
Copyright (C) 2006 - 2016
All Rights Reserved第一篇:2013成人高考试题及答案2013 年成人高考数学模拟试题(一)
一、选择题 (17 小题,每小题 5 分共 85 分) 1、设集合 A={0,3},B={0,3,4}, C={1,2,3},则(BUC)∩A=_________ A {0,1,2,3,4} B 空集 C {0,3} D {0} 2、非零向量 a∥b 的充要条件_________ A a=b B a=-b Ca=±b D 存在非零实数 k,a=kb
3、二次函数 y=x A 1 B
+4x+1 的最小值是 -3 C 3 D -4
4、在等差数列{an}中,已知 a1=A a3=0 B a4=0 C
,a6=1 则 a5=0 D 各项都不为零
5、函数 y=x +2sinx A 奇函 B 偶函数 C 既不是奇函数,又不是偶函数 D 既是奇函数又是偶函 数 6、已知抛物线 y=x ,在点 x=2 处切线的斜率为 A 2 B 3 C 1 D 4
7、直线 l 与直线 3x-2y+1=0 垂直,则 l 的斜率为
8、已知 A 4
=(3,2) B 0 C -4
=(-4,6),则 D 5
=1 的焦距是
10、从 13 名学生中选出 2 人担任正副班长,不同的选举结果共有() A.26 B78 C156 D169
11、若 f(x+1)=x?+2x,则 f(x)=_______ A.x?-1 B.x?+2x+1C.x?+2x D. x?+1
12、设 tanx=
,且 cosx&0,则 cosx 的值是________
13、已知向量 a,b 满足|a|=4,|b|=3,=30°,则 ab=_______ A. B.6 C.6 D.12
14、函数 y=sin(3x+
15、直线 2x-y+7=0 与圆(x-1)?+(y+1)?=20 A.相离 B.相切 C.相交但直线不过圆心 D.相交且直线过圆心 16、已知二次函数 y=x?+ax-2 的对称轴方程为 x=1,则函数的顶点坐标 ______ A.(1,-3) B.(1,-1) C.(1,0) D.(-1,-3) 17、椭圆 9x?+16y?=144 的焦距为__________
A.10 二、填空题
1、函数 y=S (6-5x-x )的定义域____________ 2、不等式|3x-5|&8 的解集是__________ 3、 已知 A (-2, B 2, , 1) ( 5) 则线段 AB 的垂直平分线的方程是_____________ 4、某篮球队参加全国甲级联赛,任选该队参赛的 10 场比赛,其得分情况 如下: 99, 104, 88, 94, 87, 96, 100, 108, 92, 110, 则该队得分的样本方差为__________ 三、解答题 1、求函数 y=x4-2x?+5 在区间 上的最大值和最小值
2、设{an}为等差数列,Sn 表示它的前 n 项和,已知对任何正整数 n 均 有 Sn= + ,求数列{an}的公差 d 和首项 a .
3、 已知直线在 X 轴上的截距为-1, y 轴上的截距为 1, 在 对抛物线 y=x?+bx+c 的顶点坐标(2,-8),求直线和抛物线两个交点横坐标和平方和。
4、设点 P 是双曲线 3x?-y?=3 右支上一点,F1、F2 分别是双曲线的左、右焦 点, △PF1F2 周长为 10,求 tan& PF1F2 的值。
参考答案 一.1.C 11.A 2.D 12.D 3.B 13.C 4.B 5.A 14.C 6.D 15.B 7.D 16.A 8.B 17.C 9.C 10.C
二.1.-6&X&1 三.1.解:
2.-1&X&& SPAN&
令 x=0 , x y y 13 最小值 4 4 5 4 13 -2 x=1 , x=-1 -1 0 (0,1) 1 (1,2) 2
2.解:令 n=1,得
d=3 3.解:
4.解: 由双曲线方程知
点 p 在双曲线右支上,
第一篇:2013成人高考试题及答案2013 年成人高等学校招生全国统一考试语文试题
一、语言知识与语言运用(共 24 分,每题 4 分) 1、下列词语中加点字的读音全都不相同的一项是( B ) A、堤坝 题跋 提纲挈领 B、沦落 抡拳 论资排辈 C、晦涩 侮慢 诲人不倦 D、哄动 拱卫 烘云托月
