有没有玩过cube escapcube seasonss的亲

夏季我记得没有。。 你看看壁炉有没有火 还有能不能收集到火柴
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cube escape seasons攻略_cube escape 四季图文攻略
作者:不详来源: 16:16:03
Cube Escape Seasons完结攻略:现在在冬天房间里的墙上可以看到每天季节照片旁边都有时间,记住这3个时间!回到春天里。将时间调整为9:05分。打开钟柜按到里面的衣架、钥匙和铲子。用钥匙打开壁炉右边的柜子。用密码1487打开保险柜。拿到保险柜里的种子。将衣架插在收音机上作为天线,再点击右边的按钮拿到升起的钥匙。用铲子铲掉绿色柜子上枯萎的花。放进新的种子用钥匙将鸟笼打开。接着在炉灶上拿到锅。用锅里的水将壁炉里的火扑灭,拿到木材。回去发现小鸟已经在窗户上了,现在用木材将窗户顶起让小鸟飞出去,最后记得收回木材把窗户关上!离开的时候用火柴点燃壁炉上面的蜡烛。进入夏天里。将时间调整为3:55分。打开钟柜拿到扳手。用扳手旋开烤箱后面的水管,让水管漏水。走的时候点燃蜡烛。来到秋天里。将时间调整为11:25分。打开钟柜拿到火柴。一样还是点蜡烛。再回到冬天里。冬天里的蜡烛变成一颗药丸。拿到种出来的红色果实。在烤箱后面拿到黑色蘑菇。先用斧头砸碎玻璃。点击旋转收音机上的旋钮。现在在窗户上看到小鸟,从它嘴里拿到小花。在墙壁上看到步骤提示。将红色果实放进榨汁机里,榨成红色水后用杯子来装。倒在壁炉上面的机关里,再点开开关。先用水杯装水倒入榨汁机里,再放入小花榨成粉色谁后用水杯装。倒在水池上面的机关里。一样水杯装水放入药丸,榨成绿色水。倒入窗户右边的机关里。最后是黑色蘑菇,榨成黑色水。倒入钟旁边的机关里,最后拉动总开关。现在需要回到春天里。点击电话发出光波灭里这个黑鬼。然后再将家具一个一个的点掉。最后看到场景Cube Escape Seasons《方块房间逃脱四季》完全通关!
类型:ios补丁大小:190KB类型:动作游戏大小:97.2M类型:模拟经营大小:200M类型:模拟经营大小:200M类型:角色扮演大小:50.2M类型:休闲益智大小:31.4MCube Escape: Seasons Cube Escape: The Lake - Walkthrough, Tips, Review
Currently 4.7/5
Rating: 4.7/5 (160 votes)
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[Note: Please be warned that these games contain content some may find disturbing.]
Things aren't what they seem in
deceptively serene and
, also , and the start of a new series alongside . In Seasons, you'll take a trip through your memories in a small, quiet house that holds a lot more secrets than you expect. In The Lake, the water is calm outside your little fishing hut, which doesn't seem to have very much in it apart from some old cabinets, a fishing rod... and a knife. Click around to interact and pick things up, though be warned that the cursor won't change if it passes over something you can use, so you'll need to be diligent. Items with a magnifying glass in your inventory can be clicked to view close up, while others can be used where you like by clicking them once to pick them up, and then again wherever you want to try to use them. Some items can be used more than once... occasionally in the same fashion. The small arrows at the edges of the screen will let you move and look around the room, and the white arrows on the right side of the screen will let you scroll up and down through your inventory. You may want to play Seasons first, as there's something you can find (and make a note of) there that will change the ending of The Lake.
It's safe to say that Cube Escape is shaping up to be a seriously captivating series, thanks in no small part to its striking visual style and unsettling effects. Part of the enjoyment comes from catching all the little details as you explore, and Rusty Lake knows how to mix the otherworldly with the mundane in a way that sticks with you. Seasons is significantly longer than The Lake, and thus a lot more complex. Some of its puzzles definitely operate on their own sort of logic, forcing you to think outside the box, and at times you might be stymied thanks to some fiddly hotspots to click on, or have visual clues in the scenery that might blend in a bit too well. Despite that, the way it unfolds with its blend of moments shocking one moment and skin-crawling the next, gives an intriguing sense of wrongness that compels you to unravel it. The whole thing feels like a dreamy slowly going wrong, and if you apply dream logic to it, you'll be much better off with its more creative mechanics. Though The Lake is significantly short, it still packs a punch with its atmosphere, though even with the special code from Seasons it still feels like it ends rather abruptly without developing the overarching plot significantly. Together, however, they make a big impact, and fans of dark
where most everything is up to interpretation will find themselves eagerly awaiting more.
