
& & 当前位置
&&&& &&在中,玩家需要作为一名建筑师来建造出属于自己的世界。这个游戏非常的自由,玩家还可以添加各种mod来增加游戏乐趣。下面,7k7k小编就为大家带来了我的世界1.8.1基础,感兴趣的玩家赶紧来下载体验吧!&&&& &&我的世界1.8.1懒人包:& & && 懒人包内容:& & && TMI,史莱姆区块检测器,VoxelMap小地图,OptiFineHD_U_A3,原版更多合成,FML,Litemod,输入修正,皮肤模组& & && 游戏mod:& & && TMI& & && 史莱姆区块检测器& & && VoxelMap小地图& & && OptiFineHD_U_A3& & && 原版更多合成& & && FML,Litemod& & && 输入修正& & && 皮肤模组&&&& & 以上就是小编带来的我的世界1.8.1基础懒人包了,喜欢的玩家不要错过了。更多游戏内容尽在7k7k手游。
游戏简介: 《喵喵向前冲》新版自日全球上线后,立即获得苹果AppStore榜单首页“BestNewGames”推荐,瞬间涌入一大批跑酷、射击等休闲游戏爱好者。这跑酷加设计的全新休闲模
通过360安全认证克里思的【我的世界】安装指南 10 Optifine高清优化模组- 视频-在线观看-风行
克里思的【我的世界】安装指南 10 Optifine高清优化模组
上传者:尚华秋 发布时间:
我的世界目前最新版本为1.8.1,玩家肯定想知道这个版本有多少个MOD,但这版本刚发售不久,MOD肯定需要时间来支持这个版本,小编几乎找遍网上所有1.8.1的MOD,希望对玩家有用。中文名称:Optifine画质优化汉化作者:hukk适用版本:1.8 1.7.10/1.7.9 1.7.5 1.7.4 1.7.2 1.6.4 1.6.2&下载地址:(密码:36wj)安装方法:1.6.4以上的版本大部分可以放入mods安装(需forge),其余的可以拖入主程序jar。no forge版本还可以直接点击进行安装,但要确保launcher_profiles.json文件正常.唯一的缺陷是无法自定义安装路径.另外由于汉化的缘故,光影mod安装器将无法检测到optifine,自动安装的需要手动修改文件名和josn文件到未汉化前的名字(会1.6.2安装方法的应该知道怎么办)非foreg安装方法:使用和之前一样的方法拖到jar里就可以启动游戏。OptiFine 1.6.2_C4及以上版本还可以双击jar来安装官方启动器安装方法:打开1.6.2-Frge版本号.jar,将class文件拖入,mc根目录下创建launcher_profiles.json,正版用户可以跳过代码段看简单版的操作(因为不需要离线)输入:{& & & & &profiles&: {& & & & & & & & &Forge&: {& & & & & & & & & & & & &authentication&: {& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &username&: &用户名&,& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &accessToken&: &用户名&,& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &uuid&: &cb495e67c5cf4f22aa9bcf30d11da126&,& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &displayName&: &用户名&& & & & & & & & & & & & },& & & & & & & & & & & & &name&: &Forge&,& & & & & & & & & & & & &lastVersionId&: &1.6.2-Forge9.10.0.789&,& & & & & & & & & & & & &javaArgs&: &-Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates\u003dtrue -Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies\u003dtrue&& & & & & & & & }& & & & },& & & & &selectedProfile&: &Forge&,& & & & &clientToken&: &-e245-4a3d-b55dff&保存即可。正版用户:右上角选中forge版mc,点击Edit,弹出窗口修改JVM Arguments为-Dfml.ignoreInvalidMinecraftCertificates=true -Dfml.ignorePatchDiscrepancies=true,保存即可。
Side: Works with the server or the client or both having installed the mod
Description: Adds an alias for a command
Syntax: /alias &NAME& &COMMAND& [PARAMETERS]
Side: Works with the server or the client or both having installed the mod
Description: Adds a keyboard binding for a command
Side: Works with the server or the client or both having installed the mod
Description: Adds a keyboard binding for a command by the key id
Syntax: /bindid &KEYID& &COMMAND& [PARAMETERS]
Side: Client Side, works on any server
Description: Gives help to client commands
Syntax: /chelp [PAGE|COMMAND]
Side: Client Side, works on any server
Description: Clears the chat console.
