live in a friendly universe,
and all will work out in the end. You may be facing a challenge right now, or perhaps an important question you've been pondering, but you're not facing this alone. You can ask God for help. You, too, can have a conversation with God. I promise.So just take a breath right now and ask God to tell you exactly what you need to hear. Then...listen.&&Carefully. You already know the reason that this particular reminder came to you today....Love, Your Friend, 上帝想要你知道#3在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,上帝想要你知道…………生命永远和你站在同一边,你生活在一个友善的宇宙里,最终,一切都会解决。此刻,你可能正面临一个挑战,或者你正在沉思一个重要的问题,但你并没有孤单一人地面对它们。你可以寻求上帝的帮助。你也可以和上帝对话。我发誓。因此,现在就深吸一口气,要上帝明确告诉你你需要听到的。然后……聆听。仔细聆听。你已经知道,这个特别的提醒为什么会在今天来到你面前……你的朋友尼尔&&万源一 译 God Wants You To Know #4On this day of your life, dear friend God wants you to know..... ...that money problems can evaporate in the blink of an eye, and that you are eternally abundant. I know, I know...it sometimes doesn't seem that way, but thetruth is, you always have everything you need, right here, rightnow.&&Do you know how I know?&&You're still here.&&If you hadn'talways been given everything you ever needed, you wouldn'tbe here.Now all that is necessary is for you to understand this deeply.Then, stop worrying. You'll be okay.&&Wait and see.Or better yet, don't wait at all.&&Experience this right now. And remember it when things don't look so good (in your imagination). You already know the reason that this particular reminder came to you today....Love, Your Friend 上帝想要你知道#4在你人生中的这一天,上帝想要你知道………….金钱的问题会在眨眼间消失,并且,你永远都是富足的。我知道,我知道,有时情形似乎并非如此,但事实是,此时此地,你永远都拥有你所需要的一切。你知道我是如何知道的吗?因为你依然在这里。如果你一直都没有得到你所需要的一切,你就不可能还在这里。现在,你只要深深地理解这一点。然后,不再担忧。你会没事的。等着瞧吧。甚至根本不用等。就在此刻体验你的富有。当事情似乎不太妙的时候(出于你的想象),牢记这一点。你已经知道,这个特别的提醒为什么会在今天来到你面前……你的朋友尼尔&&万源一 译 &&God Wants You To Know #5&&On this day of your life, dear friend, God wants you to know......that you can make the end of this work week
be the end of ‘work’ forever.What we call “work” can, and should, be a joy. It can be that for you beginning now―no matter what you are doing.Simply see the daily work of your hands as the pathway to where you want to be. Then, be grateful that life has given you this path.You already know the reason that this particular reminder came to you today....Love, Your Friend, 上帝想要你知道#5在你人生中的这一天,上帝想要你知道…………当你把这一周的工作做完时,你也可以“一劳永逸”。我们所谓的“工作”,可以是,也应该是,一种享受。你现在就可以开始享受――无论你现在在做什么。只要把你每天手头的工作看作是通往你想去的地方的道路。然后,感激生命已经给了你这条道路。你已经知道,这个特别的提醒为什么会在今天来到你面前……你的朋友尼尔&&万源一 译 God Wants You To Know #6&&On this day of your life, dear friend, God wants you to know.... ..that life is meant to happy. I know this is sometimes hard to believe, and I know that on many days it simply is not yourexperience, but it is true. You have all the toolsright now to make this day, this moment, happy.The best of these tools is love. Just love everythingthat Life has to offer today. And of course, love every person. Then watch the whole experiencechange.You already know the reasonthat this particular reminder came to you today...Love, Your Friend, 上帝想要你知道#6在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,上帝想要你知道…………生命是为了快乐。我知道,有时候很难相信这一点,我也知道,在很多时候,你的经历并非如此,但这确实是真的。此刻你拥有所有工具,能让今天,让此刻变得快乐。这些工具中最好的工具就是爱。爱生命在今天所给与你的一切。当然,爱每一个人。然后,看整个经验如何改变。你已经知道,这个特别的提醒为什么会在今天来到你面前……你的朋友尼尔&&万源一 译
上帝想要你知道――(7-12)God Wants You To Know #7&&On this day of your life, dear friend, God wants you to know.......that your trust has not been misplaced. &&Listen to your Self today. You have been tellingyourself something very important for days now. Today, listen more closely. And heed.Trust the still small voice within. Your soul isgently leading you to your next step. Love, Your Friend....上帝想要你知道#7在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,上帝想要你知道…………你的信任并没有被错放。今天,聆听你的自我。这段时间,你一直在告诉你自己一些很重要的事。今天,更仔细地聆听。留意聆听。信任你内在细小微弱的声音。你的灵魂正在引领你迈出下一步。你的朋友尼尔万源一 译&&God Wants You To Know #8&&On this day of your life, dear friend, God wants you to know.......that you are beautiful. &&Yes, you. Look at yourself in the mirror. IfGod has ever created anything in the universemore beautiful than you, it is a secret. Becausenowhere can it be found.You are a being of beauty. Share the beautyof you today, and you will experience it!Love, Your Friend....上帝想要你知道#8在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,上帝想要你知道…………你是美丽的。是的,就是你。看看镜中的你自己。如果上帝在宇宙中创造过任何比你还要美丽的事物的话,那么,它依然还是一个谜。因为,它无处可寻。你是一个美丽的存有。今天分享你的美,你就会体验到你的美!你的朋友尼尔万源一 译&&God Wants You To Know #9&&On this day of your life, dear friend, God wants you to know.......that fairness is not obvious in every case. &&Look, we all want life to be fair, right? Butsometimes it just isn't. True? No. False. Lifeis always fair -- it sometimes just does notlook that way.You will see how 'fair' life is if you will giveit a chance to play itself out. Wait. See. Your Higher Self, which always wants thebest for you, is in charge here. Believe it.Love, Your Friend....