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摘?要:随着信息技术的飞速发展,依赖计算机互联网技术的在线考试系统也蓬勃发展。在线考试系统旨在实现考试的无纸化管理,基于计算机和网络技术进行在线考试系统的使用,既方便校方对考试的管理,也方便了考生,尤其适合考生分布广,不易集中的远程教育。利用在线考试系统,可以帮助教育培训机构进行更系统、更科学的管理。在线考试系统作为一种崭新的、有着极大优越性的教学评价手段,日益成为数据库管理技术广泛应用的一个热点研究方向。实现了系统管理、考生管理、在线考试、在线制作试卷、控制学生考试、试卷审批等基本功能。系统采用B/S开发模式,以J作为开发平台,结合JSP、JavaScript、Html等语言,以Tomcat为服务器和SQL Server 2000为后台数据库。整个系统层次结构简单,操作容易,并具备一定的安全性。考生借助此系统,可以随时随地的进行课程结业考试同样,老师使用该系统能更高效、便捷的组织在线考试。关键词:在线考试系统;B/S模式;S Server 2000数据库
The Design and Implementation of the Web-based Online Examination System
Abstract:With the advent of information technology, the online examination system which rely on the Internet technology grows rapidly. The online examination system aims at achieving the paperless examination management. The online examination system, which bases on computer and network technology, is convenience for the exam management, but also for the students. Simultaneously, such a system is absolutely suitable for the students in distance education who are dispersive and difficult to concentrate on the course.So, utilize the online examination system can help education and training org
正在加载中,请稍后...为什么VC++6.0用不了random(int num)? 只有用rand ()% (int num) 明明有这个函数的.求解答!_百度知道
为什么VC++6.0用不了random(int num)? 只有用rand ()% (int num) 明明有这个函数的.求解答!
只要用random(int num)就error,说未定义,明明头文件已经用了stdio.h stdlib.h time.h的,用法完全参照百度的说明。
不会就MSDN啊。还有看看缺不缺头文件啊! 在vc++中程序中用了srandom()和random(),头文件为stdlib.h,但编译出现错误error C3861: “srandom”: 找不到标识符。
#include &time.h& //定义关于时间的函数
#include &stdlib.h& //定义杂项函数及内存分配函数
函数名: random 功 能: 随机数发生器,也就是产生一个随机数
用 法: int random(int num);
函数名: randomize
功 能: 初始化随机数发生器,相当于拨随机种子
用 法: void randomize(void);
题目:the probability that a standard normally distributed random variable will be more than two standard deviations above its mean is()A
0.0217B 0.0228C 0.4772D 0.9772请问道题底讲呀求详细解题步骤说明
态布于均值两标准差概率少态曲线横轴区间(μ-σμ+σ)内面积68.268949%横轴区间(μ-1.96σμ+1.96σ)内面积95.449974%注意<img class="word-replace" src="/api/getdecpic?picenc=0ad.96标准差接近于两标准差我采用数据两标准差内概率95.45%两标准差外数据4.55%于两标准差于两标准差概率相同所于两标准差概率4.55%/2=2.775%选接近应该B
 遇到后的解决思路:   1.尝试清空浏览器缓存,在IE选项中,清空IE临时文件。或使用清理专家百宝箱,清除系统垃圾文件,实现这个功能。   2.尝试禁用任何下载加速器或下载工具,尝试使用IE另存为进行重新下载。   3.更新杀毒软件,并进行杀毒。出现NSIS错误,被感染型病毒破坏的可能性较大。推荐重启到带命令行的安全模式杀毒。   4.尝试关闭杀毒软件和网络防火墙。   5.使用磁盘扫描程序或chkdsk扫描并修复磁盘错误。   6.从另一台正常计算机重新下载安装包,再复制到曾出故障的电脑上。   7.还有一种极端的方法:单击开始,运行,输入CMD,进入命令行。浏览到NSIS安装文件路径,执行程序名。exe /ncrc,安装程序将不作自身校验,强制进行安装。   8.另外,也有网友说NSIS错误,与内存条故障有关。建议使用硬件检测程序检查内存条的性能。可以尝试拔下内存条,重插一次。   9.也有朋友是在中文系统安装英文软件遇到这个故障,将系统缺省语言修改为英文后,安装成功。另外,建议不要把安装源保存在中文路径,安装目标,也最好不使用中文。