2、下列各组词语中没有错别字的一项是(A) A、攀缘 陌路 万马齐喑 C、收敛 较勘 大智若愚 B、嘉许 徒劳 扑朔弥离 D、附庸 拘泥 绵里藏真
3、依次填入下列横线处的词语,恰当的一项是( D ) 这个群岛位于地中海西部一个 自然风景相似,但都 的自然环境之中,虽然岛屿之间
众多的作家、画家和音乐家来这里 灵感,他们的艺术创作也给群岛 带来了国际声誉。A、巧夺天工 流行 捕捉 C、得天独厚 流行 发现 B、巧夺天工 保留 发现 D、得天独厚 保留 捕捉
4、下列各句中加点的成语使用不正确的一项是( B ) A、 新设备十分复杂, 了解其结构原理有助于在维修保养中有的放矢, 避免盲目。B、 这家刚开业的公司的业绩连续十个月保持增长, 真可谓江河日下、 一日千里。C、 一些食品加工小作坊不顾有关食品安全法的规定, 仍然我行我素、 违规生产。
D、主管部门应该一视同仁,让民营剧团享受到国有剧团的政策补贴 和优惠待遇。5、下列句子有语病的一项是 C A、收入的增速放缓没有影响财政支出,这是上半年数据统计中呈现 出的一大特点。B、与老式手机和个人电脑相比,新一代智能手机操作使用的难易程 度介于两者之间。C、根据隧道视野效应,一个人如果身处隧道之中,他所能看到的就 只是非常狭窄。D、声明称,这种细菌病不依靠砷存活,而是 “能在高砷环境中生存 的极端微生物”。6、依次填入下面横线处的语句,与上下文衔接最恰当的一项是 D 我常常认为, 大地与人之间有一种奇妙的契合。山是 , 海是 ,
沙漠是 ,河流是一种寻求,一种机制,一种被辖制的自由。A、沉重的责任与名节的矜持 希望与失望交织的等待 渺茫的遐思与 变易的丰富 B、希望与失望交织的等待 渺茫的遐思与变易的丰富 沉重的责任与 名节的矜持 C、渺茫的遐思与变易的丰富 希望与失望交织的等待 沉重的责任与 名节的矜持 D、沉重的责任与名节的矜持 渺茫的遐思与变易的丰富 希望与失望 交织的等待
二、阅读下面文字,完成 7-10 题。(共 16 分,每题 4 分) 地球虽然是一颗较小的行星,却有一颗巨大的卫星,即月球。它 的尺寸和地球本身相比较远远超过了其他任何一颗巨大行星的卫星。月球的质量是地球的 1.2%,出于这个原因,人们常把地-月系统看作 是一对“双行星”。英国科学家乔治? 霍华德? 达尔文首先从科学的角度解答了月亮的 成因,他对潮汐现象进行了分析。潮汐产生的摩擦力,其作用结果是 使月亮逐渐远离地球。这说明昨天的月亮比今天的月亮离地球要近一 些,当然,一世纪以前的月亮离地球就更加近了。实际上,如果我们 就这样将时间倒溯下去,月亮在很久以前离地球是非常近的。如果上 述情况属实,达尔文认为,也许地球和月亮曾经就是一个整体。地月一体的自转速度是相当快的, 这个快速自转的球体很有可能会甩出 一部分最外层的物质,形成月亮。后来,潮汐摩擦力的作用将它驱赶 得越来越远, 直到它目前的这个位置。这个观点听起来十分令人满意。我们都知道,月亮的密度只有 3.34 克/立方厘米,因此,它的成分肯 定是固体岩石,而没有地球所特有的液态铁芯。月亮很可能是由掉下 来的地球外部岩石形成的,恰好,月亮的宽度刚好可以容纳到太平洋 中。遗憾的是,尽管上述“科学假说”听起来合情合理,但实际上这一 猜想存在很多问题。就现在所知,太平洋独特的造型随时间的流逝在 不断变化。如果我们按地-月一体的设想计算出它们的全部角动量, 会发现这个数值只相当于使地球外层部分脱离地球所需的角动量的
1/4.所以,地球和月亮可能从一开始就是通过单独的两个形成过程逐 渐演变而来的。一种可能性就是和地球和月亮都来自于同一种尘埃和 气体的旋流,最终形成了两个不同的星体。如果是这样的话,二者就 应该全部是由岩石和金属等物质组成的, 并且月亮就应该像地球一样 有一个金属核,可事实上它没有。另一种可能性就是它们原来就是由 两种不同的旋流分别形成的两颗独立的行星。其中一种旋流可能大一 些并含有丰富的铁物质,因此形成了现在带有一个金属芯的地球;另 外一种旋流形成了小一点的并全部由岩石构成的月亮。月亮所在的运 行轨道使它每时每刻的运行都相当接近地球, 并且在它每次接近地球 的那一刻,会被地球的引力作用捕捉住。但是,科学家们至今仍未找 出地球能“抓住”像月亮这么大的一个天体的真正原因。