上帝想要你知道#9在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,上帝想要你知道…………在任何情形中,公平并不那么显而易见。你瞧,我们都想要生活是公平的,对吗?但,有时生活并不公平,对吗?不,不对。生活总是公平的――只是有时看上去并非如此。如果你放手,让生活自行展现,你就会明白生活是多么的“公平”。你要等待。观察。你的大我――它总是为你着想,它会接管。请相信这一点。你的朋友尼尔万源一 译&&God Wants You To Know #10&&On this day of your life, dear friend, God wants you to know......that the end is near. The end of your work week, that is. Isn'tthat great ? Now you can go and play!And you must, you know. Make thisweekend the most fun ever.Your soul says to do what brings youjoy this weekend! No judgments!Love, Your Friend....上帝想要你知道#10在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,上帝想要你知道…………就快要结束了。也就是说,你一周的工作就快要结束了。这岂不美妙?现在,你可以出去玩了!而且你知道,你一定要出去玩。让这个周末成为你玩得最尽兴的周末。你的灵魂告诉你,在这个周末,做让你快乐的事!不要评判!你的朋友尼尔万源一 译&&God Wants You To Know #11&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know......that you have something important to contributeto your world today.Every day God sends you one person for whomyou hold a gift in your hand. You will not knowwhat it is until that person greets you, but you will then know it immediately.The only questions remaining will be: Will you giveyour gift? Right then and there? Fully and completely?By the end of this day you will know why you received this message just now.Love, Your Friend....上帝想要你知道#11在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………今天,你有重要的东西要奉献给你的世界。每天,上帝都给你派来一个人,你手中握着可以给他的礼物。你不知道那是什么礼物,直到你遇见他,你就会即刻知道。只剩下唯一的问题:你会不会给与你的礼物?就在此时此地?全然而完整?当这一天结束时,你会知道,为什么你会收到这条信息。你的朋友尼尔万源一 译&&God Wants You To Know #12&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know......that you cannot make a mistake, you can onlymake a decision that will be your next best step.There is no reason to hesitate when you know that you have nothing to lose. And losing is notan act of God, it is a thought in the mind of humans.Get rid of the thought and you get rid of doubt.Ride your Wisdom to Victory.You will not have to think but a second to know exactly why you received this message today.Love, Your Friend....上帝想要你知道#12在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………你无法犯错,你只会决定,你将迈出最好的下一步。当你知道,你没有什么可输的时,你就没有理由犹豫。失败,并不是上帝之举(act of God,不可抗力。译者注。),它是人类头脑中的一个想法。放下思虑,你就会放下疑虑。凭着你的智慧,走向胜利。你不用多想,而是在一瞬间就会知道,你到底为什么会在今天收到这条讯息。你的朋友尼尔万源一 译&&
God Wants You To Know #13&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know.......that the biggest commitment you must keep is yourcommitment to yourself.&&Betrayal of yourself In order not to betray anotherIs betrayal nonetheless.It is the highest betrayal.This is not a call for willy-nilly abandonment of a jobor a person or a situation. But it is your notice fromthe Universe that it is all right for you to take careof yourself also.You will not have to think very hard to know exactly why you received this message today.Love, Your Friend....上帝想要你知道#13在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………你需要坚守的最大的承诺,就是你对自己的承诺。为了不背叛他人而背叛你自己,还是背叛。这是最大的背叛。这不是要你放弃一份工作、一个人或一种处境。而是宇宙对你的告知,照看好你自己就好。你不必竭力思考来弄清,到底为什么你会在今天收到这条讯息。你的朋友尼尔万源一 译&&God Wants You To Know #14&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know.......that perfection is not required of you -- only perfecteffort.Not to even try because you don't think you can would be terribly sad. You'll be amazed at what you can do if you simply step into it.Life awaits you on the other side of Risk. What can youlose? Face? Dignity? Who cares about those when greatness is possible? Who cares about those whenfairy tales are at hand?Love, Your Friend....上帝想要你知道#14在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………并不需要你去追求完美――你只需要尽力。如果你觉得你做不到完美,就甚至不去尝试了,你为此而伤心的。一旦你开始尝试,你就会惊讶于自己所能做的。生命在风险的另一边等着你。你有什么可输的呢?脸面?尊严?如果你能成就伟大,谁会在乎这些?当神话触手可得,谁会在乎这些?你的朋友尼尔万源一 译&&God Wants You To Know #15&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know.......that everything is falling together perfectly, eventhough it looks as if some things are falling apart .Trust in the process you are now experiencing. Life is on your side. It is showing that to you now, though you may not be able to see it clearly at this time.You have made your wishes and dreams known toGod. Now comes the time for faith. Faith that allis right, right now. Tomorrow will reveal itself exactlyas it should.Love, Your Friend....上帝想要你知道#15在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………一切都在完美地拼接,即使似乎有些正在瓦解。信任你现在正在经历的进程。生活和你是站在同一边的。它现在正在向你展示这一点,尽管你此刻可能无法看清。你已经让上帝知道你的愿望和你的梦想。现在是你相信的时候了。相信现在一切都好。明天将会如其应该的样子显现。你的朋友尼尔万源一 译&&God Wants You To Know #16&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know.......that you can remain in your present idea about yourself,or you can choose again. I like the idea of choosing again.