
拜托 谁能帮我做这些中译英1 我刚刚收到我的住在澳大利亚的婶婶的一封信2 跟我一起旅行的那位朋友讲法语3 他仍然穿着那件他穿了多年的大衣4 放在桌子上的那些书是你的5 我叔叔给我的_百度作业帮
拜托 谁能帮我做这些中译英1 我刚刚收到我的住在澳大利亚的婶婶的一封信2 跟我一起旅行的那位朋友讲法语3 他仍然穿着那件他穿了多年的大衣4 放在桌子上的那些书是你的5 我叔叔给我的
拜托 谁能帮我做这些中译英1 我刚刚收到我的住在澳大利亚的婶婶的一封信2 跟我一起旅行的那位朋友讲法语3 他仍然穿着那件他穿了多年的大衣4 放在桌子上的那些书是你的5 我叔叔给我的那辆自行车是件生日礼物6 他住的屋子位于我们学校附近7 这是你正在找的那把刀吗8 这是我一直在等的一封信9 他说他病了,这是真的10 这是我用英语写的第一篇作文11 所有被提出来的问题将在下次的会上讨论12 他写了一本书,书名我全给忘了13 他们搬进新居的那天天气很好14 我一直想拥有一间我能做作业的书房15 那就是事故发生的地方16 他保持沉默的原因还不清楚17 他给出的理由并不可信18 我什么也不说,这使他生气19 这就是我将去工作的学校20 这就是上周一些德国朋友参观的学校吗21 你还记得你入团的那一天吗22 你认识那位坐在窗旁看书的女孩吗23 书皮是红色的书是我的24 我不认识那个穿着红色衣服的人25 我们在讨论的那个问题很重要26 没有一个知道答案的人愿意把答案告诉他27 康妮为她选择了一种适合她的新发型
1I have just received a letter from one of my aunt who lives in Austrilia2 the friend who travels together wirh me speaks franch3 he still wear hat coat which he have been wearing for years4 those books on the desk are yours5 my uncle gave me a bicycle as my birthday present6 his living place is near to my school7 is this the knife that you are looking for8 it is the letter which I have been waiting from the beginning9 it is true that he said he was sick10 this is my composition written in Engilsh11 all these problems proposed in the meeting will be discussed next time12 he wrote a book,but I forget the name13 it was a nice day when they moved to their new house14 I always hope for a studying room where I could do my homework15 that was the place where the accident happened16 it is uncertain why he keep quiet17 his reason is not trustworthy18 he is angry for my saying nothing19 this is the school where I am going to work20 is this the school viewed by germany friends last Monday?21 have you remembered the day you enjoined the team?22 do you know the girl who is
reading a book leaning on the window?23 the book with red cover is mine24 I don't know the man with red clothes25 the problem we are discussing is very important26 no one wants to tell me the answer even though he knows it27 Cony chooses ahaircut proper to herself穿上上衣,否则你会着凉的.(汉译英):Put on your coat ,or you'll ( )( )( )._百度作业帮
穿上上衣,否则你会着凉的.(汉译英):Put on your coat ,or you'll ( )( )( ).
穿上上衣,否则你会着凉的.(汉译英):Put on your coat ,or you'll ( )( )( ).
catch a cold或者 have a cold综合英语教程汉译英_百度文库
你可能喜欢1、那件灰色的外套穿在他身上很好看 2、如果我们继续破坏森林来修路,它们将没有合适的地方居住 中译英_百度作业帮
1、那件灰色的外套穿在他身上很好看 2、如果我们继续破坏森林来修路,它们将没有合适的地方居住 中译英
1、那件灰色的外套穿在他身上很好看 2、如果我们继续破坏森林来修路,它们将没有合适的地方居住 中译英
The grey coat and put on his body is very goodIf we continue to destroy forests to build roads,they will have no place to live&&&on-board
Microcomputer on-board Control System of GK_(1F) Diesel Locomotive
Application of FPGA to on-board 3G communication system
to adopt the control mode on-board when speed is among 200~300 km/h.
速度为200~300 km/h时自动过分相可采用车载控制方式。
On-board microcomputer control system of GK_(2C) diesel hydraulic shunting locomotive
Study on simulation test platform of on-board equipment of CTCS Level 3
CTCS 3级车载设备仿真测试平台的研究
This paper analysed the main parameters and outer properties of AD9048, and introduced the hardware, working principle and software programming method about the data collection system with super-high speed by way of the A/D converter using on-board RAM technology with an example.
This. paper introduces a new generation of automotive on-board diagnostic system(OBD- Ⅱ)-The hardware and software characteristics of OBD-Ⅱ and its self-examining and debugging mode are described in detail.
The on-board CPU is enhanced 80C320, which can implement complicated measuring and control tasks as desire and is suitable to the measuring and control automation demands of power system.
在板CPU为高性能单片机 80C32 0 ,可根据用户需求完成复杂的测量控制任务。 很适合电力系统的测控自动化需求。
This paper gives a brief introduction from the Wireless Repeater Unit , radio frequency programming device , the portable wire-line seismic system ,the interface of air gun and seismic instrument ,antenna ,the print sys-tem of month report and annual test,635 on-board test software.
In the light of different equipments connected, BUS can be classified into internal BUS, on-board partial BUS, system BUS, and external BUS, among which the on-board partial BUS has the most significant influence to the performance of the system.
根据连接设备的不同 ,总线一般可以分为内部总线、在板局部总线、系统总线和外部总线四种。 在板局部总线速度的高低对系统性能的影响最为显著
MC68HC05C16 can reach that the data exchange is completed with RTL8019AS and operation station on Ethernet, as well as the data exchange is completed with the on-board CAN controller and other nodes of CAN bus.