以上三种假说都没能就月亮的存在给出一个令人满意的解释。后 来,一位脾气暴躁的天文学家不耐烦地说:“既然所有的解释都失败 了,那么结论只能是月亮根本就不存在!”可事实上月亮的确是存在 的。1974 年,美国天文学家威廉姆? K? 哈特曼提出第四种可能性。他 认为,在行星形成过程最初的几十亿年里,会经常发生一些碰撞。碰 撞的结果是较大的个体依靠消耗较小个体的能量而使自身不断地发 展,同时也给宇宙留下一大片纯净的空间。有一个类似地球而质量只 有地球的 10%的小天体撞到地球上, 这两个天体都各自含有一个铁金 属核,并有可能已经凝聚。但是,其外层的岩石部分却有可能爆发到 空间中,并形成了月亮。一开始,这一猜想被忽略了。后来,计算机 对这一猜想中的“碰撞”进行了模拟,认为这是可能的。
(节选自阿西莫夫《宇宙指南》 ) 7、下面对第一段中有关“双行星”的理解,正确的一项是 C A、“双行星”的说法,表明月球与地球具有同等重要的地位。B、“双行星”的说法,表明月球与地球在历史上是共生关系。C、从卫星与行星质量比上看,月球的质量相对较大,所以称地月为 “双行星”。D、月球的尺寸和质量与地球相差无几,成分相同,所以称地月为“双 行星”。8、根据第二段文意,下列观点不属于达尔文假说的一项是 D A、在潮汐作用下,月球随着时间的推移逐渐远离地球,它们本来是 一个整体。B、如果月地一体,它们会快速自转,可能抛出的外层物质与月球的 成分一致。C、刚好可以容纳月亮宽度的太平洋,也许是月亮脱离地球后留下的 痕迹。D、时间是可以倒溯的,现在彼此远离的天体,原本极有可能是在一 起的。9、对第四段画线语句的理解,不正确的一项是 B A、这些话以委婉的叙述,说明了科学家的困惑与无奈。B、这些话以婉转的语气,讽刺了那位天文学家的浮躁。C、这些话以幽默的风格,表明了解释月亮成因的艰难。D、这些话以诙谐的笔调,过渡到下文中进一步的阐发。
10、根据文意,下面对“科学假说”的理解,不正确的一项是 D A、“科学假说”要符合客观的事实。B、“科学假说”要经过理论的论证。C、“科学假说”要经受实验的检验。D、“科学假说”要成为新研究起点。非选择题 三、 (25 分) 阅读下面的现代文,完成 11-14 题。“罗布人有许多东西遗忘在路上了,但是,有一条关于胡杨的俚 语,我还记着,这就是:胡杨有三条命――长生不死一千年,死后不 倒一千年,倒地不朽一千年!”一位叫热合曼的老人对我说。“胡杨在 我们的叫法中,还有一个名字,叫三叶树。它的底部长的是狭长的柳 叶,中间长的则是圆圆的大杨叶,顶部-它的顶部是椭圆形的小杨叶。三种树叶奇怪地长在一棵树上,所以我们叫它三叶树!”另一位叫亚 生的老人对我说。两位老人向我说话的时间是 1998 年的秋天。说这 话时,那个叫热合曼的老人 105 岁,那个叫亚生的老人 102 岁。说话 的地点是在阿拉干一片死亡的胡杨林里。通常,他们被认为是最后的 两个罗布泊人,或者换言之,是两千年前曾经建立过辉煌的楼兰绿洲 文明的楼兰人尚留在这个世界上的最后两个后裔。在罗布泊一年一年的盈亏中, 在罗布泊像钟摆一样一次一次的位 移中,逐水而居的罗布泊人总是在不停地搬迁。他们将自己新建的每 一个村庄都叫“阿不旦”,在这里建立起新生活的愿望,并希望这一次
搬迁将是最后的搬迁。当然,这只是他们的一厢情愿,少则几十年多 则上百年,随着罗布泊的继续收束和碱化,他们又得循着塔里木河水 系, 向上游走, 继续寻找他们新的“阿不旦”。也许在几千年的岁月中, 罗布人就是这样过来的, 辉煌的楼兰绿洲文明, 就是这样延挨着日月, 最后只剩下两滴闪烁在 20 世纪末阳光下的水滴。一个民族要靠这两 个风烛残年的老人来承担整个民族的记忆,那是一件太沉重的事情, 所以在阿拉干,在那狰狞晚装的死亡胡杨林里,热合曼说,他把许多 的记忆都遗忘在路上了。胡杨是中亚细亚的树木。胡杨是苦难的数目,和伴生他的楼兰民 族一样苦难,在这里,水到哪里,胡杨便生长到哪里,因此塔里木河 两岸,是两条绿色的胡杨林带,而阿拉干这地方,当年更是有着遮天 蔽日的胡杨林。但是往事如烟,随着塔里木河的断流,随着风沙一年 一年的侵蚀,胡杨林正在大片大片地死亡。我曾经在塔中地面,见过 大片死亡的胡杨林。它们还没有完全死亡,只是出于濒死状态。粗壮 的树木,奇形怪状地仆倒一地。记得有一棵树已经死了,但在树身一 人高的地方,却令人感动地生出几片绿叶-那是柳叶,正像亚生告诉 我的那样。但是带给我巨大刺激的,或者说带给我最大感动的,还是 这阿拉干的胡杨。中亚细亚的太阳,在正午的时候很亮很白,亮得炫 目, 白得刺眼, 但正午一过, 太阳稍稍西斜一点, 林中便昏暗了起来。有些树木倒了, 横躺在那里, 你得迈过去。有些树木虽然死了许多年, 但是还端端地立在那里,在完成着它们早已确定的宿命。这些树木模 样都十分庞大、粗糙、丑陋、可怕。那些像狮、像虎、像蟒蛇的丑陋