&&Glorify who you are today, do not condemn who you were yesterday, and dream of who you can be tomorrow. &&You will not have to think for more than a second to&&know exactly why you just read this...Love, Your Friend....上帝想要你知道#16在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………你可以停留在你现在对自己的看法中,或者你可以重新选择。我喜欢重新选择的想法。今天,让你自己更加宏伟壮丽,不要谴责昨日的你,想象你明天可以成为什么样的人。你无需转念就会知道,为什么你会读到这条讯息……你的朋友尼尔万源一 译&&God Wants You To Know #17&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know.......that the yearning for love in your life is about to endin the most wonderful way.It is impossible to yearn for that which you already have, and you are about to see and realize that all the loveyou could ever want is coming to you now. Open your heart and you will see it right in front of you. I am glad that you read this today. Add so is God. Love, Your Friend....上帝想要你知道#17在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………你生命中对爱的渴望会以最为神奇的方式结束。你不可能渴望一样你已经拥有的东西,你会明白并认识到,你所想要的所有的爱现在正在向你走来。打开你的心房,你就会看见,它就在你面前。我很高兴今天你读到这条讯息。上帝也是如此。你的朋友尼尔万源一 译&&God Wants You To Know #18&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know.......that there is no challenge you cannot meet -- and thatincludes the present one .I know that on some days it doesn't feel like you want to continue the struggle anymore. But I promise you, itis going to be worth it. What is happening now is part of a larger process leading to your own self-realization. Please believe me,and sleep well in the truth of that. Your soul will rejoiceagain--more than it ever did before.Love, Your Friend....上帝想要你知道#18在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………没有什么挑战是你无法应对的――你现在所面对的挑战也包括其中。我知道,有时候,你感觉自己不想再继续挣扎下去。但我向你保证,这一切都是值得的。现在所发生的一切是通往你自我价值实现的更大进程的一部分。请相信我,你可以因了知此真相而安枕无忧。你的灵魂会再次欢欣――前所未有的欢欣。你的朋友尼尔万源一 译&&
God Wants You To Know #19&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ....that hope has always been your greatest strength, and
it continues to be today.
When others are about to give up and give in, you've been the one to stand firm and strong. Good for you--and good for everyone else around you! Why am I telling you this? Because someone near you needs a bit of hope today. You won't be able to miss who this is. So thanks, ahead of time, for helping that soul... Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#19在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………希望始终是你最大的力量,它的力量一直延续到今天。 当别人要屈服或放弃时,你却始终站立不倒。 你做得很好,也为你身边的人树立起榜样! 我为什么要告诉你这些?因为你身边的某个人今天正需要一点点希望。 你不会不知道这个人是谁。所以,预先谢谢你能帮助这个灵魂…… 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #20&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ....that beauty comes in many forms--and there is no form
more beautiful than you.
Just exactly as you are, this minute, right now, without changing a thing...you are beautiful. Beautiful enough to take God's breath away. You do believe this, don't you? Oh, you must. You must.
How can I believe in my beauty if you don't believe in yours? It's for me you must believe, not for you...
Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#20 在你人生中的这一天,我相信上帝想要你知道…………美有许许多多的形式――而你比任何一种形式更美。 就是现在的你,此刻的你,无需改变什么,你是美丽的。美得足以让上帝屏息。 你真的相信这一点,对吗?哦,你一定要相信。你一定要相信。 如果你都不相信你自己,那我怎么能相信我的美丽?为了我,你一定要相信,而不是为了你…… 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #21&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ....that the truth lies within you―as does all the power you will ever need to change the direction of your life and the course of human history.
Wow. Can you imagine that? All the power you will
ever need to change
life...and the course of human history.
And you may tap that power whenever you wish. Today, if you choose. Indeed, you tapped it just now in the sending to yourself of this message... Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#21在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………真理就在你的内心――正如你需要的所有力量就在你的内心一样,你能用它们改变你的人生方向和人类的历史进程。 哇!这你能想象吗?你所需要的用以改变你人生方向和人类历史进程的所有力量。 无论什么时候,你希望得到这个力量,你都可以得到。 今天,只要你做出选择。实际上,在这条信息刚刚发给你的时候,你已经触及这股力量了…… 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #22&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ...that caution is not the same as fear, and observation
is not the same as judgment.
Use your good sense about things, and don't let others talk you out of simple caution and observation by telling you that you are in "fear and judgment." An ounce of prevention is still worth of pound of cure. Make sense? Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#22在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………谨慎和胆小不是一回事,观察和评判也不是一回事。 善用你对事物的判断力,不要别人说你“胆小、爱评断”,你就轻易放弃谨慎和观察。 一两谨慎抵得上一斤的治疗。 能想通吗? 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #23&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ....that nothing has to happen immediately, this minute ,
or "right now."