建议重新下载,有的是内存损坏,一般发生在两根内存的情形较多 可以尝试以下解决办法:在安装包上点击 右键 选择 在桌面创建快捷方式
到桌面上找到 这个快捷方式 右键 选择 属性在属性——目标 最后加上/NCRC 点确定 试一下吧 英文意思:运行一个用Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS)建立的程序常会发生这种错误,起因可能是下载来的文件不完整,或存放该程序的磁盘区坏了,也可能因病毒.无论何种原因,建议你联系程序的作者,重新下载,再安装. 或命令行中附加参数 /NCRC 试试安装.(不推荐此法). NSIS 错误 你正使用的安装程序已经被破坏或不完整。 这可能是由于损坏的磁盘,或是下载失败,或是病毒导致的结果。你可以联系本安装程序的程序员来获取新的软件拷贝。首先你可以在命令行下面安装文件,只不过要带上&/NCRC&这个开关(开关必须大写)。正如警告说的:不推荐你这么做,因为一般来说也不会这样就让你顺利安装的。找到了比较具体的解决办法:Error with Single InstallerDisable any download accelerators and download the installer again. Update any active anti-virus and download the installer again. Disable any active anti-virus and download the installer again. Download the installer from another source. It might be corrupted on the server, or the connection to the server is unreliable. Download the installer using another computer and copy it to the original computer using a reliable media. Error with Multiple InstallersDisable any download accelerators and download the installer again. Disable any firewalls and download the installer again. If it is installed, uninstall the [url=]nVidia firewall [/url]and download the installer again. Scan for, and remove malware Scan for, and remove viruses Scan the hard drive using scandisk, chkdsk, or any other hard drive repair tool Download the installer using another network connection and copy it to the original computer using a reliable media. Random or Start-up ErrorsScan for, and remove malware 上面一段是针对3种情况(单独的一个安装文件、多个安装文件、随机或者系统系统的时候出现NSIS错误)的说明。对应的中文即:单独的安装文件1.不使用任何加速的下载工具,再下载一次2.升级你的杀毒软件,再下载一次3.关掉你的杀毒软件实时监控,再下载一次4/5.从另一个源(站点)重新下载,或者换一台计算机再重新下载多个安装文件1.不要使用加速软件,再下载一次2.关闭防火墙再下载一次3.如果已经安装了,卸载nVidia 防火墙,再下载安装文件4/5.扫描系统,并且卸载:malware、viruses 6.扫描检查磁盘,看是否有磁盘、文件错误。7.使用另一个网络连接重新下载或者可靠的介质重新拷贝随机或者开机时候出现错误扫描,并且卸载malware现在我遇到这种情况的软件都是从“多特”下载的(51CT现在也是用多特的服务器),里面的文件应该都是被它们重新封装过。所以如果你安装的时候出现NSIS错误,建议去“嬴政”“霏凡”重新下载有些软件安装的时候的确要关闭杀毒软件的实时监控(AAA logo就是)。PS:NSIS 是“Nullsoft 脚本安装系统”(Nullsoft Scriptable Installation System)的缩写,它是一个免费的 Win32 安装、卸载系统,本来是一个由 Nullsoft 创建并用于作为 Winamp 及其插件发布的系统,但现已被上百个应用程序所应用。当使用到它的程序启动时发生错误,就会弹出该窗口,比如花生壳软件启动时出错错误,就有可能出现上述提示,此时请分析启动了哪些软件,检查并修复该程序,再重启,问题一般就能解决这是在别处复制的,比较复杂看不太懂,不求采纳,但愿能帮到楼主。
出门在外也不愁K-Indie:專訪韓國電子搖滾樂隊 LudiSTELO | HOKK fabrica
聊起韓國音樂,除了紅遍世界的那些男團女團,其實當地的獨立音樂圈也發展得非常出色。在就經常能看到許多年輕的獨立音樂人背著吉他,唱著歌;而在今年初,S.M 娛樂公司也公布投資新生音樂公司Baljunso的計劃,推動獨立音樂的發展。這期,HOKK fabrica為讀者專訪備受矚目的電音搖滾樂團LudiSTELO (????? ),就讓我們跟韓樂走得更近吧!