外状,是时间的刀功,是岁月的产物。它们仿佛是我们在《侏罗纪公 园》中看到的那些史前怪兽,或者像高烧病人在梦境中出现的令人恐 怖的想象。热合曼和亚生还告诉我,活着的胡杨,在整个夏天叶子会是一种 纯粹的墨绿,但是等到每年的 10 月 25 日这一天,中午 12 点的时候, 如果有太阳,好像接受到一项指令似的,所有的胡杨树叶会在那一刻 变得金碧辉煌。(节选自高建群《阿拉干的胡杨》 ) 11、在第一段中,两位老人是怎样各自描述胡杨的?作者为什么详细 记录了说话的时间、地点和老人的年龄?(6 分) 热合曼老人引用民间谚语(俚语) ,描述胡杨顽强的生命力( 2 分) ;亚生老人引用民间称谓,描述胡杨一树之上三种奇特的叶子(2 分) ;作者详细记录了说话的时间、地点和老人的年龄,增加了叙事 的真实性和严肃性,也为全文奠定了一个苍凉悲壮的基调(2 分) 。(意思对即可) 12、 第二段中所说的“最后只剩下两滴闪烁在 20 世纪末阳光下的水滴” 指的是什么?这里使用了哪种修辞手法?试分析其表达效果。(6 分) “最后只剩下两滴闪烁在 20 世纪末阳光下的水滴”,即指热合曼 和亚生两位老人(1 分) ;这里用了暗喻的修辞手法(1 分) ,把两位 老人比喻为“水滴”,表明罗布人的生存和水息息相关,也暗示了曾经 辉煌的楼兰绿洲文明走向了衰亡的尽头(4 分) 。(意思对即可)
13、第一段开头和第二段结尾都提到了“遗忘”,这两种“遗忘”有什么 相同和不同之处?它们各自有着怎样的内涵。(6 分) 这两处“遗忘”相同之处:都是因为楼兰文明的衰落而产生的“遗 忘”(1 分) ;不同之处:前者是集体的“遗忘”,后者是个体的“遗忘” (1 分) ; 前者的“遗忘”与楼兰文明的衰落同步, 表现为缓慢的客观衰减 (2 分) ;后者的“遗忘”在楼兰文明衰落之后,表现出不堪重负、不忍回 顾的悲壮(2 分) 。(意思对即可) 14、第三段写胡杨林的盛衰,具有怎样的象征意义?作者为什么说阿 拉干的胡杨给了他“最大感动”?最后一段转述两位老人的话, 有什么 深意?(7 分) 第三段写胡杨的盛衰,象征了楼兰文明的盛衰(2 分) ;作者说 阿拉干的胡杨给了他“最大感动”,是因为这里曾经“遮天蔽日的胡杨 林”大片死亡的场景刺激了他, 也让他感受到文明衰败的惨烈 (2 分) ; 最后一段转述两位老人的话,是对曾经生机勃勃、绚丽多彩的胡杨林 的追忆(1 分) ,也是对曾经极为繁华的楼兰绿洲文明的缅怀(2 分) 。(意思对即可) 四、 (25 分) 阅读下面的文言文,完成 15-17 题。羊子尝行路,得遗金一饼,还以与妻。妻曰:“妾闻志士不饮盗 泉①之水,廉者不受嗟来之食,况拾遗求利,以污其行乎!”羊子大
惭,乃捐金于野,而远寻师学。一年来归,妻跪问其故。羊子曰:“久 行怀思,无它异也。”妻乃引刀趋机而言曰:“此织生自蚕茧,成于机 杼②,一丝而累,以至于寸,累寸不已,遂成丈匹。今若断斯织也, 则捐失成功,稽③废时月。夫子积学,当?日知其所亡④?以就懿德⑤。若中道而归,何异断斯知乎?”羊子感其言,复还终业。【注】①盗泉:传说孔子经过一处名叫“盗泉”的泉水,恶其名,渴而 不饮。②杼:织布用的梭子。③稽:耽搁。④日知其所亡:每天学到 自己不知道的东西。亡,同“无”。这是孔子的话。⑤懿德:美德。15、对于羊子拾金和辍学两件事,其妻分别是怎样劝说他的?各自阐 明了怎样的道理?(8 分) 对于羊子拾金,其妻引用古训劝丈夫不要求利污行(2 分) ,阐 述了做人要洁身自好的道理(2 分) ;对于羊子辍学,其妻以支部为 喻劝丈夫不要中途弃学 (2 分) , 阐明了学习要持之以恒的道理 (2 分) 。(意思对即可) 16、 从文中哪句话可以看出本文所讲的两个故事之间的关联?试做具 体分析。(4 分) 夫子积学,当“日知其所亡”以就懿德(2 分) ,表明求学于做人是 互相关联的,求学的主要目的也是为了提高品德修养(2 分) 。(意思对即可) 17、羊子妻用“嗟来之食”的典故,是为了说明什么?这一成语的意思 发展到今天有了怎样的变化?(4 分) 羊子妻用“嗟来之食”的典故,是为了说明做人要有气节,不属于
