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战斗力69 佛罗林币2527 枚注册时间精华2帖子
本帖最后由 齐天大圣上人 于
02:27 PM 编辑
Installation/Uninstallation Instructions:
Extract both the ___Vae_Victis and Vae_Victis_vfx_no_activation_required packs into your Rome 2 data folder.
The ___Vae_Victis pack will need to be loaded with the mod manager when you start Rome 2.
The Vae_Victis_vfx_no_activation_required will load automatically (movie pack type).
the Vae_Victis_vfx_no_activation_required pack must later be removed from your data folder if you don抰 wish to use it.
The ___Vae_Victis pack 需要管理器加载
The Vae_Victis_vfx_no_activation_required 这个是自动加载的
总评分:&佛罗林币 + 40&
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民兵, 积分 123, 距离下一级还需 227 积分
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在线时间106 小时最后登录阅读权限20积分141UID6368
民兵, 积分 141, 距离下一级还需 209 积分
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在线时间768 小时最后登录阅读权限35积分2519UID107294
骑士, 积分 2519, 距离下一级还需 1481 积分
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在线时间768 小时最后登录阅读权限35积分2519UID107294
骑士, 积分 2519, 距离下一级还需 1481 积分
战斗力0 佛罗林币2519 枚注册时间精华1帖子
<font color="#748596 发表于
Vae Victis
Our artists are hard at work creating new models and high quality textures so that every unit can carry the weapons, armours and clothes that it did in real life. We work
off of historical descriptions and archeological representations whenever possible rather than bringing our own modern interpretations into the game.
Not only will all our units look historical, but we have created our own system for building unit stats using historical data. We input values for every unit such as each item
of the soldier’s equipment, the soldiers* ages, socio-economic and cultural backgrounds, level of training and much more. We list every weapon and piece of armour the
soldiers in the unit use. The database then uses all of this to create realistic stats for everything from a unit*s attack and defense values to its encumbrance, speed and its costs.
When you take those units onto the battlefield you will be greeted by another overhauled experience where everything from morale to terrain and fatigue have been
customized to create a realistic battle experience.
A lot of historical realism has been added to the campaign level already as well. The campaign map is reworked to accurately represent the political reality in 272 BC. Seasons,
climate, terrain and weather patterns have effects on everything from your agricultural income to recruitment and upkeep costs to growth and replenishment rates. Army
stances differ between cultures. Garrisons are stronger.
在线时间0 小时最后登录阅读权限25积分379UID193617
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在线时间0 小时最后登录阅读权限20积分261UID129445
民兵, 积分 261, 距离下一级还需 89 积分
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看看& && && && && && && && && && &&&
在线时间8 小时最后登录阅读权限20积分159UID59775
民兵, 积分 159, 距离下一级还需 191 积分
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在线时间0 小时最后登录阅读权限20积分270UID174453
民兵, 积分 270, 距离下一级还需 80 积分
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在线时间0 小时最后登录阅读权限15积分54UID195162
平民, 积分 54, 距离下一级还需 46 积分
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