L: LudiSTELO | Hf: HOKKfabrica
Hf: Hello. Please introduce yourselves.
中:你好, 先介紹一下自己吧!
L: We are LudiSTELO, an alternative rock (or electronic) band. Sangjin, ASH and drummer Juyeon constitute the team. Our band’s name is from a world language ‘Esperanto,’ meaning &#8216;Play a star.&#8217; We debuted in 2013 and released our first album &#8216;Experience&#8217; in April, 2014. We put our sentiments traveling around a lot of places in our songs.
中:我們是LudiSTELO,是一隊另類搖滾(或是電子)樂隊,由Sangjin、ASH和鼓手Juyeon組成。我們樂隊的名字來自世界語(Esperanto),解作「Play a star」。我們在2013年出道,並在2014年發行首張專輯《Experience》,歌曲裡包含了一些我們旅行時的經歷和感受。
Hf: Please tell us about your music style.
中: 講解一下你們的音樂風格。
L: We combined electronic and alternate rock, producing a unique type of song that comes as wonder in melody, rhythm, harmony, and lyrics. This music and the sound is our own way of making songs that we experienced. We put our identity as ‘Play a Star, Play the Earth’ and the places that are surrounding us and glimpses of life are motivational factors to us. A sentimental vibe, progressive program control, leading on to sounds from unique and new instruments are the core factors of LudiSTELO’s sound, and we combined several electronic aspects in our basic trio band instrument layout.
中: 我們結合了電子和另類搖滾,創怍出無論在曲調、旋律、和諧和歌詞上獨一無二的歌曲,音樂與聲音就是創作我們經歷的歌曲的方法。「Play a star, Play the Earth」就是我們的宗旨,生活上圍繞著我們的地方和事物都能令我們充滿動力;而共鳴、漸進的程序控制與獨特的聲音就是LudiSTELO最重要的一部分。另外還會在我們三人上加入一些電子元素。
Hf: How was the band LudiSTELO formed?
中: 那麼LudiSTELO是如何成立的?
L: Back in 2012, Sangjin and ASH met each other while they were traveling in Brunei and started to make songs jut for fun. A few 20 days later, both of them came back to Korea and decided to form a band. Then, drummer Juyeon who was a close friend of ASH’s as well as an artist willing to pursue in music joined the crew, creating the basic structure of the band.
中: 這個要說到2012年,當時Sangjin與ASH到汶萊旅行認識了對方,就開始寫歌,不過也是玩玩而已。大概過了20天後,他們回到韓國,決定要組成樂隊,而ASH的好友Juyeon亦因為對音樂的熱誠而加入,這就成樂隊的雛型。
Hf: How is LudiSTELO different from other bands?
中: LudiSTELO與其他樂隊相比有什麼不同?
L: We don’t have one specific member of the band taking charge of a song, but all three of us contribute to the song-making process. Since we have to perform all in live, we try to make our songs so that we could perform them on live, expressing LudiSTELO’s groove and style. If even one of us would be exempted from the band, our songs wouldn’t continue.
中: 我們沒有特定的人去負責一首歌,所有人都會參與歌曲的製作, 因為我們要確保每首歌都能夠在現場表演和表達到LudiSTELO的風格,如果當中有人可以被豁免的話,我們的歌曲就不能繼續下去了。
Hf: Is there a song that is the most ____________ to you?
中:哪一首歌讓你最 ____________ ?
Sangjin: The most &#8216;proud&#8217; song – &#8216;Jungle Activity.&#8217; This song marks the beginning of the band.
中: 最「令我驕傲」的歌是《Jungle Actvity》,這首歌代表著樂隊的開始。
Ash: The most &#8216;unique vibe&#8217; song – &#8216;Summer Hill.&#8217; This song has the most unique vibe among our released songs, although there are a lot of songs yet to be released.
