历史 2015年2月12日,欧盟及28个成员国驻华在人民日报招聘2015发表文章

您的位置: > > > > > >口译材料:外交部例行记者会(日)口译材料:外交部例行记者会(日)Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying's Regular Press Conference on Febuary 12, 2015
外交部发言人华春莹主持例行记者会(日)Q: A Greek government official said yesterday that Premier Li Keqiang had a phone conversation with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras during which they talked about strengthening economic cooperation. Premier Li Keqiang expressed that Chinese enterprises are willing to invest in Greece. Can you give us more details?
问:一名希腊政府官员昨天称,李克强总理与希腊总理齐普拉斯通电话,双方讨论了加强经济合作等议题,李克强总理表示中国企业愿意到希腊投资。你能否介绍一下通话的具体情况?A: On the afternoon of February 11, Premier Li Keqiang had a phone conversation with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras at the latter's request. Relevant information has been released.
答:11日下午,李克强总理应约同希腊新任总理齐普拉斯通电话,有关消息已经发布。Over the phone, Premier Li Keqiang said that China values its traditional friendship and practical cooperation which is constantly expanding with Greece. China is willing to elevate bilateral ties to a new level on the basis of equal treatment and mutual benefit.
在通话中,李克强总理表示,中方重视同希腊的传统友谊和不断拓展的务实合作,愿坚持平等相待、互利共赢,推动两国关系迈上新台阶。Prime Minister Tsipras said that the Greek government attaches high importance to its relations with China and welcomes more investment from China. The new government will not change the nature of bilateral cooperation projects. It is confident that its friendly and cooperative relations with China can be further enhanced with concerted efforts.
齐普拉斯总理表示,希腊政府高度重视发展对华关系,欢迎中国扩大对希腊的投资,希腊新政府不会改变双方现有合作项目的性质,有信心同中方一道,推动两国友好合作关系进一步发展。Premier Li Keqiang pointed out that China-Greece relations enjoy a promising prospect. Bilateral cooperation delivers benefits to people in the two countries and the region. The Chinese side noted that Prime Minister Tsipras reaffirmed that Greece is open to more investment from China and will honor the cooperation agreements reached between the two countries. China hopes that the Greek government can provide better legal protection for Chinese enterprises operating in Greece.
李克强总理指出,中希关系前景广阔,合作成果惠及两国及地区人民。总理先生重申欢迎中方扩大对希投资,将履行双方业已达成的合作协议,希望希腊政府为中国企业在希腊经营提供更好法律保障。Premier Li Keqiang stressed that the Piraeus port project undertaken by China's COSCO Group stands out as an example of the success of China-Greece cooperation which not only provides job opportunities for the local people, but also improves their rights and interests and working conditions. It is hoped that both sides can stick to their commitments. China is willing to cooperate with Greece to build the Piraeus port into a first-class one in the Mediterranean and an important hub in the region. The port will serve as an important bridge in building China-Europe land-sea express line and enhancing interconnectivity between Asia and Europe. It will also contribute to European integration and balanced growth.
李克强总理强调,中远比雷埃夫斯港项目是中希合作的成功典范,不仅带动了当地就业,而且工人权益和工作条件得到更好维护和改善。希望双方信守承诺。中方愿同希方通力合作,把比港打造成为地中海一流港口和地区重要枢纽,使其为构建中欧陆海快线、促进亚欧互联互通发挥重要桥梁作用,相信这也将有利于欧洲一体化进程和均衡发展。Prime Minister Tsipras said that Greece is at a crucial stage of economic rejuvenation and development. China's support and assistance is needed. Greece is willing to deepen its cooperation with China in the fields of marine and shipping, and carry out a package of cooperation projects covering infrastructure, finance and other areas. The Piraeus port project undertaken by China's COSCO Group, a flagship project of bilateral cooperation, means a lot to Greece's economic development. Greece will lend greater emphasis and support to this project. China is a major force in ensuring the stable development of Europe. Greece attaches importance to the development of Europe-China land-sea express line, and is willing to act as a bridge facilitating Europe-China cooperation and moving forward Europe-China relations.