It's okay to pause for just a moment. Just take a breath. Then go quietly inside. Ask Life Itself to lead you to your best outcome. There's nothing you have to do, really, exept get out of your own way. ...know what I mean? Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#23在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………现在,或此刻,没有什么需要即刻发生。 停一会儿不会有事。深吸一口气。然后深入你的内在。 请求生命本身引导你前往你最佳的结果。 真的,没有什么是你必须做的,除了改变你旧有的模式。 ……知道我在说什么吗? 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #24&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ...that good things await you on the other side of this
ridge .This is a hill you can climb. Just put one foot in front of the other.
If you feel a little discouraged right now, that's okay, that's understandable. But give yourself permission to journey on. Keep moving. There is a positive result here. Love, Your Friend.... 上帝想要你知道#24在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………美好的事物正在山的另一边等着你。 你可以翻过这座山。只需要跨出第一步。 如果你现在觉得有点儿气馁,没关系,可以理解。但要答应自己你会继续前进。 不断向前。结局一定会很美好。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&&
God Wants You To Know #25&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ...that happiness and joy comes to you when it moves
through you. There is not other pathway--and that's
the miracle.
You will have a number of opportunities in the days just ahead to be a vehicle of happiness and joy for another. Step right into that. Be the source of that. As you bring others to a smile, so, too, will you bring yourself. The method is foolproof. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#25在你人生中的这一天,我相信上帝想要你知道…………当你传递幸福和喜悦,幸福和喜悦就会发生在你身上。此外别无他途――而这就是奇迹。 在未来几天中,你会有不少机会成为他人幸福和喜悦的载体。现在就开始。成为幸福和喜悦的源泉。 当你带给别人微笑,你也会给自己带来微笑。方法再简单不过了。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #26&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ....that life was meant to be FUN! It's hard to believe sometimes, but it's true. It's all about point of view.
&& Even our most difficult moments bring us gifts. And so life maycall upon us to be a bit "philosophical" now and
to embrace the "low's" with the "high's." The trick, of course, is gratitude. Therein will you find both your peace and your joy. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#26在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………生命是为了好玩!有时候很难相信这一点,但千真万确。这全关乎你如何看。 甚至我们最困难的时刻也会给我们带来礼物。这样,生命就会让我们时不时作一番“哲思”;去拥抱生命的“顶峰”和“低谷”。 当然,其中的秘诀就是――感恩。感恩会让你找到你的平安和喜悦。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #27&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ....that you are never alone. Never, ever, ever. God is
always with you, and you have people all around you
Sometimes it feels good to spend some time by your- self, but remember, too, that it is okay to reach out to another if you feel lonely. You would want him or her to reach out to you, no? So what are you waiting for? You will not have to think but a second to know exactly why you received this message today. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#27在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………你从来不曾孤单过。从来不曾,也永远不会。 上帝永远与你同在。你周围总有关心你的人。 有时候,独处一段时间感觉很好,但也要记住,如果你觉得孤独,也可以去找别人。你会想要他或她来找你,不是吗?所以,你还在等什么? 你无需多想就能知道你为什么会在今天收到这条讯息。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #28&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ....that the world is so much brighter, so much better,
because you are in it.
If only you knew all the gifts that you bring to others. You would never feel sad again, but only rejoice in how wonderful God has made you! I would not say these things just to make you feel good. The things I've said here happen to be true. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#28在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………因为有你在这里,世界变得明亮许多,美好许多。 只要你能知道,你能为他人带来的所有的礼物。 你再也无须感到悲伤,你只会为上帝创造了你而欢欣! 我不是为了让你好受些才说这些话。我所说的恰巧是真的。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #29&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ....that money is just as holy as meditation, just as
sacred as prayer. It is a wonderful part of God.
If you hold an idea that money is the root of all evil, you may unconsciously keep it from you. You are invited to drop that thought now. All the money you need is coming to you now. Do you believe that? You must, you know... You will not have to think but a second to understand exactly why you received this message today. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#29在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………金钱就像冥想一样神圣,就像祈祷一样神圣。它是上帝神奇的一部分。 如果你抱持金钱是万恶之源的观念,你就会在无意识中让金钱远离你。现在就请你放下这个想法。 你无需多想就能知道你为什么会在今天收到这条讯息。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #30&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ...that you a you are marching
straight to your own joy, and to happiness for others.
Did you need a "signal" from the Universe about this? Consider that signal as having been sent... Now it is just a matter of trust. Do you trust that God knows what She is doing? You will not have to think but a second to know exactly why you received this message today. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#30在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………你正走在正确的道路上;你正前往你自己的喜悦和他人的福祉。 你是否需要从宇宙获得与此有关的“信号”? 想象信号已经发出…… 现在,这只是信任的问题。你是否相信,上帝知道她自己在干什么? 你无需多想就能知道你为什么会在今天收到这条讯息。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&&
God Wants You To Know #31&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ...that wisdom is learning what to overlook.
William James said that, and he had it absolutely right. And someone in your life right now is hoping, praying, that you will overlook their faults, their foibles, their most recent mistake. Will you? The Universe invites you to say yes. You will not have to think but a second to know exactly why you received this message today. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#31在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………智慧就是学会忽略什么。 这句话是威廉?詹姆士说的,他说得很对。 而此刻在你的生命中,有人正在希望、祈祷你会忽略他们的过错,他们的缺点,他们最近所犯的错误。 你会吗?宇宙在邀请你答应。 你无需多想就能知道你为什么会在今天收到这条讯息。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #32&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ..that kindness is one of your wonderful traits, but
where you really shine is in your generosity.