Syntax: /clear
Side: Client Side, works on any server
Description: Turns client side command handling on/off
Syntax: /clientcommands &ENABLE|DISABLE&
Side: Client Side, works on any server
Description: Turns clouds on or off
Syntax: /clouds [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Works with the server or the client or both having installed the mod
Description: Gives information about this mod
Syntax: /morecommands
Side: Client Side, works on any server
Description: changes the Render distance
Side: Client Side, works only in singleplayer
Description: Freezes Entities
Syntax: /freeze
Side: Works with the server or the client or both having installed the mod
Description: gives information how to get help if client commands are enabled, otherwise gives help to server commands
Syntax: if client commands are enabled: help [CLIENT|SERVER] [page|command], otherwise: help [page|command]
Side: Client Side, works on any server
Description: Adds/Executes/Removes/Edits a macro
Side: Client Side, works on any server
Description: Plays/Stops/Skips music
Side: Works with the server or the client or both having installed the mod
Description: Turns chat output from this mod on/off
Syntax: /output [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Works with the server or the client or both having installed the mod
Description: Shows you current position
Syntax: /position
Side: Server Side, requires the mod being installed client side
Description: Let's you ride any entity you're looking at (Type ride again to dismount entity)
Syntax: /ride
Side: Client Side, works on any server
Description: Gives help to server commands
Syntax: /shelp [PAGE|COMMAND]
Side: Works with the server or the client or both having installed the mod
Description: Removes an alias
Syntax: /unalias &ALIAS&
Side: Works with the server or the client or both having installed the mod
Description: Removes a key binding
Syntax: /unbind &KEYCODE|KEYID&
Side: Works with the server or the client or both having installed the mod
Description: Performs several operations on worlds
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Unlocks or lists achievements
Syntax: /achievement &unlock &NAME&|unlockAll|list&
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Sets your air (under water)
Syntax: /air &GET|MAX|MIN|VALUE&
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Moves you to the next platform above your position
Syntax: /ascend
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Displays info to the the current biome or lists all biomes
Syntax: /biome &INFO|LIST&
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Sets the light level of a block (must replace for changes to take effect)
Syntax: /blocklight &BLOCK& &LIGHT LEVEL&
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Sets the break speed for blocks
Syntax: /breakspeed &VALUE|MIN|MAX|RESET&
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Breathes under water (fills your air by a certain amount)
Syntax: /breathe [VALUE]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Brings nearby Entities to your crosshair position (by default items)
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: A calculator (operators: %,+,-,*,/,^)
Syntax: /calc &CALCULATION&
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Fires a primed TNT
Syntax: /cannon [STRENGTH]
Side: Server Side, works only in singleplayer
Description: Turns cheats on/off (only Singleplayer)
Syntax: /cheats [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Performs several operations on chests
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Removes item drops around you
Syntax: /cleardrops
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Turns clear water on/off
Syntax: /clearwater [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Server Side, requires the mod being installed client side
Description: Allows you to climb on any block
Syntax: /climb [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Clones the NPC you're looking at
Syntax: /clone [AMOUNT]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Confuses nearby Entities
Syntax: /confuse [RADIUS]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Makes Entities attacking themselves
Syntax: /confusesuicide [RADIUS]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Creepers won't blow you up (but they will die)
Syntax: /creeper [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: You will always make critical hits
Syntax: /criticalhit [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Allows you to cycle through the pictures for a painting
Syntax: /cyclepainting
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Turns damage on/off
Syntax: /damage [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Defuses nearby TNT and drops it
Syntax: /defuse [RADIUS]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Moves you to the next platform below your position
Syntax: /descend
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Destroys the current or all items in your inventory
Syntax: /destroy [all]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Sets the difficulty
Syntax: /difficulty &PEACEFUL|0|EASY|1|NORMAL|2|HARD|3&
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Travels to another dimension
Syntax: /dimension &NETHER|-1|NORMAL|SURFACE|0|END|1&
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Turns item drops on/off
Syntax: /dodrops
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Puts all your items in a chest next to you
Syntax: /dropstore
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Duplicates the currently held item
Syntax: /duplicate
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Applies an effect to you
Syntax: /effect &add &NAME|ID DURATION [STRENGTH]&|remove &NAME|ID&|removeAll|list&
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Adds an enchantment to the currently held item
Syntax: /enchant &add &NAME&|remove &NAME&|list&
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Opens the enderchest
Syntax: /enderchest
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Spawns an Ender Crystal where you're looking at
Syntax: /endercrystal
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Turns enderman pickup on/off
Syntax: /enderman [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Makes an explosion where you're looking
Syntax: /explode [STRENGTH [X|Y|Z]]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Turns explosions on/off
Syntax: /explosions [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Blows entities up
Syntax: /exterminate [STRENGTH]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Extinguishes fire around or the player
