
□文/片 本报记者 王蕾  人要美容,狗也不甘示弱。这几年,养宠物的人越来越多,宠物美容行业也悄然兴起。一名好的宠物美容师可以让看起来很“犀利”的狗狗转瞬变成“小可爱”。宠物美容师如何工作?他们会不会很容易被狗狗咬伤?近日,记者走进了一家宠物美容院,体验宠物美容师们“化腐朽为神奇”的工作。  法律专业毕业却做宠物美容师个人爱好是“转行”最大的动力  司里街小区是个闹中取静的地方,而素素的“道格宠物生活馆”就开在了这里。作为一家宠物美容院,从名字上就可以看出这里和宠物医院不同,讲究的是“生活”。走进素素的小店,她带着狗狗参加各种选秀比赛时夺得的奖章比比皆是,让人很难想象她曾经是一名法律专业的学生。  “我是02年从大学毕业的,不过毕业以后就没干过法律专业。从2005年开始接触宠物美容,最初是很业余的,也就是给自己的狗狗收拾收拾,从2008年开始才慢慢接触专业的。”素素所谓的“专业”是跟着老师学习专业的宠物美容知识,参加专业资格考试,还要带着狗狗到处参加选秀活动。  一名法律专业的毕业生怎么会改行做起了宠物美容?这样不会被认为不务正业吗?“虽然有些人不理解,不过总体来说还好,主要是我个人喜欢养宠物,也喜欢做这些事,所以家人朋友也都很支持。”狗狗美容也用粉底发胶各种“家什儿”不比人用得少  宠物美容是个技术活,让狗狗实现美丽大变身,自然少不了各种家什儿。素素有个半米高的金属化妆箱,看阵势绝对不输于专业化妆师,可惜里面的东西都不是给人用的。  10月8日,在素素的店里,她给记者展示了她的化妆箱。剪刀、刮刀、梳子、蓬蓬粉、定型胶、打底膏……这些都是帮她完成狗狗造型美容不可缺少的工具。“其实这里面好多东西都类似于给人用的,比如这个定型胶,就像是咱们用的发胶。还有粉条,类似女孩子化妆用的粉底。”素素介绍说。  记者粗略数了一下,光是给狗狗修剪“发型”的剪刀就有六种之多,因为不同的狗狗毛发质地不同,梳子也有四五种,再加上其他的造型用品,化妆箱里的“武器”大大小小有几十件。  不仅如此,素素告诉记者,由于宠物美容是新兴行业,目前在济南想买把给狗狗剪毛的好剪子都很难,她的这些“武器”大多数都是从北京、上海等大城市买的,其中还有个别的是别人从国外给她带回来的,身价自然不菲。素素最贵的一把剪刀是把花剪子,价格在千元以上,而那些看起来最普通的剪刀也要五六百元一把。美容师的天职就是突出宠物优点,掩饰缺点  在很多人看来,如果是一样的毛色,一样的品种,狗狗都是一个样子。如果你也是这样,那你可能就当不了宠物美容师了。在与宠物美容师接触的过程中,最让记者惊奇的一点就是在他们的眼中,每只狗狗都不一样。  一位学习过宠物美容的吕女士告诉记者,在宠物美容师看来每只狗狗都有自己的样子,即便是同样的品种,同样的颜色,五官和骨骼也会有不同。“举个最简单的例子,有的狗狗是笑脸,有的狗狗则是副苦相,想让苦相脸的狗狗看出‘甜蜜’的感觉,就可以靠美容。”此外,狗狗的体型也各不相同,有的腰粗,有的脖子短,而宠物美容则可以很好地帮狗狗“遮丑”。这就像是人变换一下刘海儿的造型,就可以改变脸型一样。  而在素素看来,宠物美容无非就是一个目的:突出狗狗优点,掩饰它们的缺点。为了提高自己的审美能力和技术,素素还经常参加各种狗狗选秀比赛。通过这些比赛,跟更多的人交流,提高自己。打造一只参赛的狗狗一套“全活”下来得4个钟头  不过对于一名宠物美容师来说,光有技术还不够,还要懂得如何跟狗交流。毕竟宠物不像人,要给它们剪毛洗澡,它们并不会主动配合。如何让狗狗能够心甘情愿就得看宠物美容师的“魅力”了。  很多人都觉得狗对陌生人都会有戒备心理,有时候甚至会有攻击性,但是作为宠物美容师素素从没有被狗咬过、“我们见得多了,看眼神就能知道一只狗是否具有攻击性。”素素表示如果狗狗是第一次美容,一定要主人抱着把狗狗交到美容师手上,这样狗狗就会信任美容师。  “有的狗狗胆子小,对于吹风机非常敏感,所以洗澡美容的时候难免会挣扎、会叫,这时候可以通过手势,还有语言来安抚狗狗。”素素笑着说。“比如抱起来,轻轻拍拍,安抚一下,说‘好孩子’、‘很好’、‘真乖’这些安慰它鼓励它的话。狗狗对于人的语气非常敏感,它会知道你的态度,而这些方法在家里也是可以用的。”  素素说做宠物美容,爱心和耐心非常重要。参加比赛的狗,从洗澡到美容一套“全活”下来得4个钟头,而一般的宠物美容,即便是简单的洗澡修剪通常也得一个多小时,“如果没有耐心,不是真正喜欢狗狗的人,真的很难做这份工作。”
时间 -21 18:36
大庆高级宠物美容师工资多少,ANNES ART OF DOG GROOMING SCHOOL多年的宠物美容师培训学校开设,cw76px,纯种犬繁殖培训经历,全犬种赛场经验累积,开设中高端直营店。10余年的发展,宠物连锁已经发展成为涵盖宠物美容店连锁,武汉宠物美容培训,宠物美容师培训、武汉宠物用品开发、赛级犬繁育培训引进。武汉专业的宠物培训。
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The concept of intelligent hardware: intelligent hardware since 14 years after be brought up, it got the attention of many enterprises, and its development speed is very fast.For the community O2O software, such as intelligent buildings, intelligent delivery ark can let users enjoy the better service.Smart hardware can be a very good choice, but how will the user platform drainage are problems we need to consider.