齐普拉斯总理表示,希腊正处在重振和发展经济的重要阶段,需要中国的支持和帮助。希腊愿同中国扩大海洋、海运等合作,同时开展基础设施建设、金融等一揽子合作。中远比港项目对希腊经济发展十分重要,是两国合作的&龙头&项目,希方将给予更多重视和支持。中国是支持欧洲稳定发展的重要力量。希腊重视欧中陆海快线建设,愿成为欧中合作的桥梁,推动欧中关系不断发展。Q: The International Institute for Strategic Studies in Britain published The Military Balance 2015 which claimed that in recent years the Chinese Navy has entered a new age of large-scale vessel manufacturing, and China's military expenditure expanded notably without transparency. What is China's comment on that?
问:据报道,11日,英国国际战略研究所发表《2015全球军力平衡报告》称,近年来中国海军进入大规模制造舰船的新时代,中国军费显著增长并缺乏透明度。中方对上述报告内容有何评论?A: You mention a report on China's military spending by a research institution in which some figures are listed. I want to offer another set of figures which may provide a better explanation to the issue. In 2014, China's military spending accounted for less than 1.5% of GDP, not only lower than that of major countries in the world, but also lower than the world average of 2.6%. China's per capita national defense spending is even lower, only equivalent to 1/22 of that of the US, 1/9 of that of the UK and 1/5 of that of Japan.
答:你提到了一个研究机构关于中国军费的报告,其间列举了一组数字。我在这里也想提供一些数据,也许更能说明问题。2014年中国军费支出占国内生产总值的比重不到1.5%,不仅低于世界主要国家,也低于2.6%的世界平均水平;中国人均国防费支出则更低,仅相当于美国的1/22,英国的1/9,日本的1/5。China's military spending and development is always closely followed by other countries. Here I would like to make a few points clear. First, China is committed to the path of peaceful development and a national defense policy that is defensive in nature. The development of China's national defense aims to safeguard national unity, territorial integrity and development interests. It answers to the need of preserving world and regional peace and security, and targets and threatens no one. Second, China is always mindful of controlling the size of its national defense spending, and properly sets the amount of national defense spending by aligning national defense development with economic development. Third, the budget for national defense is included in the national draft budget every year for the deliberation and approval by the National People's Congress. The openness and transparency of this process is guaranteed. Information like the total amount and the basic components of China's military spending is also open and transparent for all to see.
外界一直比较关心中国的军费和军力发展问题,对此我想强调以下几点:第一,中国坚定不移走和平发展道路,奉行防御性国防政策;中国国防力量的发展,既是维护自身国家统一、领土完整和发展利益的需要,也是维护国际和地区和平与安全的需要,不针对、不威胁任何国家。第二,中国一贯注重控制国防费规模,坚持国防建设与经济协调发展方针,合理安排国防费。第三,中国每年的国防费预算都纳入国家预算草案,由全国人大审查批准,这一过程完全公开透明;中国军费总额及其基本构成等信息也都公开透明。We hope relevant countries can view China's development, including its national defense development, from a peaceful, objective, unbiased and reasonable perspective.
我们希望有关方面能平和、客观、公正、理性地看待中国的发展,包括中国的国防建设。Q: This year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the European Union. What kinds of celebration activities will be held? What are China's expectations?
问:今年是中欧建交40周年,双方将举行哪些庆祝活动?中方有何期待?A: This year marks the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and the EU, a crucial year for both sides to enrich the partnership for peace, growth, reform and civilization and implement the China-EU 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation. Bilateral relations face many new opportunities. In 2015, a new round of leaders' meeting between China and the EU will be held. Both sides are pondering the possibility of a visit by the new leadership of the EU institutions, and have laid out plans for the celebration of the 40th anniversary. China will hold a range of activities in the fields of economy and trade, culture, education and youth exchanges and issue some publications devoted to the special occasion. There are certainly a lot to expect for in this year's China-EU relations.
