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ATC Pro HD攻略秘籍大全
中兴CN780 ATC Pro HD攻略秘籍大全
九游()是手机游戏下载第一门户,提供最新中兴中兴CN780下载、礼包、激活码,最好玩的ATC Pro HD攻略,欢迎访问与玩家交流。
Ever wish you could try the excitement of controlling all the flights in and out of an airport?
Well, now you can with the simulation air traffic control app, .
This is a realistic application that demands you stay with each of the planes until they safely leave your jurisdiction.
Can you handle the pressure of keeping multiple planes safe and on time?
Click “...More” to learn why you should download this App.Fun and Addictive (5 stars) By Johnny737 – Version 1.3 – Jan 5, 2010 “I actually am an airline pilot and I love this game.
Having control over speed, heading, and altitude make this a realistic and challenging game.
You won’t be able to put it down!”
Excellent! (5 stars) By GSwarthout – Version 1.3 – Jan 4, 2010 “As a former Air Traffic Controller (from ZOA), this is the Air Traffic Control game I was hoping to find when I first got my iPod Touch.
Other games billed as ATC are nothing more than drawing flightpaths with your finger.
This app, on the other hand, gives you full control of heading, speed, and altitude in one rather ingenious HUD.” Imagine being the air traffic controller at a busy airport.
No plane gets in or out without your say so and guidance.
It’s up to you to ensure that all take-offs and landings go smoothly, the lives of passengers and crews are in your hands.
Are your skills up to directing flight traffic in a way that avoids disaster?
Can you handle the pressure of multiple requests coming in from various aircraft?ATC Pro uses a USGS map approach for more interesting and realistic playing experiences.
It won’t take long before you feel like a real air traffic controller and are hopelessly addicted to ATC Pro.Of course, the idea is to get passengers to where they are going with no disasters or near misses occurring.
However, there may be times when you’ve had a bad day or crave a little extra excitement and decide to let an aircraft crash.
This results in a fireball, complete with an explosion sound.
At this point, the game may or not be over.
It depends on how you’ve opted to do your settings.
You can choose whether to allow crashes, lost aircraft and more.The following options are available:* Allow crashes without terminating * Allow lost aircraft without terminating * Allow emergencies (low fuel) * Allow small aircraft * Sound effects (new arrivals, lost aircraft, crashes)As this is likely your first stint as an air traffic controller, you might be nervous about getting started.
Don’t worry, there are tutorial levels for landing and takeoffs to help you get your air legs.
After that, there are scenarios designed to put more and more pressure on the controller (you) to route aircraft to their destinations without losing or crashing any aircraft.
Comprehensive help is available from within the simulation scenario, including the specific scoring rules for each.This application includes takeoff and landing tutorials as well as the following scenarios:* Handle 5 landings (practice) * Handle 5 takeoffs (practice) * Handle 10 aircraft landing and taking off * Handle 20 aircraft landing and taking off * Play Until Incident (crash or lost aircraft) * Play 5 minute speed round * Play 10 minute speed roundThe app offers Detroit, Chicago, Washington D.C., and Dallas airport locations and runway layouts, which challenge you to come up with the safest approach and departure patterns.
Zoom and pan features allow you to focus on a close landing and other situations that call for your expert skills.ATC Pro is the simulation air traffic control app that will keep you engaged and set your heart racing.
Future versions will introduce new map areas with multiple airports and more challenges to keep the excitement alive and feed your addiction for this app.
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RealATC for flight
simulators is the ultimate in background ambiance to entertain you and enlighten
you while your flights progress. Recorded over a period of several years the&
RealATC product consists of a minimum of 3100 sound bytes between pilots and
controllers. Some have been recorded in the cockpits of real flights, one a 777
flight from Munich to Miami, another in an IFR flight in a Piper Cherokee and 3
real flights recorded in Europe to Nice, Vienna and Malaga.. All have been
edited to make them as generic as possible so that they will sound right as you
fly to your favorite destinations. You will hear literally hundreds of voices
including the Bud one airship, a cool reference to President Bill Clinton, a
NASA flight, a genuine emergency and dozens of situation you never thought you'd
hear. Your flights will never sound the same again and no two flights can ever
sound the same. I guarantee it!
There are only two programs
that effectively replace the default air traffic control that ships with
Microsoft Flight Simulator X,&
. In both cases,
the developers included, in their infinite wisdom, a sampling of real pilot to
controller sound bytes. The RealATC product greatly extends what they have
started. Radar Contact is currently not in continued development and has not
been for several years now, while Pro-ATC-X& is the latest and is under continued development. The RealATC product greatly extends what they
have done and is applicable, with an included third party external program
And there yet another
which has a lot of different voices and dialects but does not allow
RealATC to coexist with it. And of course
offers still another choice as does&
And very important,& I
realize as you do,& that you've paid enough for your simulators, and even more
for Radar Contact or PRO-ATC/x so this add-on is priced right. I think you will
agree. Pricing and the opportunity to purchase are on the individual pages.
