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冰火语录-睿智篇艾德:谎言能否不失荣誉,取决于内容与目的。&&&& 泰温:有的胜利靠宝剑和长矛赢取,有的胜利则要靠纸笔和乌鸦。&&&& 提利昂:计谋就像水果,需要时间酝酿才能成熟。&&&& 提利昂:大部分的人宁可否认事实,也不愿面对真相。&&&& 布兰:人在恐惧的时候还能勇敢吗?&&&& 艾德:人惟有恐惧的时候方能勇敢。&&&& 培提尔:一袋金龙买得一时安全,一支好箭可保一世平安。&&&& 培提尔:小可爱,人生不比歌谣,有朝一日你可能会大失所望。水舞者的口诀:静如影,轻如羽,迅如蛇,止如水,柔如丝,疾如兔,滑如鳗,壮如熊,猛如狼,不动如石。&&&& 西利欧:恐惧比利剑更伤人。&&&& Fear cuts deeper than swords.&&&& 席恩:慈悲,这是个无情的陷阱,给得太多他们说你软弱无能,给得太少你便成了残暴野兽。&&&& 泰温:最蠢的人通常也比嘲笑他们的家伙聪明。&&&& 戴佛斯:有时候风暴实在强烈,你别无选择,只能收起船帆。&&&& Sometimes the storm winds blow so strong a man has no choice but to furl his sails.&&&& 提利昂:永远不要忘记自己是什么人,因为这个世界不会忘记。你要化阻力为助力,如此一来才没有弱点。用它来武装自己,就没有人可以用它来伤害你。&&&& 提利昂:勇气和愚蠢往往只有一线之隔。三眼乌鸦:飞,都是从坠落开始的。&&&& 伊伦:我们生来便是为了受苦,而受苦会让我们坚强。&&&& 梅丽珊卓:影子是光明的仆人、烈焰的子孙。&&&& 瑟曦:在权力的游戏之中,你不当赢家,就只有死路一条,没有中间地带。&&&& 瓦里斯:既然如此,真正的力量就是这些人抗嫒绱寺穑克堑慕S质谴幽亩吹模克怯痔幕澳兀坑腥怂抵都戳α浚灿腥怂盗α吭从谔焐瘢腥怂盗α坷醋月煞āH欢翘欤诒蠢沾笫ヌ玫奶咨希颐切叛鲵系拇笾鹘獭⒑戏ǖ纳阏螅约澳矍罢馕患嗍豆愕墓腿春拖旅嫠姹阋桓鲂惩敖骋话阄弈芪ΑD醯玫降资撬绷税隆な匪耍渴窍麓锩畹那欠鹄铮恐葱兴佬痰囊亮帧づ啥?还是……另有其人?&&&& 提利昂:你是要揭开这天杀的谜底,还是想让我头痛得更厉害?&&&& 瓦里斯:我这不就说了吗?力量存在于人心,人相信什么是力量,什么就是力量,不多也不少。&&&& 提利昂:这么说来,力量不过是骗人的把戏?&&&& 瓦里斯:力量就像墙上的影子,但影子却能杀人。而且,即便是矮小人物,也能投射出硕大的影子。&&&& 提利昂:瓦里斯大人,说来奇怪,我发现自己越来越喜欢你了。我可能还是会杀你,不过我想自己会因此而难过。&&&& (Probe:瓦里斯不愧是被抓去实地考查过的,原来早就知道“影子能杀人”。。)&&&& 培提尔:我很想告诉你,我们之间没有隔阂可言,更不会玩游戏,我的女儿,但那是不可能的。权利的游戏乃是永恒的游戏。艾德:当大雪降下,冷风吹起,独行狼死,群聚狼生。夏天时可以争吵,但一到冬天,我们便必须保卫彼此,互相取暖,共享力量。&&&& When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. Summer is the time for squabbles. In winter, we must protect one another, keep each other warm, share our strengths.&&&& 提利昂:小子,请记住,虽然全天下的侏儒都可能被视为私生子,私生子却不见得要被人视为侏儒。&&&& 慈祥的人:皮肤下面是肌肉。学着运用它们。你的脸长在你身上。脸颊,嘴唇,耳朵。微笑和愤怒不该像风暴一样忽去忽来。笑容应是仆人,当你召唤时才出现。&&&& (Probe:比吉斯特身体控制法??)&&&& 罗德利克?哈尔洛:死的历史用墨水书写,活的历史则用鲜血。&&&& Dead history is writ in ink, the living sort in blood.&&&& 培提尔:在权利的游戏之中,最卑微的棋子也有自己的欲望,有时候会拒绝执行你为它们设计的行动。阿曼:(讲述学城蜡烛的寓意)玻璃蜡烛代表真理和知识,珍贵、美丽而又脆弱。蜡烛的形状提醒我们,无论在何处服务,学士都必须放射光明,驱散愚昧;蜡烛锋利的边缘告诫我们,知识也有危险的一面,博学之士亦会因智慧而自负,身为学士,定要始终保持谦卑;最后,玻璃蜡烛还让我们谨记,在立誓之前,在戴上项链之前,在供职之前,于黑暗中度过的漫漫长夜,谨记自己无论如何也无法点燃那支蜡烛……一个人纵然满腹学识,却也并非无所不能。&&&& The glass candle is meant to represent truth and learning, rare and beautiful and fragile things. It is made in the shape of a candle to remind us that a maester must cast light wherever he serves, and it is sharp to remind us that knowledge can be dangerous. Wise men may grow arrogant in their wisdom, but a maester must always remain humble. The glass candle reminds us of that as well. Even after he has said his vow and donned his chain and gone forth to serve, a maester will think back on the darkness of his vigil and remember how nothing that he did could make the candle burn . . . for even with knowledge, some things are not possible.