Cube Escape: Seasons (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad)
Android: Get
Cube Escape: The Lake (iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad)
Android: Get
Note that when you hit '3', it shows you '6' on the screen
So start with '3', then hit '6' - each screen shows you what to hit next
At the very end, if you entered them all correctly, you get the black cube
That, and the 4 photo pieces, is all you need (the photo pieces are all pretty obvious)
Also don't know what to do with the water in the glass and the blender. I can blend the water - but I suspect I need something else to blend with it
I really like how the transitions have the layering 3D effect. It makes the games much more immersive.
There's a lot of stuff in that lake
by the bottom of the right side of the short cabinet
to change your fate
first play the other game (seasons)
Get the code
On the moon
Use the other gem (green), the one that you need the code from the other game to open
On another contemplative note, regarding some of the game's themes,
some may find it a little troubling to find another game with a plot concerning mental illness inciting someone to violence. There's a post board in Seasons that has notes about therapy, a mental health facility, and a Prozac prescription. I know some people are bothered by the recurring trope of mental health and violence being linked so often in horror games, so caveat emptor.
Did anyone figure out how to open it? I have no idea what it's referencing.
Write the symbols down, and number them.
Think about mirrors.
One thing in the hint is not mirrored, even though it could be.
Do the math, enter the result.
You are facing a clock. Open the drawers, pickup the matchbox and spoon.
Face the window and the cage. Open the curtains, look outside. Click the window again to reveal a photo piece. Back out, turn on the lights.
Look towards the ceiling. Pick up the photo piece stuck inside the lamp.
Face the sink. Get bird food, wood, pan from the closet.
Feed the bird. Click the bird to make it eat the food.It will leave an egg. Pick it up.
Fill the pan with water from the sink. Turn the knobs of the stove, light it with the matches, put the pan to boil the water. Put the egg in the pan, click the pan again to get a boiled egg. Put the egg in its cup, and crack it with your spoon (click multiple times). You will get a black cube. Zoom out and back in, then get the pot back.
Go near the fireplace.Light the candle.Insert the cube in the black spot beneath the picture. Lower the picture, and add the photo pieces. The other piece is under the radio just on this side of the wall. Put that in its place, put the wood on the fireplace, light it and click the box on the picture several times. This is how you will navigate through rooms.
From now on, I will call the last step we just did "activating" the picture. Also note the picture in the frame, you will need to remember the picture later on (or you may return to Spring later.)
Gymnopedié plays on the background :)
This room will be creepy. Brace yourself.
Click the pot repeatedly to get a photo piece. Check the drawers for the matchbox and the screwdriver. On the lower left corner of the drawers, there will be a photo piece.
Face the window. Turn on the lights.
Pick the key from the ceiling.
Use your binoculars on the moon from the window. Note the code after the sequence.
1487 - it is also needed in the sequel.
Face the fireplace.Light the candle.Zoom into the picture, there will be a cassette. Take the plug near the tape player,try to play the cassette on the tape player,click it multiple times, it will break it and give you the broken tape. Use the plug on the cable on the light on the left side of this part of the room. Use the screwdriver to tighten it.
Turn of the lights, go back to the lamp, turn it on. It will reveal a photo piece. Unlock the cupboard near the fireplace, use the code on the safe, get the shrimp.
Face the sink, force the oven open with the screwdriver, put the shrimp inside, turn the knob on and light the oven, then close the lid and wait. Open the lid again, pick up the cube.
There is a photo piece stuck on the top of the clock, take it.
Activate the picture. You will use the tape as fuel.
Note that every room has pictures of the previous rooms on the kitchen wall.
Get the knife from the drawers.
Kill the bird, get a photo piece from its interiors.
Zoom in on the sink. Pick up the photo piece.
