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温 州 管 辖
   Regional Overview
   Southern Song Dynasty Town, Cangnan County,
Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province jurisdiction
Township, located in Cangnan County in
southwestern province of Road 78. 12.7
kilometers from the county seat away from all
the world's bauxite - alumina Town 8 km,
east-Chang Chan Township is bordered by the
South with the alum town adjacent to the town of
West and the concept of the United States
connected to the junction of North and algae
Town. Town area of 22 square kilometers, 8
administrative villages, an area of 22 square
kilometers, by the end of 2003 the town's total
population 14000, in 2006 gross domestic product
of 196 million town, farmers 3825 yuan per
capita annual net income is the municipal
less-developed tradition of revolution in the
old towns and district towns.
   The Southern Song Dynasty in ancient town,
said Yang Song, known as &white rice with
water,& Sanyang the Southern Song Dynasty, the
Republic of China Township, said the Southern
Song Dynasty. After the liberation in 1958, said
during the Southern Song Dynasty communalization
commune. The Southern Song Dynasty in 1998
transformed into the Southern Song Dynasty Town
   Southern Song Dynasty Town is located in the
foothills of the mountains. Surrounded by
mountains, the Central was a small basin.
Hillslopes, streams murmur, pine green bamboo,
the autumn leaves to make dye, mountain flowers
bloom, fine spring, is a beautiful mountain
   Resource Property
   Southern Song Dynasty town located in the
hills and mountains surrounded by mountains, the
central region is relatively flat terrain of a
small basin, commonly known as &Southern Song
Sanyang,& county folk of &Southern Song Sanyang
rice with water,& the proverb. Town full of
cultivated land 4267 mu, including paddy fields
2852 mu, dry land 1415 mu, traditional
agriculture and the grain-growing cash crops,
etc., in which the Southern Song watermelon
farming and citrus cultivation has formed a
preliminary scale, year round watermelon acreage
remained at about 1,000 acres, South Area in the
county have
citrus growing
area of 1000 mu, of which about 350 acres of
fruit trees, hanging, high quality.
   Streams in the Southern Song Dynasty town
more poly rain the larger, rich in water
resources and ecological good. At the same time
cultural characteristics apparent the town had
970 years of age, &Cangnan King of Trees& one,
there are more than 300 years of sweet-scented
osmanthus trees, Wang 1, there is the Millennium
Temple &puan Temple&, a traditional temple
fairs, there is the Qing Dynasty Old Bridge &Qing
Syria Bridge . &
   Economic Development
   Sannong work
   In 2006, the Southern Song Dynasty Town,
emphasis on &three rural& work, is committed to
the agricultural structure adjustment and
resource development, rural economy maintained
good momentum of sustained and healthy
development. First, the steady growth of grain
production. Ensure that the annual grain
production area of 3662 mu, annual output of
1103 tons of grain. The second is to accelerate
the pace of agricultural restructuring, special
industrial development momentum. Citrus,
watermelon, seeds sheep, and water chestnut
bamboo shoots and other industrial base has been
further strengthened and the third is to further
improve the water infrastructure, , put
into thorough repair river dikes, ponds and weir
dam, built on three sides view channels into 2.5
million yuan. Fourth, the new farmers have been
raising quality. Implementation of the &labor
force quality training& project to promote
knowledge-based process in 2001-the peasants in
2006 were held for five years more than 20
various types of practical technical training
period, trained more than 5,000 passengers, to
improve their quality and enhance the ability of
farmers to get rich entrepreneurship.
   Traditional industries
   In addition to traditional agriculture, the
Southern Song Dynasty, there are two traditional
pillar industries: First, Underground Mining
Industry. Since the fifties or sixties the
twentieth century started to reform and opening
up, especially after the mid to late nineties,
the Southern Song Dynasty were technical
advantages to play out of the mine shaft of the
Southern Song Dynasty, out of Cangnan, the use
of foreign resources, foreign markets, all over
the country and even overseas mining minerals
(mainly made of metal ore-based), and
incorporation of companies in the field. In 2006
the town of about 3,000 people engaged in
Underground Mining industry, these people can be
roughly divided into three levels: First, owners
the second is the management
level, including management personnel, the
captain Kurayasu procurement, accounting,
tr The third is the
technical level, mainly in mining, washing ore,
mining, smelting and training of skilled
   In 2006, the Southern Song Dynasty, the local
state mining engineering general contractors
have color 2 Enterprise &Wenzhou Jian-Feng
Mining Company&, Hangzhou, Xinjiang, Inner
Mongolia, Xi'an and other places have also set
up different levels of mining enterprises. It is
estimated that the annual output value of
foreign Underground Mining Industry (outer GTP)
is about 1 billion yuan. There are the Southern
Song Dynasty local foil processing industry.