It is one thing to be kind, and you are that. Yet it is quite another thing to also be unfailingly generous--with your time, your talent and energy, your willingness to "be there" for others, and yes, with you money. You are a generous person, and that takes kindness to a new level. Be happy in the knowingness of this. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#32在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………善良是你最神奇的特质之一,但你的慷慨才使你真正大放异彩。 善良是一回事,而你是善良的。而无尽的慷慨,则是另一回事,慷慨是你给于你的时间,你的才智,你的精力,你随时准备助人的意愿,以及,对,你的金钱。 你是一个慷慨之人。而这将善良提高到一个新的层次。为了解这一点而高兴吧。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #33&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ...that you can change what you see. You don't have
to be trapped by it.
Nothing has to remain the way it is, and nothing is the way it is forever unless and until you say so. You really are in charge of your day-to-day experience. Really. You know exactly why you received this message today. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#33在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………你可以改变你所面对的事物。你无需身陷其中。 没有什么必须保持不变,没有什么必须永远是它现在的样子,除非你这样认为。 你真的是在主宰你的日常经验。真的。 你知道你为什么会在今天收到这条讯息。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #34&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ....that your thoughts create your reality. Your mind is
more powerful than you know.
Are you worried about something right now? Are you feeling unsure about something these days? God invites you to change your thinking. Miracles seldom occur in the lives of those who do not consider them possible. There could be a miracle waiting for you this minute. Please make room for it in your thinking. Thanks. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#34在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………你的思想创造了你的现实。你的心智要比你所了解的更有力量。 你现在是不是正担心什么事?这些天来你是不是感觉不安?上帝邀请你改变你的想法。 如果你认为有些事是不可能发生的,那么,你的人生中很少会有奇迹发生。 就在此刻,可能就有奇迹在等着发生。请在你的头脑中给它留下余地。谢谢。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #35&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ....that how bad things may look right now means nothing.
It's how good you know they can look with God's help
that counts.
Life has a habit of changing itself completely around in 24 hours. Heck, in 24 minutes sometimes. Don't you dare give up on Tomorrow because of the way things look Today. Don't even think about it... Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#35在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………现在,无论事情有多么糟糕,也没有什么大不了的。 你要知道,有上帝相助,它们可以看起来好得多,这才是重要的。 人生通常可以在24小时之内,哼,有时候只需24分钟,就可以完全改变它自己。 你不要因为今天诸事不顺而胆敢在明天放弃。甚至想都不要想…… 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #36&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ....that your inner goodness is going to carry the day.
I know that you know what a good person you are. Yes, we all make mistakes, but when everything is said and done, you are a genuinely good person...and you know it. So here's what you should be told: God knows it, too . Trust that your inner goodness will rule this moment... and your life. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#36在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道……你内心的善会让你安然度过今天。 你知道自己是一个多么好的人,我也知道这一点。 是,我们都犯错误,但该说的就说,该做的就做,你真的是一个好人……你也知道这一点。 那么,现在,你听好了:上帝也知道这一点。 要相信,你内在的善会掌管此刻……以及你的人生。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&&
God Wants You To Know #37&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ...that enthusiasm is half of the journey to success, and
all of the journey to joy.
If you're going to do something, do it with gusto. Don't do anything half-heartedly. That dishonors the doing and the doer. So go for it. Hold nothing back. In life. Or love. Or anything at all. You will not have to think but a second to know exactly why you received this message today. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#37在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………热情是成功之途的一半,是喜悦之途的全部。 如果你要做些什么,就怀着兴趣去做。不要半心半意地做一件事。这会让做事的人和做事本身蒙羞。那么,就去做吧。不要保留。人生不需要保留。不要保留爱。不要保留任何东西。 你无需多想就能知道,你为什么会在今天收到这条讯息。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #38&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ...that illness is not a sign of spiritual weakness, but of
spiritual strength.
When we fall ill there are some who will say, "Why did you create that for yourself?" They might convince you to see it as a sign of spiritual weakness or failure. It is not. It is a sign of spiritual strength.
All challenges are a sign a spiritual strength, and of the readiness of the S to evolve even further. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#38在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………疾病并非精神软弱的标志,而是精神力量的标志。 当我们生病时,会有人说:“你为什么会让自己生病啊?”他们可能想要你相信,这是精神软弱或失败的一个标志。这不是。这是一个精神力量的标志。 所有的挑战都是精神力量的标志,也是灵魂准备好继续前行、进化到更高更远的标志。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #39&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ....that progress is not measured in miles, it is measured
in inches.
Do not wonder why things are "taking so long." In fact, everything is rolling out exactly as it needs to, using not a minute more than Perfection requires. Rest easy and be at peace. Life is working its magic even as you take your very next breath. There. See? You could almost feel the Perfection, couldn't you... Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#39在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………进步不是用多少里来衡量的,而是用多少尺来衡量的。 不要奇怪,为什么事情要“花这么长的时间”。事实上,一切都在按它所需要的速度展开,没有比完美所需要的多花一分钟时间。 好好休息,处在和平之中。即使在你呼吸下一口气的时候,生命也在运作着它的奇迹。 嗨,你明白吗?你几乎可以感觉到完美,对吗? 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #40&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ....that obstacles are not opposing you, but merely and
gently re-routing you.