自己的财物决不能据为己有(2 分) 。这一成语的基本意思是指施舍 食物,现在用来泛指带有侮辱性的施舍(2 分) 。(意思对即可) 阅读下面的古诗,完成 18-19 题。归至武阳渡①作 [宋]刘克庄 夹岸盲风②扫楝③花,高城已近被云遮。遮时留取城西塔,篷④底归人要认家。【注】①武阳渡:武阳水上的一个渡口,在现在江西省南昌县武阳镇 境内。②盲风:疾风,大风。③楝:也叫苦楝,一种落叶乔木。④篷: 船篷。18、 诗的前两句传达出有关诗人行程的哪些信息?全诗反映出诗人怎 样的心情?(4 分) 诗人从水路归家,正是楝花盛开的季节(2 分) ;诗人“怨恨”狂风 乌云,表现了回家的急切心情(2 分) 。(意思对即可) 19、诗的第三句是怎样由写景过渡到抒情的?结合全诗来看,“城西 塔”在诗人心目中有怎样的地位?(5 分) 诗的第三句紧承上句的“遮”字起笔(2 分) ,顺势转为让步、恳求的 抒情语气(1 分) 。“城西塔”在世人心目中是标志性建筑,是他借以认 家的最佳参照物(2 分) 。五、作文(60 分)
20、孔子说:“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。”请结合自己的学习体 会或经历,以“学与思”为话题,写一篇不少于 600 字的文章,题目自 拟,文体不限(诗歌除外) 。(60 分) ①评分时依据上表分项分等给分。②文不对题或文理不通的文章不分 项给分,给 1-6 分的综合分。③内容得分为四等的文章,其语言、结构均不能给一等的分数;内容 得分为五等的文章,其语言、结构均不能给二等以上的分数。④字数不足 600 的,每少 30 字扣一分;字迹潦草、有错别字、有标 点错误的,酌情扣 1-5 分。⑤内容有严重问题的,提交阅卷领导小组处理。
成考英语 2013 试卷真题及答案 选择题
一、语音知识(共 5 小题,每题 1.5 分,共 7.5 分) 在下列每组单词中, 有一个单词的划线部分与其他单词的划线部分的读音不同, 找出这 个词。1.A.lab 2.A.cake 3.A.rush 4.A.check 5.A.cousin B.table B.custom B.duck B.change B.south C.math C.center C.truck C.chemistry C.ground D.attack D.cover D.butcher D.chocolate D.thousand
二、词汇与语法知识(共 15 小题,每题 1.5 分,共 22.5 分) 从每小题的四个选择项中,选出最佳的一项。6. Jack is_____news reporter and he likes_____job very much. A.a,the B.the,the C.the,a D.a,a
7.It has been almost five years_____we saw each other last time. A.after B.before C.since D.when
8.He knows_____about the city,for he has never been there. A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing
9.With all his homework_____,the boy was allowed to watch TV. A.finished B.finish C.will finish D.having finished
10.―Can I get you some more fish? ―_____. A.Yes,please C.That’s all right B.I’m sorry
D.It doesn’t matter
11.Tom,hurry up,____ you will miss the school bus.