答:今年是中欧建交40周年,也是双方深入打造和平、增长、改革、文明四大伙伴关系,进一步落实《中欧合作2020战略规划》的关键一年。中欧关系发展面临着许多新机遇。年内,中欧将举行新一轮中国欧盟领导人会晤,双方正在研究欧盟机构新任领导人访华的可能,并都为建交40周年制定了活动方案。中方将在经贸、文化、教育、青年等领域举办一系列活动,还会出版一些纪念刊物。相信今年的中欧关系会亮点纷呈。I have noted that ambassadors of the EU and its 28 member states to China published an article in the People's Daily today in which they expressed their wish to make this year worth remembering in the history of China-EU relations. I believe that as long as both sides join hands, take this 40th anniversary as a great opportunity, build on the past and plan for the future, and earnestly implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two sides, new life will be breathed into China-EU relations and a new stage will be ushered in for the bilateral ties.
我注意到欧盟及28个成员国驻华大使今天在《人民日报》发表文章,表示希望今年是中欧关系发展值得铭记的一年。我相信,只要双方共同努力,以今年庆祝中欧建交40周年为契机,认真总结经验,好好规划未来,切实落实双方领导人重要共识,就一定能为未来中欧关系发展注入新动力,推动中欧关系发展进入新阶段。Q: The EU Chamber of Commerce issued a statement saying that 86% of respondents in an internal survey believe that the Chinese government is intensifying its surveillance of the internet, which has already impacted the operations of European enterprises in China. What is China's response to that?
问:据报道,中国欧盟商会发表声明称,一项内部调查的86%受访者认为,中国政府正加强对网络的监控,这对欧洲企业来华投资和在华运营造成影响。中方对此有何回应?A: The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) released the Global Investment Trend Monitor Report which said that China attracted for the first time the largest amount of foreign investment in 2014. It is true for any enterprise that they will always seek a sound investment environment and a considerable profit returns. The influx of foreign investment to China which has overtaken that of other countries in 2014 speaks volume for the fact that China is extending better protection for the lawful rights and interests of foreign enterprises. That is why the size of foreign investment in China can always stay at a relatively high level.
答:最近联合国贸发会议发布的《全球投资趋势监测报告》称,2014年中国吸收外资规模首次成为全球第一。对于任何企业来说,要有良好的投资环境,要有可观的利润回报,它才愿意去。去年中国的外资流入量首次成为全球第一,这很能说明问题,说明中国在不断加大对外商投资企业合法权益的保护,吸收外资的规模因此一直保持在较高水平。As for the cyber issue you mentioned, I would like to say that cyber security is given great attention by all countries in the world. Enhancing the security and controllability of information technology products is an important measure and common practice for all countries to ensure their cyber security. China is unswerving in implementing the opening-up policy. As long as foreign enterprises abide by Chinese laws, and do nothing to undermine China's national security and Chinese consumers' interests, China will protect their lawful rights and interests in accordance with the law. We welcome and support foreign enterprises in expanding their operations in China.
关于你提到的网络问题,我想指出,世界各国都高度重视网络安全问题。提高信息技术产品安全可控水平,是各国保障网络安全的重要措施和通行做法。中国对外开放政策是坚定不移的。只要外国企业在华遵守中国法律,不损害中国国家安全,不损害消费者利益,中方将依法保护其在华合法权益,欢迎和支持外国企业在华拓展业务。Q: US President Obama's homeland security and counter-terrorism advisor Lisa Monaco named China in a speech as one of the countries that pose cyber-attack threat. There are also some US cyber security firms claiming that Chinese hackers who attacked the Forbes website attempted to hack into the US defense and financial companies. What is China's response to that?
问:10日,美国总统国土安全及反恐事务顾问莫纳科发表演讲时点名指责中国等国家构成网络攻击威胁。另有美网络安全公司称,中国黑客曾入侵《福布斯》网站,试图攻击美国防和金融企业。中方对此有何回应?A: We have made our principles and positions clear on many occasions. The Chinese government firmly opposes and cracks down on all forms of hacking activities in accordance with the law. Cyber-attack is a global issue that needs to be tackled with the cooperation of the international community. In order to safeguard a cyber space that is peaceful, secure, open and cooperative, all countries should respect instead of suspecting each other, have dialogue to enhance mutual trust instead of antagonizing and accusing other countries.
