
Outlast- Whistleblower逃生中文-实况攻略解说-绝命精神病院告密者03新郎变新娘
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Buy Outlast: Whistleblower DLC
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About This Content
Whistleblower will let you play as Waylon Park, a software engineer under contract with Murkoff and the man who emailed journalists around the world - including Miles - at the beginning of Outlast. Spending a couple of weeks at Mount Massive, during which he was unable to even talk to his wife and son thanks to strict security protocols, Waylon developed a deep-seated distrust of the profit-motivated scientists and doctors leading dangerous and irresponsible experiments on their patients. Identifying with those poor souls fueled Waylon's anger, and set the stage for his unmasking of Mount Massive's rotten core.
Although Whistleblower tells the story that led to Outlast, it will actually stretch past the events of the first game to show the final chapter in Mount Massive Asylum's story.
System Requirements
SteamOS + Linux
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 - 64 bits *
Processor: 2.2 GHz Dual Core CPU
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 512 MB NVIDIA GeForce 9800GTX / ATI Radeon HD 3xxx series
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 2 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
Additional Notes: * 32 bits systems are not officially supported, but should work if configured to provide 3Gb of user-mode address space. See
OS: Windows Vista / 7 / 8 - 64 bits
Processor: 2.8 GHz Quad Core CPU
Memory: 3 GB RAM
Graphics: 1GB NVIDIA GTX 460 / ATI Radeon HD 6850 or better
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 2 GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
OS: OS X 10.9
Processor: 2.2 GHz Dual Core CPU
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: GeForce GT 750M / Intel Iris Pro 5200 / Radeon HD 3xxx
Sound Card: Standard
OS: OS X 10.9
Processor: 2.8 GHz Quad Core CPU
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: 1GB NVIDIA GTX 460 / ATI Radeon HD 6850
Sound Card: Standard
OS: Ubuntu 12 / Fedora 20 / Steam OS
Processor: 2.2 GHz Dual Core CPU
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: : GeForce GT 750M / 9800GTX / Radeon HD 3xxx. OpenGL 3.2+
Hard Drive: 2 GB available space
Sound Card: Standard
OS: Ubuntu 14 / Fedora 21 / Steam OS
Processor: 2.8 GHz Quad Core CPU
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: 1GB NVIDIA GTX 460 / ATI Radeon HD 6850. OpenGL 4.x+
Hard Drive: 2 GB available space
Sound Card: Standard
(C) 2013 Red Barrels Inc. Published by Red Barrels Inc.
Outlast and the Outlast logo are trademarks Red Barrels Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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Marriage Simulator 2014 Darling!/10
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10/10 would be chased while being called darling again
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*This review contains spoilers.*I'll assume that if you're reading this, you played the main game. So I won't be going into detail about the mechanics of the game.The Whistleblower is a prequel of sorts to the main game. But also overlapping into the main story. In it you play Waylon, the guy who sent Miles the email about Mount Massive Asylum in the main game. Objective? Escape.It plays exactly the same as the main game with a camcorder included, although I found myself hiding much less and doing way more running in this one. This might be due to less backtracking, mutliple levers or switches are replaced with singular objectives. Flip one lever, turn one valve ect. Backtracking does still occur though. Some characters make a return, including Chris Walker (Big F'n Guy), The Wallrider, The Twins and Father Martin to name a few. You'll also be going through some familiar locations as well, which makes sense. It's still the same location after all.The &scares& are about the same as the main game. If you could handle that, you'll be fine here. However, the shock value went WAY up. Cannibalism and necrophilia, which was in the main game are taken to a whole new level here.Like other reviewers pointed out for it's insperation, it's like New French Extremity films. Except in videogame form. One particular part in the last act is probably the most disturbing thing you'll ever see in a retail videogame. &The Groom& made my list for Top 10 antogonists in a videogame of all time. His actions and dialogue make the rest of the Variants in Outlast seem quite sane. It's like Vaas from Far Cry 3 and a splicer from Bioshock had a son, and that is the result.I actually found myself enjoying the DLC more than the main game. If you enjoyed the main game, I highly recommend The Whistleblower. You'll love it!
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a worthy addition to the main game, explains the story before and after the main game's events.
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Second half of this dlc is just awesomeOne of the best dlc ive ever played
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Outlast didn't have enough whistles. This is not remedied in this DLC, so give that thing a good toot... if you're a fool.
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1 person found this review funny
Whistleblower is fantastic DLC for Outlast. Our favorite friend, the huge security guy, is back along with some pretty cool new villains. It lasted me about three hours and may be worth the price to you or not. It has the quality of the original game bu shorter but sweeter. If you are ready for more horror, play this.
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it defiently has to be one of my favorite DLC'S on Steam so far . i dont even want to think how awesome the sequel will be!
