
Item Number
Price in Japan
Price in Oversea
≈ 210.67 USD
100% cotton
Please select following option services and write the remarks column in payment page. All items are required.*Condition: Raw / One Washed *Hem up: Yes / No(If yes, please tell us your length of inseam with cm or inch.)*Branding date to leather patch: Yes / No (If yes, please tell us your preferred date from purchased day to 10 days after.)
With this pair of jeans one can enjoy the process of fading from their original condition. The rate and pattern of the fading of the jeans is different from person to person. This is the best part of wearing your jeans. UES products will be complete after years of regular use. Please enjoy wearing them until they become real UES.
It is important to choose your type first. Regular straight is the most standard 5 pocket denim in the UES product line up. It is a regular straigt-cut . We will recommend regular straight as a daily denim that can be worn every day without any stress.
Model:height 173cm, weight 60kg, Size:29
Once the hem up has been taken up or the leather patch has been branded with a hot iron, return or exchange cannot be accepted.
The products of UES are made by using old style shuttle looms and old type dyes to add a more personal touch to our products. Please understand a little uneven fabric,nep,a flaw in weaving,uneven dye as a characteristic of our products.
Width of bottom
Width of pocket
Depth of pocket
This size data is the data of one wash denim.If unwashed denim is washed using "How to wash denim", it becomes the above-mentioned size.
Most of "UES" products are made to fit one's body in order to provide sharp clean looking.
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&2013大热破洞牛仔裤!!出售商品均为正品本店已加入消费者保障协议一降再降,今天只要35元前1包邮,点到就是赚到销量突破10000件即刻回复原价39元亏本生意不会一直做!抓住机会别错过!!因为供货比较紧张,请拍下后30分钟内付款,要不然不留货哦~(淘宝销量最高的破洞牛仔裤)&&每年只赶一天羊就是今天走过路过不要错过点到就是赚到&品名:破洞牛仔裤女货号:HF909风格:欧美款式:中长款 九分裤颜色:深色 浅色面料:100%纯棉尺码:26-34码版型指数&宽松一般修身紧身厚度指数&薄偏薄中等偏厚厚弹性指数无弹微弹一般高弹超弹柔软指数&软偏软一般偏硬硬&&&&&&&&&&&&&※ 洗涤说明 ※&&【注】具体洗涤方式和面料详情见水洗标,以收到的商品实物为准。&■板型说明纯棉牛仔布,白纱,环保工艺。宽松款&■搭配建议夏季拖鞋,平底鞋,短袖T恤&& (万能百搭款)■推荐理由欧美泛,潮流爆款尺码腰围臀围前裆大腿围裤脚裤长2666912250328427689322523385287195235434862974972356358730779924583688318010124603788328310425623889338610725643989348910926664090试穿报告&&& 小西:身高:165cm;体重:46KG&&&&所穿为27码 很合身&&&&&露露:身高:160cm;体重:50KG&& 所穿为28码 很合身&&&&&&雨诗:身高:158cm;体重:53KG&&&所穿为29码&& 很合身&备注1、因不同的计量方法,尺码会有细微差异,此种状况并非质量问题。&&&&&&&纯棉面料,环保白纱,全网独家&&&&&完美车工,清新色调。更清爽哦。&&&&&&破洞设计,通风透气,调整灵活。&&&&&七九分设计,简约清爽。&&&NONNO家的衣衣美死啦!!又可以穿上去秀了。&[]&漂亮& 很适合我& 桃子眼光就是好 超级大爱的一件美衣!&[]&大爱& 百搭&[]&超级有范& 老公都说美呢&[]&不错 很喜欢 谢谢客服的建议&[]&衣服收到了& 和图片一样& 桃子的眼光值得信赖!爱你哦@&[]亲,如果您还有任何问题可以咨询客服哦&&&&&&问:商品是否有货?答:一般上架能拍下来的的产品都是有货的,但也不排除衣服个别码无货的情况,您可以事先咨询客服或直接拍下,如果无货,客服会及时和您联系 。问:衣服为什么这么便宜,是正品吗?答:裤子绝对是正品,因打造爆款需要吸引您下单。所以现在很便宜,一旦成交量上来,马上恢复原价。问:可以再优惠些吗?有赠品吗?答:已经是亏本促销价了,不可能再低了,工厂直销,没有准备赠品,请谅解&&&&&&能否退换凭证提交邮费问题有效时间备注质量问题能需要拍照我们承担3天对于运费由我们承担的,请您在发回商品时先垫付快递费用,我们收到退回的商品给您退回(因为到付的邮费非常贵,是正常邮费的2-4倍,我们承担退回运费原则上不超过您购买时付出的邮费),谢谢各位顾客合作!发错产品能需要拍照我们承担3天个人不喜欢能不需要拍照买家承担7天尺寸不合适能不需要拍照买家承担7天色差、线头能不需要拍照买家承担7天关于上新每周一、上新!上新日会有少量现货、之后1-2天就能补到货 请多关注哦!联系我们建议旺旺方式联系我们,由于每天咨询量较大,客服旺旺经常爆掉,不能及时给您回复。如给您带来不便,请亲们一定要谅解哦!关于色差产品图片均为专业摄影师100%实物拍摄,并有专业设计师根据产品校正产品图片颜色,但是由于拍摄光线、角度和显示器对比度不同,会有些许色差存在哦!关于尺寸产品尺寸都是手工测量,请亲们购买时仔细对比尺寸,由于每个人的测量方法不同和量具不同,有些许误差是正常现象,但我们保证误差会在1-3CM之间,请放心购买!关于发货我们郑重承诺,所有现货的宝贝,付款后48小时内发货;默认快递发韵达,需要申通请备注关于掉色深色衣服表面都有一层浮色,建议亲们第一次用盐水浸泡清洗,并且在以后的洗涤过程中不要用碱水或是洗衣粉浸泡时间过长,都可以有效防止掉色的哦!关于气味本店美鞋和包包订货量巨大,由厂方直接包装出货,部分款式难免有少许气味,属于正常现象,在空气流通处放置一段时间即可消除,对气味敏感的亲们请慎重哦!七天退换货提供七天无理由退换货&NONNO设计&


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