答:中方已多次阐明有关原则立场,中国政府坚决反对并依法打击各种形式的黑客攻击行为。黑客攻击是全球性问题,需要国际社会合作应对。各国应相互尊重而非相互猜疑,沟通合作而非对立指责,共同维护网络空间的和平、安全、开放、合作。As a country boasting the most advanced cyber technology and the most solid cyber strength, the US should lead by example. We hope the US can take more positive actions and do more things that are conducive to preserving mutual trust and cooperation of the cyber space.
美国作为世界上网络技术最先进、实力最雄厚的国家,首先应以身作则。希望美方多采取积极行动,多做有利于维护网络空间互信与合作的事。Q: Has Premier Li Keqiang invited Greek Prime Minister Tsipras to visit China? Is there any response from the Greek side? Has a date been set for the visit?
问:李克强总理是否邀请希腊总理齐普拉斯访华?中方是否收到希方回复?访问日期是否已确定?A: The Chinese side sets great store by its relationship with Greece and stands ready to maintain all forms of communication and exchanges with the Greek side, explore ways to deepen practical cooperation in various fields, and promote China-Greece relations. I have no details at hand about the visit.
答:中方一贯高度重视发展同希腊的关系,愿与希方继续保持各种形式的沟通与交往,探讨深化各领域务实合作,推动中希关系不断向前发展。关于你提到的访问具体情况,目前我没有信息可以提供。Q: Countries like the US, the UK and France have closed their embassies in Yemen. Is the Chinese embassy still operating?
问:美、英、法等国已关闭其驻也门使馆。中国驻也门使馆是否还在运行?A: The Chinese side has noted reports about the closure of some countries' embassies in Yemen. The Chinese Embassy in Yemen has no plan at the moment to suspend its operations or withdraw its staff. Chinese diplomats are working as usual to provide necessary assistance to Chinese personnel and institutions in Yemen. The Chinese side is following closely the situation on the ground. It is hoped that the Yemeni side will take concrete measures to ensure the security of Chinese personnel and institutions there.
答:中方注意到有关国家驻也门使馆暂时关闭的报道。目前中国驻也门使馆暂无闭馆或撤馆计划,中国外交官依然在坚守岗位,并为在也门中方人员和机构提供必要协助。中方正密切关注也门局势发展,希望也门有关方面采取切实举措,保障中方人员和机构安全。In response to the changes taking place in Yemen, the Chinese Foreign Ministry issued safety alerts on January 19 and February 7, calling on Chinese citizens and institutions there to take extra security precautions, reduce outdoor activities and stay in contact with the Chinese embassy. Chinese citizens planning for a visit to Yemen were also advised to think twice. The Chinese Embassy in Yemen has activated the emergency response mechanism, asking Chinese personnel and institutions in Yemen to stay alert. The embassy is also in touch with competent authorities in Yemen, urging them to take effective measures to protect Chinese personnel and institutions. According the information that we have got, Chinese citizens in Yemen are all safe.
针对也门国内形势变化,1月19日和2月7日,中国外交部两次发布安全提示,提醒在也门中国公民和机构加强安全防范,减少外出,并与使馆保持密切联系,同时建议近期拟前往也门的中国公民谨慎考虑出行计划。中国驻也门使馆已启动应急预案,要求在也门中方人员和机构加强安全防范,同时与也门有关部门保持密切沟通,敦促也方采取有效措施保障中方人员和机构安全。据了解,目前在也门中国公民均安全。Q: The joint statement released after the meeting of Chinese, Russian and Indian foreign ministers expressed understanding and support to India for its aspiration of playing a bigger role in the UN. Analysis said that China has become more supportive on India's application for a permanent membership of the UN Security Council. Another BRICS country, Brazil, has the same desire as India. Will the Chinese side support that?
问:近日举行的中俄印外长会发表联合公报称,理解并支持印度在联合国发挥更大作用的愿望。有分析认为,中国较以往加大了对印度&入常&的支持。作为&金砖国家&成员,巴西也有同样的诉求。中方是否支持巴西&入常&?A: We maintain that the reform of the UN Security Council should give priority to increasing the representativeness of developing countries. The Chinese side attaches great importance to the role of Brazil in international affairs, understands and supports its aspiration of playing a bigger part in the UN.