There is another picture piece on the bulletin board (near the fireplace)
Turn on the TV. Press the buttons as given on screen. (the red view of trees refers to channel 2 if you aren't able to see it.)
Activate the picture.
Matches, hatchet in the drawers.
Zoom in on the pump near the fireplace. It has a blueprint piece on it.
Another piece stuck behind the oven
The kitchen wall frames have a piece behind them.
The pump on the kitchen wall has a piece behind it.
Use the hatchet on the barricaded window. Click until it cracks the window open. You will collect some wood in this progress.
The time is 13:10. It is displayed on the radio's clock. Move the grandfather clock's arms to display the correct time. It will click open. You can now collect a cube. You also see your own shadow.
Activate the picture, using wood as fuel.
Back And Forth In Time
Note the times near the pictures at Winter kitchen wall. 9:05, 3:55, and 11:25 in order of seasons.
Fix the clock. Get the key, coathanger and the shovel.
Unlock the cupboard, use the code from before to get seed.
Use the shovel and the seed on the flowerpot.
Use the coathanger on the radio, then scroll for channels. Find the good reception. You will get a key.
Use pot full of water on the burning log, get the log, free the bird with the key, open window with log.Get the log back, the bird will fly off.
Get a wrench from the clock. Use it on the gas pipe near the stove. There should be a cactus growing.
Get matches from the clock. Light the candle. There should be a mushroom growing near the stove. You can't pick it up yet, but if it is growing you will see hallucinations when you try to do so.
Find the channel on the radio. The bird will bring you a flower.
Pick the cactus fruit.
Pick the mushroom.
Pick prozac from the remains of the candle.
You will need to follow the instructions on the bulletin board.
The numbers on the pumps correspond to the item we will use. The numbers are on the board.
Flower: 1 Fruit:2 Mushroom:3 Prozac:4
Fill the glass with water, then put in the items FIRST into the blender, add water and blend them. Some items won't need water at all. Pick them up by the glass, then carry them to the pumps.
Put the juices into the pumps, then pull the lever near the phone.
If it is in the correct order, the phone will vibrate.
Pick up the phone, watch the cutscene.
Hello, chiiiiiiiiiiilllllldren! Bethesda serves up a free simplified simulation for iOS (coming soon to Android) of their wildly popular Fallout game universe, where you are the Overseer charged with handling the running of an enormous Vault by ordering your Dwellers around and keeping them happy and healthy.
Short but oh so sweet, this little escape game by Inush has you working together with a pup simultaneously to solve puzzles in order to get outside! It's cute enough to give you cavities, AND it's got two endings!
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After a long day of slaving away in the mines, these gnomes just want to get back to their little homey cottages to rest their tired little bodies. This wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the vile witch who twisted and falsified some of the paths. Help them find their way back home and keep the witch from having her way in this puzzle game also free for Android!
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by WhenImBore. 4 hours ago
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文明办网文明上网 举报电话:010- 举报邮箱:> Cube Escape: Seasons
应用大小:28.3 MB
语言:俄文, 土耳其文, 德语, 意大利语, 捷克文, 日语, 法语, 波兰文, 瑞典文, 简体中文, 繁体中文, 英语, 荷兰文, 葡萄牙文, 西班牙语, 韩语
运行环境:需要 iOS 5.1.1 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。 此 App 已针对 iPhone 5 优化。
简介:Cube Escape is one of the most mysterious ro...
Cube Escape: Seasons应用说明
Cube Escape is one of the most mysterious room escape game you will ever play. Try to unfold the story and mysteries behind the cubes. You will start with your first memory, spring 1964. It brings you to a calm and friendly room. The room contains a clock, a kitchen and a garden window. Your parrot Harvey has a bad mood. Explore and start gathering items, you will quickly realise that something is wrong.Unlock the other memory cubes by creating a path between the cubes. Maybe it's not to late...Tap on the arrows to navigate inside the cube. Interact with objects by tapping. Select found items in your inventory and tap somewhere on screen to use them.Cube Escape: Seasons is the first episode of the Cube Escape series and the story of Rusty Lake. We will unfold Rusty Lakes one step at a time. So
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09:33:18.669---- 09:33:18.685----15.6}


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