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→ 饥荒20版破解补丁 v1.6 by[FLT]
下载统计:总:109 本月:1 本周:1
《20版(A Moderately Friendly)》破解补丁,对应游戏版本v1.6,FLT破解组提供,支持突破SteamAPI限制完美进入游戏,跑跑车为大家提供了破解补丁下载及使用说明。使用说明解压缩破解补丁文件steam_api.dll复制到游戏目录bin文件夹下覆盖即可。by FairLight.
升级补丁+DLC - 16.4M
饥荒20版破解补丁 v1.6 by[FLT]
本站提供: 好玩的单机游戏,是大型基地网站Copyright &
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→ 黑暗之魂2PC版丢失steamapi.dll文件怎么办
今天给大家介绍一下2PC版丢失steamapi.dll文件问题怎么解决?缺少steamapi.dll文件的问题,相信很多玩家都不陌生,毕竟很多游戏都曾经出现过这个问题,大部分都是由于杀毒软件误杀导致的,但对于而言,有玩家在重新下载一次游戏资源之后还是出现了这个问题,这又是怎么回事呢?  黑暗之魂2PC版丢失steamapi.dll文件怎么办:  当游知道:这其实还是杀毒软件搞的鬼。杀软就是将你的steamapi.dll文件隔离了,不管你重装几次都一样。  解决方法1.去网上重新下载一个破解补丁,打上去就好了
类别: 免CD补丁 &&&大小:233KB
&&&语言: 中文
  解决方法2.到杀软的隔离或者屏蔽列表里面恢复就好,最好在安装和运行破解游戏时不要开安全软件  解决方法3:把文件设置为杀软信任白名单就好了,这样做的好处是你以后安装其他破解软件也不会再出现误杀现象
类别: 角色扮演 &&&大小:7.81G
&&&语言: 繁体中文
下载 69294
类型: 动作冒险
大小: 4.26G
语言: 中文
1 7.2类型: 休闲益智语言: 中文大小: 54.0M
2 7.8类型: 即时战略语言: 中文大小: 1.08G
3 7.3类型: 模拟经营语言: 中文大小: 34.3M
4 7.6类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 414.2M
5 10.0类型: 策略游戏语言: 英文大小: 116.8M
6 7.8类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 590.2M
7 3.5类型: 桌面棋牌语言: 中文大小: 13.2M
8 6.8类型: 恋爱养成语言: 中文大小: 1.25G
9 8.7类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 873.3M
10 7.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 682.5M
1 8.7类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 873.3M
2 6.6类型: 休闲益智语言: 中文大小: 103.0M
3 7.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 682.5M
4 7.8类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 189.4M
5 8.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 1.72G
6 7.6类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 414.2M
7 7.4类型: 射击游戏语言: 英文大小: 45.4M
8 7.2类型: 休闲益智语言: 中文大小: 54.0M
9 3.5类型: 桌面棋牌语言: 中文大小: 13.2M
10 8.0类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 69.6M
1 7.2类型: 休闲益智语言: 中文大小: 54.0M
2 5.7类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 2.53G
3 7.3类型: 模拟经营语言: 中文大小: 34.3M
4 4.9类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 1.03G
5 7.9类型: 射击游戏语言: 中文大小: 6.61G
6 7.7类型: 赛车游戏语言: 中文大小: 439.6M
7 8.3类型: 角色扮演语言: 繁体中文大小: 7.81G
8 7.1类型: 休闲益智语言: 中文大小: 45.3M
9 3.2类型: 休闲益智语言: 中文大小: 44.4M
10 7.8类型: 动作冒险语言: 中文大小: 189.4M
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版权所有 浙ICP备号Solve your steam_api.dll problems!
Premium Version DLL-Files Fixer is the ultimate peace-of-mind solution to fix your immediate steam_api.dll error and any future DLL errors and related registry errors that may appear!
Secure yourself against future errors
Unlimited DLL file installations?What's more the DLL-Files Fixer analyses your system setup to choose the version of this file most suitable for your system, then installs it in the correct location on your computer.
Unlimited Registry error fixes?Fixing errors in the registry could solve some dll errors, but it also helps in maintaining your system, ensuring proper function and faster boot times.
Full support from our support team
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Download our Fix-1-Free DLL-Files Fixer software to install steam_api.dll and
solve your DLL error
No future coverage
1 DLL file installation?What's more the DLL-Files Fixer analyses your system setup to choose the version of this file most suitable for your system, then installs it in the correct location on your computer.
15 Registry error fixes?Fixing errors in the registry could solve some dll errors, but it also helps in maintaining your system, ensuring proper function and faster boot times.
Limited support
Contains ads & 3rd party offers?This is the Trial version of the DLL-Files Fixer and will contain ads as well as optional third party offer we believe may be of interest to you. You are free to accept or decline any of these offers, and you can always remove or uninstall any of the ones you have accepted.
Manual fix
Get the file and install it yourself - it’s free! The DLL file is provided in a ZIP file. You’ll need Unzip software to extract the DLL file.
No future coverage
No automatic installation
No Registry error fixes
No support
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steam_api.dll Steam Client API
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English - United States
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English - United States
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English - United States
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English - United States
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Wiki content for steam_api.dll
This page is the wiki page for the file steam_api.dll.
To have a better community on , we would be happy if you could contribute in giving better instructions on how to solve errors/problems related to steam_api.dll . Add to, or edit the available information by clicking on "Contribute to DLL-files Wiki >>" link
steam_api.dll - Steam Client API
steam_api.dll is used by games to access some of Steamworks features and solutions, such as stats and achievements, user authentication, finding game servers, and connect with other Steam users.
Steamworks API also offer Valve Anti-Cheat functionality and DRM protection.
Examples of errors regarding this file:
o "steam_api.dll Not Found."
o "The program can't start because steam_api.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."
o "This application has failed to start because steam_api.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem"
steam_api.dll is commonly found in the install folder of the game using it.
example: \steam\steamapps\common\"Game name"\steam_api.dll , or C:\Program Files (x86)\"Game name"\steam_api.dll
Some games using this file:
Call of Duty Black Ops II
APB Reloaded
Unreal Tournament 3
Pro Evolution Soccer (PES) 2015
Euro Truck Simulator
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is owned and operated by Tilf AB, Sweden. Website contents and the collection of DLL files as a whole (falls under the “collection copyright” laws) are (C) Copyright Tilf AB}


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