It is important not to view that which stands in your way as your 'enemy.' It can often be your best friend, sending you on a detour that takes you around what could have been your biggest stumbling block. Send a word of gratitude, then, for anything that seems to be 'opposing' you now. All things in life happen for good. Trust God about that. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#40在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………障碍并不是在与你作对,而只是温柔地让你改道而行。 不要把挡住你的障碍看作是你的“敌人”,这一点很重要。它也可以是你最好的朋友,它让你绕道而行,可以让你绕过也许是你最大的障碍。 那么,现在,对任何看似和你“作对”的事物道谢。你生命中发生的一切都是为了你好。关于这一点,请相信上帝。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #41&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ....that intimacy means more than sex, as you know. Tell
others that for you it is about the connection of souls.
It is the true union of two beings. It is about walking&& through all moments, both good and bad, and never leaving the other's side. You are intimate when you are fully with another, no matter what. In fact, this has very little to do with that which is physical. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#41在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………如你所知,亲密关系不仅仅意味着性。告诉别人,对你而言,亲密关系就是灵魂与灵魂之间的联系。 这是两个存有真正的联合。这是共度每一刻,无论幸福苦难,而绝不与对方分开。 无论发生什么,你都和对方全然在一起,这就是亲密。 事实上,这几乎和物质层面没有什么关系。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #42&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ...that you cannot tailor make your situation in life, but you
can tailor make your attitudes to fit those situations.
World famous motivational speaker Zig Ziglar said that, and he was profoundly right. How you shape your attitude is not a small part of how you shape your life..it is the only part. Does it sound as if I'm saying that attitude is everything? Good. Because I am. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#42在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………你无法定制你的人生境遇,但你可以定制你的态度来应对你的境遇。 这句话是世界著名励志演说家齐格?齐格勒说的,他说得很对。你如何形成你的态度并不是你如何塑造自己人生的一小部分……它是唯一的部分。 这听起来好像我是在说:态度就是一切? 很好。因为我就是这个意思。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&&
God Wants You To Know #43&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ....that there is no need to be afraid. Even if you were to
die right now, there would be no need to be afraid.
This life, this wonderful life, is on your side. This universe, this wonderful universe, is in your corner, supporting all of life. This God, this wonderful God, places Divine wisdom and power in your hands. Trust that. Use it. And let it give you strength. Right now. This day.
You know exactly why you received this message at this moment, don't you...? Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#43在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………无需害怕。即使你现在就死去,也无须害怕。 生活,这神奇的生活,站在你的一边。宇宙,这神奇的宇宙,站在你的一边,支持生命中的一切。上帝,这神奇的上帝,将神圣智慧和力量放在你的手中。 相信这一点。运用这一点。让它给你力量。此时此刻,就在今天。 你无需多想就能知道你为什么会在今天收到这条讯息,对吗? 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #44&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ....that there is no need to be afraid. Even if you were to
die right now, there would be no need to be afraid.
This life, this wonderful life, is on your side. This universe, this wonderful universe, is in your corner, supporting all of life. This God, this wonderful God, places Divine wisdom and power in your hands. Trust that. Use it. And let it give you strength. Right now. This day.
You know exactly why you received this message at this moment, don't you...? Love, Your Friend.... 上帝想要你知道#44在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………无需害怕。即使你现在就死去,也无须害怕。 生活,这神奇的生活和你站在同一边。宇宙,这神奇的宇宙,和你站在同一边,支持生命中的一切。上帝,这神奇的上帝,将神圣智慧和力量放在你的手中。 相信这一点。运用这一点。让它给你力量。此时此刻,就在今天。 你无需多想就能知道你为什么会在今天收到这条讯息,对吗? 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #44-2&&God wanted to reaffirm # 43 so he had it sent twice. Now that you have taken that in, here is more for today. Just having fun! He He :) On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ....that someone is extending love to you this day, and
hoping so dearly that you will receive it.
You have asked for someone to love you right now, and God has answered your prayer. Look. Listen. That loving person is right in your world. Open the door for them to come in. I promise you, I'm not making this up. Someone is loving you right now. Look. Listen. Let it in. There, I've said it twice. God wanted me to make sure you really got it. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#44-2上帝想要再确认一下你收到了第43条讯息,所以他发了两遍。既然你已经收到这条讯息,今天再加一条。玩得开心!哈哈:)在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………今天有人正在向你传达爱意,并多么希望你会收到这份爱意。 你想要有人现在就爱你,而上帝答应了你的祈祷。看。听。 心爱的人就在你的世界里。打开门,让他们进来。 我向你保证,我并没有编造这些。现在有人正爱着你。看。听。让爱到来。 嗨,我已经说了两遍了。上帝想要我确定你真的明白了。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #45&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ...that there is a solution to all of this--and it is right
around the next corner.
A few weeks from now you will not even be facing this problem. A few months from now, you will have forgotten you ever had it. A few years from now you will wonder why you let yourself worry so much. I'm not trying to make light of it here. I just want to put it in perspective. Okay? Trust God here. Trust life.&&And breathe. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#45在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………一切问题都有解决之道――它就在下一个拐角。 几个星期后,你甚至都不再会面对这个问题。几个月之后,你会忘了你曾有过这个问题。几年之后,你会想不通,当初你为什么会让自己如此担忧。 我并不是想在这里把问题轻描淡写。我只是想让你正确看待它。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #46&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ...that you can live a charmed life, and that there is a
formula by which you can make this work.