答:我们一直主张安理会改革应优先增加发展中国家在安理会的代表性。中方高度重视巴西在国际事务中的地位,理解并支持巴西希望在联合国发挥更大作用的愿望。(Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China)顶一下(1)100%踩一下(0)0%课程内容
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作者:佚名 文章来源:本站原创 点击数: 更新时间: 15:37:08
&&& 日外交部发言人洪磊主持例行记者会
&&& 问:1月31日,在意大利总统选举第四轮投票中,民主党候选人、现任宪法法院法官马塔雷拉当选新一届总统。中方对此有何评论?
&&& 答:我们注意到,意大利总统选举日前顺利举行,马塔雷拉先生当选新一届总统,中方对此表示热烈祝贺。
&&& 当前,中意关系发展顺利,两国高层往来频繁,各领域互利合作成果丰硕。中方愿与意方携手努力,以两国建交45周年为契机,推动中意全面战略伙伴关系不断取得新进展。
&&& 日外交部发言人洪磊主持例行记者会
&&& 问:据报道,日前,挪威方面将一名在挪威的中国学者驱逐出境。挪方称该学者所掌握的专业知识可能用于军事目的。这名学者是否是间谍?该事件是否会影响中挪关系?
&&& 答:中方已就上述事件向挪方进行核实并提出了交涉。中方认为,挪方此举毫无根据,不仅侵犯了中国留学生基本权益,也损害了挪学术形象。我们希望挪方采取措施,确保当事学者的学术自由和合法权益,妥善处理此事,使这类事件不再发生。
&&& 日外交部发言人洪磊主持例行记者会
&&& 问:据报道,5日,法国总统奥朗德、德国总理默克尔访问了乌克兰,二人随后前往俄罗斯并将同普京总统举行会晤。据称,两国领导人将就政治解决乌危机提出新方案。中方对此有何评论?
&&& 答:中方一直主张政治解决乌克兰危机,一直在积极做劝和促谈工作,欢迎并支持有关方采取的一切有助于缓和局势的调解努力。希望各相关方能够将和平解决危机的政治意愿转化成实际成果,尽快就乌东部地区实现停火和政治解决危机达成全面、均衡、持久的方案,尽早实现乌克兰的和平、安全、稳定与发展。
&&& 日外交部发言人华春莹主持例行记者会
&&& 问:有消息称,达赖本周将去丹麦,丹麦政府称不会与其会面。中方对此有何评论?丹麦首相在就任前曾表示要会见达赖。中方是否就此与丹方进行了沟通?
&&& 答:中方在涉藏问题上的立场是一贯和明确的。我们反对任何外国允许达赖前往窜访,反对任何国家利用涉藏问题干涉中国内政。
&&& 问:你能否具体解释一下为何外国领导人不会见达赖对中国来说如此重要?
&&& 答:涉藏问题涉及中国核心利益和民族感情。达赖是什么人,大家都看得非常清楚。他长期打着宗教旗号,实际上一直在国际上从事分裂中国、破坏中国民族团结的活动。中方坚决反对任何外国为达赖在国际上从事分裂中国的活动提供任何场所和便利,也坚决反对任何外国领导人以任何方式会见达赖。我们在与其他国家发展关系时,都希望本着相互尊重、照顾彼此核心利益的原则发展友好合作关系,这一立场是非常明确和一贯的。
&&& 问:据报道,俄德法乌领导人商定于11日在明斯克举行会晤,讨论解决乌克兰危机。在慕尼黑安全会议上,美欧就是否向乌克兰政府提供武器出现分歧。中方如何评价近期各方围绕乌克兰危机所采取的行动?
&&& 答:中方一贯主张政治解决乌克兰危机,这对各方都有利。当前乌克兰东部地区人民更需要和平,而不是武器。
&&& 中方欢迎并支持有关方最近为缓和乌克兰东部紧张局势和政治解决危机所展开的密集斡旋行动,呼吁各方避免采取可能加剧对立和破坏政治解决进程的行为,将和平解决危机的政治意愿转化成实际成果,尽快达成全面、均衡、持久的解决方案。中方将继续为政治解决乌克兰危机发挥建设性作用。
&&& 日外交部发言人华春莹就中国与立陶宛关系答记者问
&&& 问:2013年9月立陶宛总统会见达赖后,中立关系遇到困难。我们注意到,2014年年底两国总理在塞尔维亚举行了会晤。请问立方在对华关系上态度有何变化?中方如何看待中立关系前景?