Mainly the use of semi-refined tin and tin
recycling through the furnaces, molding,
forging, playing foil processes such as
post-processed into tin-foil, and then made by
each household goods sold in the Buddhist
Quanzhou, Shishi, Xiamen and other places,
exports to Southeast Asia and Hong Kong, Macao
and Taiwan regions, year round employees around
in 2000, the annual output value of maintaining
5000 million.
   In 2006, the Southern Song Dynasty Town, in
accordance with &Seizing an opportunity, lay a
foundation, building platforms, extension space,
and innovation and focus on practice& work
thinking, focus on &creating an environment
which the magnetic field&, to build a
&developing warm shed,& &the enterprise is no
small matter,& for the purpose, large and
service articles, foil processing industry in
the subject of raw materials prices, increased
processing costs and other adverse effects of
circumstances, the crosswise union, full
traditional strengths, the town a total of more
than 200 households engaged in processing, with
an annual output value of 5,000 million yuan,
the product by the Quanzhou, Shishi sold to
Southeast Asia, has gradually become the pillar
industry. Roadway engineering base and give full
play strong, rich human resources, vast market
advantages, make the investment promotion,
technology upgrading of resources to enhance the
scale and other such articles, through the
integration of resources and encourage mergers
and joint, seriously explore the development of
new ways, and strive to bigger and stronger, and
further consolidate the position of the pillar
industries. More than 100 business owners
contracting out the site as a platform to guide
labor export more than 3,500 people a year to
solve a large number of rural labor force
employment. Outside labor income annually and
create 170 million yuan, the market operates in
a regulated and orderly, supply and demand a
normal, stable prices, as the carrier business
activities in good faith, to the rural side of
the lock as the leading supermarket operators,
industrial and commercial self-employed
according to the law business, active in town
   In 2006, the Southern Song Dynasty Town,
adhere to poly simultaneously inside and outside
the cited linkage, the scientific co-ordinating
urban and rural areas, economic and social
development and harmonious development of man
and nature, and strive to alleviate the
bottleneck elements, effectively strengthening
infrastructure construction, further improve the
sustainable development of hardware and
softwarehuan jing . Transport infrastructure
investment has intensified Kangzhuang
construction seize this opportunity to &set foot
on all flat roads, village Jie Tong Hong Chong
Road,& as the overarching goal, and actively
organize Hong Chong construction projects,
invested 6.18 million yuan, total length of
14.5km Hong Chong Road, 6 put into use. Speed up
the construction of educational infrastructure
to optimize the campus environment and improve
their conditions. Urban construction and
management to further strengthen the investment
and improved lamp, green, &three wastes&
treatment facilities to carry out urban
&beautification, greening, lighting&, and
further optimized the town environment,
improving the capacity of the town of the town
of appearance. 3 water to help the town achieve
combined water supply capacity to gradually
increase. The Southern Song Dynasty District
construction was speeded up more than 300
million yuan investment in the town government
office victory knot the top, and put into office
to complete the new district of the trunk road
surface hardening, sewage, low voltage line
transformation point of the building of District
Court, Southern Song Dynasty Creek Fitness
Management a project, so that new area of basic
supporting infrastructure, and complete, leading
New Area into a new round of construction boom,
in order to lay the foundation for the building
of new countryside. The implementation of the
village renovation works in order to &100
Village renovation of the 10 village model& as
an opportunity to further optimize the layout of
the village in order to change water, lavatories
as the focus, focus on governance in rural
areas, &dirty, chaotic, poor, scattered&
problem, speed up the integration of urban and
rural process.