中: 在我們已發佈的歌曲中最「有獨特氛圍」的是《Summer Hill》,雖然還有很多歌曲還沒發佈。
Juyeon: The most &#8216;want to perform&#8217;song – “Water roof.” I often feel very touched whenever I hear or perform this song.
中:Juyeon:最「想表演」的歌是 《Water roof》,每次聽到或表演時我也會十分感觸。
Hf: Pick a song that is the most meaningful to you.
中: 選一首你認為最有意思的歌吧!
Sangjin: The Prodigy – &#8216;Smack my bitch up&#8217; I can never forget the moment when I first heard this song back in 1997. I was a heavy rock listener back then, but this one song made me pursue in electronic music.
中: The Prodigy的《Smack my bitch up》,我永遠無法忘記在1997年第一次聽到這首歌的那一刻,我是個重度搖滾愛好者,但這首歌令人投入了電子音樂。
ASH: Pantera – &#8216;Mouth for War&#8217; When I heard this song, I made up my mind to play an electronic guitar whatsoever. It was really fortunate for me to begin playing a guitar in metal music.
中: Pantera的《Mouth for War》當我聽到這首歌,我便下定決心要彈電結他。我覺得一開始能夠在重金屬音樂玩結他是十分幸運的事。
Juyeon: Green day – &#8216;Basket Case&#8217; I was an ordinary middle school student back then. This is the song when I first played the drum to.
中: Green day的《Basket Case》,那時候我還是中學生。我第一次打鼓也是學這首歌。
Hf: How is a normal day at LudiSTELO’s?
中: 平日LudiSTELO是怎樣的?
L: Sangjin will probably listen to music or sketch a new song near our music room. ASH will be most likely to watch a movie with a big projector screen. Juyeon would be teaching future drummers at an academy or film his practice performance with his newly bought laptop.
中: Sangjin平日會聽聽歌或是寫歌;ASH大多時候會用大投映機屏幕看電影;而Juyeon就會到學校教授打鼓或是用他新買的手提電腦拍攝自己練習的情況。
Hf: Could you tell us about your next outdoor performance or a hint at your next album?
中: 可以告訴我們下一次的戶外表演和下一張專輯的細節嗎?
L:We will be participating in major outdoor rock festivals and Korea’s largest band showcase &#8216;Zandari Festa.&#8217; We plan to release a new EP at the end of this year in December or early next year in January.
中: 我們將會參與不同的大型搖滾音樂節和韓國最大型樂隊公演《Zandari Festa》;另外我們打算在12月未或明年一月推出全新EP。
Hf: One final random question. The best place to ___________.
中: 最後一個隨機問題,最好的地方???
Sangjin: The best place to &#8216;spend a night out&#8217; would be Yeonnam-dong in Seoul. This place is close to our music room and a nice place to drink out with friends. I might be drinking beer with friends every Friday in Yeonnam-dong.
中: Sangjin:可以讓人待一個晚上的最佳地點應該是首爾的延南洞,這個地很近我們的音樂室,而且是個跟朋友去喝東西的好地方,每個星期五我都會跟朋友來這裡喝酒。
Ash: The best place to &#8216;get inspiration&#8217; would be inside Ludi (our band car). We talk about various topics when we are in the car and it is a great place to brainstorm for ideas. We tend to specify on our plans to make songs and we often reach a conclusion while we are moving in the car. The conversations that we had in the car played a big role in shaping the way for our songs we already released.
中: ASH:最能夠獲得靈感的地方是Ludi(樂隊的車)。在車內我們會討請各式各樣的話題,研究不同的建議。我們還會詳細地討論音樂製作上的計劃,而這些對話對於我們已經發佈的歌曲有很大作用。
Juyeon: The best place to &#8216;get inspiration&#8217; would be in the academy. When I hear my students playing the drum or when I’m alone playing the drum, I get a lot of inspirations.
中: Juyeon:最能夠獲得靈感的地方是學校。每當見到我的學生打鼓或者我自己一個人打鼓時,我就會有很多靈感。
Before Sunrise
Summer hill
Jungle Activity
All photos courtesy of LudiSTELO
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