A.and B.or C.but D.then
12.The room____as a laboratory for nearly two years till now. A.is used B.was used C.has been used D.had been used
13.―Mom,do I have to go to bed now? ―Yes,you____. A.can B.will C.may D.must
14.Many artists find it hard to____a living from art alone. A.do B.make C.have D.take
15.James had never seen Brando again,____was really a pity. A.who B.what C.which D.where
16.Excuse me,what time is it____your watch? A.to B.by C.on D.with
17.Welcome to our house!I’ll have Hudson____you around in a minute. A.show B.to show C.showing D.showed
18.She spoke____fast that I could not catch a word. A.too B.very C.such D.so
19.Take your computer to John,and he____it for you. A.repairs B.will repair C.has repaired D.had repaired
20.You better____more clothes.It’s snowing outside. A.put away B.put up C.put down D.put on
三.完形填空(共 15 小题:每题 2 分,共 30 分。) 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意。然后,从每小题的四个选择项中选出最佳选项。Yuichiro Miura lives by the saying that nothing is impossible. For him, that means climbing Qomolangma,the world’s highest mountain, at the age of 80. He 21 to climb it for the 23 22 the
time next mouth. He reached its top at ages 70 and 75.If he succeeds this time, he will record for the oldest person to climb the 8844-meter-high mountain. The record, 24
, is not what pushes him on. Instead, he wants to know how a person of his
age will 25 and deal with the extreme cold, 27 26 air and low oxygen(氧气) levels on such a 28
high mountain. He believes those
will add 70 years to the age of his body once he 29 others that he will feel like someone 150 years old. 30
to the top. His daughter, Emili Miura,
“Nobody ever lived that long,and he’s so would like to know what is the should always set a higher 32 31
to know how it would be like,” she said. “He
of humans.” Emili Miura said her father thinks that one
for oneself and try to achieve it. 33 35 health problems. He has had three heart bones in a sport accident in 2009.Nobody
Yuichiro Miura faces more dangers operations in 34 years,and he suffered two
would say it’s wise for an 80 year old person to make the climb,but Mr.Miura believes that nothing is impossible.
四. 五. 六. 七. 八. 九. 十. 十一. 十二.
A.begs A.first A.break A.anyhow A.exist A.thin A.desires A.gets A.warned
B.plans B.second B.check B.therefore B.advise B.clear B.conditions B.leads B.persuaded B.afraid B.aim B.order B.because of B.early B.broken
C.needs C.third C.achieve C.however C.work C.fresh C.operations C.turns C.told C.proud C.limit C.rule C.in favor of C.several C.destroyed
D.refuses D.fourth D.improve D.meanwhile D.feel D.cool D.advantages D.sticks D.promised D.curious D.fact D.example D.in front of D.recent D.grown
十三. A.sure 31. A.end 32. A.goal 33. A.instead of 34. 35. A.most A.burned
四. 阅读理解(共 15 小题:每题 3 分,共 45 分。)
阅读下列短文,然后根据短文的内容从每小题的四个选择项中选出最佳的一项。A Looking for Pen Pals Mary, 24 years old, comes from Scotland and would like to find a pen (笔友)who comes from East Europe. She likes playing the piano and listening to jazz music. She is interested in history but does not like discussing politics. Jim,19 years old, comes from South Korea. He loves traveling, listening to pop music and playing football in his free time.