So here is a free gift for everyone. One of
the real flights that captured the ATC for me was a 777 flight from Munich to
Miami. So from Shannon to Gander as we crossed the atlantic we captured some
very unique and different soundbytes. These files don't really work with the
general RealATC concept. Here they are for you:
RealATC Files
program from the
Ultimate RealATC Collection.
reviewed on Avsim,
is the first program in many years
that has very effectively replaced the stock air
traffic control mechanism for Microsoft Flight
Simulator X. I won't repeat the review here
but here is the link should you want to
review it again
As the producer and owner of the
largest RealATC file set available from one place, I was so impressed &with
program that I was committed to doing an entire file re-edit of the collection
to extract the best of the RealATC files for
eliminate some obvious file placement errors ( some of my favorite files
captured for the Collection are placed in places they should not be,
simply because I liked hearing them more often then only very occasionally), and to place
only the ATC files of the 5 flights recorded in the cockpit into their
appropriate real world sectors. I achieved most of what i wanted in this
special edit and I'm sure that you will be pleased with the final product.
Please click
The original
collection was written specifically for the very
product, to take what the developers started
with the ambient background chatter and add to
it in a very big way. The product also includes
the same file set rearranged and includes a
separate stand alone player that will allow the
RealATC sounds to play with virtually every
flight simulator out there. No special
installation is required, just drag and drop
into Radar Contact or the proper directory of
the stand alone player. We do not touch your
registry or modify any simulator files. Please
for more information
Enviro 3.2 is a stand alone
program with incredible control that
runs along side of, and completely
independent& of any other programs,&
that will allow the alternative file set
that ships with the ULTIMATE REALATC
COLLECTION and the Special Edit for
PRO-ATC/X to play along side of ANY
flight simulator.
Please click
for more information on Enviro 32.
Thanks for looking!
1996 - 2015 by
/RealATC. All
Rights Reserved
03/04/:58 -0700请教Pro ATC X使用方法_模拟飞行吧_百度贴吧
请教Pro ATC X使用方法收藏
如题,哪位大神可以教教我怎么用Pro ATC X。我装了以后怎么还是默认ATC的样子和功能?
1楼 13:00&|
贴吧贡献榜 登录百度帐号推荐应用
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。&或【14-11-03-求助】pro ATC X总是在快到下高点史崩溃。_模拟飞行吧_百度贴吧
【14-11-03-求助】pro ATC X总是在快到下高点史崩溃。收藏
每次都是这样,不知道怎么了。还有我想知道进场程序的所谓过度点是什么,就是每次选择完进场程序后FMC里会有几个过度点让你选,这个有什么学问在里面吗?顺带谈谈这个PROATCX软件吧,挺给力的。尤其副驾驶功能,几乎大大减轻了你的负担,起飞帮你收轮,有时候也会自动接通VNAVLNAV和CMD,每次转完航向后会把HEADING调为航路航向,可以根据空管指示调节MCP高度并且自动下高,这个和FMC也是联动的,比如PROATC给你计划的是320,在设置FMC时你设置了300,当空管给你320的高度时,副驾驶不仅调节了MCP,连FMC顺带也改了。不过也有不足的,比如他要是帮你开VNAVLNAV,那你之前就不能在起飞时预位VNAVLNAV,否则他给你按灭,还有灯光问题,经常在没后退时把频闪灯开到频闪位,经常把起落架舱灯打开,降落时在跑道手忙脚乱也不会帮你开,把灯光打到应该的位置,难道 非要做着陆后检查单??????现实中有这么麻烦吗进近时也不会帮你开襟翼,让你,起飞也不会帮你把点火开关打到连续点火位,还有不足时当软件崩溃重启后,他不会根据你飞机的状态,比如正在飞行而智能的给你指示,你还是要把检查单做了,从冷舱的驾驶舱初始检查单开始做,最后告诉你你飞机不在起始机场位置,不能使用,于是不理你,让你彻底自由盲飞
1楼 00:37&|
2楼 07:49&|来自
3楼 07:49&|来自
收起回复4楼 08:24&|来自
副驾功能可以设置的 可以把不需要的取消,我就不喜欢他给我调整mcp
收起回复5楼 09:37&|来自
收起回复6楼 11:26&|来自
收起回复7楼 13:12&|
要真实atc我当然连飞去了 所以从来不用atc插件了
收起回复8楼 17:55&|来自
贴吧贡献榜 登录百度帐号推荐应用


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