The entrance to the community O2O?
Community O2O entrance to software development for both user needs, users looking for information, the way to solve the problem, become the entry means that access to a huge amount of users, so look for entry for companies is also requires paying close attention to.
When looking for a community to the entrance of the app, we need from different angles to analyze the user's idea, because follow behind others to do the same products and their is no meaning, is also difficult to success.From a different perspective, research users, relatively easier than speaking to success.
Property: in 2013 and 2014, property is the community O2O software in the industry the most appropriate entry, but property company is doing now, and early enterprises have either turned direction, either directly by property company acquisitions, arguably the entrance to the property is not a right.Even through the basis of the property service does not increase the user for viscous platform, because the use frequency is low.
The concept of intelligent hardware: intelligent hardware since 14 years after be brought up, it got the attention of many enterprises, and its development speed is very fast.For the community O2O software, such as intelligent buildings, intelligent delivery ark can let users enjoy the better service.Smart hardware can be a very good choice, but how will the user platform drainage are problems we need to consider.
Wei App development company think, now the community O2O software development goals are basically the same, all want to build a comprehensive service platform, and excavate the value of the user.So, in the enterprise to develop a software before to find a good entry, if no good entrance, will not be able to develop a good product.
Wei app development company in the community O2O software development has a wealth of experience, not only can help enterprises to develop good products, but also can help
The entrance to the community O2O?
Community O2O entrance to software development for both user needs, users looking for information, the way to solve the problem, become the entry means that access to a huge amount of users, so look for entry for companies is also requires paying close attention to.
When looking for a community to the entrance of the app, we need from different angles to analyze the user's idea, because follow behind others to do the same products and their is no meaning, is also difficult to success.From a different perspective, research users, relatively easier than speaking to success.
Property: in 2013 and 2014, property is the community O2O software in the industry the most appropriate entry, but property company is doing now, and early enterprises have either turned direction, either directly by property company acquisitions, arguably the entrance to the property is not a right.Even through the basis of the property service does not increase the user for viscous platform, because the use frequency is low.
The concept of intelligent hardware: intelligent hardware since 14 years after be brought up, it got the attention of many enterprises, and its development speed is very fast.For the community O2O software, such as intelligent buildings, intelligent delivery ark can let users enjoy the better service.Smart hardware can be a very good choice, but how will the user platform drainage are problems we need to consider.
Wei app development company in the community O2O software development has a wealth of experience, not only can help enterprises to develop good products, but also can help
Wei App development company think, now the community O2O software development goals are basically the same, all want to build a comprehensive service platform, and excavate the value of the user.So, in the enterprise to develop a software before to find a good entry, if no good entrance, will not be able to develop a good product.
Wei app development company in the community O2O software development has a wealth of experience, not only can help enterprises to develop good products, but also can help
Wei app development company in the community O2O software development has a wealth of experience, not only can help enterprises to develop good products, but also can help
The entrance to the community O2O?
Community O2O entrance to software development for both user needs, users looking for information, the way to solve the problem, become the entry means that access to a huge amount of users, so look for entry for companies is also requires paying close attention to.
When looking for a community to the entrance of the app, we need from different angles to analyze the user's idea, because follow behind others to do the same products and their is no meaning, is also difficult to success.From a different perspective, research users, relatively easier than speaking to success.
Property: in 2013 and 2014, property is the community O2O software in the industry the most appropriate entry, but property company is doing now, and early enterprises have either turned direction, either directly by property company acquisitions, arguably the entrance to the property is not a right.Even through the basis of the property service does not increase the user for viscous platform, because the use frequency is low.
The concept of intelligent hardware: intelligent hardware since 14 years after be brought up, it got the attention of many enterprises, and its development speed is very fast.For the community O2O software, such as intelligent buildings, intelligent delivery ark can let users enjoy the better service.Smart hardware can be a very good choice, but how will the user platform drainage are problems we need to consider.


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