Pietro, 42 years old, comes from Argentina. He is a businessperson and would like to find a pen pal who is also a businessperson and would like to find a pen pal who is also a businessperson and lives in North America. He likes using the Internet and listening to light music. Helga,31 years old ,comes from Germany and speaks French. English and Russian. She would like a pen apl who is interested in exchanging(交流)ideas about language learning. She does not like using computers for learning and believes that language learning can only happen in a classroom. Jennifer, 18, comes from New Orleans. She is interested in discussing the political differences between East Europe and North America. She loves horse-riding and listening to jazz music. Alessandro, 25 years old, comes from Rome. He is interested in finding a pen pal who speaks different languages and can exchange ideas on using computers for learning purposes. He likes playing football in his free time. 36. Who are interested in the same kind of music? A. Mary and Pietro. B. Jim and Jennifer. B. Pictro and Jim. D Mary and Jennifer.
37. What hobby do Jim and Alessandro have in common? A. Traveling. B. Playing football.
C Horse-riding D. Learning languages.
38. Who is interested in finding a pen pal from the business world? A. Jim. B. Pietro. C. Jennifer. B “Are you crazy?” people around him shouted as Alex Bien, a 33-year-old immigrant(移 民),ran toward three cars in a chain accident along the highway in Miami, which were burning down. Alex didn’t think twice. The article “Against the Flames” reported how he put out the fire on a car and pulled a couple out of another. But when he returned to his own car, steam was coming out from it. It was damaged beyond repair. Back in his tiny flat, alone and with little money, Alex didn’t know what to do. He was already working, going to college and supporting his wife, Aline, and children back in Haiti. He worried about his wife’ doctors thought she had cancer (癌症) .Every cent was important to him. And now this. Within weeks of reading the article, readers sent hundreds of letters offering jobs, money and best wishes. One delivered a car-used, but in fine condition. Others helped Aline come to Miami, where a medical team found out it was not cancetr. Readers also wrote to U.S. govemment officials to support the immigration of Alex’s family to Miami. Consul General Roger Daley even invited Alex to discuss the matter. Aline, together with their children, joined Alex in Miami this past March. Alex says, “I would like to say a beautiful chanks to the readers. There are good people everywhere in this world.” 39. Why did people say that Alex was crazy? A. He had an accident. B. He burned his ear. B. He made a fire on the highway. D. He ran toward the burning cars. D. Alessandro.
40. What do we know about Alex from the text? A. He and his wife worked in the U.S.
B. He was a full-time student in Haiti. C. He was an immigrant with little money. D. He wrote the article”Against the Flames”. 41. What did Roger Daley invite Alex to discuss? A. Alex’s new job as a news reporter. B. The medical treatment of Alex’s wife. C. Alex’s further strdies at a U.S.university. D. The immigration of Alex’s family to the U.S. 42.What made Alex say “There are good people everywhere in this world”? A. Some strangers repaired his car free of charge. B. Some people supported his children’s education. C. Many readers of the article tried to help him out. D. His friends sent doctors to trcat his wife in Haiti. C In January 2004, a 20-year-old woman ran a red light while talking on a cell phon. Her car knocked into another car crossing with the green light directly in front of her. The police found the driver never touched her brakes(刹车)and was traveling 48 mph when she hit the other car. The police were told that the dreiver was not looking down, pressing buttons. She was looking straight out of the windshield(挡风玻璃)talking on her cell phone as she passed four cars and a school bus. Vision is the most important sense for safe driving. Yet, drivers using cell phones are likely to “look at” but not “see” objects. It is said that drivers using cell phones look but fail to see up t o 50 percent of the information while driving. Drivers are looking out of the windshield, but they do not really deal with the situation on the road.