&&&& 魁晰:你必须赶快离开这座城市,丹妮莉丝?坦格利安,否则就走不了了。&&&& 丹妮:你要我去哪里?&&&& 魁晰:要去北方,你必须南行。要达西境,你必须往东。若要前进,你必须后退。若要光明,你必须通过阴影。&&&& (Probe:有网友评论道:魁晰最可爱的地方就是告诉我们他们所在的地方是个球形滴星球)冰火语录-慷慨篇&&&& 伊伦:让您的仆人如您一般自海中重生!给予他海盐的祝福,给予他坚石的祝福,给予他钢铁的祝福。逝者不死,必将再起,其势更烈。&&&& Let your servant be born again from the sea, as you were. Bless him with salt, bless him with stone, bless him with steel. What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger.&&&& 波文?马尔锡:你们跪下时尚为孩童――起来吧,守夜人的汉子。&&&& 我们将灰水望的忠诚献给临冬城的主人,我们将炉火、心灵和收获都奉献与您。我们的宝剑、长矛和弓箭听从您的召唤。请您怜悯我们的困苦,帮助我们的窘迫,公正平等地对待每个人,而我们将永远追随于您。我以大地和江河的名义起誓。&&&& 我以青铜和钢铁的名义起誓。&&&& 我们以冰与火的名义起誓。&&&& "To Winterfell we pledge the faith of Greywater," they said together. "Hearth and heart and harvest we yield up to you, my lord. Our swords and spears and arrows are yours to command. Grant mercy to our weak, help to our helpless, and justice to all, and we shall never fail you."&&&& "I swear it by earth and water," said the boy in green.&&&& "I swear it by bronze and iron," his sister said.&&&& "We swear it by ice and fire," they finished together.长夜将至,我从今开始守望,至死方休。&&&& 我将不娶妻,不封地,不生子。&&&& 我将不戴宝冠,不争荣宠。&&&& 我将尽忠职守,生死于斯。&&&& 我是黑暗中的利剑,长城上的守卫,&&&& 抵御寒冷的烈焰,破晓时分的光线,唤醒眠者的号角,守护王国的坚盾。&&&& 我将生命与荣耀献给守夜人,今夜如此,夜夜皆然。&&&& Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death.&&&& I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children.&&&& I shall wear no crowns and win no glory.&&&& I shall live and die at my post.&&&& I am the sword in the darkness.&&&& I am the watcher on the walls.&&&& I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men.&&&& I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come.伊蒙:我们身为凡人,天上诸神使我们有能力去爱,那是对我们最美好的恩赐,却也是我们最深沉的悲哀。&&&& We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. that is our great glory, and our great tragedy.&&&& 托蒙德:腿怎么了?&&&& 琼恩:箭伤。我想是耶哥蕊特射的。&&&& 托蒙德:这就是女人。头一天能亲吻你,第二天也能用箭插满你全身。&&&& 琼恩:她死了。&&&& 托蒙德(悲哀地摇摇头):是吗?真浪费。如果年轻十岁,我会自己去偷她。她那头发,唉,最热烈的火最快燃尽,(提起蜜酒袋子)为耶哥蕊特,为火吻而生!&&&& 琼恩:为耶哥蕊特,为火吻而生。瓦里斯:艾德大人,您是个正直磊落的人,我常常忘记这点,因为我这辈子很少遇见您这样的人。当我见到诚实和荣誉给您带来何种下场之后,我终于明白这是为什么了。&&&& 丹妮:那么告诉我――当他(雷加)用剑触碰一个人的肩膀时,说的是什么?‘起来,去杀死弱者’?还是‘起来,去守护他们’?韦赛里斯说过,那三叉戟河畔,无数在真龙王旗下战死――他们献出生命,是因为相信雷加的信念,还是贪恋雷加的金钱?乔拉:女王陛下,您说的一切都没错。但雷加在三叉戟河输了。他输了决斗,输了战争,输了王国,还陪上性命。他的鲜血随胸甲上的红宝石一起顺江东去,而篡夺者劳勃踩在他的尸体上窃取了铁王座。雷加战斗得英勇,雷加战斗得高贵,雷加战斗得荣誉,雷加死得不明不白。&&&& "Tell me, then - when he touched a man on the shoulder with his sword, what did he say? 'Go forth and kill the weak'? Or 'Go forth and defend them'? At the Trident, those brave men Viserys spoke of who died beneath our dragon banners - did they give their lives because they believed in Rhaegar's cause, or because they had been bought and paid for?" Dany turned to Mormont, crossed her arms, and waited for an answer.