akhigh heel boots交a怎么读

Akles heel torn?
i have just started working out within the past two weeks. i was told by my doctor to start with lots of cardio. i noticed this past friday after an intense workout that my akles heel was swollen and in pain. to the point where i found myself limping and trailing on the weekend. after taking three days off from the gym, i went back today and stayed away from the tredmills and elipticals, however used the bike to start and finish off my workout. i just got home to find my akles heel in extreme pain and swollen, not to mention when i stretch out my foot back and forth, i can feel a sort of rattling on the side of my akles heel, it also hurts a lot when i do that...i really dont want to break my workout routine considering i just started up again and am just starting to feel good about it, however, i dont want to ignore this problem either, especially if there is a possibility of infection or if it requires surgury...should i put some ice on it or a heat pad? and should i maybe wrap it up in a tensor bandage? do you think this could be pulled muscle or maybe even torn muscle or maybe even something worst that needs surgury? Awaiting your professional opinions in pain! Thank you.
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The achilles tendon can become inflamed for several reasons.&&You may have an unstable heel bone, or maybe the muscles in the back of your calf are too tight, or a bursa is irritated.&&Right now, you can ice the area (15 minutes on, 30 minutes off), and rest.&&You can ask your doctor about ibuprofen.&&Apply an Ace wrap.&&All of these things will help get rid of the inflammation.&&When you feel better, GENTLY stretch the tendon by putting your hands on a wall in front of you, and extend the leg far behind you, with the entire foot flat on the floor.&&Also consider custom-made orthoses (commonly called &orthotics& or &arch supports&).&&If your insurance covers them, or if you can afford them out of pocket, look into getting them.&&If you cannot afford $300-500 for orthoses, try pre-made orthoses.&&They can be found at some sports stores, stores for serious runners, on-line, and large grocery stores.&&You probably won't benefit from orthoses that are very flexible and bendable.&&In other words, the popular and well known gel soles probably aren't for you.&&At a store for runners, I found a brand called &Sof Sole.&&&They seemed very good.&&There are many brands out there to look at.&&If you buy orthoses, wear them one hour the first day, two hours the second day, etc.&&Allow your feet to adjust to them.&&Instead of orthoses, you simply can put heel pads in both shoes.&&This small heel lift, in theory, will allow the tendon to rest.&&In my opinion, though, it also will &teach& the tendon to become even shorter.&&So it might feel great at first, but it might be a bad thing in the long term.&&Stretching is best.&&If you can stand on your toes, your tendon is not torn all the way through.&&The likelihood of it being torn to any degree is small.&&I hope this helped.
The achilles tendon can become inflamed for several reasons.&&You may have an unstable heel bone, or maybe the muscles in the back of your calf are too tight, or a bursa is irritated.&&Right now, you can ice the area (15 minutes on, 30 minutes off), and rest.&&You can ask your doctor about ibuprofen.&&Apply an Ace wrap.&&All of these things will help get rid of the inflammation.&&When you feel better, GENTLY stretch the tendon by putting your hands on a wall in front of you, and extend the leg far behind you, with the entire foot flat on the floor.&&Also consider custom-made orthoses (commonly called &orthotics& or &arch supports&).&&If your insurance covers them, or if you can afford them out of pocket, look into getting them.&&If you cannot afford $300-500 for orthoses, try pre-made orthoses.&&They can be found at some sports stores, stores for serious runners, on-line, and large grocery stores.&&You probably won't benefit from orthoses that are very flexible and bendable.&&In other words, the popular and well known gel soles probably aren't for you.&&At a store for runners, I found a brand called &Sof Sole.&&&They seemed very good.&&There are many brands out there to look at.&&If you buy orthoses, wear them one hour the first day, two hours the second day, etc.&&Allow your feet to adjust to them.&&Instead of orthoses, you simply can put heel pads in both shoes.&&This small heel lift, in theory, will allow the tendon to rest.&&In my opinion, though, it also will &teach& the tendon to become even shorter.&&So it might feel great at first, but it might be a bad thing in the long term.&&Stretching is best.&&If you can stand on your toes, your tendon is not torn all the way through.&&The likelihood of it being torn to any degree is small.&&I hope this helped.
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Akles heel torn?
i have just started working out within the past two weeks. i was told by my doctor to start with lots of cardio. i noticed this past friday after an intense workout that my akles heel was swollen and in pain. to the point where i found myself limping and trailing on the weekend. after taking three days off from the gym, i went back today and stayed away from the tredmills and elipticals, however used the bike to start and finish off my workout. i just got home to find my akles heel in extreme pain and swollen, not to mention when i stretch out my foot back and forth, i can feel a sort of rattling on the side of my akles heel, it also hurts a lot when i do that...i really dont want to break my workout routine considering i just started up again and am just starting to feel good about it, however, i dont want to ignore this problem either, especially if there is a possibility of infection or if it requires surgury...should i put some ice on it or a heat pad? and should i maybe wrap it up in a tensor bandage? do you think this could be pulled muscle or maybe even torn muscle or maybe even something worst that needs surgury? Awaiting your professional opinions in pain! Thank you.
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