&&& 答:2014年12月,国务院总理李克强在塞尔维亚出席第三次中国―中东欧国家领导人会晤期间,会见了立陶宛总理布特克维丘斯。立方表示,立方高度重视发展对华友好合作关系,尊重中国的主权和领土完整,坚持一个中国政策,承认西藏是中国的一部分,不支持任何主张“西藏独立”、有损中国领土完整的分裂势力和行为,今后愿以妥善方式处理此类敏感问题。
&&& 中方对立方的上述立场表示肯定。中国政府重视发展同立陶宛的友好合作关系。中立双方一致同意,在相互尊重、平等相待、尊重彼此核心利益和重大关切的原则基础上,加强沟通和协调,推进双边关系健康稳定发展。
&&& 日外交部发言人华春莹主持例行记者会
&&& 问:据报道,希腊副外长洪蒂斯称,中俄两国均主动表示愿向希腊提供经济支持。中方能否证实并介绍有关情况?
&&& 答:我不掌握相关情况。中国与希腊建交以来,两国关系发展顺利,双方政治互信牢固,务实合作成果丰硕。中方把希腊视作在欧盟的好朋友、好伙伴,我们同希腊发展互利共赢合作的意愿是真诚的,决心是坚定的。中方高度重视中希关系,愿与希新政府携手努力,本着相互尊重、互利共赢的原则,继续深化两国各领域交流与合作,推动中希全面战略伙伴关系不断向前发展。
&&& 日外交部发言人华春莹主持例行记者会
&&& 问:一名希腊政府官员昨天称,李克强总理与希腊总理齐普拉斯通电话,双方讨论了加强经济合作等议题,李克强总理表示中国企业愿意到希腊投资。你能否介绍一下通话的具体情况?
&&& 答:11日下午,李克强总理应约同希腊新任总理齐普拉斯通电话,有关消息已经发布。
&&& 在通话中,李克强总理表示,中方重视同希腊的传统友谊和不断拓展的务实合作,愿坚持平等相待、互利共赢,推动两国关系迈上新台阶。
&&& 齐普拉斯总理表示,希腊政府高度重视发展对华关系,欢迎中国扩大对希腊的投资,希腊新政府不会改变双方现有合作项目的性质,有信心同中方一道,推动两国友好合作关系进一步发展。
&&& 李克强总理指出,中希关系前景广阔,合作成果惠及两国及地区人民。总理先生重申欢迎中方扩大对希投资,将履行双方业已达成的合作协议,希望希腊政府为中国企业在希腊经营提供更好法律保障。
&&& 李克强总理强调,中远比雷埃夫斯港项目是中希合作的成功典范,不仅带动了当地就业,而且工人权益和工作条件得到更好维护和改善。希望双方信守承诺。中方愿同希方通力合作,把比港打造成为地中海一流港口和地区重要枢纽,使其为构建中欧陆海快线、促进亚欧互联互通发挥重要桥梁作用,相信这也将有利于欧洲一体化进程和均衡发展。
&&& 齐普拉斯总理表示,希腊正处在重振和发展经济的重要阶段,需要中国的支持和帮助。希腊愿同中国扩大海洋、海运等合作,同时开展基础设施建设、金融等一揽子合作。中远比港项目对希腊经济发展十分重要,是两国合作的“龙头”项目,希方将给予更多重视和支持。中国是支持欧洲稳定发展的重要力量。希腊重视欧中陆海快线建设,愿成为欧中合作的桥梁,推动欧中关系不断发展。
&&& 问:据报道,11日,英国国际战略研究所发表《2015全球军力平衡报告》称,近年来中国海军进入大规模制造舰船的新时代,中国军费显著增长并缺乏透明度。中方对上述报告内容有何评论?