On-board Control of a Soccer Robot Based on F2812
The flight tests are accomplished at the altitude H = 3km, flight speed v = 770km / h and at H= 13km, v= 1540km/h. The test signals are recorded by on-board signal sampling and recording equipment.
Important technologies developments including setting up the standards based on Digital Video Broadcast(DVB) and the application of on-board switching.
卫星通信的重要技术发展包括基于数字视频广播(DVB)的标准的建立、星载开关(On Board Switching)的应用。
The design criterions, modeling, precomputation, assignment and electronic component of reliability of the on-board embedded computer were analyzed.
为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1.With the enormons increase of electrical power loads on board ships.the old D.C.system is very difficult to meet the challenge,the trend is toward the development of A.C.system. 2.A.C.System is not only economical in generating and distribution,hut also made possible the application of squirrel cage motor,which is simplest, cheapest and most rugged rotating electrical machine obtainable. 3.The variable speed characteristics of A.C.motors is inferior to D.C. motors.particularly as applied... &&&&&&&&&&&&1.由于船舶需用之电量急剧增加,旧有之直流系统难以满足需要。发展的趋向为使用交流电。2.交流系统不但在发电及输配电方面经济合算,并且使使用鼠笼式电动机成为可能。鼠笼式电动机为所有旋转电机中最简单、价廉、坚固之电机。3.交流电动机之变速特性较直流电动机为差,特别在使用于起货机时。4.对于大容量装置,交流系统特别适宜。如果发电机容量大于1000千瓦,交流肯定的比直流有利。如果发电机容量小于1000千瓦,应视用途而定。对客船、运油船、内河船舶和港湾作业船等,变速的需要不大,交流显然有利。在以起货机作为主要负荷的货船上,交流电的优点不显著。5.考虑到大容量半导体整流器的发展,将来的情况将是直流和交流的分界不是截然不同的,而是可能在一个体系之下的。6.作者建议对交流电应用到船舶上的问题立即进行研究和试验,并建议在同一型式船舶上装置不同系统,以获得经验,得出结论。&&&&&&&& The first paper of the present series of studies suggested that the armyworm moths,which appeared in early spring in northeastern China, were probably not from local areabut rather coming from a great distance from the south along with the prevailing tradewind. It follows, therefore, that the Gulf of Chili and the Yellow Sea might be thepassing routes of the migrating moths. A team of workers was then organized toobserve the event. The work was started in May, and ended in September 1960. Observers and work... &&&&&&&&&&&&根据1959年在哈尔滨粘虫越冬座谈会上,提出粘虫迁飞的假说,同时,根据气流流场的分析,黄、渤海海面将是粘虫在早春由南方往东北迁飞过境的一个地区。于1960年,我们在黄、渤海地区进行了粘虫迁飞的观察。研究人员亲自乘客输在各航线上进行实地观察和捕蛾工作。在全年113航次中就有71航次发现了迁飞的粘虫。有几次出现了大蛾群,徒手即可大量捕捉。与此同时,研究人员还访问了沿海居民和委託水产公司的渔输在出海捕鱼中搜捕粘虫。这些工作亦得到了类似的结果。这为粘虫迁飞的假说,提供了有力的新的证据。 粘虫在海面迁飞动态的观察结果中初步可以看出粘虫在海面迁飞的时期,数量,迁飞的昼夜节律以及粘虫迁飞活动与气象状况的多方面关系。迁飞粘虫的外形和生理状况也作了简述。 本文讨论了有关的几个问题:1.海面迁飞粘虫与东北地区发蛾之间的关系:2.粘虫迁飞的途径与方式:3.粘虫迁飞时期和回迁问题:4.其它迁飞昆虫的问题;5.海面粘虫迁飞与渔汛的关系。&&&&&&&& Due to the absence of common understanding among the naval architects,engine-builders and marine engineers,about the definition of marine diesel engine power rating,difficulties aroused by power deficiency in diesel-installations on board were frequently eneountered in service.This paper deals with diesel engine power rating from manufacturing and service point of view.The manufacturers should rate their engines into three ranks:maximum rating,nominal rating and over-nominal rating. The marine e... &&&&&&&&&&&&船用柴油机功率的定义在设计、制造和使用各方面缺少统一的理解,以致使用时常常出现柴油机功率满足不了需要的问题。本文提出船用柴油机功率分级应从制造及使用两方面分别加以考虑:从制造方面可分为最大功率、额定功率和超额功率三级;从船上使用方面,驱动发电机的付柴油机可分为持久功率及超额功率两级,而推进用的柴油机则应分为试航功率、最大使用功率和正常使用功率三级。本文给出了上述各种功率的科学定义和经验比例。额定功率的标定基础是标准大气条件和安裝条件,标准大气条件的选择原则应根据国内大部份柴油机车间的条件而定,而使用者別应根据具体航区和船的用途重新标定持久使用功率。本文建议的标准大气条件为736毫米汞柱,20℃和70%湿度,并提出进气系统真空度不超过150毫米水柱、排气背压应为30~100毫米汞柱。目前使用的各种额定功率及耗油率修正计算方法差别较大,本文对非增压柴油机分别按每循环供油量不变及燃烧空气过量系数不变两种情况提出了新的修正计算公式。运用本文介绍的公式计算结果与试验结果,比较表明本文建议的公式比较合理,但仍略偏于保守。船上机仓内的大气条件与工厂条件相差较大,投使用功率的选定应以机仓大气条件为准。作者根据统计提出适合在远...&nbsp&&&&&&&&相关查询:
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