   Poverty alleviation
   In 2006, the Southern Song Dynasty Town, do a
good job well-off society development plan
revision perfect, so that to promote steady and
effective poverty alleviation. Clearer focus on
poverty alleviation and poverty reduction ideas,
in strict accordance with the Southern Song
Dynasty town planning work in helping the poor
well-off society, the more accelerated the pace
of poverty alleviation, the development of more
rapid, results become more pronounced. To
concentrate on poverty alleviation points down
off-site construction, on the basis of the
previous two years, a total of 7.2 million yuan
investment in the Southern Song Dynasty, Yang
Feng, Banana Bottom, Kitayama and river villages
of light areas and poverty point of immigration
have begun to take shape, a total of migration
224, 987. Focus on &blood type& pro-poor way to
help the 8 administrative villages to implement
more than one in every village has a good
economic development projects, efforts to combat
the economic shell villages and realize money
act. Standard anti-poverty fund management, in
accordance with &well-off society, Zhejiang,
underdeveloped rural financial support to fund
project management approach& and &the use of
anti-poverty funds Wenzhou management practices&
requirements, the establishment of the Southern
Song Dynasty Town, financial funds are special
accounts, do a good job managing the special
account, closed run, earmarking.
   Social causes
   In 2006, the Southern Song Dynasty town in
efforts to speed up economic development, focus
their efforts on birth control, comprehensive
management, armed forces, civil affairs,
education, health and other social undertakings,
to promote comprehensive, coordinated economic
and social development. One, make sure family
planning. In accordance with birth control work,
&excellence& in the overall requirements, adhere
to &number one personally take charge of the
officials specifically dealing& principle, in
order to do a good job as the leading quality
service in order to strengthen management of
floating population to carry out self-government
for the protection of the villagers, and
actively implement the IPPF offers the one-child
family policy and compensation policy, to
further promote the concept of the rural masses,
a major change in fertility. Through the efforts
of family planning work to achieve the initial
interaction, the natural population growth,
fertility, birth rates have reached a fixed
target of the county's population and family
planning issued by the indicator. Birth control
work in the county town a comprehensive ranking
constantly move forward, the town government has
been the county government as a &period of 15
advanced units.& The second is to actively
implement the strategic town of science and
education. Efforts to explore the new situation
of young people in rural mountainous areas of
education, improve the nine-year compulsory
education, improving teaching and learning
hardware, facilities, school-age children
enrollment rate and the level of universal
compulsory education is increased. Has also
invested more than 40 million pairs of secondary
wall of the Southern Song Dynasty and the
playground re-building, optimizing the campus
environment, and improve the school conditions,
the Southern Song Dynasty introduced boarding
school. Third, in-depth security system for
rural cooperative medical establishment. In 2006
the town had more than 8,000 people took part in
the new cooperative medical insurance, the
insured rate of 61%. Fourth, accelerate the pace
of building new countryside. Conscientiously do
a good job in order to change water, lavatories
focused on &Shibai Project& village management
work, landscaping, greening, cleaning, lighting,
placement of points, through the creation of
rubbish, installing lights, as well as
lavatories and other projects to change the
rural & dirty, chaotic, and poor &phenomenon,
for the villagers to provide a comfortable
living environment. District 5 is a step up
relief efforts to establish and improve the
minimum living standard security system. Minimal
needs in rural areas increased more than 800
objects, a total payment of social pensions,
social rescue section more than 63 million,
guaranteeing payment 1.25 million, disaster
relief, relief funds more than 126 million for
the mountainous areas in time to experience the
party's warmth and care. Promote the rural
five-guarantees for the elderly focus on solid
support system for the rural five-guarantees for
the elderly focus on support, in the town very
difficult financial situation, funding more than
10 yuan improve nursing home facilities, so that
the elderly nursing home where elderly and have
fun . 6 eco-town construction was speeded up.
Invested more than 80,000 yuan Environmental
Sciences, Zhejiang University, commissioned by
the &Southern Song Dynasty, the town of
eco-construction planning& Through evaluation,
investment 200,000 yuan District sewage
treatment works in use.
   Local conditions and customs Folk
   Southern Song Dynasty Town, July 7th annual
calendar with the ancient temple, go to the
market many people packed the streets crowded.
Temple period, people's organizations Ji Temple,
please opera, and to carry out wide range of
rec Town People's
Government will use the opportunity to carry out
various promotional activities, such as bulletin
boards in the display of campaign documents and
family planning slogans to show industrial and
agricultural the development of production of
the pictures, the whole town is decorated
flowery mission Kamjun , presenting a scene of
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