&&& 答:你提到了一个研究机构关于中国军费的报告,其间列举了一组数字。我在这里也想提供一些数据,也许更能说明问题。2014年中国军费支出占国内生产总值的比重不到1.5%,不仅低于世界主要国家,也低于2.6%的世界平均水平;中国人均国防费支出则更低,仅相当于美国的1/22,英国的1/9,日本的1/5。
&&& 外界一直比较关心中国的军费和军力发展问题,对此我想强调以下几点:第一,中国坚定不移走和平发展道路,奉行防御性国防政策;中国国防力量的发展,既是维护自身国家统一、领土完整和发展利益的需要,也是维护国际和地区和平与安全的需要,不针对、不威胁任何国家。第二,中国一贯注重控制国防费规模,坚持国防建设与经济协调发展方针,合理安排国防费。第三,中国每年的国防费预算都纳入国家预算草案,由全国人大审查批准,这一过程完全公开透明;中国军费总额及其基本构成等信息也都公开透明。
&&& 我们希望有关方面能平和、客观、公正、理性地看待中国的发展,包括中国的国防建设。
&&& 问:今年是中欧建交40周年,双方将举行哪些庆祝活动?中方有何期待?
&&& 答:今年是中欧建交40周年,也是双方深入打造和平、增长、改革、文明四大伙伴关系,进一步落实《中欧合作2020战略规划》的关键一年。中欧关系发展面临着许多新机遇。年内,中欧将举行新一轮中国欧盟领导人会晤,双方正在研究欧盟机构新任领导人访华的可能,并都为建交40周年制定了活动方案。中方将在经贸、文化、教育、青年等领域举办一系列活动,还会出版一些纪念刊物。相信今年的中欧关系会亮点纷呈。
&&& 我注意到欧盟及28个成员国驻华大使今天在《人民日报》发表文章,表示希望今年是中欧关系发展值得铭记的一年。我相信,只要双方共同努力,以今年庆祝中欧建交40周年为契机,认真总结经验,好好规划未来,切实落实双方领导人重要共识,就一定能为未来中欧关系发展注入新动力,推动中欧关系发展进入新阶段。
&&& 问:据报道,中国欧盟商会发表声明称,一项内部调查的86%受访者认为,中国政府正加强对网络的监控,这对欧洲企业来华投资和在华运营造成影响。中方对此有何回应?
&&& 答:最近联合国贸发会议发布的《全球投资趋势监测报告》称,2014年中国吸收外资规模首次成为全球第一。对于任何企业来说,要有良好的投资环境,要有可观的利润回报,它才愿意去。去年中国的外资流入量首次成为全球第一,这很能说明问题,说明中国在不断加大对外商投资企业合法权益的保护,吸收外资的规模因此一直保持在较高水平。
&&& 关于你提到的网络问题,我想指出,世界各国都高度重视网络安全问题。提高信息技术产品安全可控水平,是各国保障网络安全的重要措施和通行做法。中国对外开放政策是坚定不移的。只要外国企业在华遵守中国法律,不损害中国国家安全,不损害消费者利益,中方将依法保护其在华合法权益,欢迎和支持外国企业在华拓展业务。
&&& 问:李克强总理是否邀请希腊总理齐普拉斯访华?中方是否收到希方回复?访问日期是否已确定?
&&& 答:中方一贯高度重视发展同希腊的关系,愿与希方继续保持各种形式的沟通与交往,探讨深化各领域务实合作,推动中希关系不断向前发展。关于你提到的访问具体情况,目前我没有信息可以提供。
&&& 日外交部发言人华春莹就俄德法乌四国领导人明斯克会晤达成共识答记者问
&&& 问:据报道,2月12日,俄德法乌四国领导人在明斯克召开乌克兰危机“诺曼底机制”峰会并就停火、重型武器后撤、交换战俘、乌宪法改革等一系列重要问题达成协议。中方对此有何评论?
&&& 答:中方欢迎并积极评价俄罗斯、德国、法国、乌克兰领导人明斯克会晤达成的共识,认为这有助于缓和乌克兰东部地区紧张局势和政治解决乌危机。中方始终认为,政治解决危机是唯一出路。希望有关各方珍惜来之不易的成果,切实履行业已达成的共识,尽早实现乌克兰的和平与安宁。
&&& 今后中方将继续为通过对话谈判政治解决乌克兰危机发挥积极和建设性作用。
&&& 日外交部发言人华春莹主持例行记者会
&&& 问:据报道,12日,俄德法乌四国领导人在明斯克召开乌克兰危机“诺曼底机制”峰会并就停火、重型武器后撤、交换战俘、乌宪法改革等一系列重要问题达成共识。中方对此有何评论?