Syntax: /extinguish [ME|ALL [RADIUS]|RADIUS]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Turns fall damage on/off
Syntax: /falldamage [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Turns fire damage on/off
Syntax: /firedamage [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Launches a firework rocket
Syntax: /firework
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Sets the flammability of a block
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Allows you to fly
Syntax: /fly [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Server Side, requires the mod being installed client side
Description: Allows you to freecam around the map
Syntax: /freecam
Side: Server Side, requires the mod being installed client side
Description: Freezes the player camera at the current position
Syntax: /freezecam
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Gives you items
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Grows plants around you
Syntax: /grow [RADIUS]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Turns hardcore mode on/off
Syntax: /hardcore [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Heals you
Syntax: /heal [AMOUNT]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Sets your health
Syntax: /health &GET|MAX|MIN|VALUE&
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Teleports you to your spawn point
Syntax: /home
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Sets your hunger
Syntax: /hunger &GET|MAX|MIN|VALUE&
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Ignites the block you're looking at
Syntax: /ignite
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Prevents creatures from spawning
Syntax: /ignorespawn &ENTITY&
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Turns infinite items on/off
Syntax: /infiniteitems [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Makes plants growing instantly
Syntax: /instantgrow [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Kills enemies instantly
Syntax: /instantkill [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Mines blocks instantly
Syntax: /instantmine [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Saves/Loads Inventories
Syntax: /inventory &SAVE|LOAD|DELETE& [NAME]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Turns invisibilty on/off
Syntax: /invisible [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Turns item damage on/off
Syntax: /itemdamage [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Sets the display name of the currently held item
Syntax: /itemname &NAME&
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Jumps to the block you're looking at
Syntax: /jump
Side: Server Side, requires the mod being installed client side
Description: Sets the height of your jumps
Syntax: /jumpheight &HEIGHT&
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Makes you keeping your inventory when you die
Syntax: /keepinventory [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Kills entities around you
Syntax: /killall &ENTITY [RADIUS]&
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Kills every Enemy which attacks you
Syntax: /killattacker [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Server Side, requires the mod being installed client side
Description: Lightens the world
Syntax: /light
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Turns mob damage on/off
Syntax: /mobdamage [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Moves you a certain direction
Syntax: /move &DISTANCE &N|S|E|W|D|U&&
Side: Server Side, requires the mod being installed client side
Description: Turns Clipping on/off
Syntax: /noclip [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Server Side, works only in singleplayer
Description: Creates a path under your feet
Syntax: /path &BLOCK& [RADIUS]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Adds the block you're looking at to your inventory (like in creative)
Syntax: /pick [AMOUNT]
Side: Server Side, requires the mod being installed client side
Description: Sets your reach distance
Syntax: /reach &DISTANCE|RESET&
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Refills the items
Syntax: /refill [all]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Repairs items
Syntax: /repair [all]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Returns to the location before the teleport
Syntax: /return
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Allows you to breathe under water
Syntax: /scuba [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Sets the players spawn point
Syntax: /setspawn [X|Y|Z]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Allows you to add and edit signs
Syntax: /sign &ADD|EDIT& "LINE1" "LINE2" "LINE3" "LINE4"
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Sets the slippery of a block (Use little numbers!!!)
Syntax: /slippery &BLOCK &SLIPPERY&|RESET&
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Melts or cooks items
Syntax: /melt [all]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Spawns entities
Syntax: /spawn &LIST|RANDOM|ENTITY &AMOUNT& [X|Y|Z]&
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Changes the Entity a Spawner spawns (Write the first letter upper case!)
Syntax: /spawner &ENTITY&
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Spawns a portal to another dimension (End portals have a fixed height)
Syntax: /spawnportal &END|NETHER&
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Sets the walk or fly speed
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Allows you to sprint infinite
Syntax: /sprint [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Server Side, requires the mod being installed client side
Description: Allows you to set your step height
Syntax: /stepheight [VALUE|RESET]
Side: Client Side, works only in singleplayer in LAN mode
Description: Allows you to execute a command as somebody else in LAN Mode
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Knocks your enemies back
Syntax: /superpunch &STRENGTH|RESET&
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Teleports you to coordinates
Syntax: /teleport &X|Y|Z&
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Turns water damage on/off
Syntax: /waterdamage [TRUE|FALSE|ON|OFF|0|1]
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Sets waypoints
Syntax: /waypoint &SET &NAME [X|Y|Z]&|GOTO &NAME&|REMOVE &NAME&|LIST&
Side: Server Side, works without the client having installed the mod
Description: Sets the weather
Side: Server Side, requires the mod being installed client side
Description: Toggles and configures xray
这个MOD可以轻松让你找到附近的矿石 ,就像煤、铁、钻石等。
根据瘦长鬼影(英语:Slender Man)创作
根据瘦长鬼影(英语:Slender Man)创作


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