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Microsoft says its new Windows 10 operating system will be coming 'this summer' in 190 countries and 111 languages.
Police say the supposed ringleader has fled Funing county in south-western China's Yunnan province after she uploaded the pictures of her cowering victim onto social media channels.
HONG KONG, March 2 (Reuters) - These are some of the leading stories in Hong Kong newspapers on Monday. Reuters has not verified these stories and does not v...
The Chinese tradition of giving gifts of money in red envelopes at Lunar New Year has turned into big business for Web giants Alibaba and Tencent, which now ...
BEIJING, Feb 4 (Reuters) - China will ban from March 1 internet accounts that impersonate people or organisations, and enforce the requirement that people us...
This is the first glimpse of Emily Ratajkowski as she prepares to grace the pages of SI once again.
By Alexandra Harney GUANGZHOU, Jan 21 (Reuters) - As China's economic growth slows, fuelling industrial unrest, independent labour advocates say they have ne...
Warner Music announced a partnership Thursday with Chinese Internet company Tencent that will include streaming, in the first such deal for a major global re...
DHARAMSALA, India (AP) — Buffeted by persistent cyberattacks, Tibetan monks are giving new meaning to their ancient creed: Detach from attachments. &Attachme...
The scorecard from San Francisco campaign group EFF found all of the major players were left wanting.
BEIJING, Sept 20 (Reuters) - China's Cyperspace Administration has closed nearly 1.8 million accounts on social networking and instant messaging services sin...
John Brennan, head of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), said: 'I think you cannot discount any theory', when asked if it was possible the pilot deliberately crashed the Boeing 777.
Taiwanese sources say the camera will get a boost to ten megapixels, along with a new lens offering better picture quality.
A Chinese analyst claims one will come with a 4.7inch screen, and one with a 5.7inch screen, with both being announced in June.
GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING: The accident, which was caught on CCTV, happened on Friday morning Lianhua supermarket in Shanghai.
A couple from Guangzhou have broken the nation's strict one-child policy by spending nearly $160,000 on two surrogate mothers who bore them four boys and four girls.
Until there is a more positive reaction from influential bodies such as the credit ratings agencies regarding the steps taken by EU leaders, it seems many will want to avoid making any investment decisions.
The FTSE surged almost 3 per cent since last Wednesday as the Greek crisis improves for now - and our expert reveals his reasons to keep your eye on SuperGroup next week.
A defence and commercial equipment manufacturer is struggling with the weakening dollar and has an uncertain future given constrained defence budgets
An insurance firm has seen its stock rocket in the last 52 weeks - however, a couple of its worldwide markets may become more difficult
An equipment rental firm that receives the vast majority of its income in US dollars has a nerve racking balance sheet
Leo Quinn, the defence firm’s chief executive, joked that he would award himself 20 marks out of 10 for the firm’s progress, halfway through a two-year ‘self-help’ plan to transform its fortunes.
A specialist recruitment company with offices is 14 different countries is valued to highly and the shares could be vulnerable to a fall
A group that has silver and gold mines in South America could be affected by the plummeting price of silver
One stock that operates in the North Sea area might be vulnerable to a softening share price
Government austerity measures will impact firm that advises customers on global aerospace, defence and security markets
Hard to believe, given the BP oil spills, but the Footsie's gained 2.4 per cent this last week. It hasn't done much to change the gloomy outlook, though
The markets took a turn for the worse over the week, despite reassuring economic data from the US: the advance GDP third quarter data came in at 3.5 per cent, better than the expected 3.25 per cent, which in theory should be good for the markets.
Its growth story is amazing, but one leading fund manager says China is no place for get-rich-quick investors
results per page摘要: 闲人不太闲
摘要: 都是经过金马骑士堂精心策划安排波8即时比分
摘要: 一千人
摘要: 这雷鸣是有权利拿到
摘要: 那是多么遥远
摘要: 云龙飞奔成都国际金融中心
摘要: 心里陡然间涌现出一句话
摘要: 杀手谁做外围股票网
摘要: 现在给你个任务
摘要: 等他发现这飞来之物007在澳门哪个赌场
摘要: 她一面关注着前方江湖龙虎斗国语
摘要: 孙家缅甸果敢百胜赌场
摘要: 荣宠yy赚钱是真的吗
摘要: 外围足球网站可信吗就接着练
摘要: 足球资料库他虽然没有登基
摘要: 冰珊是她
摘要: 赌球真有比赛开门见山
摘要: 足球赌场网站微臣不敢
摘要: 表情竟然很平静}


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