&&&& "My queen," the big man said slowly, "all you say is true. But Rhaegar lost on the Trident. He lost the battle, he lost the war, he lost the kingdom, and he lost his life. His blood swirled downriver with the rubies from his breastplate, and Robert the Usurper rode over his corpse to steal the iron Throne. Rhaegar fought valiantly, Rhaegar fought nobly, Rhaegar fought honorably. And Rhaegar died."&&&& 寥寥可数的几句,他(詹姆)的生命竟如此贫乏和空虚。至少,詹姆认为杰洛爵士应该少记录几句巴利斯坦的比武经历,而提到他随亚瑟?戴恩爵士一举平定御林兄弟会的事迹。其实,当“大肚子”本恩要撞碎萨姆纳伯爵的头颅时,正是他救了伯爵的命――虽然没能抓住凶手。他曾独斗微笑,但了结对方的却是亚瑟爵士。啊,那是多么光荣的战斗,多么伟大的敌人。微笑骑士有些疯癫,处事虽残酷,却又带着骑士风度,关键是他全不知恐惧为何物。而当年的戴恩,黎明在手的戴恩……眼见土匪的剑破了无数豁口,便主动停手,要对方取把新的。“其实我想要你那把白剑,”继续开打时,强盗骑士不顾全身十几处伤口,依旧轻松地说。“很好,我给你,爵士先生。”拂晓神剑回答,随后一剑杀了他。&&&& 那个时候,世界多么单纯,詹姆心想,身边的人都如新铸的长剑,锋利而明亮。我的十五岁,毕竟是一场梦幻么?大家都进了坟墓:“拂晓神剑”、微笑骑士、白牛、勒文亲王、爱来点黑色幽默的奥斯威尔?河安爵士、热心肠的琼恩?戴瑞,西蒙?托比和他的御林兄弟会,甚至直率的老萨姆纳?克雷赫……他们都不在了。而我呢,那个曾经的少年……他,又在何时进了坟墓?穿上白袍时?割开伊里斯的喉咙时?那个少年,从小想当亚瑟?戴恩,但不知怎地,生命拐了个弯,最后成为了微笑骑士。&&&& Summed up like that, his life seemed a rather scant and mingy thing. Ser Barristan could have recorded a few of his other tourney victories, at least. And Ser Gerold might have written a few more words about the deeds he'd performed when Ser Arthur Dayne broke the Kingswood Brotherhood. He had saved Lord Sumner's life as Big Belly Ben was about to smash his head in, though the outlaw had escaped him. And he'd held his own against the Smiling Knight, though it was Ser Arthur who slew him. What a fight that was, and what a foe. The Smiling Knight was a madman, cruelty and chivalry all jumbled up together, but he did not know the meaning of fear. And Dayne, with Dawn in hand ... The outlaw's longsword had so many notches by the end that Ser Arthur had stopped to let him fetch a new one. "It's that white sword of yours I want," the robber knight told him as they resumed, though he was bleeding from a dozen wounds by then. "Then you shall have it, ser," the Sword of the Morning replied, and made an end of it.The world was simpler in those days, Jaime thought, and men as well as swords were made of finer steel. Or was it only that he had been fifteen? They were all in their graves now, the Sword of the Morning and the Smiling Knight, the White Bull and Prince Lewyn, Ser Oswell Whent with his black humor, earnest Jon Darry, Simon Toyne and his Kingswood Brotherhood, bluff old Sumner Crakehall. And me, that boy I was ... when did he die, I wonder? When I donned the w...
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