&&& 答:昨天,经过16个小时的艰苦努力,俄德法乌四国领导人在明斯克就停火、重型武器后撤、交换战俘等一系列重要问题达成了共识。中方对此表示欢迎并予以积极评价。我们认为,四国领导人明斯克会晤达成的共识有助于缓和乌克兰东部地区紧张局势和政治解决乌危机。中方始终认为,政治解决危机是唯一出路。希望有关各方珍惜来之不易的成果,切实履行业已达成的共识,尽早实现乌克兰的和平与安宁。中方将继续为通过对话谈判政治解决乌克兰危机发挥积极和建设性作用。
&&& 日外交部发言人华春莹主持例行记者会
&&& 问:昨天,欧元区财长有关希腊债务问题的谈判未能达成协议,增加了希腊退出欧元区的风险。中方对该问题未取得进展有何看法?
&&& 答:我们注意到有关报道。希腊是中国在欧盟的好朋友,好伙伴,我们愿与希腊继续开展在各个领域的互利务实合作,进一步推动中希双边关系发展。中方一向支持欧洲一体化进程,希望看到一个稳定、团结与繁荣的欧盟。希望希腊能克服眼前的困难,欧元区能够妥善应对有关情况,欧洲一体化进程继续顺利推进。
&&& 日外交部发言人洪磊主持例行记者会
&&& 问:24日,俄德法乌四国外长在巴黎会晤,强调各方要切实落实新明斯克协议。中方对此作何反应?
&&& 答:中方始终认为,通过对话协商解决乌克兰问题是唯一出路。希望有关各方切实履行2月12日在明斯克达成的各项共识,巩固来之不易的停火局面,尽快落实后撤重型武器计划,积极推进政治解决乌危机进程,早日实现乌克兰的和平与安宁。
&&& 问:有报道称,美国和英国的情报机构在荷兰一家SIM卡厂商的电脑系统植入间谍软件,一些中国手机公司使用的SIM卡由该公司生产。中方对此有何评论?
&&& 答:我们注意到有关报道,对此表示严重关注。中国政府坚决反对利用信息技术优势、或者利用提供信息技术产品的便利条件,通过植入间谍软件、预留后门等手段实施网络监控的行为。这种行为不仅会损害消费者利益,也会影响用户对相关企业产品的信心。希望有关方面尊重消费者利益,采取有效措施,防止这类事情发生。
&&& 日外交部发言人洪磊主持例行记者会
&&& 问:日前,英国动物保护组织发表致中国领导人的公开信称,为了向中国及其他地区提供象牙,每年有数以万计的非洲象被杀害。该组织呼吁中国领导人帮助停止中国的象牙贸易,以减少对非洲象的杀戮。中方对此有何回应?
&&& 答:中国政府高度重视对大象等野生动物的保护,对象牙非法贸易持零容忍态度,从立法、执法到司法各个层面,严厉打击象牙走私和非法贸易活动,并广泛开展公众教育。作为《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》缔约国,中国长期以来遵守该公约,并积极参与国际执法合作。我们还积极与非洲象分布国开展交流合作,加强人员培训,资助大象保护活动。
&&& 遏制大象盗猎和象牙非法贸易涉及诸多环节,需要方方面面共同努力。中国呼吁国际社会共同采取行动,打击一切非法行为,保护大象这一物种。中国将继续在这方面加强同国际社会的合作。
&&& 日外交部发言人洪磊主持例行记者会
&&& 问:26日,英国外交部发表第36份《香港问题半年报告》。中方对此有何评论?
&&& 答:香港回归以来,“一国两制”的实践取得巨大成就,举世公认。中国中央政府将继续坚定不移贯彻“一国两制”方针和基本法,坚定不移支持香港依法推进民主发展,坚定不移维护香港长期繁荣稳定。
&&& 同时,我要再次强调,日,中国中央政府恢复对香港行使主权,香港成为中国的特别行政区,英方对香港的所谓“责任”是不存在的。香港事务纯属中国内政,任何外国无权干预。
&&& (钱小平 整理)
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