Here is the formula: You can live a charmed life by causing others to live a charmed life. That is, be the source of 'charm' -- of charming moments and experiences -- in the life of another. Be everyone else's Lucky Charm! Make all who you touch today feel 'lucky' that you crossed their path. Do this for a week and watch things change. Do it for a month and you'll be a different person. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#46在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………你可以有平安(charmed)的一生,有一个公式能让你做到这一点。 公式是这样的:如果你能让他人有平安的一生,你自己就可以有平安的一生。也就是说,你要成为“平安”(”charm”)的源头――他人生命中迷人的(charming)的经历和瞬间的源头。 成为每一个人的幸运符(Lucky Charm)!让你今天所遇到的每一个人觉得遇见你很幸运。持续这样做一个星期,看情形会如何改变。持续这样做一个月,你就会变成另外一个人。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #47&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ...that nothing is as bad as it seems. Nothing .
There is a benefit and a blessing hidden in the folds of every experience and every outcome. That includes every and any 'bad' thing that may be happening to you right now. Change your perspective. Know that nothing happens ever that is not for your highest good. All that needs to change for you to see this...is your definition of 'Highest Good.' Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#47在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………没有什么会像它看上去的那样糟。一件事都没有。 在每一个经历和每一个结果下面都掩藏着一个好处和一个祝福。 这也包括此刻可能正发生在你身上的所有的“坏事”。 改变你的视角。要知道,没有哪件事不是为了你的至高善而发生的。 你唯一需要改变的就是明白这一点……就是你对“至高善”的定义。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #48&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ...that disappointment is temporary. Only your thought
it is permanent. && Change your mind about what has disappointed you and you will change your life. All disappointment is just Advantage, looked at from the other side. You will not have to think but a second to know exactly why you received this message today. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#48在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………失望是暂时的,只有在你的想象中它才是永恒的。 改变你对让你失望的事物的观念,你就会改变你的人生。换一种角度看,所有的失望都是你的优势。 你无需多想就能知道,你为什么会在今天收到这条讯息。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&&
God Wants You To Know #49 On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ....that the best argument you can make is no argument
at all. Do not argue with life, or with anyone in life. Life presents itself perfectly in every moment, and every person believe his or her point of view to be valid and 'right.' Arguing with any of this is pointless, and a terrific waste of energy. Simply create what you choose next. You will not have to think but a second to know exactly why you received this message today. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#49在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………最好的争辩,就是根本不去争辩。 不要和生活争辩,也不要和你生活中的任何人争辩。每一刻生活都在完美地呈现,每一个人都相信他/她的观念是对的。 争辩毫无意义,是对你的精力的巨大浪费。去创造你所选择的。 你无需多想就能知道,你为什么会在今天收到这条讯息。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #50&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ....that you've just had a really good idea!
Don't deny it! Don't cast it aside, or "put if off 'til tomorrow," or in some other way&&give it short shrift. Ideas are gifts from heaven. Don't dishonor them. Jump right on it. Make it happen . That what ideas are for! You will not have to think but a second to know exactly why you received this message today. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#50在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………你刚刚想到了一个好主意! 不要否认!不要把它放在一边,或拖延到明天,或对它不理不睬。 好主意是来自天堂的礼物。不要拒绝它们。 马上将它付诸实施。让它发生。好主意就是要用来实现的! 你无需多想就能知道,你为什么会在今天收到这条讯息。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #51&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ...that perfectionism is the enemy of creation.
John Updike said that, and he was right. He understood that nothing stops the forward march of any creative endeavor like the need to do it absolutely perfectly. And who is to judge what is 'perfect' anyway? What I have judged full of flaws so many others have called terrific. Maybe the definition of Perfection is something that actually gets done. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#51在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………完美主义是创造的敌人。 这句话是约翰?厄普代克说的,他说得很对。他知道,没有什么能像追求十全十美更能阻碍创造前进的脚步了。 无论如何,谁有资格判断什么才是“完美”的呢?我说它毛病多多,而很多人却说它棒极了。 也许,完美的定义就是,一件真正已经完成的事。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #52&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ...that you should act like you expect to get into the
&& Football coach Joe Paterno said that, and boy, did he have it right. Nothing substitutes for positive thinking. Nothing. It is more powerful than all the money, all the influence, all the 'friends in high places' on earth. You only need one friend in high places--and you already have that. So go ahead, expect to get into the end zone. You'll find that you do, 90% of the time. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#52在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………你应该表现得像你希望跑进端区达阵得分一样。 这是橄榄球教练乔伊?帕特努说的,亲爱的,他说的对极了。 没有什么能够替代积极思考。什么也不能。它比世界上所有金钱、所有影响力,所有“有权势”的朋友都更有力量。 你只需要一个“有权势”的朋友就够了――而你已经有了。所以,向前冲,希望自己能跑到端区。你会发现,十有八九,你真的做到了。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #53&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ....that life begins now -- right now -- not tomorrow or
the next day or the next.
Every minute of every hour of every day, life begins anew. That means everything can change in an instant. It also means you can have a new beginning whenever you want. Why put off for one day that decision you've been pondering...aren't you just putting life itself on hold? You will not have to think but a second to know exactly why you received this message today. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#53在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………生命始于现在――此时此刻――而不是明天,后天或大后天。 每一天,每一小时,每一分钟,生命都是一个崭新的开始。这就意味着一切都能在一瞬间转变。这也就意味着,只要你愿意,你就可以有一个崭新的开始。 为何将你一直想要作出的决定拖延到明天……你这不是在拖延生命吗? 你无需多想就能知道,你为什么会在今天收到这条讯息。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #54&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ...that it's okay to go ahead and take a risk.