Although the public appear to be turning against cell phone use while driving, many admit they regularly talk or text while driving. The police say that nine percent of the drivers at any given time are using cell phones, and about one in four car accidents are directly related to cell phone use. Using cell phones while driving has become a serious public health threat(威胁). A few states have passed laws making it unlawful to use a handheld cell phone while driving,but these laws give the false message that using a hand-free phone is safe. 43. What was the woman doing when t he car accident happened? A. Ahe was busy pressing buttons. B. She was talking on her cell phone. C. She was looking at the red light ahead. D. She was looking for something in the car. 44. The word “vision”(Paragraph 2) refers to the sense of A. taste B. touch C. hearing . D. sight
45. What is the percentage of the car accidents caused by drivers using cell phones? A. 9% B. 25% C. 45% D. 50%
46. What do we know about the laws making it unlawful to use a handheld cell phone while driving? A. They are not perfect. C. They are not practical. B. They are not necessary. D. They are not important. D Many people thought babies were not able to learn things until they were five or six months old. But doctors now say babies begin learning on their first day of life. A baby will smile if his or her mother does something the baby likes. A baby learns to get the best care by smiling to please
her mother or other care givers. This is when babies learn to connect and “talk” with other people. Language skills are believed to develop best in the first three years when t he place is rich with sounds and sights. Scientists say children should hear the speech and language of other people again and again. The first signs of communication(交际)happen during the first few days of life, when a baby learns that crying will bring food and attention. Research shows that most children recognize the general sounds of their native language by six months of age. By that time, a baby usually begins to make sounds. By the end of their first year, most children are able to say a few simple words, although they may not understand the meaning of the words. By 18 months of age, most children can say between eight and ten words. By two years of age, most children are able to make simple sentences. By ages three,four and five, the number of words a child can understand quickly increases. It is at these ages that children begin to understand the rules of language. 47. When do babies begin to learn according to doctors? A. Right after they are born. C. When they are sixmonths old. 48. Babies will smile when A. they are wet or hungry C. they want to talk to others . B. they want to g et the best care D. they learn sounds and words B. Not until they are five months old. D. As soon as t hey are one year old.
49. What do most children begin to do from age three or older? A. Make sounds. C. Say a few words. 50. What would be the best title for the text? A. The Language of Babies C. The Roles of Cry and Smile B. When Do babies Learn to Talk D. How Babies Understand Words B. Make simple sentences. D. Understand language rules.
官方网址: 非选择题
五、补全对话(共5句:每句满分为3分,共15分。) 根据中文提示, 把对话中缺少的内容写在答题卡相应题号后, 这些句子必须符合英语表 达习惯,打句号的地方,用陈述句;打问号的地方,用疑问句。提示:Henry 和妻子准备请朋友吃饭。Henry 打电话到餐厅预约,女服务员接听了电话。(Waitress=W; Henry=H) W: Star Restaurant. 51 ?
H: Yes. I’d like to book a table for dinner this evening. W: 52 ,please?
H: My name is Henry James. W: 53 ?
H: Four people. Can we have a table by the window, please? W: No problem, sir. H: We’ll arrive at 7:30. W: All right, sir. I’ve taken everything down. H: Thank you very much. W: 55 . 54 ?
六、书面表达(满分30分) 假设你是李华,学校组织夏令营,欢迎外国学生参加。请用英语写一封信邀请你的美 国朋友 Tim 参加并告诉他夏令营的具体安排;
上午:汉语、英语、国画课程 内容 下午:中国文化与习俗讲座 周末:城市观光和旅游
注意:1. 开头已为你写好 2. 词数应为100左右 生词:文化(culture) Dear Tim, How are you doing recently? Yours, Li Hua
2013 成人高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语试题答案及评分参考
说明:多项选择题如考生选择不止一项,即使其中有一项是正确答案,也不给分。选择题答案: 1. B 11. B 21. B 31. C 41. D 2. C 12. C 22. C 3. D 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. C 15. C 25. D 16. B 8. D 9. A 10. A 19. B 20. D 30. D 40. C 50. B
17. A 18. D
23. A 24. C 34. D 44. D
26. A 27. B 37. B
28. A 29. C 38. B 39. D 49. D
32. A 33. B 42. C 43. B
35. B 36. D 45. B
46. A 47. A 48. B
参考答案:51. Can I help you 52. What’syour name/May I have your name 53. How many people(are coming) 54. When/What time will you arrive. 55. You’re welcome 六、书面表达 Dear Tim, How are you doing recently? I’m writing to invite you to join us in a summer came. Our school plans to have a four-week summer camp, from July 15 to August 12. There’ll be both Chinese and international students.In the mornings we’ll have classes including Chinese, English, and Chinese painting. In the afternoons there’ll be lectures on Chinese culture and customs.On weekends we’ll tour around the city and visit some places of interest,such as the Great Wall and Summer Palace.We are sure to have a lot of fun together.So what do you think of it? I’m looking forward to your early replay. Yours, Li Hua


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