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.... Awesome DLC ... I was scary like little girl . That game it's F*** awesome . I dont know what can i say... Best horror game ever played . Thanks for DLC i got few hours it's more scary than game without DLC ... If you love fuc*k good horror games this is best horror game. You will not find better .2014. December 17 .10/10
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+ Advantages :- A giant game of hide and seek, gore and unhealthy- Another view of Mount Massive- Some sequences which mark- Drawbacks : - Gore, gore .. to the detriment of quality writing- An open end, but random- Short lifetime (3 hours)A very good survival horror not to be missed.16/20
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Two words, F*#@&(NG INCREDIBLE. Easily one of the best DLC for any game out there! A tremendous tie-in to the first game and it wraps up the original story in a memorable fashion. If you own Outlast, YOU NEED THIS DLC!
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Beware, of Darling Eddie :heart:
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An expirience that rivals the full game in both scares and fun. With graphics that rival AAA titles and an ending that makes up for the full game's lackluster one, Whistleblower is unforgetable.
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Realy sick minds must have figured out this scenario...hahaha :)Must play after Outlast.
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Along the lines of the base game, it goes through the perspective of someone else at the same time as the protagonist of said base game.
Fun, uncovers a lot, and very similar fashion to base game.
For me, this dlc was more psychologically damaging than the main game.
Worth a buy.
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Outlast: Whistleblower, WOW! Even though this is a prequel to the original Outlast, I have a lot to discuss about it.This game will scare your socks off! The matter of the environment, graphical features, gore, suspense, tension, and the gameplay that this game provides for you, it's what makes it so amazing! The fact that your character is using a camera, with nightvision of course, is what still makes this game creepy in a very odd way (makes it feel like paranormal activity, but in a hospital xD). This game has a very intense story where it made me and others very interested. The fact that you must go through a hospital investigating of what's going on and reporting it to the public with a camera is super super super super intense! In conclusion, I have to say is that 12 (or a little more) people in one company making this game is marvellous! Only 12 people making such a graphical game with an amazing story makes me feel very grateful for this game being created. Thank you, Red Barrels.I would like to give this game an amazing recommendation with a rating of 9.9/10. Rubric is listed below:Graphics:
10/10Combat (if any): N/AStory:
10/10Mutliplayer (if any): N/AAudio:
10/10 Trailer:
10/10If you love playing horror games, I would honestly recommend this game. If you are buying it, enjoy the nightmare :)
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3.7 hrs on record
The DLC for Outlast, 'Whistleblower', is more or less more the same sort of thing as the main game. And that'll either be a good or bad thing depending on who you are. They do switch up stuff, and they have a few new interesting stalkers, and a narrative that ties in well with the main game. But still, it for better or worse feels like an expansion of the game. If this is what you're looking for, you'll be very pleased. If you wanted something more different, this may not be it.Something I noticed is that they tried to be a lot more radical with this one. And by radical, I mean they wanted to disturb the player and really make them feel uncomfortable. There's a specific section of the DLC that might really turn some people off, and this feels like the intended effect. And they deal with more radical ideas. It's hard to talk about this without spoiling elements of the DLC, but just know if you're offended, disgusted, or have an issue with nudity and mutilation, it is here in the forefront and trying to offend those with weaker appetites for the deranged. You spend a little more time outside than you did in the main game, and most of the areas are new in the DLC (and those that you revisit have twists on them). There's also more on the overall story and outcome of the events that happened in the main game, so for those interested story-wise, it expands some on the universe and fallout from the events of the main game, as well as telling the personal story of somebody new who goes through the incident from beginning to end.One thing I was curious about the DLC was how encounters would differ. One of the biggest flaws of the original game was that the encounters got very predictable after a while. Whistleblower does mix things up some, but honestly it was less different than I was hoping. There's no segments of 'Go to three points and exit' like the original game, and I noticed a bigger presence of back-tracking than I recalled there being in the original game. A few encounters were set-up to start at different points than you might expect, but they do feel like the same sort of thing. Though I did find the areas to be more designed to allow you to sneak around, the original game felt towards the end like it was throwing most of the same sort of things you'd already seen before during the last third of the game until the very end sequence, so I was hoping to see more mix-up here.The new stalkers (of which there are two new main ones of) are both enjoyable. One makes a very distinct sound, which makes his encounters much more audio-based. The other is deliciously deranged, and charismatic. You also encounter a few of the original game's stalkers once or twice, but notably they seem to have chosen the stalkers that didn't appear much in the original either.The DLC I would place at 2-4 hours long. It took me 3 & a half hours to complete it, but I got confused at a few segments of what I needed to do, and took some time to look at things.It's well-made, and really does feel like an expansion. If that's what you want, more Outlast, this is it. And it's good. However, if Outlast dragged on you, then this is more of it. It's well-made, but not really all that different. There are some fun encounters and moments, however. But heed that it all gets more messed-up than the original game. I don't say that exaggeratedly, they obviously decided to take advantage of the fact that DLC is not rated, as if it was this goes into some ESRB AO-Rated territory.A good piece of DLC that maybe isn't revolutionary or all that different from the main game, but is still well-made and worth experiencing if you happened to like the main game.
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This DLC will make you value how precious your balls are. Literally.