There's no guarantee that everything will turn out exactly the way you want it to, but there IS a guarantee that it cannot possibly do so if you are afraid to even take the chance. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained" is not just a nifty old-time saying. It's wisdom. Listen to it. You know exactly why you received this message today. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#54在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………向前进,去冒险,不会有事的。 你不会得到这样的保证:一切都会完全按照你的想象发生,但如你害怕冒险一试,那就保证你不可能让事物按你想象的那样发生。 “不入虎穴焉得虎子”这句老话并不过时。这是智慧。要遵循它。 你无需多想就能知道,你为什么会在今天收到这条讯息。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&&
God Wants You To Know #55&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ...that love is sometimes shown in the things you don't
say, don't keep track of, and don't notice.
The greatest kindness is often shown in letting things go. None of us is perfect, but we can all be perfect friends and perfect parters by allowing those that we love to be imperfect. Give those around you the "break" that you hope the world will give you on your own "bad day" and you'll never, ever regret it. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#55在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………爱,有时是在你不说话、不留意和不注意的事物中显现的。 最伟大的善良常常表现为放下。人无完人,但我们可以允许我们所爱的人不完美,这样我们都可以成为完美的朋友和完美的伙伴。 在你自己“倒霉的日子”里,你会希望世界能让你歇一歇,那就让你周围的人也“喘口气”,这样,你就永远不会感到遗憾。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #56&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ....that miracles do not, in fact, break the laws of nature.
&& C.S. Lewis said that, and it is an enormous insight. If we think that miracles are normal, we will expect them. And expecting a miracle is the surest way to get one. You will not have to think very long to know exactly why you received this message today. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#56在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………实际上,奇迹并没有破坏自然法则。 这是C?S?刘易斯说的,这是一个极大的洞见。如果我们认为奇迹是正常的,我们就会期待奇迹。期待奇迹是获得奇迹的最确定的方式。 你无需多想就能知道,你为什么会在今天收到这条讯息。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #57&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ..that the tiniest gesture -- a smile, a gentle look, a simple
pat on the arm, a soft word -- can change a person's life.
&& Before this very day is out, you are going to have a chance to live in that possibility. Look. Watch. See what this day brings you. And be ready.&& If you believe I am exaggerating about this, please know that I am not. Someone is waiting for that smile, that look, that gesture from you right now. && Why you suppose you just read this? Do you think this is a coincidence?
Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#57在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………最微不足道的一个动作――一个微笑,一个温柔的眼神,肩膀上的一下轻拍,一句赞美之词――可以改变一个人的一生。 在今天结束之前,你将有机会生活在这种可能性中。看。观察。看今天给你带来了什么。并做好准备。 你想你为什么会读到这个讯息?你认为这是一个巧合吗? 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #58&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ....that everything you have been thinking lately is to be
thrown out.
You're spending too much time "in your head" these days. How about getting out of your thoughts and into your feelings? You've analyzed it to death. Now it's about moving from your head to your heart. What are you feeling about all this? That is what really matters. You are using your thoughts to try to parse your feelings. You may want to stop that. You will not have to think but a second to know exactly why you received this message today. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#58在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………你最近一直在思考的每一件事将会突然豁然开朗。 这些天来,你花太多的时间“绞尽脑汁”了。摆脱你的思绪,进入你的感觉,怎么样? 你已经用脑过度。现在,应该从你的头脑转到你的内心。 你对这一切的感觉如何?这才是真正重要的。你是在力图用你的思想分析你的感觉。你可能不再想这么干了。 你无需多想就能知道,你为什么会在今天收到这条讯息。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #59&&On this day of your life, dear friend, I believe God wants you to know... ...that it is never safe to look into the future with eyes
&& Edward H.Harriman said that, and he was right. Nothing is fearful lest thinking make it so. I can honestly say that probably 95% of the things I was afraid of, it turned out I had no reason to be. And even if the thing you fear happens...so what? Again, 95% of the time your world is not going to fall apart, your life will not be in danger. So drop fear by the wayside. Just... let it go. Then make way for a surprising tomorrow. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#59在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………怀着恐惧去展望未来,你永远不会感到安全。 这句话是爱德华?H?哈里曼说的,他说得很对。没有一件事物是可怕的,除了你的想法让它变得可怕。我可以实话告诉你,我害怕过的95%的事,结果证明我的害怕是毫无道理的。 即使你害怕的事真的发生了,那又如何?同样,大多数时候,你的世界并不会崩溃,你的生活也没有陷入绝境。所以把害怕扔掉吧。放下恐惧,让一个充满惊喜的明天来临。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&& God Wants You To Know #60&&On this day of your life, I believe God wants you to know... ....that what you found was meant for you to keep.
You know exactly what this means, so stop trying to figure it out. This was not brought to you so that you could throw it away. Or ignore it. Or pretend it is not there. Look at it. Grab it and look right at it. Hold onto it. There is more there,&&much more, than you think. You know exactly why you received this message today. Love, Your Friend....
上帝想要你知道#60在你人生中的这一天,亲爱的朋友,我相信上帝想要你知道…………你找到的,是为了让你留住的。 你完全知道这句话是什么意思,所以不用再想这句话是什么意思。给了你,不是为了让你可以把它扔掉。或置之不理。或假装没看见。 看着它。抓住它,注视它。面对它。 其中有着比你所能想象的更多的东西。 你完全知道,你为什么会在今天收到这条讯息。 你的朋友 尼尔 万源一 译&&
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