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Have you ever wondered who'd sent the message to Miles Upshur in Outlast? Who made him approach the facility so that he would fall victim to the many horrors its inhabitants have already faced? There is no wonder why the DLC was titled Whistleblower.So, you play this guy from the inside who needs to escape just like Miles needed to. While I use past tense it should be noted that his story was first - Whistleblower is meant to be a prequel. Also, the story of our new protagonist is a bit more interesting (after all, he is not an investigative journalist), but revealing anything further would be a spoiler so I'll refrain from doing that.Whistleblower is long. As an expansion / DLC pack, that is. 3-5 hours is what you get and the content seems excellent. The concept is the same here: you have chase sequences, sequences that give you jump scares, crazy inmates who desire to grab and consume you and of course extreme violence and gore.The sequences where you needed to turn 3 levers or press 3 buttons are now over. There are no repetitive tasks as the developers have eliminated these. However, the various stages sometimes seem a bit more &labyrinthine&; there is no clear indication as to where you need to go and sometimes it is easy to get lost. But the solution is right there - you just need to jump up somewhere you never thought would be possible.Overall, Whistleblower is a great addition - an example of what a good expansion / DLC pack should be. I highly recommend it to all of those in favour of Outlast.
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2.5 hrs on record
A week ago, I have reviewed the original Outlast and, luckily enough, The Whistleblower DLC was released soon after that, so I had my hands on and, unlike the early Outlast players, experienced almost no break in the story’s narrative, from the perspectives of both Miles Upshur and Waylon Park.The Whistleblower is a both prequel and sequel at once, because it spans across events, which occurred before Miles arrived to the asylum, and those happened after his trip to the lab. This means we will see the familiar hallways and locations, and may even spot our (actually Miles’) old friends. Not necessarily in alive state.The DLC is exploiting the original mechanics, nothing has changed here, and you will probably be hardly surprised, watching Waylon, in the beginning of his journey, grabbing the same camcorder which Upshur had. The abilities are exactly the same of the original protagonist.The original game has been often blamed for its extensive repetitiveness, which bored some players. The Whistleblower isn’t much changed this way and the gameplay’s freshness is solely relied on cutscenes and different events out of direct player’s control. However, the ‘collect some items to proceed’ missions are greatly reduced and the typical goal to achieve in most parts of the game is just to proceed further, evading some psychopath, searching for your flesh. Decorations varies greatly during the whole journey and some of locations are really spectacular and, if you are feeling adventurous, you can even slow your motion to look around. The Female Ward is one of examples. Exceptionally good work has been done with the lighting, but I will repeat here one more time, that both the original Outlast and The Whistleblower are not looking as next-gen titles. They’re both Unreal Engine 3.5 powered games, looking good, sometimes exceptionally good, but not great by today’s standard. The good part of this is that you can run it on not high-end hardware with decent FPS.The psychopaths after you are both familiar to you and the brand new. They all have their very own personality and looks really insane and ominous. The most memorable one is a tuxedo wearing maniac with multiple personalities disorder. He'll definitely stay in your memory for a while.The one of disturbing features of the game is that you will never know if you had finally escaped from your enemy or if he is patiently waiting for you behind another corner. The only thing assuring your safety is the display of the psychopath's death. You can proceed safely from this point just to be chased by another one several minutes later. So, the game doesn't swap one antagonist after another quite often, it sustains the lovely designed anti-character as long as it possible. It's good, but some players could demand more safe areas, free of any hostile creatures.One feature have amazed me. While limping and unable to run away from a maniac, I've briefly decided to hide in the nearest locker. The psychopath patiently came over to my hiding spot and cheerly showed me, that he's aware of me inside the box. Then he slowly dragged the box, telling me all kinds of creepy things, to his lair and the story continued. Was that intentional or the key events of the game can adapt to the player's decisions? The game cannot know if the player will hide in the locker or not, but somehow it knew. I should probably replay this episode to know for sure.Like in the original, the protagonist experience some body traumas during the game. But unlike the original's Miles Upshur's, Waylon Park's injury reduces his capabilities greatly. In short, at one point he's becoming incapable of running and this degraded condition changes tactics seriously, because now you can't just run and hide. At this point you should carefully plan your path, hides and timing and you definitely should know your enemy's exact whereabouts. The game become a lot more difficult when Waylon start limping. Strangely enough, some time later, the leg is cured without doctors and medicines and you can happily run again.The Whistleblower have much more gore than the original. The DLC is more bloody in many ways. But is it more scary? You will still have your shivers and maybe some fearful screaming exclamations during all the sudden events, when ugly heads popping through the walls just to warn you about upcoming something. The Whistleblower is as scary as the original Outlast, not less, but also not much.The game lasts roughly the same as the original, you can beat it in two seats. It explains the original story further, and it is really interesting. If you've been excited about the what and why's of the Outlast's universe, you should definitely play the DLC. And if you're not after the story, I can easily recommend The Whistleblower just to tickle you nerves and to stare at the glorious scenery. It is really worth it.
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Title: Outlast: Whistleblower DLC
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Release Date: 6 May, 2014
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